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File: 1.01 MB, 1075x557, EuLvGF-UYAIjj0Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30194972 No.30194972 [Reply] [Original]

>Feeless smart contracts!
>Scalable, no network congestion
>Each smart contract is a "Blockchain on top of the Tangle"
>Mint your own tokens withing your SC! You can build a fully functional ETH on the Tangle!
>Mint NFTs and Digital Assets (also feeless!)
>Run the smart contract in a trusted environment (for free) or pay others to run it decentralized (base-layer feeless, node-service can be offered by anyone)

Guys, the Etherium-killer has arrived. Cant get cheaper than feeless. Cant scale better than L2 on top of the Tangle. Cant have more functions than being Turing-complete.


>> No.30195053
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YES MAN IT IS HERE. Anybody who wants to build Crypto kitties, Roulette or DeFi come to IOTA Discord and join the Smart Contracts X-team (community team)!

>> No.30195162

This is freeking huge!

>> No.30195163

this is huger than my balls. buy more IOTA

>> No.30195194

Cant wait for DeFi on a feeless base-layer. This will easily cut cost by 90%

>> No.30195213
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>> No.30195226

Im already in anon 10.5 Gi AIGMI?

>> No.30195228

The space needs this!!

>> No.30195251

Wtf I want an IOTA Kitty

>> No.30195354

Ok this is actually not too bad

>> No.30195417
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should i all in on IOTA lads?

>> No.30195424

>cut cost by 90%

>> No.30195442

Shits boutta pump news was released 9 mins ago

>> No.30195516


>> No.30195521

Wooo alpha can't wait to see this centralized shitcoin get fucked again and finally die for good

>> No.30195601
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Lmao glad it is stable at 1.1 usd. I have been filling my bags insanely

>> No.30195642
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The base-layer is feeless. The technology itself doesnt require transfer of any tokens (unlike all other solutions were fees are fundamentally build into the protocol). However if you pay other people to run your SC then these will want compensation. However you are ONLY paying them, not some global network, which cuts 90% of costs.

Also it enables industry to run their own internal SCs with trusted nodes that will compute without any compensation (since node owner and SC owner are the same)

The future is now my friend

>> No.30195717

so everyone else was just wasting their time? fuck me

>> No.30195822


>> No.30195940

Polkadot, Cardano, ETH are all "just" blockchains. Not scalable, bullshit moonboy-assumptions like "everything needs a fee. IOTA developed completely new tech with 100+ researchers questioning every assumption you could make about DLT

>> No.30196022

Iota or Hbar and why?

>> No.30196093


>> No.30196125

IOTA is set to change the landscape of crypto in 2022. Nothing can compete. IOTA will monopolize the industry. Legacy DLT holders who keep their heads in the sand about IOTA will bleed out fast when the rocket starts... countdown has begun.

>> No.30196130
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IOTA is 130+ team with academic and governmental partners all around the world. Even fucking Dell and Intel prefer IOTA Oracles to LINK! You cant get cheaper than feeless, more scalable than a parallel-reality based DAG and more functions than Turing complete smart contracts. The battle is over

>> No.30196270


>> No.30196450

YES DeFi with $100 fees? ETH is DEAD. Also, IOTA is building an ERC-20 bridge together with University Vienna. This means existing projects will be able to easily migrate onto the feeless Tangle

>> No.30196660


What does tangle do?

>> No.30196703
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All hail to the money worm. This little fucker fits so many smart contracts inside!

>> No.30196719

patointeligencja bljaaat

>> No.30196759

if big, why no poompa?

>> No.30196809

Insane. This will push Ethereum into the abyss...

>> No.30196858

Tangle is the IOTA network. It is not linear like a blockchain, but it is a heavily parallelized DAG (directed acyclic graph). Each transaction references two previous transactions. There are no miners and no fees.

>> No.30196916

sell your mining farms or be utterly embarrassed in the coming years

>> No.30196985

Pooomp 5 min after news is something retailers do. IOTA works with governments and industry (Dell, Bosch, Intel, Fujitu, Renault, etc). They already release first IOTA based products and much more is about to come.

If you buy now, you can sell your bags to Dell and the German government later.

>> No.30197004

what does that mean? Is it already useable on the tangle?

>> No.30197027

Yeah, ADA is massively overvalued right now.
Wait until 20 bill mcap for IOTA then diversify again.

>> No.30197088

Can erc20s run on the tangle? Wtf is the tangle? Is it pow?

>> No.30197103
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Yes, smart contracts can be build NOW on the Tangle. The X-Team Smart Contracts (you find them on IOTA Discord) is already building some.

>> No.30197206

The Tangle is the IOTA network. It is not a blockchain (linear, elects a leader through PoW or PoS) but a leaderless DAG (directed acyclic graph). There are no miners, no stakers, no fees.

You can build a fully funcional Etherium or any other Erc-20 project on the Tangle in the form of the now released IOTA Smart Contracts. IOTA SCs are Turing-complete, you can literally build anything on it.

>> No.30197249


>> No.30197317

How does $10,500,000 sound?

>> No.30197320


>> No.30197375


Join IOTA Discord. Extremly active community, Devs and IOTA Foundation online every day

>> No.30197434

Feed on my digits money worm!

>> No.30197496
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why didnt it make me rich yet

>> No.30197497

Pleace accept my dubs IOTA money worm

>> No.30197798


>> No.30197919

$1,20 stablecoin

>> No.30198036
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Sold just third of my Algo for this and guess which one started to pump?

>> No.30198207

Daytrading is stupid. Just throw everything on the best tech and wait 1 year. HODLing is superior to 90% of traders

>> No.30198664

100% true how many traders thought they are masterminds because they sold their $100 Btc for $300? How many more panic sold when it dipped to $80? Just buy and hold srsly

>> No.30198815


>> No.30198822

I offer these dubs as sacrifice my lord.

>> No.30198955
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Is this the beginning of IOTA?

>> No.30199022

MOTHER FUCKING GOD The money worm accepts your double-doubles offer. Blessings and big numbers will come to you!

>> No.30199143

Yes and don't forget Chrysalis update in 4 weeks, Firefly wallet in 3 weeks, exchange listings and something else they only teased at yet

>> No.30199257

Holy shit this is huge if any devs are here go in their discord they’re already writing contracts

>> No.30199740

Cant wait for IOTA Crypto Kitties and FEELESS BASELAYER DeFi!

>> No.30200034

Yes, finally functioning technology. Feels comfy

>> No.30200181
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>> No.30200455

What gives IOTA worth? Why hold the coin? Genuinely don't understand. Thanks in advance.

>> No.30200693

i'm watching the explanation video on the blog and have no idea what this nutty yuro is talking about.

>> No.30200760

you will own an entrance ramp onto the highway

>> No.30201259

What does that mean and how does it give the coin worth? Any informed people lurking that can answer my question?

>> No.30201341

Real industry, machines and society will use IOTA for payment of data, smart contracts, oracles, digital assets (NFTs) and retail. This mean Jaguar Landrover cars will buy your bags to trade it for electricity.

Its actually funny how crypto-heads are so deep into their zero-sum games that they cant understand real-world demand

>> No.30201865

...and in exchange for some of my bag sold i just might buy myself an e-type ;-)

>> No.30202654

Don't know what he means but the coins worth comes from real world adoption

>> No.30203080

Whats an e-type?

>> No.30203219

Go iota

>> No.30203239


news about chrysalis release will be this week

>> No.30203341

Firefly wallet comes in 1-2 weeks, Chrysalis in 3-4. What news could be before that?

>> No.30203385
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hodling this like my baby

>> No.30203399


Source on the 1-2 weeks?

>> No.30203666

Chrysalis is confirmed to happen before 31st of March (4 weeks). Firefly wallet was confirmed to be released at least 1 week before Chrysalis, since it is necessary for token migration.

>> No.30203754

The rocket is ready for takeoff!

>> No.30203779

>buying a coin u cant stake or mine

So whats the point?

If I sell any iota I will never make it back, shit investment lmao

>> No.30203991
File: 133 KB, 715x715, 155786271_3677877308974199_8470293969362580606_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The iconic Jaguar E-type

>> No.30204299

Where does oil’s value come from? Same for iota, think of it as the oil of the IoT and much more. If they succeed expect massive adoption and therefore price increase. But it is a longterm hold don’t forget.

>> No.30204363

Kek, Jaguar e-type buys your IOTA, price rises. Remaining IOTA are worth more than the car.

Good plan

>> No.30204433

Very comfy anon congratz

>> No.30204632

Sounds like a plan to me.
No rush here, got a couple of years to stand-by...

>> No.30204800
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Sounds comfy

>> No.30204845

pretty impressive how IOTA predicted the IoT future so many years ago that they now get big companies on board

>> No.30204961

What’s the makeit stack? Give some projections you filthy almans

>> No.30204977

Centralized garbage
Lmao @ all the retards here still thinking this is the real deal

>> No.30205052


>> No.30205162

10 Gi suicide
50 Gi make it in 4 years
100 Gi make it in 2 years

>> No.30205372

When coordicide goes live, will you stream your suicide? No other DLT will be able to compete

>> No.30205663

It will forever be centralized garbage and go nowhere.

>> No.30205756

Coordinator-free testnet is already out and almost feature complete (few weeks for mana integration). Incentiviced testnet after that. Coodicide Q4.

>> No.30205891

I will bet 10,000 dollars that the coordinator will be removed before the end of Q4. We can set it up right now with a smart contract. Now run away you schizo nigger

>> No.30206038

Its still going to be centralized.
Sorry Shitskins but you got scammed with this crap. Ngmi.

>> No.30206189
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Non-believers will not be permitted on the space-ship. Repend infidel.

>> No.30206227

So then why aren't you jumping on this bet? You're a broke keyboard warrior who needs to feel pussy

>> No.30206281

Did u miss the boat or what's wrong?

>> No.30206294

I am not low IQ enough to believe in this scam.
Because I know you dont have the 10k you pussy nigger.

>> No.30206370
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pic related your suicide stack without IOTA

>> No.30206387

Its a centralized shitcoin. Thats all.

>> No.30206403

Google DYOR DD about IOTA terms:

IOTA IoT yet requires Proof-of-Work which even a million IoT devices can not compete with a single PC.
IOTA backdoor
IOTA trinary hash function
IOTA quantum safe crypto
IOTA Jinn scam
CfB Jinn Nxt scammer
IOTA wallet hack
IOTA network stalled
IOTA refund not processed
IOTA bitcointalk stolen funds refund 1337BTC
IOTA no fees no node incentives to run or cooperate honestly

Coordicide promised since 2017 every few months next month.

Compare the original whitepaper of IOTA. FLAWED. REKT. DEVASTATED
Current whitepaper is a copy of some other shitcoin.

They dont know what they are doing, but they do know fake partnerships marketing and scamming you.

> this is not the same IOTA as in 2017

What will it be in 2023, which shitcoin and marketing terms will it try to copy then to scam retards?
Quantum safe crypto Jinn hardware was promised when IOTA launched.

>> No.30206662

Lets set up an IOTA smart contract about that. Would be easy money ripping of retards on biz

>> No.30206716

>b-but I know you don't have the money
You just want to shit talk like a no balls pussy. Put your money where your mouth is you fucking faggot. Absolute bitch IRL

>> No.30206731

You're raging like a little kid, lol

>> No.30206776
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This would actually quite nice. Go to IOTA Discord and ask the community team to build this

>> No.30206801

Shut the fuck up and stay in your containment discord. Nobody gives a fuck about IOTA outside of reddit.

>> No.30206819 [DELETED] 

My bitcoin is down 25%, but mochimo is up 100% already :)))

>> No.30206836

Maybe hes bitter IOTA already pumped 30c-130c and he listened to FUD before, didnt buy

>> No.30207058

Damn ur 1 fckn stupid cunt. Great argument tho, lol

>> No.30207080

So sorry you missed the train kiddo. IOTA's gigantic leaps over the last 3 years have been open to everyone, you fell for the FUD. Could have bought at 15 cents just a few months ago :D

>> No.30207166

Intel, Dell, Jaguar Land Rover, ST Microelectronics, Eclipse Foundation, Linux Foundation etc. are based on reddit?

>> No.30207434

IOTA is literally banned on r/cc

>> No.30207734


Lost sats by being in other stuff with the news hitting today, but I moved my whole stack back into IOTA. I realize retard aping in is an awful thing to do but I had diversified waiting on development progress on Chrysalis.

With the smart contracts release today I think there's a chance it doubles before Chrysalis hits. Don't want to risk missing out on the money train once that becomes reality.

>> No.30209171

HODLers outperform dsytraders 90% of the time

>> No.30210036
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>> No.30210540

Its old news but people still daytrade, even with leverage

>> No.30211815

I don't understand how people can say IOTA is reddit coin. It's literally banned

>> No.30213117

>Also it enables industry to run their own internal SCs with trusted nodes
So it's not trustless and permissionless?

>> No.30214245
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>>Each smart contract is a "Blockchain on top of the Tangle"
Kek I love how op implied that that is a good thing
its not

if every smart contact is on its own blockchain there will be no interoperability between contracts possible rendering 90% of all usecases useless

>> No.30214654

Just Bought 1000 iota
Will i make it in the next 5years?

>> No.30214830

You are aware about blockchain interoperability anon? Like all the DeFi and stuff? Have you heard of it? Anon?

>> No.30215113

The protocol itself is agnostic towards who sets up the smart contract nodes. If you or trusted partners (like within your company) run the SC than you dont have to pay any fees (big difference to all other SC plattforms, where fees are ingrained into the base protocol)

However if you want a decentralized SC then you will find service nodes on a smart contract node marketplace. You will have to compensate them for their work. However you have to compensate ONLY them, not half the world like in ETH.

A crypto-kitty application needs less security than DeFi. Maybe 100 nodes are fine for little game, whereas DeFi wants 10000 nodes (would cost 100x more, but higher securtiy and still MUCH cheaper than ETH)

>> No.30215434

Good start, it will x10-x100 next five years. However to make a million you need 10Gi

>> No.30216092

I'm just wondering if this ruins the blockchain's promise to cut out big banks and corporations, if it gives them a way for powerful entities to stay in control of the game.

>> No.30216177
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I always laugh about people who fell for the FUD. I did my own research and bought through 2018, 2019 and 2020. Sitting on 100+ Gi at 35c laughing my ass of fucking niggers who still fall for the FUD

>> No.30216600

Why so? L1 (the Tangle) will be decentralized and everybody can set up their own L2 smart contracts. If you want it to be decentralized pay the nodes. You can literally build Etherium on top of the Tangle. Every block of the blockchain gets anchored on the Tangle. This way you leverage the security of L1 and only enough trust in L2 to execute your specific smart contract.