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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30303010 No.30303010 [Reply] [Original]

>Submit photo ID, Social security cards
>Wait 15 days for ticket because their AI can't read it
>30 days later ID accepted
>Submit utility bill, property tax form
>15 days later get ticket
>Have to call state property tax office for new tax form because it was 90 days old
>Wait month for form
>Submit form
>Wait 2 weeks
>Submit photo and video of self
>Photo isn't good enough
>Still waiting 15 days later

I've been trying to sign up since October of last year, how the hell does this exchange even function with this level of stupidity?

>> No.30304446

Only for ameritards, I made a Binance account on less than 10 minutes with my passport and they gave me a 100 BTC limit to transact every month

And we do have PIX here on Brasil, where you can transfer money instantanelly to everywhere, but at Binance it takes 10 minuts to get my money

Brazilian chad here

>> No.30304487

I got verified in a few mins.

>> No.30304564

I didn't have to verify anything. I just made an account in 2017 with just my email.

I verified myself last week, without needing to do so, because the amount of cryptos in the account was growing so fast I wanted some additional security.

>> No.30304610

Dunno. I'm not verified and have a daily 2btc limit.
Good enough for me since I use Kraken for the real stuff.

>> No.30304626

And the verification proces was instant.

>> No.30304638

>signing up for a inevitable rugpull front exchange ran by a CCP spy
That was your first mistake
>funds are safu
until that chink cz pulls off the greatest exitscam in history
>china keys china token, not safu no more

>> No.30304650

Shut up, you fucking autist useless burger. Go and suck a tranny off, kike lover.

>> No.30304679

>until that chink cz pulls off the greatest exitscam in history
He is a biliionaire, he don't need that

>> No.30304689


> be canadian
> sign up
> no kyc
> trade pretty much instantly

>> No.30304706

They approved me in literally 3 minutes

>> No.30304774


>> No.30304928
File: 68 KB, 750x758, 0FE1A92DB6F144F59C8C58EF0CBE9BCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dont want Americans and anglos on their system. Your government babies you and treats you like little children in the name of protecting you from scams. What are you retarded? Fucking Americans I swear

>> No.30304989

Netherlands by the way.

>> No.30305252

didn't have to do kyc. can withdraw 2btc per day. enough for me

>> No.30305311

>protecting you from scams.

>> No.30305472

Chinamen looking out for fellow chinamen

>> No.30305504

Same here for me in the UK.

Americans are cucked beyond belief.

>> No.30305510

Fuck taxes taxation is theft. If I ever make it I’m just renouncing my citizenship

>> No.30305537

i've had an issue with them once before but once i reached out on twitter/reddit they fixed it
if you have an issue submit a ticket throught their zendesk
then contact their twitter/make a post about your issue on their subreddit

i know this shouldn't be necessary for them to get back to you but it works

>> No.30305637

>never did any kyc
>just deposited my crypto that I mined ages ago and started trading

>> No.30305659

So fucking stupid to set up a KYC requirement that makes it impossible for wealthy homeowners to sign up especially as it isn't even required by law..

>> No.30305794

This is your country's laws and regulations imposed on the platform and you

EU here, opened my account in 10 minutes transferred mined stuff form cold storage and traded up to a crazy high limit, decided to do the id process because I dig the visa they have
>Land of the free

>> No.30305796

Yeah that's an America problem not binance. I was able to start losing money in under 10 minutes

>> No.30305880

Stop trying to scam them and steal your moms identity then.

>> No.30305898

US binance is not the same as international Binance, CZ doesnt own it lol, they are lending the name. you guys are getting cucked by ur own people

>> No.30305971

how does it feel knowing chinks, and 3rd world shitholes have more financial market freedom than you do.

oh you moved your crypto 3 times?
you owe us 120% in taxes goy.

>> No.30305983

From the tickets i've gotten the issue is they are physically incapable of entering in the address from a property tax form, their data systems simply cannot enter and record the format used.

>> No.30306010

Cause I'm not a burger, didn't have to give shit

>> No.30306117

Do people wait on binance?
I’ve submitted my passport and they approved me in less than 5 min, I think it was completely automatic.
Im not american though

>> No.30306179

And this because coinbase shit the bed for days in November then deauthenticated me for no reason, multi year customer, then answered my support tickets 3 months after I made them, gave up, closed my account and was already making gains on binance
>Support ticket updated, issue resolved
Coinbase is a fucking joke

>> No.30306239

Actually the problem is i own a house inside a private association in rural Maine, however folks like people in Miami who live in gated communities have the same problem.

>> No.30306252

As other anons said this is probably a US thing. I set up my account a long time but I remember it was almost instant. I also recently help a few other friends and family set their accounts and it was also done in just a few minutes.
You guys seem to have way too many regulations around this shit

>> No.30306309

turn on vpn from burger land, use like anyone else.

>> No.30306758

America is the shithole of the world, 0 society culture, pure negro-mixed ignorance bonobos

>> No.30306976

And then they lifetime ban you and seize your account when they detect a US credit Card or bank address or even a blockchain from a us account. People get banned by them tracking blockchains from sources that violate their TOS so if it came from a US broker you get kicked.

So for instance when Robinhood starts offering wallets in a few months you will get banned if you transfer been them.

>> No.30307142

Advanced verification took 1 day for me

>> No.30307820

You must live in a city or town, their system is incapable of entering a non municipal address.

>> No.30307911


>> No.30307937

Me too, people having these problems are probably from 3rd world countries where scams are rampant. OP is probably an amerilard

>> No.30307964

Dude their website is fucking atrocious. I took all my crypto off of there days ago because I can't stand the precarious UI design.

>> No.30308058

It's better than Coinbase. They're straight up denying my ID card AND passport because they say it's invalid.

>> No.30308113

They don't even respond to my tickets.

>> No.30308167

Yes I have a regular city address, you are trying binance.us or .com?

>> No.30308192

>be white European with normal face
>get verified instantly
Feels good.

>> No.30308367
File: 209 KB, 1079x809, 1529378290720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I have both a coinbase and a binance account.

Which one should I use?

>> No.30308567

Same here. Plain old email account here
Burgers btfo

>> No.30308668

US. Their system can't handle entering the address from a tax form.

Also they will not answer a ticket unless they get a referral id which they will not issue unless you are verified which you can't do until they answer a ticket.....I'm not joking about trying to do this since October, they deserve to have their offices shot up by a pissed off customer.

>> No.30308743

it took me over 30 days of really trying, without too much fuckery.
the utility bill 1 i had to do like 5+ different shits.

then it all went quiet for a few weeks..
so i sent a support to see whats up.

within 4 seconds...
"funda safu" -chewbacca

then it worked a couple weeks later.
about 35 days or so.

also some kraut they have on support named "han" also sent a good support with
"funda safu"

>> No.30308793

binance would be awesome if they let you use it, however unless you live in the suburbs with your mom it is impossible to use..

>> No.30309651

They have been fucking around so much that this week i had to ask the state to send me a tax form for the second time since their 90 day limit had expired on the first one.

>> No.30309732

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The chinese hate you inbred wannabe euros.

>> No.30310564

you can make an acct with no verification in 5minutes with a vpn