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30269039 No.30269039 [Reply] [Original]


Earlier Vitalik has endorsed ticketing on blockchain as being great:


Now when it comes to ticketing on blockchain, there's only one project to think of: GET protocol.

Website: https://get-protocol.io

Artists who use GET

GET explainer video

Buy at:

>> No.30269085

In my humble opinion GET protocol is the a very undervalued project when it comes to fundamentals, adoption, tokenomics and potential. Let me explain why:

GET protocol solves an enormous problem: ticket scalping
I think we're all tired of the practices in the ticketing space: bots buy up tickets instantly and then resell them 2x, 5x, 10x or even more the original ticket price. Fans lose, artists lose, venues lose, ... while the money ends up in the pocket of scalpers who don't add any value to the process.


GET protocol elminates ticket scalping by linking the ticket to your mobile phone. This means that at entry to a concert, sports game, ... you are only permitted entry with your mobile phone.

They have sold over 600k tickets and not one was "scalped"

An example is famous Dutch artist Jochem Myjer who uses GET protocol integrator GUTS tickets:


“Weird how some venues still don’t get how great GUTS is. And are afraid of change. It’s easier for the audience. For artists there is no more reselling. And maaaany other advantages. #GoWithTheTimes”

The ticketing space is one where no one trusts another in terms of how many tickets were issued, what the original price was, ... It has been proven that even Ticketmaster themselves are involved in the scalping business. That's why blockchain is vital in all of this. The tickets are all registered on the blockchain as a mean of transparency and accountability. This means that fans can check ticket authenticity whenever they want and make sure that they aren't being taken for a ride.

Besides scalping it offers many more advantages to integrators:

>Interaction with the ticket holders

>Extra marketing tools

>Data collection

>Dynamic price setting

>Merging of the primary and secondary market


>> No.30269124
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GET protocol has a lot of adoption

As stated above, GUTS has sold 600k tickets using GET protocol. In the meanwhile more ticketing companies have started using it:


Runs fully on the GET protocol and has sold over 600.000 tickets. Has grown into the biggest ticketeer in the Netherlands.


Established in 2009 and sells 2 million tickets/year. Is fully integrated in the GET protocol and will start selling GET-fueled tickets soon.


A new ticketing company in South Korea that will run fully on the GET protocol. They already have deals with kpop stars to sell tickets for.


A Germany based ticketing company that will sell GET fueled tickets with a focus on the sports industry.


The last to join is an Italian ticketing company. Despite being new they have already ticketed the Milano Wine festival in 2020 and will do so in 2021 as well. In 2019 this festival atracted more than 300.000 visitors.

Integrating an existing ticketing company is a low investment move (only the GET token is needed) that offers traditional ticketing companies several benefits. With the whitelabel that has just been released, which makes it easy for any ticketing company to start using GET, I expect many ticketing companies to integrate and GET to scale quickly.

As photo the requests they had received by end of 2019:

>> No.30269161

>GET tokenomics

The GET tokenomics are built so that for every ticket issued 0,28€ (or 0,34$) worth of GET is needed by the ticketeers. They buy most of this from exchanges and a minority they get subsidized from the User Grotwh Fund. In 2020 around 70% was bought directly from exchanges.

In 2020 ticketing volume in general was down like 90–99% due to corona. Yet GET managed to sell over 236k tickets. Or an increase of 27% compared to 2019.

This is a major indicator of their usecase being needed: despite covid19 they grew a lot and conquered a lot of marketshare from traditional ticketeers.

Tokenomics to push the price

If GUTS was able to sell 236k tickets in a year where ticketing volume is down at least 90% then I think it’s safe to assume that they’ll sell over 3 million tickets/year once everything is allowed again.

Add the new ticketing companies that integrated GET recently (getticket in Korea, Wicket Events in Italy and Tectix in Germany) and you’ll understand that we’ll be seeing millions of tickets processed by the GET protocol.

I’m willing to bet that we’ll see at least 5 million tickets in 2022:
5 million * 0,28 * 0,7 = €980.000 in buybacks or around 1,2 million $
You can imagine what buybacks of 100k $ each month will do to such a smallcap, especialy considering that all this bought GET is burned after usage.

If the price would remain stable we’d see 5 million GET burned, or 25% of the entire supply (SF of 13 million will be burned soon anyway as it isn’t used so I don’t consider that as supply).

Of course the price will not remain stable as with such an increase in buybacks & burns, GET will be recognised as truely deflationary through real world usage.

>> No.30269192
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>NFT tickets that will revolutionise ticketing

As of this month all tickets issued by the GET protocol will become NFT’s

Over 120.000 sold tickets (that haven’t ben scanned yet for the event) are being minted as NFT’s this month. This means that tickets, after scanning can become collectables. But so much more:

Here's my take on why GET protocol's smart and blockchain registered tickets becoming NFT's will revolutionize the ticketing industry.

After the DeFi hype we’ve witnessed last year, the next hype in crypto that seems to be developing are NFT’s. In this case it isn’t about riding the hype. Tickets being NFT’s on the blockchain really makes sense and it will change ticketing as we know it. Let me explain…

So what’s a NFT exactly? NFT stands for non fungible token. This is a token that’s unique on the blockchain and not mutually interchangeable. This in contrast to for example Bitcoin where it doesn’t matter which Bitcoin you have (1 BTC = 1 BTC). Every ticket issued by the GET protocol will become a getNFT.

>> No.30269256

getNFTs are indivisible, meaning that a getNFT can only be held by 1 address at the same time. This ensures that whoever owns a certain NFT will be the only one to decrypt the QR code.

Eventhough GET’s NFT’s will be the most used, bought & traded NFT’s in the crypto space the goal isn’t to ride the hype. Ticketing + NFT=a match made in heaven. And here’s why:

As every ticket on the blockchain will become a NFT and thus unqiue, it will allow non custodial ownership of the ticket asset. This gives many interesting advantages but 2 stand out for me personally: P2P ticket trading & DeFi event financing.

>P2P ticket trading
NFT’s will allow P2P ticket trading. Peer to peer ticket trading means that everyone who owns a getNFT ticket will be able to trade it with another “peer”. This will happen in a closed and regulated ecosystem. This means that certain rules can be set by the event organizer. For example:

>The ticket can be sold for only x% profit

>x% of the trade profit goes to the event organizer

>a certain trading fee goes to the event organizer

This will be the first and only ticketing system that will allow ticket trading while at the same time making scalping impossible. Regulators have been struggling for a long time to solve this problem and what seemed impossible to achieve will be made possible by smart contracts! The impact of this will be huge and will change the ticketing space for the better.Additionally and not unimportantly it will give the event organizer an extra revenue stream. The money that right now for a large part goes to scalpers (the secondary ticket market is worth $15B) will be tapped into by the event organizers.

The advantage for GET holders is twofold:

>The P2P market will atract more users (artists, venues, ticketing companies) of the GET protocol (= more GET needed in the primary market)

>every ticket exchanged in the secondary market is an additional statechange (= more GET needed)

>> No.30269296
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>Event financing
Without a doubt one of the most promising and exciting things to look forward to in 2021 is the introduction of decentralized event financing to GET Protocol.Event organizers often struggle to get financing for their events. This doesn’t only apply to starting artists, but even to famous stars. The artists need to have a lot of capital in advance as they have to pay for the venues, organisation, … upfront while only receiving the money after the show is over. Enter GET’s DeFi solution!

The pre-financing of events for event-organizers is not a solution looking for a problem; it’s a widely known and used tool that enables event organizers to make the investments needed to get their shows or festivals off the ground.In the past we have encountered Event Organizers who select their ticketing partner solely based on the amount of money and loan conditions that they are offered up front.

Thanks to getNFT tickets you’ll be able to pre-finance events of your choice. You can choose to finance new artists (more risk/more APY) or established kpop stars (less risk/less APY).

If the concept seems complicated, here’s what you need to understand about GET’s decentralized financing solution:1.) Event organizers will be able to easily pre-finance their events. (Something they desperately crave.)2.) Investors will be able to invest in events of their choice, at a risk & reward level that they feel comfortable with.3.) The $GET token is an integral part of the financing process, as it is required for ‘skin in the game’ from

>> No.30269337

The advantage event financing for GET token holders will bring is again twofold:

>As a GET holder you’ll be able to finance events and share in the profit of the ticket sales. This means that GET will allow you to profit without selling = passive income. An important note is that this is profit without inflation. While other DeFi projects give you returns by increasing the supply (and thus decreasing the value of the token) the returns here will not increase the GET supply, as the returns come from real profit(ticket sales).

>As the GET token will be an integral part of this process, it will:- increase the buy pressure of the GET token (everyone who wants to participate will need GET)- decrease the supply (everyone who participates will have to locks his GET tokens).

For a deeper insight I recommend the blog below:


>> No.30269394

>GET protocol will be decentralised
The endgoal of the GET protocol is to become open source and decentralised. There will be a governance model where changes to the protocol will be determined by GET token holders. That’s why I expect ticketing companies to acquire a lot of GET in time as their revenue relies on the direction of the protocol.

So Mark Cuban can acquire a share in the GET protocol simply by buying the tokens. It would probably be a better strategy than building everything from scratch.

>> No.30269761

Wow long post. Nice shil anon

>> No.30269764

With so many people focused on the NFT scene for collectibles and art, it stands to reason that the real NFT innovation will be when we can tie NFTs to real-world products and use cases.

If this is the case with what you're describing through GET, then I can see a world where this is the tipping point for artists getting back control over their events.

Here in the UK we have it rough with scalpers at the moment and big ticketing is solely done through Ticket Master which sucks because I've seen first hand how much they hike up their own tickets, also there's news that TicketMaster even keeps back their tickets ready to sell at a higher price on third party market places so fuck those guys.

I'll keep a serious eye out on the GET Protocol if it's achieving these because we sorely need it. The fact that NFT can be tied to tickets makes perfect sense so I really hope these guys can achieve their goal, fuck scalpers!

>> No.30269788

gotta get get

>> No.30269805

Holy shitballs, forgot the TLDR;

>> No.30269822 [DELETED] 

My Mochimo shall growchimo

>> No.30269858


>> No.30269920

Finally a legit crypto use case

>> No.30269923

Cuban is primed for a rugpull

>> No.30270333

>scan phone to get in and walk into event
>throw phone over fence to buddy
now what?

>> No.30270391

shills, if i may make a suggestion? no one is gonna read your essay

>> No.30270392

fuck me this is an awesome NFT usecase
should have figured this before

>iq feelings dropped

>> No.30270399

are you brain damaged?
'ticket has already been scanned' and your friend goes home with your phone while you're stuck inside being a stupid retarded FAGGOT

>> No.30270429

A ticket can only be scanned once

Think harder anon

>> No.30270451

This whole nft art shit is taking me back to when wallpapers and ringtones on phones cost 3$

They’re going to monetize things that should be free

>> No.30270455

This is some good shilling right here. I'm in for a stack of GET.

>> No.30270462
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its going to moon

>> No.30270555

NFT art is retarded. Only used for money laundering.

>> No.30270653

How exactly did they decide on the name Cuban from Chabinsky or whatever it was?

>> No.30270839

So you retards never left a concert or a football game to grab something from your car?

>> No.30270848

NFT ticketing reèèeeeeeeeee

>> No.30270931
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32915 tickets sold in the last 30 days

>this will result in over 11k$ of GET burned, most bought from exchanges

Now imagine the numbers when lockdown end
When new ticketing companies that have been integrated start selling tickets
When new ticketeers join (they're waiting in line)

>Real organic demand for the token

>> No.30270994

EZ Money

>> No.30271018

Garbage and Mark Cuban’s physiognomy is an ignore signal.

>> No.30271114
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Early life and education
Cuban was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[8][9] His father, Norton Cuban, was an automobile upholsterer.[10][11][12] Cuban has described his mother, Shirley, as someone with "a different job or different career goal every other week."[13] He grew up in the Pittsburgh suburb of Mount Lebanon, in a Jewish working-class family.[14][15] His paternal grandfather changed the family name from "Chabenisky" to "Cuban" after his family emigrated from Russia through Ellis Island.[16][17] His maternal grandparents, who were also Jewish, came from Romania.[18]

>> No.30271128

Nice, whats the suicide stack for this? Im extra poorfag

>> No.30271129

I hate that guy, i hope he doesn’t get involved in GET

GET is a great and honest project, unlike Mark

>> No.30271183

Imagine the fomo once kpop supetstars concerts ticketed by GET happen

The deals are signed
Would have happened last year but covid19 delayed it and gave you a chance to still buy cheaply

Koreans will put their life savings in this


>> No.30271506

Wen moon?

>> No.30271577

One of few project with actual adoption, a real gem given that it is still outside the top 500 on cmc

>> No.30271599

Imagine 100.000$ worth of GET bought and burned FOR ONE SINGLE EVENT


It's going to happen. And I'm informing you fools while the crypto world is still sleeping on this gem. A top 50 project sitting on a sub 500 rank. This is bound to go x100 even in a bear market.

>> No.30271878

If worthless shit can reach top25, this project can do it definitely. Ez money

>> No.30271961

You stole content from my blog but I forgive you


>> No.30272203

The most important point with any crypto is to understand why it is useful, why it is in demand, and why the price should go up. I have to say this is fairly easy for a complete dummy to understand.

I myself own a ticket on my phone (in the GUTS ticket app) for the Di-RECT livestream pop concert at 20:15 tonight. That ticket is powered by the GET-protocol, but I wouldn't know it if I hadn't read the small print. It's just a ticket on my phone as far as I am concerned.

So in my case I can see it was a real-life use. I have no need to scalp of make copies of this ticket, but even if I wanted to, the QR code wouldn't work with a copy.

So yup, I say from personal experience that the GET protocol really does work.

>> No.30272224

got me a bag two weeks ago because of a post in here. thanks to the shilling bastard who started talking about this.

>> No.30272825

Same here. It keeps on pumping, good shill of an undervalued token

>> No.30273438

wen Frans Bauer?

>> No.30273579

NFT is the hype of 2021, do no tmiss ou ton this gem that will sell a lot of NFT's to plebs

>> No.30273625

If you make some time for him free

>> No.30273713
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Why is this a better alternative to using a normal ticket-in-app service like Stubhub. As in why would companies go out of their way to adopt this when working methods are already in place?

>> No.30273777

Post so long that I had to get google translate to read it out for me, guess who just bought a big ol bag of some GET, this google translator did

>> No.30273804

if i would get 1 get-token for every time the dutch media mentions this di-rect livestream. My life would be this Corry Konings song now: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oaAiRtqik14

>> No.30273846

Remember that one time I went to a festival and my ticket turned out to be fake. I guess ill have to become a GET lover now

>> No.30273856

Cuz they will catch the blockchain institution hype and be in front of their competition

>> No.30273870

fuck this shit as itz deflationary so i get full stack get, wil be best hold during bear market

>> No.30274068

That's not really a convincing argument to pitch to the multi billion dollar event industry

>> No.30274112

can you explain to me what the benefits are to making tickets NFTs? Why can’t I just use a QR code?

>> No.30274322

Read this anon


>> No.30274450

Did you even read the OP anon?

A million benefits like ends ticket scalping, lets the artist/event organizer earn on the secondary market, interaction with the fans as the ticket is linked to their mobile, marketing, tons of data immediately accessible,...

>> No.30274687
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100$ waiting room

>> No.30275360
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Adoption anon

>> No.30275498

either a really good idea, or a really good shill
this sounds huge

>> No.30275519
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>> No.30275708
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>> No.30275844

When nba?

>> No.30275936

Why does this need to be a token instead of a regular proprietary service? Convince me and I'll buy

>> No.30275996

Wrong NFT
Look at RARI and FLOW unironically
GET missed its get

>> No.30276223

I don't believe for a second this isn't a shill, why the fuck would anon post this much info on a coin they believe in when they could be accumulating more?

>> No.30276363

Shit when these lockdowns end this one is gonna pop; STONKS DROPPING, ECONOMY OPENING, GET FIST PUMPING DURING SWEATY FESTIVALS!!!11

>> No.30276553
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RED FLAG. They are ABANDONING ETH. This is a pump so they can dump their ETH tokens before migrating the project to BSC.

>> No.30276576

I've known about this for a while and purposely don't tell people about it for the very reason you stated

>> No.30276609

see >>30276553

>> No.30276748

This is just a copy paste of a reddit post some very active guy in the tg made.

>> No.30276775

It doesn't even need retail investors to pump it so I don't know why he's posting so much. Kind of a red flag

>> No.30276799
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Same I’ve been accumulating and lurking in the shadowy darkness and now I’ve got the comfiest stack ever.. going to be able to quit my job and be a NEET real soon, I’m gonna play classic WoW all day, eat tendies and mock wage slaves

>> No.30276905

Jelly desu. I only got in last week with 500 GET. Don't have the cash to buy more rn.

>> No.30276937

>trying so hard to fit in
lmao at least teach your shills board culture

>> No.30277089

>being this asshurt
You can still get in anon. It's not even top 500.

>> No.30277243

Another break out is due soon for GET

>> No.30277255


Stay poor

This is literally the most solid project in crypto land, with revenue and a usecase

>> No.30277291

Read this anon


>> No.30277374

uh oh get bros

>> No.30277431

OP I’m not buying your shit. Cuban likes RARI. Buy RARI.

>> No.30277488


Stay poor unironically literally

Cringe and blue pilled

>> No.30277542
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Checking epic GET in based GET thread.

>> No.30277562

whhhhhaaaaaattttt not even top 500 BUY BUY BUY

>> No.30277617

NFTs are blowing up quick wtf

>> No.30277997

>>30270333 wasted
Can't reuse tickets??????
>The absolute state of nu/biz/
gb 2 https://www.reddit.com
Digital media can still be copied. Only way around would be a unique ID as a watermark. People would not pay for that. Piracy is not going away any time soon.
Got a small amount I planned to drop on XMR. Will GET GET if DUBS.
>red id

>> No.30278210

No need to shill this to /biz/, they will learn. And stop reddit spacing OP you fucking homo.

>> No.30278257

un fucking believable
every time like clockwork

>> No.30278335
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>> No.30278391


You.... are a MANIAC!

>> No.30278522


>> No.30278594

the normies are catching wind of nft's and it's happening fucking FAST. the time to make profit off nft's was YESTERDAY

>> No.30279497

Ok, not GET but still. Check this out. NFT marketplace, items sold. How is this normal? https://www.terravirtua.io/marketplace?page=1&sort_by=price_high_to_low
I feel like a fucking boomer when looking at this shit and thinking its an absolute waste of money.

>> No.30281030

Thank you for this. I was going to buy a stack but it's obviously going to crash to zero when they move to BSC.

>> No.30281341

They'll be back on Ethereum when ilthe fees are back to normal.
Minting 120k NFT tickets on Ethereum would have cost over a million $

GET is all about decentralization. Heck GET itself will be fully decentralized. BSC is a temporary move. Trust me on this even if I'm an anon.

>> No.30281356

It is a waste of money. So are things like Funko Pops and Lego, but manchildren still buy them in huge quantities.

>> No.30281663

Agree regarding the art as nfts part

>> No.30281755

>Low gas
Maybe OGN or MATIC?

>> No.30281926

ETH fees are too high for NFT tickets.

>> No.30281968

The price is what you pay - the value is what you get

>> No.30282092

Contrived scam. NFT not needed.

>> No.30282180

Also AVAX (non-ETH but decentralized unlike BSC). I think Avalanche is still offering grants for certain types of projects.

>> No.30282213

Look into Casperlabs Casper blockchain

>> No.30282325

Fuck off. GET posts violate Global Rule 3. Read the fucking rules.

>> No.30282625


>> No.30282888

This is all true. Buy LUSKO now biz, this has already been proven NFTs are the next thing and these guys have the connections already.

>> No.30282959 [DELETED] 

still try to have profit with this erc fee?
what a tard, use BSC systems, hold SWG and receive bonuses every day

>stop wasting your time with trashtokens

>> No.30283007
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>> No.30283056

haha, nice joke
my bro will never go for this trash on biz
we are not a tards

>BHC -all on yields on julswap and JustLiquidity trading

>> No.30283161

For the anons wondering how blockchain tickets work in practice, test this out:


>> No.30283265

Look at this adoption anon


JUST LOOK AT IT while you're holding your useless trash coin you can only sell to the bigger fool

>> No.30285457
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keep trying pajeets, GET is unFUDable

>> No.30286324

most comfy hold ever

>> No.30286814

The one line elevator pitch is this:

"There will be more pop-concerts after the lockdown is finished"

The two line elevator pitch is this:

"99% of events are closed due to lock-downs. Despite the the GET token is powering more tickets per day than ever before"

The four line elevator pitch is this:

"Small caps can move 100s, sometimes 1000s or percent in a week or a month. GET is a small cap with a value below $30 million. A catalyst, like the re-opening of events could massively increase the demand for GET. Every ticket sold increases the amount of GET bought and burned."