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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 84 KB, 615x330, Textile-Workers-Strike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30312685 No.30312685 [Reply] [Original]

61% of ETH miners going on strike and preparing a 51% attack after vitalik decides to redistribute the wealth to users! NO! Miners won't stand for that, goyim must keep paying retarded gas fees! We will kill the network if you kill our cash cow!!

>> No.30312746

Just buy Fantom

>> No.30312844
File: 108 KB, 194x192, 1612285625708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miners in crypto are just like irl fucking up economy for their gain

>> No.30314473


>> No.30315139

>miners stop mining
>mining demand goes up
>people easily fill the need

Why would this work? It's not like it's a job which requires skill or training.

>> No.30315328


>> No.30316546

it requires capital and some know how

>> No.30316583


>> No.30316655

If it were profitable for poor faggots like myself to buy a gpu or two and start mining I think it would. I’m dumb as fuck and certain I could figure it out.

>> No.30316707

Less miners = lower mining requirements

>> No.30316793

no miners = no crypto, say goodbye to your shitcoins

>> No.30316895

just so everyone knows, ethereum could get on its PoS chain any day now if its security seems like it will be compromised in any way. the reason we aren't is because we want to give a good year to the PoS chain before we start doing merges like that
there is a reason why we didn't include EIP1559 before the PoS chain. we no longer need you miners. be happy you're still along for the ride, cucks

>> No.30317145

they literally can't do anything. if they want to go mine ethereum classic they should, but no fork of ethereum will have any value whatsoever thanks to all the stablecoins/exchanges/tokens that will not be relevant on the non-1559 chain.

any uppity mining niggers will just lose money mining coins they won't actually get if they try and attack the network.

>> No.30317279

every and their mom with a shit rx570 or something could get in then

>> No.30317314

This. It's like being a landlord.

>> No.30317998


>> No.30318083

I dont see the problem. Then you just get Vitaliks chain and a miners chain. Users move to Vitaliks chain, while miners can jew each other in their own chain.

>> No.30318274

you've had 12 years

>> No.30318568
File: 36 KB, 512x512, cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but after eth moves to proof of stake there will be no miners, right? so what's the deal if pos comes in 2022

>> No.30318677


>> No.30318833

no one gonna miss ETH LMAO