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30231929 No.30231929 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30231956

Suppression goy, just buy more.

>> No.30231960 [DELETED] 

https:// discord gg/sSZf8aMAfk

>> No.30231961


Its going back up to 30

>> No.30231992

Because it always crashes at random times.

You'll notice when there's countless link fud threads, the next day it pumps

>> No.30232010

isn't this the double spend coin

>> No.30232055

because it's over.

>> No.30232248

this, dubs confirm
It's going to $10 next week get out while you can

>> No.30232266

Cecked and bogged

>> No.30232284

it's literally dumping right now

>> No.30232298

people realized how worthless it is

>> No.30232338

because it's a scam, you utter fool! sell and buy bitcoin instead

>> No.30232383

Dumping upwards.

>> No.30232458

T-note yield was raised to crash link, so (((THEY))) can accumulate

>> No.30232479

they're all dumping dummy look around you and notice all the other threads crying about how <asset here> is ""crashing"". exception being GME kids lucky them

>> No.30232689
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I'm on the verge of buying some LINK. Should I?

>> No.30232731

Because Bitcoin os crashing. EVERYTHING follow Bitcoin.

>> No.30232820

yes, tommorow is friday, link usually goes up on fridays cus people throw paychecks at it

>> No.30232914

bros i think this time its staying under 30. the support is failing each time it hits that 30 mark and is going lower each time....

its.......dare i say it.......


>> No.30232980

You smart

>> No.30233016

Cuz it's chainlink

>> No.30233109

Everything is crashing, include boomer stocks.

Still never selling.

>> No.30233523

I can't believe I fell for this shit, never listening to /biz/ again

>> No.30233665

>exception being GME kids

>> No.30233917

GME just seems to be a bet against the rest of the market at this point, it's been twice now that it spikes up to an absurd price and everything else goes to shit. no idea why, probably just clown market in action

>> No.30233999

yes, never sell for 5 years.
enjoy retirement

>> No.30234009
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Anyone who doesn’t try to sell the top of whatever run we have this year is a fucking retard and is gonna be hold bags for half a decade. We are too early in the space for link to survive a massive Bitcoin crash. Everything we thought about LINK’s resilience during the bear market had been utterly crushed the past 4-5 months. Do not fuck this up. Sell close to the top and buy back two years later.

>> No.30234047

Sergey suppress,
but Sergey not betray.
Sergey love you,
so accumulate more.

>> No.30234112
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LINK just got rendered OBSOLETE by the Bogged whitepaper. It's over stinkies!

>> No.30234155
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Chainlink never crashed. Ever.

>> No.30234307


>> No.30234356


>> No.30234556

I'm still up over 1000%. These fud threads are tiresome. I can't wait for crypto to go insaneo as these big investment funds keep buying in and this'll all be over. I mean the question is though, what do I buy besides stonks, real estate and boomer rocks? Because at that point getting bags of crypto will be hard, the funds will buy all the cheap new projects up.

>> No.30234661

Yah sure, that's ETH. Why not?

>> No.30234722
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>What is market manipulation
Meanwhile big oil coming back hard. I almost threw up with joy when I saw it happening. Just buy oil stocks and don't be foolish. Hodl them forever, for the spice must flow. It is

>> No.30234837

u mean sergey dumps on fridays? look at the charts

>> No.30235147

ive lost over 100k from the recent top

>> No.30235189

do it.

>> No.30235201

It's a top 10 coin that's not really in demand right now and doesn't have much else to go from here, all its direct competitors are too big to overcome and are mostly in the "eth/eth killer" business so it's just kind of stagnant right now and following whatever BTC does.

>> No.30235262

Patience. Swing if you must, but chaimlonk is a long hodl. I trust vitalik to eventually sort out Eth, it'll be ok. Just gonna be longer now.

>> No.30235341

this was a very obvious cup and handle, if you care about paper losses, just swing.

>> No.30235369
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I just did. I'll probably start buying every month. I come to /biz/ from time to time, I remember it being shilled here back in 2018... should've bought it then... oh well, never too late.
All the other things I buy I end up selling because I simply don't believe in the project, but link feels like a comfy long term hold.

>> No.30235508

>Direct competitors (to LINK)
>Eth killers

>> No.30235512
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Its by far the comfiest hold.

>> No.30235653

You and everyone else with >10k link. My net worth dropped $400k and I feel nothing because I'm not a demoralized faggot.

>> No.30235931

Link is now competing against top-ten coins, not the lower coins which profess to be link-killers. Link has nothing in it that would let it overcome the eth killers, ironically the "1 2 3" valuation of btc, eth, link actually means that link is valued well behind any eth killer token. Most likely when Matic or FTM or ARK take off, Link will end up pushed to number 11. BCH might die completely.

>> No.30235949

It is.. what anon?

>> No.30236020

I'm down close to 200k from recent high, doesnt matter. Never selling

>> No.30236037

Lmao you guys still hold this?

>> No.30236057

Redpill me on FTM vs Matic. Doesn't ARK just allow you to create custom chains easily?

>> No.30236108

Buy Link at £19gbp or wait until £10?

>> No.30236124

Kek at this absolutely retarded logic, that’s like saying no company could ever be worth more than an energy company because we use power so much. Then tech companies came along and became worth multiples more

>> No.30236235

kek even if you live in the UK discuss price in $

>> No.30236399

Link is simply not as relevant as eth killers, fucking deal with it already you delusional linktard. You're in the top ten and you think screeching will somehow make you top five. Worst 'fanbase' on /biz/.

All eth killers will moon but FTM will likely be listed on coinbase. If the GBR continues that means that FTM will probably 20x over a period of three months as a result of the coinbase listing. I don't know as much about matic or its listing prospects.

>> No.30236413
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It is the only coin which never crashes.
Because every week there is a ONE MILLION LINK DUMP by the fatfuck SN.
A crash is something that happens sometimes and impresses people, but in LINK, these dumps are THE USUAL.

>> No.30236453

normies are buying so we dumping to 24$ this correction

>> No.30236466

>this'll all be over

Tech is crashing right now, retard. We're going to enter a bear market for the NASDAQ which means crypto is going to follow tech stocks into the toilet. The future is oil, green energy, uranium, silver mining, iron, water and other commodities.

>> No.30236559

27 dollars worth buying or wait until it drops?

>> No.30236750
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itll keep dumping. always does

>> No.30238224

So.. What's a good time to buy it then? Seems unstable if it keeps dumping aswell. Just ignore it then?

>> No.30238242

I've seen people mention a possible Coinbase listing. Where does do these rumors come from?

>> No.30238320


>> No.30238896

Because IOTA will render Chainlink useless. Face it, Anon, it's time to manage your losses and to stack IOTA, ok?

>> No.30239148

These bags of yours are heavy no, ranjeesh?

>> No.30239261

Is a 3k stack good enough bros? Will I "make it". 5, 10 years out?

>> No.30239296

because cucks sold, as usual

>> No.30239808

BNB has about 150 wallets with more than a quarter million USD. DOT has about 2000. LINK has 3100. ADA has over 17000. The rich lists for other top 10 wallets are smaller than LINK's also. From a market standpoint, LINK is highly relevant. From a technological standpoint LINK is also highly relevant.

Most of the top 20 is smoke and mirrors and really can't effect the rest of the market's liquidity. DOT sort of can. ADA, ETH, and BTC definitely can. LINK can. All of the others are anemic and illusory.

>> No.30240259
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>> No.30241254

You just buy, then you buy more next week, then the week after and never stop contributing to your staking stack until retirement, I honestly believe it's the easiest money in the world, but seeing so many faggots here suffer so much, swing and sell makes me wonder.

>> No.30242076

Its retracing. I’ll start buying again at $19 in about two weeks. I’ll keep DCA’ng until it either dips into the 16s or breaks 21 at which point I’ll spend what I’m ready to spend.

>> No.30242490

just 'cause
it's a Thursday
I stubbed my toe
fuck knows
it'll come back

>> No.30242614
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Just bobo things.

>> No.30243113

Powell opened his mouth.

>> No.30243177

yes a 3k stack will easily make you a millionaire in 5 years.

>> No.30243682

Cause I tried to swing