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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 990x215, QuickSwap_logo.420e2e01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30265981 No.30265981 [Reply] [Original]

QUICK swap is dumping like a rock over this weekend. The awards are over and the selloff begins.

You have been warned.

>> No.30266157

Only selfbump and I'm out

>> No.30266188

rewards, and they're just going to be extended, dummy

>> No.30266215

people are making tons of money proving liquidity

your FUD is not working frend you just want cheap quick

>> No.30266554

What is the lowest amount that is worth of providing liquidity?

>> No.30266578

any amount, since fees are basically 0 on Matic

>> No.30266626

Failed attempt at FUD, lol. Liquidity farming will be active in the coming 4 years, retard. APY is 400-500% in many pools.

>> No.30266715
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Ok, what buttons should I press to provide liquidity? I've never done it before but i'm considering buying some quick so might as well get some free money

>> No.30266748

nvm I figured it out myself

>> No.30266783

all you have to do is go to the QUICK tab and find a pair you like. split your funds 50/50 between the two tokens, then click add liquidity and deposit once you've done so. refresh at least every Sunday, because that's when new pools are added.

>> No.30266824

Yea, thanks, I already found it

>> No.30266937

what are the most profitable pairs atm?

>> No.30266997

The ones with lowest liquidity and highest rewards. Like QUICK-FRAX.

>> No.30267509
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Fuck, I know I said I'm not gonna get involved, but I just think I have to tell you some of you have no idea what it means to "provide liquidity".
In short, if you provide QUICK-FRAX and FRAX takes a dump, your bags are turned to FRAX. If QUICK takes a dump, you're bags have turned to QUICK.

You guys still think 1% per day is cute when providing liquidity for the most volatile of the shitcoins?

Apart from that, this WE is going to turn blood red and of the larger player, QUICK has the most downwards momentum.

>> No.30267584

And it goes both ways, meaning if a coin moves you don't have it anymore, if you input FRAX-QUICK into pool and FRAX moons, your bags turn to QUICK.

You are left with whichever did not moon

>> No.30268141

FRAX is a stablecoin you goof

>> No.30268268

nvmind, I thought you meant this

still, the bags you get are proportional to how bad it does - if QUICK moons, you get FRAX, if QUICK dumps, you get QUICK.

>> No.30269660
File: 72 KB, 882x225, Screenshot from 2021-03-05 13-13-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30269739

Yes this, don't provide liquidity you guys just choose QUICK or FRAX and then just hodl, or daytrade since fees are low.
Just daytrade man.

>> No.30269912
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