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30305974 No.30305974 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin was developed by the CIA, they will create the illusion of a new payment system without centralized entities, they will let the people adopt it and then they will crash it and create the biggest economic crisis of all the times making all the people come back to centralized banking systems because that is the "best system" for us

>> No.30306289


>> No.30306429

Bitcoin was created by CIA, but for the following reasons:
>need to fund freedomfigters
>pushing drugs is no more possible
>taxpayers are not willing
>create a ”token” to shift dollars to their shadow missions
>chinese are studying this
>realize that they can literally print foreign currency
>develop asics and mining facilities
>foreing currency is then used to boost the economy
>cia in their arrogance miss again how they created their worst enemy

>> No.30306485

its open source bro, whatever they do with the satoshi coins ut would be temporary

>> No.30308186

You forgot that satoshi nakamoto in Japanese means "central intelligence".

>> No.30308251

>>>/x/ or see a doctor

>> No.30308457

This is a good thread, keep it going. I have long been suspicious that bitcoin is an intelligence operation designed as OP said to:
1). beta test and validate digital currencies in the wild for 10 years prior to the great reset
2.)while this is going on they can fund criminal and shadow operations anonymously
3.) they have long known about the dollars demise and wish to create their own lifeboat out of the collapse without aquiring more gold which is costly. Think about it: The creating of bitcoin was a purely conscious exercise and therefore all of the original satoshi coins are essentially free. By pumping the price over a decade they have literally created gold (something the alchemists dream of) and secured their place in the new world order.
4. Rug will be pulled once they suck up all remaining normie welath. They will purchase gold, real assets and the new world backed central currency.

>> No.30309199

my theory is that a bunch of cypherpunks on a decrypt under the radar internet mailing list became enamored with the idea of decentralized money and a crypto utopia that is based on knowing secrets instead of violence of the guy with the biggest stick.
i know it's a stretch but i really think these dudes came up with pieces of the puzzle over the years until finally a working product came out of it.

>> No.30309600

Finally some non-retards, make the money while the gettin's good but be prepared to dump it all when the pedo-oligarchs decide the fun is over.

>> No.30309800

well i'll be damned

>> No.30309949

Bitcoin was created by the NSA to try to get Criminal enterprises to put their money back into the markets the US could seize from easily. Basically a punch in the face to those nations that protect finances from the US in the regular markets.
They wont strike until Cryptocurrency is the number 1 holder for large criminal and corrupt wealthy.

>> No.30310098

Agreed. The secrecy behind bitcoin's inception is reeks of illuminati shit. I suspect a lot of bitcoin maximalists like Max Keiser etc are aware of this but because it has made them tremendously wealthy they have loyalty to it and will fight to the death to shill it. Agenda 21 (renamed Agenda 2030 to make it less obvious) = 2021 = 21 million coins

>> No.30310381

Bitcoin was made by the NSA to track illegal financial activity.

>> No.30310456

The NSA and CIA are themselves the biggest coordinators of illegal financial activity worldwide. They are not on our side.

>> No.30310497

> Responds to two posts full of completely unprovable, 4chan schizo tier speculation
> Finally someone who le 'gets it'!!!

>> No.30310706

>Bitcoin was developed by the CIA
>they will create the illusion
plug pull before rug pull
>"best system" is algo

yes, nigs nog


>plug pull imminent, eoy

>> No.30310721

If this is true how come Nick Szabo is so based?

>> No.30310786


>> No.30310840

Go back to /x shizo
It was Hal Finney and he’s dead now, so who cares

>> No.30310967
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>> No.30311055

The MSM dosnt want people to know about alts so they only report on BTC, also, satoshi wanted to rug but died before he got the chance

>> No.30311087

BitCoin was invented by CSW for the NSA to track the CIA to track the NSA to track the CSW

>> No.30311293


>> No.30311307

Isnt Gavin CIA?
I dont care, I just want to make money. If they made me rich, they will have my loyalty. This also applies to the chinese as well.
Money comes first, politics second.

>> No.30311328

When will satoshi pull the rug on all of us? Holyy shit so many would rope

>> No.30311351

This. It’s obvious crypto has back door hacks like all software. Just look at how the predominant bitcoin miner is in china selling ASICS towestern countries. Once it becomes the dominant form of currency, tap tap jack, oops gone. You’re all poor, and the elite stay elite. Pajeets were right. Life is a caste system.

>> No.30311433

absolutely bullish.

>> No.30312119

more like nobody gives a fuck about alts.

>> No.30312495
File: 54 KB, 788x699, 1536980297389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin was developed by the CIA
Close, it was the NSA. (N)akamoto, (Sa)toshi.

>> No.30312653

Wrong. Bitcoin was developed by banks. They saw hal henny and the writing on the wall with bitcash. The 1 million from of satoshi bitcoins will be used to farm and inflate the market just as they have always done.