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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 574 KB, 2560x1437, Binance-Smart-Chain-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30246189 No.30246189 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me your best BSC projects anons, I have some money set aside to go all in.

>> No.30246342

>first on-chain oracles on bsc
x10 from here is likely.

>> No.30246658

Millswap.app seems legit hasn’t rugged when it could’ve.

>> No.30246798


>> No.30246859



>> No.30246975

VENUS is really cheap right now
its the AAVE of BSC.
really dont understand why it dipped so much from ATH
looks like a chance to x2 in a month or less

>> No.30247061
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>hasn’t rugged when it could’ve.
The absolute state of BSC in one sentence.

>> No.30247151


>> No.30247269

Hey I don’t like it either but shit I’m making almost 500 a day doing nothing albeit I’m risking half my savings doing so

>> No.30247430


>> No.30247477


Just Listed. Only 6900 Cumsocks in existance. It was .3bnb for 69 cumsocks. All it takes is 100 of us and it officially becomes the Biz token.


>> No.30247500

Any thoughts on bscpad or bscview?

>> No.30247736

>only 1 transaction

Oh boy

>> No.30248017

Unironically this

>> No.30248031

i cannot absolutely cannot fathom how you have not aped into BOG yet

absolutely fucking ridiculous staking model where every buy is feed 5%

4% gets split between stakers and 1% gets destroyed

it literally has been printing money for me since the moment i staked it

>> No.30248119

Did you go 50/50 BOG/BNB to stake? Isn't it better to just go all in on BOG and not stake

>> No.30248126
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>> No.30248165
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>meme coin with a use (provide price oracles)
>good community
>excelent distribution of holds, no leviathan level whales

Breddy good.

>> No.30248168

wtf they have actual projects planned
biz spent the last 2 days telling me this was a pajeet scam, is it too late to buy?

>> No.30248174

depends i guess, all i know is that i get paid a lot of bog every day and i can always pull my liquidity out at-cost

>> No.30248178

coralfarm.finance anon, thank me later

>> No.30248209

How much did you put in?

>> No.30248227

didnt read a single fucking word
you're all retards

>> No.30248252

This is so based

>> No.30248262

shrug there's only 600 wallets with it at an mcap of around 630k usd, seems like a fine time to buy

>> No.30248268

you're defo seething at these bsc coins pumping while you hold your 100% chainlink stack

>> No.30248273

Ok after looking at all of them, I'm going with this one. Most original one and least copy paste

>> No.30248278

Dragonfarm anon. The chinks love dragons.

>> No.30248370
File: 89 KB, 399x305, cozybog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strongest meme power
>decent tokenomics to assure longevity
>good dev team
>acual use case that gives it value

>> No.30248377



just launched today. no presale/100% community driven so no rugpull possible

sub 100k mcap.

add liquidity on pancakeswap and stake your LP tokens to farm. currently sitting at 2200% APY

heres the token address, dont be a nigger and miss it


>> No.30248431

i recommend taking a look at the design, its actually quite a fun experience so far, and im really liking the whole psychology aspect of 'dont sell you'll earn NGMI tokens'

and that we dont know what NGMI tokens can do yet, but we'll learn soon

>> No.30248467
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you wont be disappointed my friend

>> No.30248543
File: 2.24 MB, 1500x1498, 85331814_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toad network not the toad farm. Basically one of farm type projects except that with somewhat normal apr and a decent dev. The shills are coming in a few days before it becomes a pnd disaster.
Cryptex from hashEX. Unicrypt for bsc. Dunno how it will do though, because I heard unicrypt is bridging to bsc. Non anon devs, it's a ruskie living in the US I believe.
Liquidity locker, will also provide listings, chart tools and other shit in the future. Non anon dev, he worked in some ethereum shit before.
Japanese-aussie-vietnamese project. For now it works with vaults I think, low aprs so it doesn't become an inflationary fuck fest. I'm kinda wary on it because of the broken english, but the guy does indeed sound japanese. They have put a lot of time into it too for it to be a rug, and doxxed devs with linkedin profiles. I'm waiting until they fix some of their shit before putting actual money though.

I have also stumbled onto some degen shit but dunno if you would like it. One is eleven finance, vault shit, semi interesting, very low mcap right now. Nebula finance, staking shit, the usual, community driven, retard dev probably a /biz/tard. Petalite finance, a fork of rfi shit, you pay some big tx fee to buy it and it burns shit, similar to DUSA, actually it's the same shit and that mooned, so he probably straight up copied it. ARGON, in presale right now, turkish shit. Hope they don't rug. Also if you want easy money follow the goose announcement channel and be quick to buy the new type of egg (that would be in like 6 days), this shit gets an easy x10 x20 because it's inflationary then it drops harder than a rug pull.

If you want to play the bsc game be prepared. I've even found one of the most bizarre tgs, a vietnamese tg with very few people, but it's gotta be some money laundering shit, a few hours after the guy posts it, whatever he mentioned goes x3-x6 or more. Just get into every tg until you find gold.

>> No.30248661


>> No.30248701

This can't end well

>> No.30248731

Yeah I think it's hilarious and looks like a lot of work put into it. Never seen a BSC coin like it. Is it listed anywhere? I can't find it...

>> No.30248734

Not on the bsc, but asko will be working with it.

>> No.30248820

barely two days old, still negotiating listings, got enough holders to apply to coingecko though.

>> No.30248878
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Forgot to mention, if you use any farm shit use unrekt to cancel their permissions to do anything with your wallet. And never forget to smell the curry in the telegram channel. If they're asking every 3 seconds when coingecko/cmc, why is it dumping, when will it pump, then get the fuck out and never look back. You can tell when you're dealing with pajeets and when you're dealing with your fellow /biz/bros.

>> No.30248959

Im pretty new to crypto. my cat died and i took this up as a hobby and now am like a crackhead for bsc.

i have some cake, some banana, some toad, but the only thing im excited about anymore is $BOG

by far the most interesting, innovative, interesting community i have been a part of. I fucking cant wait for my sminem

the tokenomics are dope, they are actually developing nxt lvl innovations


>> No.30249028

Layer Lock, Just stealthed launched 40 mins ago

>> No.30249053

>Layer Lock

Link bro

>> No.30249070

>stealth launch
can't wait to get dumped on

>> No.30249149


pre-sale happening soon. you can buy wynauts for $0.035 right now that you will convert to the new token. 3x or 10x when the token launches after the pre-sale

>> No.30249243

This is some shady ass shit tho, but you sound like a professional so I’ll keep those in mind

>> No.30249391

But I can buy meows right now

>> No.30249420

gROOT. The only unique project on BSC.

It's basically like DPI (DeFi Pulse Index) token, except it holds the DeFi index in the treasury and automatically generates yield on it, and compounds its yield.

When the price of gROOT is low relative to the size of the (growing) treasury, it buys gROOT off the market, putting positive price pressure

>> No.30249421

this is so wholesome and endearing thank you>>30249028

>> No.30249458

whoops that second tag was meant to be me shitting on stealth launches

>> No.30249542


So the price of gROOT is tied to the price of the automatically compounding (multiple times per day) treasury holdings, which are also appreciating in price as their tokens increase in value

>> No.30249624

telegram is layerlock they have links in their pin

This is pure degen play so proceed with care.

>> No.30249699

Ubu. finance

>> No.30249909

WAULT. The only non-shitcoin in the entire BSC space


>> No.30249942
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Tfw 1.8 cake stuck because I have no BNB. I just wanted to farm with the big boys

>> No.30250059
File: 40 KB, 600x600, CCgfb33VEAErk1V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toad.network is actually legit and like 150 holders check it

>> No.30250351

Big whale with 12%, oh no no no

>> No.30250427

Is everything shitting the bed or is it just mine. Like fuck

>> No.30250528

Yeah, a lot of ruggable shit. In this shithole you have to take your gains out (50%, x2, x3) unless you really believe in the project. Around this hour things hit their peak in bsc and then they slowly go down for about 12 hours unless they get targeted by the chinese mafia.

>> No.30250553
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>kucoin not letting me withdraw my bnb for 24h

the fomo is literally killing me to death bros

>> No.30250763

That's the fucking dev wallet you dumb nigger

>> No.30250966
File: 915 KB, 760x1075, __original_drawn_by_youm__0baab72505940f80fb7d72d42ca53262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more of a very short term gig than a long term investment, but you should consider looking at BEE on BSC (bee.defi), which is a farming token. It's extremely low in mcap (~20k at the time of this post), is somewhat under the radar, there's no Telegram and only a Twitter. 72 holders as of now.

Remember that liquidity is low, so if you end up buying, don't buy too big. Since I'm a poorfag it ended up being a nice venture for me but there's no guarantee the price will go up or that the rewards stay sustainable at these rates. Thanks for reading anons.

>> No.30251327

5,000 BOG minimum to enter the Citadel.

>> No.30251379

XVS, is so fucking undervaluated rn, fell 60% from ath, easy x3 niggers, actually 4b tvl, is a fucking gem about to melt some black faces here lmao, i told you guys is cheap, if you don't buy you're a fucking retard nigger piece of shit

>> No.30251504
File: 145 KB, 1315x821, 1588147860965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EGG. I lost 600 worth of eggs through incubator deposit. Made it all back + more within 8 hours.
Yeah, I am thinking comfy

>> No.30251557
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i've been putting off making threads about it because theres an audit that should finishing any day now(eta was 5 days ago). but its the only sustainable yield farm around. not a fork, unique code.

compare the charts of your average yield farm that dies in 1-2 days to budz. budz will be around for months/years to come

>> No.30251620
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>> No.30251678




>> No.30251688

hey hey TWO transactions. Somebody bought 1 cumsock. He only had enough in the tank to fill 1

>> No.30252010


What the absolute fuck somebody bought the entire pool of cumsocks....