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File: 622 KB, 788x804, ArtSchool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30183288 No.30183288 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Alts. What're you holding for the real bull?

>> No.30183628

I can't get myself to invest in NFTs cause I only go for projects with underlying long term value. This crap is nothing but retarded ponzi schemes that mainly allow rich and famous people to make even more money off of retards.

>> No.30183834

these fucking fads are getting insane. jesus christ as if celebrities werent living life on easy mode enough they just catch onto a fad and make 6 million dollars.

they make enough to buy a mansion off doing stupid shit like this

>> No.30183905


Good news coming soon

>> No.30183947

It’s actually for the rich to launder money you retards

>> No.30183979

no people are really this god damn stupid. stop reading copy pastas all day

>> No.30184097
File: 178 KB, 685x594, E65ED0F7-0C1F-41FF-BD44-CB335DAE5D02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon is absolutely right
all “art” sales are money laundering for the wealthy, without exception
the only question is how brazen is the transactional nature, as in, how fucking ugly is the “art” you’re supposedly trading
pic extremely related

>> No.30184181


>> No.30184205

its not just money laundering its just a way for jews to make one of their jew friends rich.

theres a jew that makes stupid paintings and all jews are in a secret cabal of making each other rich so they tell their jew friends to brain wash people into thinking their stupid painting is worth 6 figures and then stupid rich people come in and waste their money on it. one more rich jew

>> No.30184209

>angry comment for no reason
What did he mean by this?

>> No.30184243

Literally just bitcoin.

>> No.30184247

I already have over 400k. I'm not buying any ghost busters today.

>> No.30184286

and I want NFTs not the tokens.
Just bought a bunch of Aavegotchi wearables.

>> No.30184513

Because you’re obviously fudding a good hold that has almost zero attention. A quick google search cal tell you what NFTs are. As soon as you associate it with how the art industry is you’d have had a light bulb aha moment but you didn’t. Instead, you make the hundreds probably thousands of lurkers wary of the NFT industry overall.

Regular non NFT crypto is full of PDs. That’s because we are using these tokens, paying into them, and pulling out. Explains the volatility. With NFTs you’re creati assets that hold their value that stay on the blockchain. It’s possible to pump n dump but at the very least a lot of money will stay retained and in theory should be less volatile and more stable...since it’s in the best interest of the user to maintain the asset value on the blockchain. Meanwhile now with defineveryones transferring from one place to another. Moving shit from one exchange to the next. Burning fuel, causing imbalances, making people fomo and making people sell. It kinda ruined the stability we say in 2017.

NFTs are it. This is the one thing that I truly believe in now. Simply because once everyone makes their money with crypto they will need a place to store is since most addresses are public. With NFT you can hide your true value and just “hold” an image that is truly and genuinely worth your life’s earnings.

>> No.30184608
File: 113 KB, 863x782, EF6CDCAD-38AE-491A-8B7B-30CC29B4D67D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making some NFTs out of character concept art I commissioned four years ago. It's good stuff by an artist who has close to 30,000 followers on Twitter now. Everything's set up but I need to make a landing page website per the site I'm using's rules and tie up another few loose ends.

I hope I can make enough to help me fund my dream video game project. I am an artist myself and if I can just get enough to not need to work for a couple years I could make it happen. I only take home 20,000 a year and I'm completely comfortable with that, I'm hoping a whale that needs to rightly evade the taxes imposed by our illegitimate government will bless me.


>> No.30184647
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Once again, iExec.

>> No.30184727
File: 13 KB, 200x241, wojak-other-dimension-brain-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NFTs are it. This is the one thing that I truly believe in now. Simply because once everyone makes their money with crypto they will need a place to store is since most addresses are public. With NFT you can hide your true value and just “hold” an image that is truly and genuinely worth your life’s earnings.
are you truly this stupid?

>> No.30184972

Did you have something to say or no?

>> No.30185394

Alright, how do you know what to buy? How do you know what will maintain and increase in value vs what is just a waste of your hard earned funds?

>> No.30185412
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>> No.30185498
File: 356 KB, 750x1334, 9C36ECA6-4B6F-43BB-B3E5-4BFE84488195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30185557

Unverified and looks fiverr as hell. You gotta have a pitch

>> No.30185639

those numbers don't mean shit, simply because their main use case is to launder money
this is not even something new
csgo items was a hub for money laundering before crypto existed
it's just a kind of vpn for hiding among those who are even more stupid than artists:
those who think a jpeg with a cryptographic number attached to it and ZERO utility has value
hell, some of these "artists" themselves produce "art" (trappers for example) to launder their drug-dealing money and they even boast about it in their "art"

>> No.30185938
File: 10 KB, 275x183, sixnine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blicky got the NFT now

>> No.30186000

I just dont fucking get nfts.
Looking at the shit luxsux or beeple sells is fucking insane.
Also, I was going to buy $flow a month ago and didn't and now hate myself.
Nfts are basically the same as pokemon cards tho, as long as rich people buy them for clout they will be popular till they're not

>> No.30186040

i will never understand zoomers i guess

>> No.30186130
File: 7 KB, 300x168, bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard looks at that ONE nft that was sold for millions
it doesn't occur to him that a million other nfts have 0 value
the mathematical expectation of your nft gaining value is still close to 0

>> No.30186319

sorry anon, the other guy is right here

through a convoluted method of artificially raising the value of a no name artists, the wealthy are able to launder money and evade taxes. Its why that painting of a blue line sold for something like $60 million

>> No.30186401

NFT tokens on binance?

>> No.30186403
File: 1019 KB, 700x1200, theStar_Ttest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you fellas think of this one? shamelessly shilling my creation

>> No.30186462

NFT's are scams and people don't even understand what's happening. no one is paying $$$ for these NFTs. people who made the NFT are sending crypto from one wallet to another, saying it's payment for the NFT, when it's really just them moving money around. this is a common way to trick people into thinking something is legit. 'see, other people are doing it, look at good-goy #5981 who spent x dollars on y!'.

>> No.30186771

I am in possession of the world's rarest pepe (provable).

Surely this must be worth something.

The creator also spends time on making all of them relevant unique gifs and keeps tab on their sales on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/bitpix.crypto/

Here it is: https://opensea.io/assets/0x0d487953e81f4ea83590524a517dd729c23de6a7/8

>> No.30187147
File: 36 KB, 498x474, 1614672609320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right clicks
>save as
mine now

>> No.30187287
File: 25 KB, 200x159, phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> *ring ring*
> Hello, is this kleros court?

>> No.30187531
File: 3.18 MB, 750x1057, pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing personnel

>> No.30187568


>> No.30187586
File: 39 KB, 900x900, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30187599

>tfw gonna list and then buy my own NFTs to drive demand up

>> No.30187710

>bit steep

>> No.30187720


>> No.30187772

>elon buys nft
>creates artificial demand
>sells shitty nft
>grease makes more shitty not

>> No.30187801

He looks scared

>> No.30188136

its not quite there yet but keep it up and you'll be there soon

>> No.30188168

You beat me too it. I own it too now. wonder how much I can sell it for.

>> No.30188187

This post is exactly how nocoiners see crypto.

>> No.30188329
File: 296 KB, 1365x2048, i13345450535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into SOUL for an NFT moonshot. Sub 40M market cap. Cross-chain NFTs, only costs 8c to mint there vs $650 on RARI. Currently interoperable on ETH, NEO and Phantasma. They're working on BSC next I think

>> No.30188415

I just don't understand how there can be a market for this shite, are people that dumb?

>> No.30189090

It isn't the NFT that has value, it is the brand of the person selling the NFT. It is just another way for a handful of celebrities and big companies to make more money from their army of loyal consoomers

>> No.30189093
File: 978 KB, 655x899, A218B4DE-D0EA-4598-AFE7-FF389B395766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30189153

The only good thing to come out of NFT's are the soibois screeching about the environment...as they use cellphones, cars and the internet which all contribute to global warming anyway

>> No.30189357
File: 11 KB, 400x400, logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terra Virtua Kolect (TVK) on binance. a platform to trade and collect NFTs even in virtual reality. personally I think the whole NFT thing is ridiculous

>> No.30189369

you want NFT?
Coinflux supports that

>> No.30189422
File: 2.05 MB, 480x480, 1614448617811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRQ. A blue chip that is criminally undervalued. Will pump like mad this month.

>> No.30189679
File: 1.17 MB, 1021x1080, 1614147752008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to make money with NFTs:
Step 1:
>be famous or an "influencer"

>> No.30189694

Forgot to mention they are partnering with an NFT platform, likely ellios superfarms. Been up all night. I'm retard.

>> No.30189754
File: 169 KB, 300x161, 1567295687950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30189825

You are a clown. This is a gimmick and it will pass. Owning digital boobaps as a display of wealth is popular now, but once it becomes mainstream it will be dropped. Once status seeking faggots realise they can't show off their digital assets in the same way they can physical art, the medium will die.

NFT is literally DRM with sunglasses on.

>> No.30189888

Only the besy nfts are waifu nfts.


>> No.30190812

what do you think of mine

>> No.30190881

NFTs gotta be the dumbest shit to ever hit the internet. People are literallyfucking retarded.

>> No.30190939

Avoid rarible, it scammed me hard when one of its employees didn't like my art. Dolphin holding an AR-15 is too edgy for them so they just deleted it after paying multiple big fees to create it.

>> No.30190965

Can’t these NPC celebs leave something to the rubes?

>> No.30190986


>> No.30191114

I was lucky enough to get some aavegotchis and wearables at launch and it seemed really expensive at the time, now everything is priced even higher. I do think it’s pretty clever that they designed the game to incentivize people to participate in these crazy secondary markets, since you can win a fuckton of money if you actually try to be competitive

>> No.30191804

I've made 15k euro in 2 weeks, I'm sitting on stock that I aim to sell for 5-10k. I started with 1k. AMA

>> No.30191850

what art sells best

>> No.30191885

Something that's available for the average schmuck to get into is Rude Boys on Rarible. Coming from this, artists that do similar limited sets.

>> No.30191954

tfw biz is so full of newfags that people are acting like cryptokitties is new

>> No.30191994

Only celebrities will make money with NFTs. Real celebs and people who become e-celebs THROUGH being big in the NFT scene.
All little guy investors will be fucked

>> No.30192023

Anyone got any tips on actually making these cards? How do they do all the 3D effects and glowy shit?

My GF is good at drawing I am gonna try to get her to do some of these.

>> No.30192036

Or that shrimp/snail/ant/egg farming contracts are new

>> No.30192116

You have literally no idea what you're talking about.
>Artist puts item up for .2 ETH
>I instantly buy 5/25 of the supply
>Resell for .4 over the course of a few days
>Percentage and speed of resell goes up or down depending on arists.
Rinse and repeat for multiple artists a day. If It's a one of one I already know who's willing to buy from me so we cut out the middle man. This shit is literally shooting fish in a barrel. I'm hoping to pick up a 1/1 today for .6 ETH and resell for 2.1 ETH which I can probably do in under 6 hours.

>> No.30192194

How could you possibly get something first, won’t people have bots buying every release from known artists

>> No.30192235

How do you think your "underlying long term value" is generated?
People buying a coin hoping others will buy that coin for a higher price which they in turn hope someone else will buy the coin in higher price and on and on and on, so they can sell the coin on a higher price
Then you go around shlling your bags and the people who fall for it go around shlling their bags and yours, if that's not a ponzi then I don't know what it is

>> No.30192348

you're deluded if you think of yourself as the "little guy investor". that's the point, you know which artist is worth shit and which isn't
to the rest of us it's all worthless garbage, so attempting to do the same as you would net us 99% unsellable bags
and at the end of the day, half of the retards you flip stuff to are hoping to resell it for a higher price. mathematically a majority will get fucked

>> No.30192447

yea that too, bsc fudders acting like they weren't here for uniswap season "why would you buy food tokens" while they hold their 400 per wallet unicorn tokens

>> No.30192569


Not going to actually buy NFTs themselves probably, but buying a token like GHST (which hasn't pumped) seems a decent choice

>> No.30192587

That's the thing, the don't. I've gotten pretty much every single drop I've tried to get, it really isn't that difficult.

>> No.30192672

Making a show of trading fake art from fake artists for absurd amounts of money is a time honored tradition of money laundering. The Jews have mastered it thanks to the goyim being weak and retarded.

>> No.30192690

I've been in the NFT trenches for literally 3 weeks mate. It really isn't that difficult to figure out what's going on. I'll give you a hint. Go to Trym Ruud's twitter see who and what he's interested in and follow them. Assess the speed they sell out on rarible and the resell market. For even more of a hint I'll give you some of my targets
>Harako Dolls

>> No.30192703

Fucking saved! Thanks bro.

>> No.30192707

Urbit is the only NFT with any sort of long term value

>> No.30192729

What are crypto punks.

>> No.30192755


>> No.30193191

>and at the end of the day, half of the retards you flip stuff to are hoping to resell it for a higher price. mathematically a majority will get fucked
so just like the crypto market
what is your point?

>> No.30193508

where the fuck did i champion for "crypto markets", which for you probably means shitcoins? shitcoins have no value. art NFTs have no value. in the long run most people will lose their shirts in both shitcoins and art NFTs
even then, a shitcoin apologist could point out the difference between fungible and hence (somewhat) liquid tokens and NONFUNGIBLE tokens, where each individual gamble is uncorrelated from anything else. it's literally in the name
the point was spelled out: anon who said "all little guy investors will be fucked" is 100% right

>> No.30193514




>> No.30193551
File: 74 KB, 645x729, 2604B37D-6C43-4488-A109-5F19F46A4DC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Investing in proverbial Team Fortress 2 hats

>> No.30193559


I have 2 Shawn Mendes genies, some Twerky Pepes, some Ertos, and some Beeples.

>> No.30193589

About 100k ENJ

>> No.30193663


I bought a $35 hat too like 2 months ago bc I understand the metaphor and it’s positive dumbass. In my NFT downtime I kill people as scout

>> No.30193761

The fuck is an NFT?

>> No.30194254
File: 328 KB, 378x330, 16141098807560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trading rare pepes for millions becomes reality

what fucking timeline is this

>> No.30194593

are there any decent nft tokens on chingnance other than GHST and ENJ?

>> No.30195020

If I was explaining it to a 12 year old, I'd say it's like you have a picture and a code to go along with the picture that says you own it. People can copy the picture, but they can't copy the code that says you own the picture.

>> No.30195074

I'm going to take a picture of every shit I take, make an NFT of that picture, and sell it as "A lifetime of shits." Will this make me a millionaire in the art community?

>> No.30195534

Flow, OMI, and Sneed aka Seedswap, aka SNFT, aka ya boy Bucci Loafers aka Troy Sneed aka Little Boy Rapers for Biden aka Chinese Super Gooks

>> No.30195789


Am I reading this page right? This NFT sold almost 500 copies for an average of $2500? That's over a million dollars for a GIF.

>> No.30196204

I take memes from here and sell them as nfts for 0.05 eth. Enjoying the ride

>> No.30196279



That's Bitcoins value Jesus fucking christ you people are dense

>> No.30196369


Possibly the dumbest thing to ever happen in crypto (crypto kitties 2.0) and is basically desperate normies trying to recreate DeFi 2.0

Pathetic fad

>> No.30196562

$TOSHI toshimon this project is going to be massive, get on board before the game beta drops end of month

>> No.30196586

Okay, what NFT projects should I be investing in?

>> No.30196678


>> No.30196891
