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30293773 No.30293773 [Reply] [Original]

frens i will be absolutely honest right now, it's not fud, i have no interest to change the opinion of the 2 anons who read this and maybe don't even know what chainlink is. but, it's been a real crutch the last few years for me. i hold 14k LINK since 2018. At the time I had a girlfriend, was in my second try at university, was figuring out myself, had a friend circle kind of, was somewhat fit. Well everything I listed except for the LINK I lost. My gf of 6 years broke up with me (my high school love), i have alienated my friends and have failed at university not because I am too stupid but too lazy. I have become extremely lazy because deep down I knew that Chainlink was my ticket to a free life without wagecucking. But the other people around me didn't believe and didn't understand my actions. I know I am also at fault for many things and deserve to lose many things but I was right concerning Chainlink. Or was I? I am currently at close to 400k. On paper, I am richer than everybody in my social circle. But 400k doesn't free me, my peers will catch up in 5 years easily, earning that and having income after that. LINK has to go up 5x for me to make it from here, then I can truly be free and just enjoy my life without judgement from others because how can they judge when I succeeded. And yes, it's weak that I care about the judgement but I cannot deny it, it's really a pressure on me. If Chainlink does another 5x from here, i will have made it. do you believe? honestly, i dont but i will continue holding because the delusion sits too deep

>> No.30293888

just put it in a cold wallet and get a job while you wait for your inevitable moon ticket. Why are you like this?

>> No.30293899
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>> No.30294046

You sound like a guy who will kys if this bullrun comes to an end suddenly. Don't worry, many people actually did probably kys back in 2017-2018. You're not holding shit, you might get your 5x by 2025 and beyond, but at the moment you sound mentally too weak to handle any sort of bear market.


>> No.30294264

It's a pretty retarded life roadmap you have there anon ngl, but I believe in laziness so i really hope you make it

>> No.30294351

put some in unn

>> No.30294360
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If I had 400k I would drop everything and move to eastern europe or SE asia, build myself a small house on the outskirts of a small village that has access to internet, and live the rest of my life growing my own food and pot and playing videogames all day. Bills for electricity, internet, etc, would be super cheap. In fact that's my actual plan. I'll have in in 5 or 6 more years of wagecucking if I don't make it in crypto

>> No.30294504

might actually be the case, good thing is i have cashed out 20k back in august/september and sit on a comfy cash bag which can carry me through this year. but i dont deny that there is an existing chance of me committing suicide if the outlook turns really negative. but then again, i know every fucking detail about chainlink and its inevitable bull case and can rattle it off like a north korean child can praise the leader for 4 hours.
of course it's in a cold wallet, secured. i can wait but my confidence went from 100% to 50/50. i am having mood swings and probably have depression. i even question if money can solve my problem. i dont seem to enjoy my life at all, maybe i wont even if things work out
i know. my 18 year old self couldnt believe it. and thank you
this sounds pretty comfy and is my plan if we keep crabbing from here for a long time... or if i actually run out of money and have to cash out everything.

>> No.30294641

Don’t worry anon, I’m sure you can either reconnect with your old pals once you feel like it again or find new friends whenever you feel more financially secure.
Having concern over peers’ judgment is a defense mechanism for ourselves. Even if we don’t always like it, it’s a good warning sign to us that something is off.
Perhaps you should think of a solution, what do you think you can do that would be a good balance between appeasing the people around you and maintaining the level of freedom you want? What would make you stop feeling guilty?

On paper, like you said, you have 400k from just three or so years of “work” so you’re wildly more successful on paper—there shouldn’t really be a reason to worry. But if you feel subconsciously aware that something isn’t right, then I truly believe that you should listen to that sign and try to address it, because your quality of life will improve dramatically.
Maybe work at a hobby you like and get better skills in it, then maybe monetize the skills you get with your hobby. Or maybe you’d like to get a simple part time job (you could dump more money into Link or other investments too)
Whatever you choose, as long as you don’t ignore the gut feeling you have and try to fix it. Because I guarantee you that loving with thinking about the judgement of others is not the way to do it.
Jesus bless you anon.

>> No.30294955

you're thinking about this all wrong anon
i hope we both make it, but until then you need to act in life as if your chainlink is worth $0. you should have been doing that this whole time
getting fit and healthy again is the most important

>> No.30295031

thank you so much anon. i sort of knew everything what you said but your phrasing is truly eye opening and reassuring.

>> No.30295056

the thing is 1) you could cash out and keep playing the market with 150 k
2) you are psych. insecure because you rely too much on this investment. It's worst than just money. It's your life plan basically. So you are at high risk of freaking out. Very bad for trading and investments.

>> No.30295364

honestly this could be it, maybe this is why it's so hard and why so few actually hold a bitcoin bag from 1$ to 50k. because it becomes too big to be comfortable. it definetly is psychologically unhealthy, honestly it defines my mood on really big swings in both directions. maybe i have to figure out a cash out plan so i dont have to worry anymore and have some profits secured and already a fixed future. leave a certain amount to run forever and some money to put into other assets.

>> No.30295455

yeah i know, i will frequent /fit/ again. i will really try. i also told myself that i treated the link bag as if it was nothing but in retrospect, i never actually did. i was always obsessed with it, it was always plan b. no, honestly it was plan a.

>> No.30295556

>because it becomes too big to be comfortable.

That really depends what is your risk management metric. It is something personal.

I can give you perspective: I have $550k cashed out in this bullrun. I still have a gamble of 700k in crypto of unrealized gains. I'm willing to lose it all. I've lost huge amounts of money in terms of unrealized gains, talking of 500k in a matter of few weeks and it did not effect me psychologically much at all

>> No.30295588

well this is my plan. I don't intend to hold full bags for a decade. I would however keep a 1/5 of them with no regrets. The thing is if you cash out then you must invest once more in other stuff at the right time. Are you good at this game or where you just right about chainlink? But keep half of it for 5 more years if your bag is big and link reaches 500$ you'll be set

>> No.30296048

If you have the cash, buy property. Get a multi-unit rental property, live in one of them and rent the rest out.

You can still stay in crypto (you could even just get a mortgage, putting down however large of a down payment you want, and keeping the rest invested), but this way you’ll have hard property and a place to live no matter what happens in the markets- an asset that both actively produces income via your tenants but also appreciates over time because they’re not making any more land.