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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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30235531 No.30235531 [Reply] [Original]

Jumping into Cardano 3-4 months has been one of the best financial decisions I have ever made. It’s like winning the Lottery in slow motion. Anything under 10$ is literally a steal.

This is the new ChainLink

>> No.30235641

Can you post some resources to learn about cardano?

>> No.30235737

Basically you can stake and it isn't communism.
That's all you really need to know.

>> No.30235853

thats what I thought in 2018 until it crashed because they did not deliver. lost a lot of money on that FUCK CHARLES IM NOT FALLING FOR IT AGAIN

>> No.30235935

Fuck that vaporware coin, you only sell white papers

>> No.30236054

That's actually what you want
as long as vahalla is right around the corner, expectations can be at infinity
hopes and dreams is the stuff that gives you trillion dollar valuations, not underwhelming mainnets

>> No.30236163

Lol okay bebe keep telling yourself that

>> No.30236250

No thanks I don’t want the Reddit coin

>> No.30236295

Bitcoin has mainnet
Ethereum has mainnet
Tron has mainnet
NEO has mainnet
The fuck you talking about?
Most of the top coins are fully developed and onboarding clients.
But the thing is, Cardano is the chad choice.
Ethereum is communism
NEO is communism
TRON is communism
Not much left except for Cardano or Ethereum classic. But who the fuck seriously buys ethereum classic?

>> No.30236390

What's a valhalla?

>> No.30236406

Should I buy this meme coin or not.
Won't do it >$1 tho

>> No.30236569
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Op, am I going to make it?

>> No.30236583

imagine risking money for this vaporware when it has already pumped, look at the market cap, its overvalued as fuck

>> No.30236692

Let the fudders whine and screech, it's the most solid project right now
Never selling
If you don't hate money, do it

>> No.30236731

I'm interested in cardano as well what does it do? what can I do with it?

>> No.30236768

Probably. You've got to be patient though

>> No.30236852

all of those are dead besides BTC and ETH you retard

>> No.30237058

What do you mean when you say look at the market cap, its overvalued? I'm a newfag

>> No.30237060

Flare Network will be alpha.

>> No.30237150

Reading around on the Website, there's quite a good introduction
Hoskinson has a Youtube channel with some interesting videos as well. He's also explaining the technical backgrounds there

>> No.30237206
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For sure
Check out https://youtu.be/Iyy2-FUAFcU

Yes, you’ll make it. I’m sitting close to 72k and I believe anything over 10k will bring millionaire status in 10 years. You just CANT sell anytime soon. Stick with it and stake it properly.

>> No.30237352

I might invest 30 dolarinos

>> No.30237515

Lol get outta here pajeet

>> No.30237941
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That 30$ will probably turn into 3k in 10 years not even joking. Stay comfy bro

>> No.30239350
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>delusion phase
If you aren't selling now you WILL get ass raped and you WILL own nothing, just like 2017 plebs.