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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30307772 No.30307772 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone knows that 7fig is the worst of all hells.

> 1,2,3fig hell
You don't care anyway
> 4fig hell
Excited newfag
> 5fig hell
Optimism grows, nice chunk of money
> 6fig hell
Big Boy, proud.
> 7fig hell
Poorfags think you're rich, richfags think you're poor. Probably going to lose it all and then have to kys. Be a "millionaire" but nothing to show for it. No self esteem, constant yawning emptiness in you barren soul.
> 8fig hell
> 9fig hell
can afford to retire

Share your 7 figure hell experiences and current stacks. Stay strong, bros.

>> No.30307930

there, there

>> No.30308014

These threads aren't clever or funny anymore.

>> No.30308038

What do you do? Hodl, leverage, speculate on shitcoins?

>> No.30308065

As someone who will be joining the club later this year, do you live in a place where 1 mil isn’t enough for a nice house, car, servants?
Or have you got those things and found that your happiness didn’t increase long term?

>> No.30308146

Most of us are in 6 figure hell
Youre just a faggot

>> No.30308149

but the /biz/ discord demands them, so they shall continue

>> No.30308228
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honestly anon, a have no sympathy for 7 figs complaining, al you need currently is a 3.5x and you're at 8 figs. You dont even have to play with shitcoins anymore just split it into BTC, ETH, BNB, and DOT, safe high caps. You'll be at 8 figs before this year ends

Now stop larping, faggot

>> No.30308250

kys if you are complaining about getting to 7 figures, faggot

>> No.30308294

>can't retire until 9 figs

What kind of lifestyle are you living OP

>> No.30308325

7 figs and it's in a trust.

ngmi I guess

>> No.30308340 [DELETED] 

Please send me like 100k. Unironically. I fucking hate being poor and I'm going to get fuck all inheritance as well.
I'm in early/mid 5 figure hell rn.

Anyway, besides that. They say that giving charitably brings you happiness. So try starting some charitable venture or a business centered around that? Maybe giving to kids who are talented but come from poor homes.

>> No.30308383

Where's the support group for those who went from 7 figure hell back to 6 figure hell?
t. 30k linktard

>> No.30308384

tbf it will be 8 figs by the time i get most of it

>> No.30308422

mid 5 fig hell, can confirm optimism

>> No.30308468

I don't agree with 7 figure hell, but I do think low 7 figure hell exists. Why do I think that? Because I'm there. I think if I was over $4.7 million like you were once I'd be happy and feel reasonably secure in my future. Right now it's like you're not wealthy enough to retire but you're wealthy enough to have no more energy to work... It's actually pretty shit.

>> No.30308481

read the board rules

>> No.30308565

Newfag to biz here just hit 4 figs after my 5 hundy was up to 1400 back to 1180 now. Can confirm emotions fuck you.

>> No.30308570
File: 57 KB, 522x338, 3D0D4373-097E-4DCE-9B03-C75EE34C3D5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“six figure hell” and you still spend your time posting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
You will never make it.

>> No.30308671

ITT: 4figure hells LARPing as 7 figure hell

>> No.30308786

Still in 2 figure oblivion

>> No.30309028

damn I can't even imagine how bad that must suck
Like, I could put you into 4 figures without even noticing it was gone.

I'm not going to do that, but still, I could if I wanted to

>> No.30309465

its called "if some fat fuck can be that rich, than so can I, because I know inherently that I am better than him" lifestyle

I thought we all lived this lifestyle here?

>> No.30309560

who are these losers asking for inheritance?

I've heard a lot of shit in my life, and to this day, its still some of the funniest shit I have ever heard. fuckin Merica' folks

"shut up grandpa just die already so I can take your money,,,, gawd ! no 1 wants to hear ur stupid vietnam stories anymo!!!"

>> No.30309675


>> No.30309698

this. feels really forced

>> No.30309776
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7 figure hell is when you realize the problem is with you, not your portfolio

>> No.30309984
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>> No.30310322

>9fig hell can afford to retire

Oh fuck off, an 18 year old can afford to retire with 7 figures. This is a larp

>> No.30310558

no, an 18 y/o cannot retire with 1 million, even post-tax, unless they're prepared to live in buttfuckistan for the rest of their lives

>> No.30310669
File: 106 KB, 904x806, 78D090CA-55E7-4D05-962A-CC2B4E3FE2C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can litterally retire on a low 7 fig hell midwit. Fuck I mean if you put 2 mill in stable coins you can get 8% interest per year. That’s 160k a year that you can live off of and reinvest. Stop being retarded. This larp is not funny

>> No.30310732

I'm in 3-4 figure hell and I can't get out.

>> No.30310741
File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 figs
>afford to retire
I won't retire until I hit 13 figures minimum.
>b-but what will you use all that money to buy?
The world

>> No.30310743

This 1000000x exactly how I feel. It's so hard to get shit done at work cuz I don't give a fuck anymore, why would I when I earn 200 usd off blockfi a day? But a free 200 usd a day before tax is sadly, not enough to make it

You can't retire young with 1m. Bare minimum is 5m. You spend it on an overpriced house and have kids your 1m is already gone before hes 3 kek

>> No.30310747

9 million is still 7 figures.

>> No.30310787

7 figures sounds like a shitty time, I'm glad i only have 5

>> No.30310825

When I get to 10m guess what faggot? I'm not spending a dime of that 10m becuase it's an emergency fund. I plan on only spending about 2% of my link staking gains a year and I thibj that's already a bit excessive

>> No.30310836 [DELETED] 

Lmao 7 fig hell is just some chode worrying about what other faggots think of him. This is the most insecure and gay list ever, thanks OP.

>> No.30310862

That isn't sustainable and everyone that isn't a deluded poor moron like you knows it.

>> No.30310874

1.7 here. Can't even spend .1 on a nice car or something because we are in a bullrun. Oh well hopefully van get to 5+ by eoy.

>> No.30310899

a million dollars is nothing in America hes right. The minute you cash out a million dollars in crypto, lottery etc you lose almost half it to taxes.

Then theres real estate taxes, income taxes, city taxes, maintaine taxes, car taxes, drivers license update taxes, smog check taxes, Gas Tax, Utility Taxes.

You will be broke in 10 years and be back on the streets unless you live very frugal and only rice and beans

>> No.30310914


I did several times, anon. Lots of ups and downs over the years.

>> No.30310922
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Poorfag cryptonewfag here, but if you reached 7 figure hell, would you not unironically just dump it all in bitcoin and leave it there for years? I would be too fucking scared to gamble on shitcoins anymore with 100k amounts at that point.

>> No.30310929
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>mfw never getting out of 10 figure hell.
11 figures and I could retire.

>> No.30310973

you had a 5mil$ port and didnt hedge with shorts or sell any at the top for stables to reduce volatility?

dear lord you're insane

>> No.30310992
File: 35 KB, 478x478, DD39D9AE7EAD43D5A974A8CC96D2CBF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a million dollars is nothing in America hes right. The minute you cash out a million dollars in crypto, lottery etc you lose almost half it to taxes.
>Then theres real estate taxes, income taxes, city taxes, maintaine taxes, car taxes, drivers license update taxes, smog check taxes, Gas Tax, Utility Taxes.
>You will be broke in 10 years and be back on the streets unless you live very frugal and only rice and beans
This has to be a fucking troll. If not, YIKES. Americans are fucked.

>> No.30311098

>you had a 5mil$ port and didnt hedge with shorts or sell any at the top for stables to reduce volatility?

> just sell the top, bro! Take my trading advice, go on!

Ask me how I know you're in 2 figure hell.

>> No.30311110

>That isn't sustainable and everyone that isn't a deluded poor moron like you knows it.
Talking out of your ass. Will the APYs come down a bit during bear market? Probably. But staking stablecoins will continue to return a higher yield than anything you can get from treasuries and kike savings accounts. And that’s the point, faggot.

>> No.30311157
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>tfw almost 80% btc
Life is a scam

>> No.30311175

Basically all 1st world countries are like this.
You have to have like 20 million to really make it in the 1st world.

>> No.30311181

what happens if you are STAKING and someone does the GME short squeeze on the coin but the opposite way? You are fucked.

>> No.30311204

7 figure fag here, yes, it's all in btc, eth and link

>> No.30311207

I got from 4 to 6 digits in less than 6 months.
Hoping to be a 7 digits this year but Cudos and Parsiq are fucking crabbing too much and I'm loosing patience!!

>> No.30311287
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OP, I'd love to afford to feed myself and fix my teeth but god forbid I develop a "constant yawning emptiness in my barren soul."
You're right about everyone hating you, though, but that has nothing to do with your investments.

>> No.30311292

eh, disagree kind of
7 figures can be comfy over 3 mil, i think
i'm floating around 1 mil and it's torture

>> No.30311390
File: 96 KB, 424x450, A4875DD8-15E9-4B53-A36E-3F7D28976543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP conversion rate is in rupees fellas. A thread died for this and it’s really if the lowest quality. Please attempt a much better thread next time.

>> No.30311392

>7 figure HELL
you're just greedy + lazy. 7 figs is life changing money and if you had motivation you'll start a business.

>> No.30311471

The worst is high 6 figure / low 7 figure hell. I bounce across the 7 figure line regularly. Feels great. But then fall back under. Feels bad. I dont make enough money that I can buy any substantial amount of crypto either. I wish I'd never even started.

>> No.30311509

As some one thats made ~45k for 10 years now what you're saying is verifiably fucking retarded and you don't lose half of it to taxes right away.

>> No.30311995

Lottery is taxed differently than capital gains and also cuts the payout if you take lump sum you fucking idiot. Apples to oranges.

>> No.30312286


>> No.30312355

If I ended up with 10 mil Id take half and stake USDC and 25% will keep on riding on a certain coin and the last 25% would be used to buy precious metals and a few houses for residual income

>> No.30312508

that's kind of the point. people used to think being a millionaire meant something but if you live in a western country 1 mil is barely enough for a nice house let alone the car. servants lmao

>> No.30312710

Same. I have over a quarter mil now. Scared.

>> No.30313007

6 fig big boy here. Goal is to have 1 million/year cash flow through investments and interest by 2030. All in BTC and still stacking.

>> No.30313450

i dont want anything except a really nice computer, a really nice chair, a small 1 room studio that i pay 1k a month for and fast internet. THATS it. i just want to neet. 500k is my target

>> No.30313598

Oof you in the us? I guess you’re with me and hodling for the year lest ye get smashed with with short term cap gains

>> No.30313806

1.6M here down from 2.0. Ya I dunno man feels like fucking hell. Can’t live differently at all. Really hoping crypto can fucking 7-8x from here. That will make life so much better. I’m happy to quit my job at 5M.

>> No.30314644

That’s just stupid.

>> No.30314719

Cash out, all in on WPC, live comfy live based on dividends.

Fuck off with your humblebrag. I'm stuck in high five figures.

>> No.30314867

thank you sir, pennyfag bottom class here will take ur advice

>> No.30315304

There is no hell but 6 figures.
It's to do with capital inefficiency. At 7 figures you can earn a decent passive income.
1-4 figures is poorfag ngmi.
5 figures is where you up risk.
6 figures is hell.
7 onward is cruising if you aren't super greedy

>> No.30315331

for you its not enough to make it. buying LINK/DOT got me from 4figs to 5figs. Think ill make it to 6figs this cycle, but starting from the bottom you rly need big fucking growth to get somewhere.

Keep DCA'ing into solid projects and stack a moonbag.

>> No.30315778

out of touch.

Most of us are in 3 or 4 figure hell.

>> No.30315933
File: 5 KB, 232x162, 1597238124214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is truth

>> No.30316088

ur just a newfag, accept it.

>> No.30316093

you and me both brother. but i think you need 1 million for that

>> No.30316243 [DELETED] 

MAN I could use some fucking help I see these posts and look around my life and just want to kill myself please I’m so fucking desperate.

>> No.30316401

7 figure hell is currently shit right now while looking at bitcoin and eths monthly graph, do you hold in or gtfo

>> No.30316440

12 figure hell is the worst UGH. having control over central banks is all just so tiresome

>> No.30316458

most newfags maybe

>> No.30316744

I recently entered the 6 figure hell. But Rubic and Kleros will make me enter the 7 figure heaven. Imma gunna make it gays!

>> No.30317745

Looking at this makes me depressed, I was a WoW player and computer NEET Back in 2006-2012. I knew about hacking, bitcoin and been on /biz/ since it’s inception. Then I got into sports and university with a useless degree and never got into crypto. I used to think you’re all morons wasting your money on this scam. I graduated with a useless degree with $60k debt and have nothing to my name now. I just got into crypto now and it feels like it’s too late to even have a chance at anything. Everyone here has already made it by buying LINK and BTC.
I stopped lurking here back in 2014 2015 once I got into a relationship and now everything is already on mars. The ship has sailed and it really fucking hurts considering how close I was to all of it’s beginning yet so far.

>> No.30318013

Mate I had 18 bitcoin in 2015 and I tried to sell high buy low to get even more bitcoin. I nearly lose them all in a few months. Now I have 1/10 of what I could have if I just had holded. Shit happens.

>> No.30318056

I think everybody can agree that the worst hell is bouncing between 6-7, 7-8, or 8-9 figures.

>> No.30318497

Just buy high-dividend blue chip stocks.
$1mil * 5% avg. div. yield = $50k/yr. You'd get paid more in a year than the 56th percentile of wagies, all by doing literally nothing. If $50k isn't enough you wagecuck part time and invest so that you get more divvies, either that or you swing trade to increase the amount of dividend-yielding stocks you own.
With your 3 million, you would get $150k/yr, at which point you're also getting a huge tax discount ($23k for divvies vs $30k for wagies.)
You literally can't be poor as a millionaire unless you're a retard.

>> No.30318546

8 figure is plenty to retire

>> No.30318585
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Buy HOGE if you still want to make it