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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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30203212 No.30203212 [Reply] [Original]

I noticed the past few days that people forgot about Covid completely. My boss invited me to a company lunch where 20 people were crammed in a tiny room eating without any masks. The skate park was full of kids and completely devoid of masks. Texas opened 100%. I think we're in for the big market crash boys

>> No.30203374

velocity of money increasing means inflation because all the trillions of stimulus finally starts circulating.
and this time they dont have weapons to hide the price increases.

>> No.30203446
File: 107 KB, 1920x1080, Venezuelan-Stock-Market.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

velocity of money increasing = inflation = huge market pump

>> No.30203573

money velocity correlates with inflation and economic activity.

>> No.30203628

i find it absurd to pretend no stimmy money has been used since last year. Americans have no saving culture, they either spent that on actual needs or blew it in garbage from amazon.

>> No.30203728

does anyone think that we will get (((lockdowns))) again?

>> No.30203794

Yup, the summer will probably end in July with world wide lockdowns again.

>> No.30204027

nooo, they can't keep getting away with it! maybe enough people realized that it's a nothingburger and everyone will just ignore the sensationalized news

>> No.30204215

They leveraged leprosy for thousands of years to destroy the Greeks dont think they won't do that with the flu

>> No.30204279

An increase in velocity means a rise in all assets and equities

>> No.30204434

I think the money is already in the stock market and assets have already been inflated.
Once people see real inflation who knows what's going to happen

>> No.30204706

They already have, texas amd Missouri lifted their lockdowns, other states will follow when nothing terrible happens.

>> No.30204758
File: 454 KB, 1001x823, EED93445-4A37-4DE2-9531-933994AEBD9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope this trend continues anon

>> No.30204859

>inflation finally hitting
>therefore market crash
I want to hit your braindead face with a mace faggot

>> No.30205220
File: 28 KB, 572x388, 10Y rates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the 1970s the market crashed by 50% in nominal terms with double digit inflation. Our current financial system is so overleveraged and dependent on constant fed/treasury intervention that it's ready to implode at any time. Just check out the repo market lately, this shit is NOT under control.

>> No.30205894

Alright so what's the smart move now? Go all in crypto?

>> No.30206053

>go all in crypto
No, I would not say that is a smart move. Frankly we just don't know how this is going to play out. The fed is spinning 10 different plates right now and it's only a matter of time until one falls, but we don't know which one. All I can say is you should definitely have plenty of tangible, hard assets, because if hyperinflation hits crypto will be worthless.

>> No.30206147

this is something that've been wondering this past year. I see lots LOTS of millionares going for crypto. Like they know something is going to happen to the stock market (again).

>> No.30206620

Money Velocity won't increase by a significant ammount. The problem is pent up demand, and bottlenecks up and down the chain. Remember the toilet paper ? Depressed offer, rise in demand, presto, Inflation. Money Velocity has got nothing to do with it.

>> No.30206739

Also what the hell? Over here in Czechia we are basically locked in and there is police and army stopping cars on the region borders, because it is forbidden to travel from your city. It is also against the law to not wear respirator outside.
Are you telling me when we finally beat this there will be a new wave of US-mutation?

>> No.30206790

based. money printing without velocity has little effect on inflation. once people start spending again the inflation will soon follow, although even that is suspect because the vast majority of the money printed isn't going into the hands of people, it's just monetized debt and will never have much velocity

>> No.30206880

I just found places ignoring the lockdown in my battleground state. Friends/family talk to me hoping for the day they can go to a restaurant again, meanwhile I've been going to a few places that never shut down. Feels good.

>> No.30206900

It's already here. A new strain popped up in New York City.

>> No.30207083

>when we finally beat this
You will never "beat" it, becuase it's impossible to eradicate. Remember "2 weeks to stop the spread?"

>> No.30207285
File: 186 KB, 481x1080, 30A3FF8E-973A-4A9C-9540-0903BBDA84E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

care to elaborate? genuinely never heard this before desu

>> No.30207729

Alex Jones and Dave Cullen have predicted lockdowns with cutting carbon emissions to save the Earth from catastrophic climate change as being the justification. I am not in favor, this is oppression.

>> No.30208037

Eurotrash really love their police states don't they

>> No.30208530

Well, climate change IS real. Either we take the necessary steps to prevent it or go into full-blown ecofascism mode where people who think acting on climate change is “oppression” will be the first against the wall. Choose wisely

>> No.30208947

you are 100% normie

>> No.30209661

Being restricted to the confines to my home IS OPRESSION. I have rights. If I cannot do as I value, I cannot flourish as a human being. There are gains to be made beyond the walls of my home. And if lockdowns occur long and often enough, many would not have a home.

>> No.30209790
File: 95 KB, 575x620, 54DCF5A3-6B5B-4F9E-9199-60C9CDE62187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.30210975

who is that?

>> No.30211412

Those people didn't buy at $40k faggot

>> No.30211468

Smoking is one of the most unattractive activities a woman could ever partake in

>> No.30211487

women shouldn't smoke tobacco

>> No.30211813
File: 72 KB, 588x823, 1546995031373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alex Jones predicted
Did he have the documents?

>> No.30213593

beautiful image

>> No.30214113

it's a joke you retard

>> No.30214731

unless they're smoking my pole, figuratively speaking of course.

>> No.30215559
File: 85 KB, 1138x826, EvlFaeFXYAUNOIJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long term trend is down.
The indicator sounds so fancy (how fast money moves, how many times it changes hands!) but it's just gdp divided by the monetary base, either m1 or m2.
Less production, less desire to consoom... GDP growth is an unsustainable ponzi who wants to live like the boomers did?

>> No.30215677

another czechanon here, it's mostly FUD don't fall for it. the police doesn't actually stop everyone they see, it happens rarely but the media makes it look like it's happening all around the republic.
I work in a ministry and barely anyone here wears respirators

>> No.30216237

>Being restricted to the confines to my home IS OPRESSION.
You never go outside anyways you're on here all day with us, don't lie.

Falling for Alex Jones aside, you're not wrong about
>And if lockdowns occur long and often enough, many would not have a home.
This is an easily avoidable outcome but neolibs would never have the guts to freeze rent and provide UBI so that people can stay safe during a time of crisis. There is also a serious mental health toll on people who are constantly feeling like the sky is about to fall and the government they've paid taxes to has abandoned them.

If things keep up then by the time the "economy reopens" the majority of your workforce is going to be living in poverty and traumatized.

Genuinely baffled about what people saw in Joe Biden. All he's done so far is deport 40k people, drone strike Syria, and push back stimulus. What is different from Trump besides his mannerisms?

>> No.30216480

>a new wave
Covid is just the normal flu and cold being rebranded as a new disease with the help of a test that is completely useless and helps to misdiagnose
They already did this in 2009 with the Swine Flu hysteria
Health authorities were told to treat all cold and flu and coughs as swine flu
They had no mass testing then
The normal cases of flu were then classed as swine flu and people were hassled to get vaccinated
It provided a trial run for the last year
>climate change is real
Global Warming/Climate Change is just a hoax like covid
It started in 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit and was supposed to frighten people into accepting sweeping social and economic change by 2000
Except it didn't work
They had to rebrand Global Warming as Climate Change in 2007 because unfortunately people noticed that the earth was refusing to warm up
After 28 years of failure they had to try something different and so came up with the coronavirus hoax
And if you don't believe me just read Covid-19 The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab the head of the World economic forum
He openly admits that Climate change was supposed to usher in the Great Reset but failed miserably and so they had to try the fake disease option
They're not even hiding their plans

>> No.30217167

I hear all this stuff about opening up causing increased velocity/production/employment leading to inflation
and yet I still have a strong feeling nothings going to happen

>> No.30217175

Climate manipulation is real too.

>> No.30217404
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You meant to ask whether we'll get house arrest and dispersion of potential dissident gatherings again?
Yes, yes we will.

>> No.30217503


>> No.30217651

yeah thats retarded magachud logic. kys faggot

>> No.30217712


>> No.30217767

do you think this is why they are so desperate to keep the memevirus scam going, to delay people spending money?

>> No.30217840

>I think we're in for the big market crash boys
Because they are going back to normal the market is going to crash? Fuck is this DD? Go play on reddit or in the street. fucking shit like this post needs to be deleted. Zero substance just schizo pandering to other schizos.

>> No.30217915

>Have 200k mortgage
>price of bread inflates to 2million
>pay off house for fraction of price of bread

What am I missing here? Can't be this easy

>> No.30217958

>Genuinely baffled about what people saw in Joe Biden.
the people who cheated to install him needed a pliable puppet ofc

>> No.30218667
File: 31 KB, 512x512, juuctyWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because they are going back to normal the market is going to crash?
I wish I had the optimism of a perma-bull retard...

>> No.30218769
File: 137 KB, 1080x930, 1613784365657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Fed has been trying like mad to juice "actual" velocity for over a decade now with no success, all that money from QE and Twist went straight to the Wall Street kingpins, that's the whole point of the Fed dealer bank system they use to auction the bonds

in "theory" (what they tell the dumb goyim) is that those banks will then lend with this new hot money (as fractional reserve collateral) but that doesn't really happen anymore, the money stays at the top in illiquid investment vehicles, it never really becomes "cash" and so it doesn't affect the broader money supply or velocity

and that's because there's nowhere for the fucking money to go (other than getting recycled through China, as China's entire economy is nothing but a USD laundering operation, the only secret to success in China is ability to obtain USD currency)

if UBI starts getting pushed for real, THEN you can worry about a velocity spike, we're literally at the point where nothing short of helicopter "money" which cannot be plowed into demand deposit savings accounts will have any effect, because they already took rates into effectively negative territory and even that failed. That's why UBI will be some kind of token or ledger credit which expires and is not directly fungible (convertible to USD easily and directly and without limit) - if they do UBI in "cash" payments like the coronabux checks/ACH credits, that would actually be deflationary under "normal" non-crisis circumstances - obviously in a crunch, it was inflationary as (a) only the relative poor received any substantial sum [I think my parents got like $10] (b) and unemployment had just soared the most and fastest ever, so most of it got spent, rather than saved or invested, very very quickly

if you're wondering what is meant by "there is nowhere for the money to go," it has to do with energy prices and debt levels, read up on debt deflation - but just be aware that all of this, all of it, is a manufactured collapse

>> No.30218965

funny how you define whats reality for you, ngmi son

>> No.30219000

But if fiat hyper inflated and everybody’s money is worthless then the economy literally stops and your stocks will become worthless as well. You need people constantly consuming for value to go up.

>> No.30219558

>neolibs would never have the guts to freeze rent and provide UBI
I think you're gonna be surprised in less than a year anon

>> No.30219881
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>Because they are going back to normal the market is going to crash?