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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 1024x508, neo_official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3023916 No.3023916 [Reply] [Original]

>Chinks just went to bed.
>Dumped a bunch of cheap Neo on their way out.
>Price immediately begins to moon midday, same as yesterday.
>It's going to 150-180k today.

>> No.3023936

Panic NEO sellers soon to be on suicide watch

>> No.3023940


Can confirm. The trend has yet to be broken. $400 here we come.

>> No.3023947


My NEO is comfy in a wallet making GAS for me, I'll be in the corner hodling

>> No.3023948


This is a Chinese scam coin. If you own NEO you should be barred from crypto trading

>> No.3023960

O look another retard

>> No.3023966


I bet you also don't hold BNT

c'mon anon, follow the trends.

EOY You'll see NEO 300-400$

>> No.3023970

>Chinese scam coin
It's not even a coin. You have no idea of what you're talking about.

>> No.3023980
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>> No.3023986

Just sold all my NEO
And you should do the same if you don't want to be a bagholder

>> No.3023996
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Stop trying to scam people on /biz/ guys

Cut your losses instead of trying to get other people to make the same mistake you made.

>> No.3024006
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I bet you sold NEO for DBG.

>> No.3024007

That's exactly what people said when Neo crashed from $7 to $4...

>> No.3024021

Same here, sure as hell aint dropping to where I bought at so IDC if it hits 500k (it won't)

>> No.3024031


Dude. Being in the 4-7 dollar range is a lot different than being >30. Stop trying to divine the future from the past

>> No.3024032

You mean when the entire fucking market crashed?

>> No.3024047

The point is you faggots never believed in NEO, not once. There's no point in listening to you unless we wanna be poor like you. Buzz off.

>> No.3024061

>Implying some of us never rode the ANS waves to give me sick x3.5 gains early on

>> No.3024068

You didn't understand his point.

>> No.3024079

I wonder if there's a way to filter out comments from neet virgins. If you can't figure out how to get a job and get laid, how can your opinion on crypto matter. I made 12 grand off this "chink scam"

>> No.3024092

Yea gj flipping it for some lunch money. But you never believed in it long term like we did. It is now ascending to its true value. The flippers are now getting BTFO like they deserve.

>> No.3024100


I went from 3.5 to 12 BTC man, shit was awesome

>> No.3024132

>But you never believed in it long term like we did.

It's so obvious why this will moon 10x.
>Supply is scarce.
>You use Neo to mine Gas (money for smart contracts).
>Neo does what ETH does, but it's more flexible.
>Their team is competent and there's a dedicated CEO.
>Tech is good.
>Chinese market of 1+ billion.

How is this NOT going to $400? It's inevitable.

>> No.3024296

nice congratz mate ;-) just made 0.5btc short when they announced ANS is going to NEO

>> No.3024308

Who are these mythical chink whose every action dictate my very life?

>> No.3024324
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>> No.3024337


>> No.3024344


>> No.3024346

Is now a good time to buy? I figure even if it drops a bit, it'll be a good long term investment due to constantly making GAS.

>> No.3024351
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>> No.3024352

Except eth has a huge dev team and a skeleton genious behind it and neo just has hype. Cant underestimate that chinese market volume though

>> No.3024359

there's no point hodling when it's fluctuating like that my dude, you can get 10% extra in seconds

>> No.3024362

keep saying neo has nothing but hype. if you say it enough times, it might become true

>> No.3024364

Unless you hold at least 500-1000 your gas generated will be miniscule

>> No.3024365

It will dip a bit more, buy around 750k - 760k sats.

>> No.3024375

Its a fact though

>> No.3024395

I bought at $6 senpai, I'm just enjoying the shitshow :^)

>> No.3024400


Tell us all about how NEO is great outside of speculation gains

>> No.3024409

implying anything but bitcoin has realistic irl applications

>> No.3024428


I genuinely think things like STRAT, NEO or ETH will be big in the future, but we're so early on in all of that I believe they're all overvalued. One will made it out to the top though, should be interesting to see which it is

>> No.3024433

>i dont understand how decentralized applications and shares work

>> No.3024452
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Second ICO on NEO

>> No.3024453

in the end, every cryptocurrency that's not bitcoin will never be used in any field but speculating

>> No.3024464

A lot of companies are hiring developers who can work with ethereum. Looks like a real world case to me. And what about tokens that are backed by real products like bitbay and mobile apps?

>> No.3024467

>Social media platform using blockchain

What a load of garbage

>> No.3024471

except ones like NEO which act as platforms for developers to build on.

>> No.3024477

>please give us all your money

>> No.3024483

It feels like people just add the word 'blockchain' to any random crap and you got yourself a million dollar startup. Why the fuck do they need blockchain to do what they do. Buzzword central

>> No.3024488

>because every ICO on ETH is fantastic

>> No.3024502


A lot of them are terrible too, but you wouldn't think NEO would be hyping up shit ICOs as their first ones

>> No.3024509

They're not hyping them

>> No.3024510

>put up buy order at 775k
>go watch American Hustle
>Neo drops to 771k
>sell my Neos at 950k
These gains made my dick harder than Amy Adams constant cleavage.

>> No.3024525


It'll be like steemit for Japan, pays people in coins for moderating quality content

Steemit is doing pretty well as a test for the idea

The first NEO ico is like Bloomberg data distribution

These small ICOs are just quick rollouts to see how the platform does, I'm glad there's action so soon

>> No.3024624

oh sweety, that orderbook is very misleading.

sure, its no guarantee, but signs are good that Neo will be as big as ETH.

exactly why Neo could falter as ETH did. luckily Neo can improve upon how ETH ICOs are. 1st is the worst, second is the best, *belch* Biiiiitch

>> No.3024659

You're a true son of /biz/.
Or maybe you're just lucky.

>> No.3024678

I don't buy into FOMO or when there's a straight downward trend.
My buys are usually quite safe.

>> No.3024691

okay fuck what are you NEO predictions for today? I need at least one sub-900 dip

>> No.3024692

Upward trend and its stabilized, i think its about to climb back to .001

>> No.3024706
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>> No.3024709

Whales are manipulating the prices 100% certain. Gamble when it happens and sell instantly after spike.

>> No.3024750

I think we all know what's gonna happen but I don't want to advertise it any more.

>> No.3024776

okay mate I'm getting ready for the D I P P

>> No.3024823

I'm 99% sure the only reason NEO is worth anything is because westeners ate the 'chinese ethereum' hype raw. Bittrex accounts for the vast majority of the volume; the chinese are barely buying.

>> No.3024834

Just go into this lads

Should I blow my entire wage on NEO!?

>> No.3024857

>Should I blow my entire wage on NEO!?
No. Diversify. I'm betting on Neo but I would never go all in.

>> No.3024863

YOLO my friend

just pray for the dip

>> No.3024864

chinese support QTUM

>> No.3024899


What about $100 on NEO and the rest on bitcoin, I wouldn't own 1 bit coin but a small portion of one

>> No.3024907

i didnt know what trading cryptos was yesterday.

>> No.3024929

neo gon be dumped real hard

>> No.3024934

well back to 850k

>> No.3024936

>muh TA

>> No.3024938


>> No.3024942

I hope so!

>> No.3024957

>check graph its mooning

>> No.3024958

If you do that now then you'll have to hodl for a pretty long time

>> No.3024965

I have 5 NEO in the middle of being transferred to the web wallet, but that bitch won't finish syncing. It's been at 93% for like a week now. Does anyone know what I can do here?

>> No.3024971

Thats a chinky Bear trap.

>> No.3024973


Okay brah, other guy didn't reply, Just bought 16 coins for $800, now to wait for the dosh train.

>> No.3024984

>Literally has gone up more than 4x in less than 2 weeks
>Calling this a bear trap

>> No.3024998

Be cause they're holding with triple folded Chinese iron hands

>> No.3025019


>> No.3025027


>> No.3025028

That's everybody's favorite question this week.

>> No.3025031

Same situation. I have the windows app version but some guides help with the general PC version. I'm screwed so far.
Search: antshare wallet not syncing

>> No.3025042

Quality product

>> No.3025084
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>> No.3025099

You might as well buy now anyway and hold. No crash in sight

>> No.3025104


>> No.3025123

crash pls I want to see a catalog full of pink wojaks

>> No.3025126

That 750k we saw for a second today is probably the lowest it will ever be from this point on

>> No.3025128

You guys had an amazing dip to 770k today. It was snatched up immediately by some very smart people. Not you dummies who expect it to dip to 330k, lmao

>> No.3025137

dear Sir, you can buy!
on yobit, Sir
e$per$ fantastic profit for you wealthy man, Sir
tank u, Sir

>> No.3025153


>> No.3025154


mjeah just cancelled my sell order. its just refuelling for another launch

>> No.3025197
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>> No.3025219


>> No.3025221


>> No.3025228

I can't believe I bought for 0.01 but that's what I get for being greedy. Hopefully it will return to me in a few days.

>> No.3025237
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Will I make it?

>> No.3025244

Why not buy BTC?

>> No.3025246

Mate you're gonna fly sky high, congratz

>> No.3025249

You gon make it brah

>> No.3025251


I believed in NEO its the first thing I bought when I opened up my Bittrex, I bought it 5 different times all from 290k-370k on august 1st and 2nd.

>> No.3025253

NEOGAS prepping to moon.

>> No.3025255

is that 361 or 361K NEO?

>> No.3025259

>selling during a bull rush

>> No.3025275

Looks like this is the peak boys

>> No.3025276

>you said it was crashing
>listening to retards

>> No.3025278

Ok lads, right now NEO's market cap is 1,709,845,000. ETH's market cap is about 16.5 times that which is about half of BTC's. Given that NEO has a constant supply, if it were to reach ETH's market cap that would put one NEO at $565.95. Do my numbers check out?

>> No.3025296


>> No.3025306

Yes and that's all very likely to happen.

>> No.3025435

haha yay my bitcoin is tied up on liqui... which has crashed... ffs. waited an hour and a half for the transfer to happen and then their site goes down...

>> No.3025495


yesterday watched some analyst expert video, he tell that NEO marketcap reaching 10 billion dollar easily.

If NEO marketcap is 10 billion dollar, then NEO coin price is about $ 200

>> No.3025708

hey anons
should i buy now? I have like 100$ on bittrex

also if you have some spare NEO i would appreciate


>> No.3025733

devs own another 50M

>> No.3025847

I was wondering about that because it said total 100 circulating 50...

So they're doing alright for themselves..

>> No.3025865

Neo are supposed to be shares, not money. Shares grant you a license to mine Gas. Neo's devs own half of their company's shares, just like most companies out there.

>> No.3025884

Those 50M are for developers that use the smart contracts and the blockchain. Will be released a max of 15% a year, although in their latest interview they said because of the risen price it would be even lower.

>> No.3025909

you are confused as hell dude

>> No.3025940

No, he's right.

>> No.3025948

I find this business model is much better than Ethereum's. ETH developers also have a ton of premined ether. The problem here is that ETH developers could potentially crash the value of ETH by selling ether.

Now let's say Neo developers decide to sell Neo shares to finance their company. That is unlikely to affect crash the value of Gas, which is the currency that people will be using to finance smart contracts.

>> No.3025961

$50 today?

>> No.3025971


Yes, i have undestand that these shares are like stock of company, and stock owners get rewards.

NEO owners, shareholders get free GAS, more you own NEO coins/shares, more GAS you get.

Ang GAS is = money

current GAS price is $18.15


>> No.3025975

he isn't

>> No.3025976

It's going up... I've been here since 90k sats and now we're at 105.

>> No.3025978

i seriously doubt that the price of neo doesnt directly influence gas

>> No.3025995

Whats the 5 year price guess? Assuming we go through another 13/14 crash. Think NEO could be $1000?

>> No.3025999

>t. Salty no neo

>> No.3026046
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My first buy was probably earlier than most of the people in this thread

>> No.3026061

>i seriously doubt that the price of neo doesnt directly influence gas

It influences right now, but over time the correlation will disappear, as the value of Neo shares increases at a faster pace than the value of Gas. People will start holding Neo shares to mine gas and trading volume will decrease, while Gas' trading volume will increase. Over time each will develop its own price dynamics.

Neo shares are still cheap at the moment. In a few months most of its supply will have moved to private wallets, as miners accumulate more and more of it.

>> No.3026063

Then you should know better, lol

>> No.3026071

5 years is way too long to predict in crypto. theres always a new upcoming next best thing. neo appears to be the next big thing right now.

id say steady gains for the next 3 months

>> No.3026081

I bought in at 7 but considering buying even more because of the potential this has.

It's getting a lot more normie attention with articles from mainstream websites as well.

>> No.3026106

Just wait until it hits the rest of the exchanges

>> No.3026107

i bought at 7, sold at 12
bought at 17, sold at 22
bought at 27, going to hold now. with the current trajectory i dont see this stopping any time soon

>> No.3026116

It should reach at least $400 in the next few months. I think people won't be willing to buy Neo shares for more than 1 ETH since Ethereum is still much larger and mainstream (the value of ETH will probably increase too).

After that peak, the price may either stabilize or decrease. I could decrease in case Neo Developers make a public offering and increase the circulating supply of shares.

>> No.3026156

looking chart, looks that NEO is very stable

that indicate that NEO is going to shoot up any minute

>> No.3026170

What kind of numbers are you using? NEO is at 1,048,000 right now.

>> No.3026202

8 decimals is too much for the human brain to handle.

>> No.3026206

Should I move my profits to tether for now in case btc crashes?

also pls gib neo AYUXPpdmtHJEempaHior1vRzPVr4NUARaF

>> No.3026216

Dang you have titanium hands.

>> No.3026220

>I could decrease in case Neo Developers make a public offering and increase the circulating supply of shares.
that's not happening

>> No.3026239

It's gonna take 4-5 days for normies to have funds available to buy it. Longer for those getting into crypto for the first time. Sell now and catch the massive dip that's gonna happen this evening.

>> No.3026253

>that's not happening
How do you know? A year from now most Neo shares will be held in private wallets. Circulating supply will be so low that devs might have an incentive to release more shares.

>> No.3026259

>massive dip that's gonna happen this evening.
what did he mean by this

>> No.3026272

>Sold at 850


>> No.3026300

I'm asshurt too. Watched it hit 930 and was about to jump on a bit more and fucked up

>> No.3026309

desu the fluctuation is predictible my only regret is not trading it constantly

>> No.3026317

There are btc atm's and people have been using them a lot for this specific reason

>> No.3026341

I've been daytrading bcc and neo and managed to turn $200 into $2000. Added another $300 outta my paycheck today into btc just waiting to buy some more neo at the right time

1 more mini dip plzz

>> No.3026347

That's a corner case.

>> No.3026429

Buy in retards this dip is the last chance to buy below $37

>> No.3026441

if i was to buy NEO and OMG, how would you divide the funds going into these buying today?

I was thinking 60% OMG, 40% NEO.

>> No.3026496

Im starting to think the same.

Working with normua one of the largest global investment banks, kddi telecom which is worth like 68billion, 2 of the top 3 japanese exchanges adding neo.

Fuck let me buy a little lower bb

>> No.3026531

o and nomura is worth 226 billion. I like how everyone is hyped about china backing it but turns out japan loves it either way this is good.

>> No.3026576

Question guys. Is the "Account Balances" information under Wallet (in Bittrex) representative for the entire picture?

Is it the amount of NEO (expressed in BTC) worth in dollars at a specific time?

>> No.3026659

Yup. Sucks that you can't make it display ETH parities as well.

>> No.3026734


One more question. So I see the "estimated value" of BTC keeps changing. So the exchange compares the amount of NEO's that you have and "express" it in the BTC amount?

That's a pretty weird system. So it kinda takes the coin with the biggest quantity in your wallet and "estimates" it in BTC (since the price of NEO fluctuates)?

>> No.3027716

what really counts here is BTC. You shouldn't value your neo off of usd but of btc. The goal is to gain more btc.

>> No.3027731
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Take the plunge

>> No.3027735

speak for yourself bro. im here to gain BTC and NEO. NEO is now a top tier coin as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.3027822
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I did and lost money. Fuck your chink scam coin.

>> No.3027861

>buy high sell low
Looks like you played yourself anon

>> No.3027959

>buy high
>buy low
>buy lower
>buy even lower

You can't buy forever. You have to sell at some point. If you're losing money then you stop loss the fuck out and move on to make up the loss. Holding only works if you're making money.

>> No.3027986

>pumping a coin to $40 with 1 full time developer because of muh chinks

>> No.3028055

Fomo n stuff

>> No.3028060

>1 full time developer

Really, you FUDers don't even use the 2 developer meme anymore you've transcended

>> No.3028086

In a couple of weeks they will say NEO has no developers anymore while it's soaring over 400$.

>> No.3028095

>Sold at 850
>Now BTC is mooning and i'm making gains completely on accident

>> No.3028100

>t. bagfondler

>> No.3028108

>buys high
>price drops for a whole 10 minutes since he bought so he quickly sells at a loss
>rant on biz about "scam coin"

Sounds like you need to stop checking the charts all day and just relax

>> No.3028127

>bought at $5

my bags are sooo heavy anon

>> No.3028138

>NEO is backed by bitcoin
>NEO's catching up to the price of bitcoin by the minute

if you'd waited to sell, you would have more bitcoin

wait is this a meme

>> No.3028148

>Catching up


>> No.3028167

>value (in btc) is rising
>it's not catching up

>> No.3028289

I bought at 5$ and have a solid 500+ bag. I'm riding this out to lambo land.

>> No.3028310

BTC is having a rally, so people are panic buying it by selling their alts. this is typical crypto behavior

>> No.3028399

NEO literally has one part time developer who is also the janitor of the building and is a single mom.

How can you idiots trust this shitcoin

>> No.3028422


your lies becomming desperate and desperate

>> No.3028535


What wallet are you using I couldn't find a wallet when I looked last month.

>> No.3028562

NEO doesn't even have a developer, she is just a chink who boils dogs and made a fake coin.

>> No.3028597


>> No.3028851

NEO's only developer is an ex-circus monkey named 树叶 who has a crippling smoking habit and terrible claustrophobia.

>> No.3028888

NEO can't be a coin. It's not divisible which means if you wanted to sell/buy something you'd have to price that thing at exact multiplications of what NEO is worth ($34 right now)

>> No.3028948

I am but a poor Chinese peasant working working in the hills of OMG and NEO.

My tools are simple,
a Stochastic RSI
and Heikin Ashi Candle stick graphs.

Selling and buying, buying and selling.

Buying from the scared, shocked, and depraved of gains
Selling to the greedy, afraid they will miss the train.

Every day, I make ok money. enough to sustain a family of 4.

>> No.3029079

SHHH. Delete this now, dont reveal the tricks, I'm acumulattng too.
1903 NEOS already. God bless China.

>> No.3029113


it takes an iron hand to time this market. I was feeling so greedy when the ants were .011 last night that I had no inkling what so ever to sell my shit. I could have regripped at .008 no problem.

>> No.3029128



>> No.3029135
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t. guy who missed out on 4xing his money

>> No.3029217

QTUM dev is a famous scammer in China.
Also QTUM is listed as "sponsored" in Bittrex, I would not risk anything on it.

Buy DNT while you stiil have the chance, it will go up to 0.2$ or more once it hits Bittrex

>> No.3029250


>> No.3029333
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>put sell order for .01
>accidentally sold for .001

>> No.3029351
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>> No.3029368

yeah if QTUM is so great how about they stop paying for sponsorship on bittrex. what a bunch of faggots

>> No.3029487

This. I've done it 4 times today. Made nearly 700 neo.

>> No.3029494

I've got 5k neo in a wallet. Makes like 1.5 gas per day. Not worth it at all. I think buying some gas now is a good idea, considering how fruitless staking is at the moment. Food for thought..

>> No.3029658

This is the floor. Buy here if you're looking to get in.

>> No.3029668

you're an idiot. no NEO holder would think buying gas is a good idea.

>> No.3029669
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Ive got 350 NEO and 30k in student loans

Are the chinks gonna pay my loans before Christmas?

>> No.3029678
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yes, my son.
they will.
and you will have a down payment for a house to boot.
praise be, chinks. praise be onto you.

>> No.3029682

Pay off those loans without selling your neo.
If you sell it you'll regret it.

>> No.3029685
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>tfw turned it into BTC
>tfw BTC moons the next day

>> No.3029791

pls don't moon yet i'm still transferring btc

>> No.3029807

NEO hodler on monday:


>> No.3029837

okay commence moon mission

>> No.3029885

My Kraken transfer just went through today, right before the weekend.
Invested around 15k (half of my savings) into NEO.

This shit is quantum resistant with bizantine fault tolerance. For you noneofags that means that this rocket goes to Saturn and beyond

>> No.3029900

>This shit is quantum resistant with bizantine fault tolerance.

Now this is maximum buzzwords

>> No.3029945

Keep the loans for a while. They're tax deductible, and you'd probably make more off crypto than what you lose in interest.

>> No.3029959

I've got 45 NEO and 45k in student loans.
Are the chinks going to pay my student loans? Please god.

>> No.3029972
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>want to put some money into TKN because it's "mooning"
>can't withdraw from Binance because changed password within last 24 hours
>decide to get some BNB instead
>instantly starts tanking
>go back and check TKN a couple hours later
>tanking as well
Fuck this. I'm touching anything for another year.

>> No.3029981

yeah i actually just went to go lower my monthly payment by $50 lol

hopefully USD is worth dirt in a couple years and ill pay the rest off then

>> No.3029982

My advice to you. Tomorrow move your BTC to Liquid.io and buy DNC.

Its going to get listed in Bittrex soon and the price is going up 5x to 10x

>> No.3030078
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Thanks for the tip. I'll send you a neo if it does.

>> No.3030146

Except I tried to deposit btc to liqui today and it said they weren't accepting btc deposits

>> No.3030159

Sorry, no clue about that, I did it yesterday and had no problems. Try etherdelta, they also have DNT

>> No.3030163

Absolutely. I have 1500 NEO and right now that would almost cover that 30k twice over. You only need it to reach around 100 which I firmly believe will happen within the next 6 months to a year (extremely conservative estimate, there good be more developments that could make it worth that in a few weeks, who knows)

Either way don't sell it just to pay those loans. It will be worth a lot more over time.

>> No.3030171

Switch it to LTC and deposit the LTC on to liqui

>> No.3030188

there is no DNC?

>> No.3030200

My bad, DNT

>> No.3030208


>> No.3030242


>> No.3030387

DMT? What about elves? Fucking tree huggers. Log their forests for room to mine coins.

>> No.3030410
File: 46 KB, 264x455, pro17-ebook-cutout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3031129
File: 3.00 MB, 976x1280, NEO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to understand.

>> No.3031144
File: 178 KB, 2000x1200, cropped-bitcoin-rapid-growth-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creditbit looks like the next big boom over the weekend, get in before its too late lads!!!!! This looks promising!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3031153

I smell shills

>> No.3031358


I mean I get why they didn't get it.

Its not super self explanatory.

>> No.3031384

holy fuck I had to go open my door

>> No.3031463
File: 161 KB, 1024x640, 1492981750701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one good reason I shouldnt cash out right now and go all in on OMG

>> No.3031487

Because you should've cashed out after it sunk below .01

>> No.3031519
File: 8 KB, 200x200, DE78F09B-A908-4C42-B37C-5F9E7EBBC482-11732-00001BC88D1548D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no coin ran by machine elves from another dimension attempting to understand our kind through chemicals


>> No.3031869

enjoy being a permanent poorfag

>> No.3032601
File: 45 KB, 571x545, b-bring m-my gains b-back please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]