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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 452x517, 4168484984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30203772 No.30203772 [Reply] [Original]

Browse through this epic thread for a good laugh:

When confronted by the blatant ponzi tokenomics of the "platform" these DeFiat shills unironically double down and not only admit but proudly boast that it was designed to work that way and that it *will* work because there will always been new investors because >free money
>zero risk
>its a new paradigm
>economic fundamentals don't matter

>> No.30204205

We go again LFG hope OP of epic thread returns wonder what hes up to he was financially and psychologically ruined at the end

>> No.30204329
File: 173 KB, 1784x520, Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-04 um 16.53.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO they are getting destroyed over there by reddit boys as well Im dooooone

>> No.30204595
File: 56 KB, 448x427, 1610938907318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DFT FUDsters are like hunter-killer drones...

>> No.30204770

Is there a way to get another epic thread going today though.. Im still crying over that one from yesterday, top kek stuff. Sadly it seems all the curry boys have moved over to reddit

>> No.30204994
File: 2.15 MB, 177x150, 1611026655578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can come here and make their case for their ponzi coin but I doubt they will. In TG they're desperately trying to figure out the "source" of the FUD and the motivation for it...they just don't get it, they're a target *because* its literally a ponzi scheme. Anywhere they go they're going to be laughed at, its not a grand conspiracy its literally just the world laughing at them.

>> No.30205390
File: 408 KB, 596x786, Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-03 um 21.15.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaaa it's like them throwing shit at random strangers in public and then being surprised it causes a negative reaction
Do you have some funny TG screens to share

>> No.30205664
File: 98 KB, 391x891, 984894984894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They banned this guy about 30 sec after I took this screenshot...poor Hac, I almost feel like he's a martyr.

>> No.30205889

"Hac man, you're always riling up the community." top kek

>> No.30205963

>innocently asks about basic tokenomics
>immediately executed

>> No.30206200

I hope yesterdays OP didnt actually rope or some shit, he went all in and from claiming this will 500x to realising he bought into a ponzi scheme and is at a 30 percent loss atm

>> No.30206670
File: 27 KB, 398x307, 17988778874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the natives are starting to ask question...uh YA, Pierre that is indeed a good question isn't it.

>> No.30206780
File: 20 KB, 373x240, 877847887487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG I'M DYING, this is what I'm talking about it's like watching the village idiot defend a ponzi scheme by more accurately describing it.

>> No.30206785

Did hac come up as a topic again LMFAO?

>> No.30206872

Ya they think he's a secret villain conducting a coordinated FUD campaign

>> No.30207148

KEK if this thing inevitably crashes they will put all the blame on poor hac

>> No.30207272

This poor guy Pierre will be next on the chopping block. He just asked
>Just curious as to why staking if it doesn't do anything
Uh oh, can't be asking questions like that, Pierre!

>> No.30207356

>defiat now has paid FUD

how much do you get paid for this?

>> No.30207449

Next time take a shower before appearing here, the smell of curry is really strong in this one

>> No.30207543

I get paid in laughter and keks.

>> No.30207794

cmon be serious, dont pretend you care THAT much about one coin being a scam

>> No.30207952

scam coin

>> No.30207956

It's not that, there's tonnes of scams. What's so fucking hilarious is that they don't try to deny the scam tokenomics but rather double down on it and act like YOU'RE the idiot for not getting how a ponzi scheme works. It's just so funny I've never seen anything like it.

>> No.30208180

sure but two people just made a whole thread about it

and theres posts like this >>30207952

im not disagreeing that theres some weird shilling going on FOR DFT but there is also paid FUD against it too

you dont have to try and convince me about this coin, i have just seen the same pattern with a few coins already and am interested to learn how you become a pro FUDer and how someone finds your service

>> No.30208251

Literally two threads on /biz/ both fudding this shitcoin. Just fuck off and die. Nobody wants to hear about it.

Nobody on biz even owns this shit to sell it so you can get it cheaper. There is no thread on biz promoting this coin. You're just talking in an echo chamber you raging homo.

>> No.30208394
File: 17 KB, 339x189, 89484984984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor Pierre, he figured it out but he doesn't jump to the logical conclusion that follows...

>> No.30208595


Right, I am going to actually research this fucking thing for about 2 minutes and tell you what the score is so you can shut the fuck up with these threads.

>> No.30209010

So in about 2 minutes we will see if you are a dumb or smart anon

>> No.30209011
File: 15 KB, 355x136, 948948498498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look dude, I'm telling you you're not missing anything, this platform literally produces zero economic value and that's a GOOD thing

>> No.30209138

Hello SIRS :D My name is Rajakesh from Hyderabad (INDIA). To feed my village I require crab coin with Indian devs and empty promises. To have I found the right place SIRS?

>> No.30209288


Okay I can't see what the big deal is. You 'stake' your tokens, locking them up for an indeterminate period of time.

Your rewards are paid in DFT, yes, which is generated by transactions. This would be worrying if there wasn't nearly 1,000,000usd put to one side for initial rewards.

My assessment is that this will launch, it will pump aggressively because people want the rewards. People will stake - as the price of DFT rises, begin to unstake, the buyback mechanism will force the price of DFT higher, and then it will collapse as people rush to exit their staked positions.

It's not really a ponzi its the same as any farming shit coin. I am actually far more interested in it having read this post than I was a few hours ago because I think it will pump very hard before it crashes. I wouldn't be surprised to see this make it to the hundreds before it dumps.

People will be desperate to stake to get rewards as the price of DFT keeps climbing and climbing. People will be buying the token too. And then eventually it will pop.

I could see this legitimately going from $1 to $500 and back to $1.

I'm not sure why that's a problem to be honest. Clearly it's not sustainable but who fucking cares, it's crypto.

>> No.30209658

Actually I think that's the smart play on this one, I agree: this actually is primed to pump for all the stupidest reasons -- but pump it probably will if they actually do launch the "platform". The smart money will dump on the ride up but the dumb money that actually thinks this platform is in anyway viable or sustainable will be the bagholders who get annihilated. Although, with all the FUD on /biz/ and now reddit there is a lot less dumb money than there otherwise would have been.

>> No.30209793


For real. Unless I'm missing something that makes this sustainable, I can't see why this doesn't just go parabolic and crash as the price of DFT starts coming down and people unstake?

I can literally see the chart in my head already.

What I can't figure out is all these faggots who seem to know this and are fudding it...

>> No.30209974


I suppose you're one of those faggots so... knowing what we both seem to know, why fud vs just ride the train and get out before the crash?

>> No.30210085

this wallet is holding $180k worth of DFT, he will dump on everybody once this goes up

>> No.30210658

FUD of this magnitude is someone who wants the price lower so they can get in. This seems to be a huge business right now.

I just checked on Reddit, there is a guy who has an account that was inactive for almost a year and suddenly in the last few days every post has been FUDing DFT.

inb4 he pretends hes just a concerned citizen who wants to protect people

>> No.30210956

my mistake, theres actually two accounts doing it

both never posted about crypto before and suddenly are experts warning everyone about DFT KEK

how much do people pay for Reddit accounts, do you wanna buy mine too?

>> No.30211197

kek nobody wants your reddit account

>> No.30211264

your boss defo would m8

>> No.30211305


Do you hold this token? Just so we know where we stand.

Because speaking as an impartial observer I am honestly trying to wrap my head around fudding it to get it lower even.

On the one hand that's the only thing that makes sense. On the other, it looks like their staking platform is going to launch soon and inevitably generate a hype train. Then there are the people who put in their tokens for staking. Note that they won't receive rewards in DFT to sell until they withdraw, but before they can sell their staking reward will be used to buyback DFT.

It'll create a spiral of buying to some arbitrary number where a whale dumps, causing panic, everyone ends staking positions and runs away.

Isn't that exactly what's going to happen? There's no sustainability that I can see.

>> No.30211525


Actually I'm thinking about it more, the decline will be slower. People will rush to exit their staked positions when their rewards are less than their staking fee. So actually the buybacks will help keep price high for a while, but eventually people will lose interest and it'll die.

If this is going to pump hard and dump hard after launch I might actually get a bag lol

>> No.30211688

nice try rajeesh, the paid shilling is flavoured with a lot of curry, your boss already conceded this is a ponzi, now you try to lure people in with the possibility of a heavy pump and everyone will be smart enough to dump at the right moment

>> No.30211853


I probably won't get a bag to be honest, mostly because I'd have to take it out of better projects.

You're right a lot of people won't manage to sell the pump. I sold asko at 12 cents and watched it go to 40 cents, so I tend to play these things cautiously, but /biz/ hasn't really picked this up like it did with asko.

>> No.30211918

smart, whats your comfiest hold atm?

>> No.30212126


Unironically Bitcoin. As much as I sometimes like to dabble in shitcoins, institutional money is coming for the big guy first.

Comfiest shitcoin is probably BNB but only because I'm in so much profit.

>> No.30212144

Nice try Ranjesh, that's my reddit account and of course i dont usually post on reddit you dumb fucking nigger because im not a redditor from the telegram like you
Neck yourself L T you absolute niggertard
Its funny how you point out the FUDDers with empty reddit accounts but you don't point out the shills whose entire reddit account is 100% about shilling DFT,
Look at this fucking account lmao
Shills are not even trying anymore
Rope yourself shills and watch as your shitcoin goes to zero
And by the way, even the INITIAL staking rewards that were collected over months are a laughable amount, not even 1 million $ worth of tokens. Once these are used up good luck generating enough value for your ponzi niggers because the volume of this coin is an absolute joke, it can't even break 100k on most days. You niggertards seriously think someone is gonna stake their link and give up 10% of their entire LINK stack (5% for staking, 5% for unstaking) just to get some worthless ass DFT token as reward? Nobody is even gonna hold DFT, they will just dump it as soon as they get it.
This is literally a worse version of BSC foodtoken farms. Foodtokens generated value by endlessly minting their shitty ass token and paying them out to stakers. This thing generates value by trading which barely happens and having people give up a large portion of the stack they are staking to trade into a worthless token and hope it doesn't freefall. No smart money will fall for this. Good luck holding the bags retards

>> No.30212287


>> No.30212668


$1mn is not a bad amount of money.

So obviously you don't like the project, but can you see why it might pump first? Or do you think I'm just insane and it's going straight to zero.

>> No.30213124

It is a bad amount of money for such a short term play
The amount of tokens in the pool will for sure not create a high enough APY to warrant such a low risk low reward play. If you wanted to gamble on staking you are better off going into a nigger foodtoken project on BSC than this garbage. At least those are ponzis that aren't pretending to be anything else

>> No.30213266

If you want to gamble on this then do the same as with Asskonnect, sell off right before Mainnet launch. But you're gonna be holding some heavy bags if you're late

>> No.30213481

love that energy anon

>> No.30213836


I sold asko (admittedly way too early) but 4x up. It doesn't seem like a terrible idea but yeah it's a gamble. I just know I will kick myself now if this is up 5x next week for launch, even if I know it's gonna dump later on.

>> No.30214078
File: 56 KB, 750x920, flat,750x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read all that shit but any other dft chads reporting in? fat 100 stack holder here

>> No.30214079
File: 640 KB, 570x908, Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-03 um 21.37.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a meme bag then anon

>> No.30214199

thats pajeet tier money anon and you still decide to burn it ngmi

>> No.30214225


But the power of the fud here is kind of putting me off. If it was getting hyped to fuck on biz then maybe I would, but because it's getting fudded to fuck maybe it won't be like asko and rubic etc.

>> No.30214392

This guy gets it. It absolutely will be in the hundreds soon, and it absolutely will crash to 0 at some point after that if they don't keep the momentum going and add more shit to the ecosystem. I'm sure they plan to, they aren't fucking slackers by any sense of the word. OP isn't necessarily wrong, he's just a humongous salty cock gobbler who angrily wants to fud this coin I guess

>> No.30214531

its okay Rajeesh, there will be other opportunities for you in the future

>> No.30214642

>Nice try ranjeesh!
>Actually sounds like a pajeet

Are you guys all in a discord, or just one person?

>> No.30214863

I know your bags are heavy cause you bought in at all time high and you dont have much money anyway.. But money comes and goes I guess, even though for you it's been going a lot lately.. Keep your head up

>> No.30214883

Lmao. I am literally going to scoop up another bag wtf even is going on right now I have never seen such desperate funding in my entire life. I couldn't possibly be any more bullish or erect rn

>> No.30215291

Good choice anon. Don't listen to the ponzi-fudders.
He obviously already made up his mind and isn't susceptible to logic of any kind any more. I tried.

>> No.30215508

Not getting my tiny bags.
Every time I post in a DFT thread I get a green ID somehow. like literally every time. What in the absolute fuck

>> No.30216076

I heard the Devs are actual descendants of Charles Ponzi.

(Born Carlo Pietro Giovanni Guglielmo Tebaldo Ponzi)

They spend their days locked in a basement scheming, planning for this moment.

In hopes they could live up to their great, great grandfather's name.

They don't even code. They hire Italians to do it for them.

>> No.30216454

Oh it's this guy again. You must have been so personally hurt by this project man, whats wrong?
You're missing a few key points with DFT but apparently you think that your Ponzi-argument overrides them all so you don't even ackgnowledge that a lot of what you are saying about DFT is just straight up lies.
Staking/unstaking fees and redistribution of those fees to other stakers are not the sole generator of rewards, so no it's not a ponzi by that standard. More so, a loooot of other projects also redistribute staking/unstaking fees to stakers to incentivize people to stay in the pools, so if that is such a massive problem for you you shouldn't go close to any coin that isn't staking on it's native chain to confirm transactions, fool.

>> No.30216812

its okay Rajeesh, I understand that feeding your village depends on ather retards joining this shit after you, but I think this wont happen cause now most of the people know this is a ponzi and I will make sure everybody knows about it in honour of dear Mr Hac

>> No.30216913

Are we actually going to buy this on the hope it pumps for launch? Bruh. Are we dumb?

>> No.30217433

Ponzis are only bad for the bagholders, get in early and sell early and walk away happy. Just set reasonable expectations and stick to them, don't get greedy

>> No.30217509

So much fud for a sub 3mil marketcap coin... hmmm. I’m buying a bag.

>> No.30217561

finally an honest dft holder

>> No.30217585 [DELETED] 

Cool to see mochimo $mcm finnally starting to blowing up. So few projects like it these days.

>> No.30217731

Asking for people to tell you why it's not a ponzi but can't ackgnowledge any responses.
You look so dumb and non-serious.

>> No.30217763

>be mcm
>be down 64% last 24h

>> No.30217911

its been explained multiple times faggot
Anystake is a myth, „staking“ is a myth. This is a Ponzi. The staked coins DO NOT provide liquidity in the DeFiat network. DeFiat is not a DEX. Its not a lending platform. Its just a shell that charges a fee to enter and exit an empty building and redistributes that fee to anyone already inside. That's why your coins never leave your wallet. That's why there's no impermanent loss risk. Nothing actually occurs when you stake your coin other than a fraction of it being taken away to pay to enter the game of musical chairs. A code audit doesnt mean shit when your staking rewards are based on newcomers joining the staking platform

>> No.30217925


Literally blowing up... into pieces.

>> No.30218538

I agree with that part, that's exactly what a lot in crypto is built upon. But you're continously ignoring the fact that this is NOT THE ONLY source of rewards, so stop being such an ignorant piece of shit.

If it was the sole source, then yes, it'd be a ponzi. But in DFT's case it'll stream from more sources.
And before you say that tx fees and what not "probably won't generate that much blabla" I don't care what you personally think it will yield, the system doesn't care what you personally think it will yield. There COULD technically become a huge amount of transactions with DFT if a lot of people jump in on the train to stake their bags of other ERC20's which could lead to an upwards spiral since they are launching Anystake, which you also seem to ignore, enabling holders of many other coins to earn shit.

>> No.30218639

Price dumping as expected. Not a single DFT fag here to tell us why we should buy this shit?

>> No.30218782

And this is why it's not a ponzi per se. Ponzi fudders know your place and stop falling for your own confirmation bias so damn hard it's tragic.

>> No.30218826

heading to zero right as we speak and that faggot above actually agreeing its a fancy ponzi now kek

>> No.30218920


I mean it won't go to zero. It'll probably pump into launch but it's still worthless.

>> No.30219045

make it stack for this coin is 5M because shit is going to 0.20

>> No.30219069

Because it has a good chance of doing a 10x and beyond when people realise they can stake their LINK, USDT etc etc.
Add deflationary and fucked up economics and an irrational market to that and we might just see 50x.

Isn't that what you want anyway? Since when did you care about any real tech?

>> No.30219101

lets say 10M anon kek

>> No.30219176

You shouldnt have fucked with hac, especially that bitillionaire russian con artist

>> No.30219265

so you actually seem to agree this might pump before it then inevitably goes to zero? kek

>> No.30219376

Dude I was saying that all of crypto and money in general is a fucking ponzi scheme 2 days ago too, I still stand by that point.

If you are gonna hate the system at least hate all of it and stop being a hypocritical piece of shit. DFT is as good or bad as any other project on the ETH network, and what do you know, they actually tend to trick idiots into that they have a real worth.

>> No.30219600

Haha well obviously all of these piece of shit coins will go to zero one day.
Who's dumb enough to think any project that doesn't run it's own blockchain OR accomplishing real world tasks will still be around in 10 years?
99.9% of cryptocurrencies will fail my friend.

>> No.30219662
File: 3.80 MB, 1536x1394, Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-04 um 20.23.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30219675
File: 131 KB, 1014x868, 3076bde7-ba6b-407a-9b06-5b8b00d70de0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30219719
File: 83 KB, 1430x278, Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-04 um 20.24.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit mods actually not that dumb as they remove this scam

>> No.30219848

Here's another food for thought:
Let's say crypto doesn't fail and it wins, and I mean wins BIG.
Who would be the new multibillionaires that (because of how money works) will then control the world? Fucking crypto idiots. That is pajeets from Bangladesh and maybe some drug dealers. Just think about the average IQ you see around you in the crypto space. Imagine them owning 95% of the global wealth.

Well fuck us if that will be the case, now I don't know if I want crypto to succeed any more.

>> No.30219904

This thread is run by a literal schizo

>> No.30219943

when the brainded shills are from the same discord channel and don't coordinate their spam

>> No.30220076

he might be a fool for wasting his time pointing out your scam, but he's obviously not crazy

>> No.30220155
File: 931 KB, 1290x3000, Defiat thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy literally goes into threads, posts nearly 200 times per thread, posting his misunderstanding of Defi using multiple alt accounts that all sound, and look and post like him. Schizophrenia doesn't even describe the level of manic insanity this is.

>> No.30220782

Not even Reddit wants this piece of shit LOL

>> No.30220796

making this wall of screenshots and implying its all the same person is actually the most schizophrenic thing Ive seen in years.

>> No.30220917

Says the Anon with 31 posts that all sound like ranting raving schizo rage.

>> No.30221022

every anon I saved from buying into your ponzi shitcoin was worth it faggot

>> No.30221025

Despite what you might think, /biz/ is a tiny board, and there's probably only a dozen people acquainted with any given shitcoin enough to go berserk fudding it. The high-school tier memespeak doesn't help things.

>31 posts by this id
Good Lord.

>> No.30221149
File: 26 KB, 355x221, 984989498498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder if this guy roped yet?

>> No.30221239

>review the thread
>it's the same guy on two IDs talking to himself for an hour
Yeah. I'm calling you Defiautist now.

>> No.30221359

this guy is a top wallet waiting to dump on you

>> No.30221370

It's not even like he's trying to shill the project, this is just pure schizo fud.

>> No.30221412

narrator voice: it never launched but they had a hacken audit

>> No.30221677
File: 5 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto expert here.

I'd like to thank the poster of 32 posts for your tireless work.

You are not a fudder. You are the Batman of crypto and I salute you.

It's not easy doing honorable work like yours, but your hard work is likely protecting hundreds, if not thousands of hard working ordinary folk from DeFiat's big business of praying on the innocent.

If I were mayor of biz, I'd give you the keys to the city.


>> No.30221820

I don't get their obsession with the hacken audit...its an audit of the code for a platform with zero economic value. Its like doing a building inspection for a building that's totally empty inside...

>> No.30221888

I really appreciate it anon, hope others can see the greater good in me doing this as well

>> No.30221931

Anyone who doesn't see what's going on here should check out the first 25 posts of this thread. Same guy, apparently German based on his screenshot filename, going back and forth with himself for an hour before someone else chimes in. Doesn't even try to hide it.

>> No.30222142

Yes, be sure to hydrate.
Eat protein for your big brain, and pushups to maintain motivation.
You are the hero this cruel world needs right now.
You are brave.
A brave man.
With a brave soul.
And a sweet, cheerful smile I bet.
You cheeky thing.
I love you.

>> No.30222416

I think you should get a suit.
A nice tight black suit like Batman.
Show off your massive portfolio.

>> No.30223676

Did you know talking to yourself is actually a symptom of schizophrenia?

>> No.30223768

This is fucking deranged, lol.

>> No.30224225

why would you defend a ponzi anon, you can do much better stuff

>> No.30224382


How is this thread still going!? Get a life you fucking weirdos.

>> No.30224662

get fucked faggot

>> No.30224664

There's my hero!
Wondered where u went.
Where are you from, Tiger?
America I bet.
Strong hero like you could only be American

>> No.30224747

Ok this is the grossest thing I’ve seen. Dft is trash but like what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.30224823

is this just another bitconnect

>> No.30224972

you need to find out yourself, anon..

>> No.30225074

lmfao the amount of retards here diving head first into a ponzi because they believe they'll be the first ones out

god speed to you, ywnmi

>> No.30225387

Bought a bag simply because someone who has this much time on their hands to fud means it’s clearly a solid project. Took a look at their code, it’s fucking clean. Their use case is solid. Thanks psycho OP for bringing this to my attention. Now go get a life.

>> No.30225467

we got another victim

>> No.30225617


If I was the OP here I'd be seething.