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30252786 No.30252786 [Reply] [Original]

Advice is welcome

>> No.30252923

Anon you are too diversified for a $1k portfolio, literally just take it all to BSC and gamble it on some stupid food coin until you get around $3-4k.

>> No.30253265

Any crypto you suggest?

>> No.30253512

put it all into xrp faggot

>> No.30254157

anon dont do that either you'll go broke

>> No.30254211

what dooooooooo

>> No.30254243

Gamble lick 60 dollars at a time on shitty food coins. Sell some of your portfolio before Sunday anticipating a dump. Hope to buy it back cheaper

>> No.30254289


>> No.30254306
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buy shib anon
it just dumped


>> No.30254317

Whats the point of holding $20 of any coin? Can you explain your thought process?

>> No.30254333

get kneepads

>> No.30254335

ill give you my shitty bsc coin anon but expect a rugpull. Its been up for about 30 hours now. Coralfarm.finance

>> No.30254405

take a bath, check back saturday

>> No.30254824

Should i even convert my AAVE or Bitcoin? or just wait? i just want to by int a coin that in 5 years may be significantly higher, im cool with 10x hell idc lol

>> No.30255143
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i think i am doing good bros

>> No.30255539


a token created by poorfags for poorfags

>> No.30255596 [DELETED] 


>> No.30255644
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>tfw too poor for gas

>> No.30255668
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Once I dreamed
The moonlight beamed
To show me Earthly shores

As light regaled
My mind's eye failed
To find my heavenly course

As it were
I was not sure
If I was now or then

I could not find
The one that shined
To make me whole again

>> No.30255719

Don't buy something and wait 5 years, check the monthly chart at least every month and see if it is still generally going up throughout the year, you still want to get out if it just dies after like 4 years or you'll be sorry knowing how much you could've cashed out. If you want to hold for years, find coins that have been reliable.
Right now if I had to go for a multi-monthly hold, I would identify coins that have been doing well before up to December/January. I think that would be BTC and unironically the ETH shitcoin - 2nd largest marketcap, judging from the past it's going to take a while before some ETH killer actually beats it and probably a lot of it staked for ETH 2.0, when that's deployed you have to reevaluate.
If you want to not be completely boring, throw some into LTO and XMR.
I wouldn't be starting the long hold right now though, would wait until after the bullrun, makes more sense to try and sell high for now.

>> No.30255740

Stop diversifying, go all in ALGO, and wait for tomorrow’s announcements at MIT Fintech Conference b4 u make your next move. Thank me later. /Chad King

>> No.30255790

Consolidate into XRP and BAT

>> No.30256049

no wonder why you are poor, invest in a top 30-50 coin with potential

>> No.30256115
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This is how you poorfag (all in)

>> No.30256352
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More like this OP

>> No.30256582

so go heavy in 1-2 cheap af coins?

>> No.30256687

Yeah, I'm going to add a third at roughly 5k and probably just keep accumulating between the 3 of them until I have a significant amount or one of them moons.

Make sure you dyor though. Investigate the fud, etc.

>> No.30256821

anon be careful taking advice from people on here. especially at this hour. this place is unironically worse than pol as people try to get others to lose money. your port looks pretty good but you do need more capital. some might say you are over diversified for a small stack but YOU pick the strategy. just make sure you think long term. you cant gamble on any shitcoins bc the gas will eat your stack. do more research and pick things that you like. try to ask yourself 'what do i want my portfolio to look like in a year'

>> No.30256886

Tell me more about HBAR. I heard about them when Google joined some council back in Feb.

>> No.30256900

Getting a second job and probably moving into my car. With the money i save i could probably pull 3500-4500 a month. I only hold xrp, dgb, xlm, and vchain. Want to get rid of dgb and invest every spare dollar into Hbar, Fantom, and matic. Will this work or is rope the better option?

>> No.30256902
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I am going to make it

>> No.30256963
File: 355 KB, 1080x2260, Screenshot_2021-03-05-00-04-21-106_com.binance.dev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was doing great weeks ago when I went all in into fantom (got up to $1800usd), when it dumped I panicked and moved to ADA and haven't recovered since then

>> No.30256970

right there with you. Got 400 GRT in meta, and can't do shit with it. Can't swap, can't deposit, can't do anything. Being forced to hodl is pain.At least if you delegate/stake you made that decision.

>> No.30257008

Go 50/50 on ASKO and SALE. You'll thank me later.

>> No.30257021

It’s just risk tolerance. Nothing wrong with HBAR and MATIC fundamentally, you have a point on the gas fees

>> No.30257167

I never understood margins or how to read these, how much do you have up and whats your potential gain?

>> No.30257189
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I’m a little ashamed to try and ask for advice with this but what the hell, here’s my tiny bag, what do?

>> No.30257258

I like the spread you have currently. Diversity is our strength

>> No.30257297

Read the HBAR threads, watch the YouTube videos. HBAR is my long-term hold.

>> No.30257711

All in on ASKO

>> No.30257887

What exchange do you use?

>> No.30258103
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newfag here, started with 1550 bucks. Not doing too hot at the moment, had a nice spike up to 2.5k before btc dumped and I shit the bed shuffling things around trying to swing and get bigger stacks. Wondering about the best strategy going forward. Should I deposit a part of my wagie checks every 2 weeks? Into what coin? Or just hold it in cash until there's a big dip? I'd appreciate advice. Not sure what my plan should be.

>> No.30258184
File: 27 KB, 790x339, Screenshot 2021-03-05 013814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I too late for everyone to judge my poorfolio?

>> No.30258190

Depends on how long until you're planning on cashing out imo. If you're still accumulating at the absolute top of the bull market it could hurt.

>> No.30258242

buy Rarible
NFTs are gonna go nuts it's an easy 100x

>> No.30258298

I don't need the money any time soon. I just want to retire early if I can.

>> No.30258445

I'd either wait for a big dump or do as you said, but take profit very greedily on the way up and set it aside to buy more later.

>> No.30258549

Also, buy only on weekly corrections, that should be a no-brainer.

>> No.30258598

When your portfolio is that small its more efficient to just get a fucking job to make cash.

>> No.30258626

>noo you can’t trade with a strategy on a small portfolio you can only take a single position of your strategy nooooo

>> No.30258656
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>inb4 coinbase hate
frig off, mr lahey

>> No.30258661

Thanks anon. I'm still getting used to the patterns but its getting more clear now. Sometimes its best to just sell the stack high sit on cash for a day or two and wait. Its hard not to get antsy and always want the money in a coin when you see other things going up.

>> No.30258698
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>> No.30258793

Wait for Ada(cardano) to dip below a dollar usdt and grab a bag of that . Same with harmony. Get some under .028

>> No.30258799
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Hello fellow poorfags. How am I doing?

>> No.30258837

27$ in Xrp anon, please explain to me your thought process.

>> No.30258856
File: 476 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2021-03-04-22-55-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started about a month ago and made some ok gains, fomo'd hard on pnd's and stuck holding bags. Afters gas and fees Im barely breaking even, which is better than going negative tyan a few days ago. Still, Im not selling any time soon.

>> No.30258867

Exactly, you'll find some true believers that will tell you 1 BTC = 1BTC no matter the monetary value, but what goes up must come down and if you cash out when you're up high and buy back on a tasty correction, suddenly 1 BTC > 1 BTC and you can keep stacking more.

>> No.30258939

Uniswap, not an exchange

>> No.30258991

It's not even "sitting on cash." It's just a different investment, your currency is going up and down every second.

>> No.30259019
File: 179 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210304-235628918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put four hundo into GRT, ADA, NU, ALGO, BAT (mostly GRT and ADA) late last year, and made 4K by Feb. 12th or 13th of this year, off of that investment, and a little swing-trading. I took profits a couple of days layer and reconsolidated the remainder into pic related. This is now a long term hold portfolio, which will occasionally get more money dumped into it. BTW, that's not a bug. Algorand's official APY has been sinking a lot lately, and Exodus does *not* take a cut (though its estimated APY might be a little inaccurate). Something to do with circulating supply.

>> No.30259076


>> No.30259121

Say I want to go all in ($500) on BTC and let that sit for 5 to 10 years. Should I wait until the chink panic in april or does it not matter at all since I’ll be holding for such a long time?

>> No.30259129
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Good morning beggers, how are we doing today?

>> No.30259168

I usually sell and put my fiat into usdt. Is that retarded?

>> No.30259842
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Any advice friends?
Planning on getting100$ worth of either bitcoin or ethereum.
Which one would be a better choice?

>> No.30259941

>POORFAGS UNITE Anonymous (ID: wuJXHy99) 03/04/21(Thu)20:28:10 No.30252786▶>>30252923 >>30253512 >>30254243 >>30254306 >>30254317 >>30255539 >>30255740 >>30255790 >>30256900 >>30258598 >>30258698 >>30258793 >>30258799 >>30258837 >>30259019 >>30259076
dump it all in BOND
DYOR 2 cent now anon buy in before it hits 8 next week

>> No.30259998

I'd put in 100$ in either matic or cardano
The rest on bitcoin
Don't diversify
Then again, I'm a poorfag too so take my words (or anyone's really) with a grain of salt.
Still, you're too diversified. Read more about what you're investing in, the projects and what's behind the crypto. Stay informed always.

>> No.30260024

Check Mochimo guys.

They are doing good work can you check and let me know.

>> No.30260053

nope, i would recommend COTI. it is small and has a lot of growth potential
just buy coti!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.30260062

Flare Networks Announces LitecoinAirdrop

The Ripple-backed startup says it willairdropLitecoin (LTC) holders Flare's Spark (FLR) token ahead of Flare's Q2 launch. "Flare will be integrating Litecoin ahead of the Flare network launch in Q2. This will allowLTCto be used trustlessly on Flare with Ethereum style smart contracts and givesLTCinteroperability and composability.

Idk what flare is, but if you hold LTC, theyre going to drop you spark tokens 75:1 LTC
coinbase says theyll accept it for ltc holders, but you cant use it on the platform. Search tells me spark is 60cents per. Maybe the shit will be $5 some day.
Free money for poorfags. Im a poorfag, and i did this.

>> No.30260079

Stake your ada on yoroi wallet friend, send it all there or daedalus. Whichever you prefer.

>> No.30260673

fuck off, bot

>> No.30261270

Watch some videos on lev trading then pick an exchange (kucoin in the us) and just try it. Here I used around 5k usdt to borrow 20k usdt (5x leverage) to buy link. So I bought 1k link for 26,200 usdt. In a few days I'll sell link when it's over $30 for 30k usdt, return the 20k that I borrowed, and keep 10k, approximately doubling my money. I lost 6k today in a lev trade on cardano so this is my attempt to make it back

>> No.30261611

>buy Rarible

>> No.30262320

BAT is honestly the best longterm hold you could pick, how does 10k USD sound for your stack of BAT next year OP?

>> No.30262650

Why? It's a legit question, its the first time I heard of them.

>> No.30263044

Staking rewards, you get ada in return for delegating them to different pools. You can stake in multiple pools in yoroi, but only to one in daedalus.
The amount of rewards you receive depends on other factors which you can simply google
Only downside is: The % you get in rewards can be low, so pay attention to that when you select a pool.
Also, your coins are much safer in a wallet

>> No.30263298

buy something on sunday

>> No.30264046

Don't buy above 5m mcap
Always look for Atleast 10x.
Don't try to chase measly gains. Never invest anything above 3m mcap. Golden rule.
When u have a small stake. Devide them in 10 parts and invest 10 different project with ur research. U need 2 or 3 to make u 10 or 20x. And then invest those gains in mid cap project.

>> No.30264111

Also don't fall for jeet rugpulls. Don't just ape because of shills

>> No.30264715

Another dumb question but I put them in a binance wallet. I can stake ADA there but it has a minimum of 5000 ADA. Is there anything particular with a binance wallet?

>> No.30265014

Whats the best site/app to buy crypto from?

>> No.30265057
File: 343 KB, 1080x2280, Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just started
>Everything dumps
Sounds about right.
Total newfag so any advice is appreciated.

>> No.30266295


>> No.30266931
File: 397 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2021-03-05-12-07-20-528_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really not sure what to do with BNB desu. Rest is just long term holds. Don't give a shit about PNK but I'm also not selling at a loss.

>> No.30267451

Feel like BNB should not drop much and if something has the potential to go to 300+$. I don't think it's something that can give you x10 at this point, but it can maybe give a x2 if you hold it long enough.

>> No.30267633

Bought in around 295. Goal is at least 400.

>> No.30267677


>> No.30267689

I just got set up to do crypto today. I have 50 xrp, 50 BAT and 0.33 XMR. am I doinitrite?

>> No.30267846
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What should I do? I’m a third worlder so $2500 gain is enough for me from here

>> No.30268285

Not sure if it's worth diversifying under 10k to be honest as your purchase power won't start kicking in until some time after that i.e. no-one's going to bat an eyelid if you're moving 1k of BTC around all day but it might start influencing prices at 10k, so you diversify to keep under the radar.

I dream of a 1m+ portfolio but it'll be a nightmare doing so many trades to keep it moving. Although by that point I'd be able to employ a few people to carry out my commands I guess.

>> No.30268512


>> No.30268566
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>> No.30269035

sell everything for a stablecoin, wait for the dip, buy a coin with potential in the lower third of the top 100. then hold and sell the top. you should have anywhere between 12-24k, now wait a year and buy during the bear market and just wait 4 years. youll now have anywhere between 200k-2M. you are welcome.

personally i think a good pick is BNT to hold through the bullrun, but DYOR and find what you like.

>> No.30269119

Get the hell outta doge

>> No.30269352
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Honest opinion?

>> No.30269441

Do you think it's gonna dump more as usual this weekend or it's already the bottom?
I'm getting the hang of swing trading

>> No.30269467

I love the tech and in love with crypto not really because of money but coz of the unique features every new project gives..

I just found a gem its looks unique lets see how they work on it

Plz share with me more good projects.

>> No.30269657
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Will put in more money once paycheck comes, but not in more coins, just add to current positions

>> No.30270670

I would take your bitcoin and put it into ETH

>> No.30270760
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learn to predict future price with my formula:
(total U$D buy side)/(total BTC sell side)

>> No.30272275

>sell everything for a stablecoin
So, buy BTC?