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3017167 No.3017167 [Reply] [Original]

post >yfw stockcucks consider 15% a year an amazing return on investment

>> No.3017202

That's just the regular old SPY

I'd say 30-50% is pretty damn solid

and you don't have to worry about half of your money getting wiped out within 2 hours like through crypto, keep your hair

>> No.3017211

I suppose you'd have to consider what your yearly return actually is, volatility goes both ways.
>losing plenty in altcoins
>still in profit as a $ amount because of bitcoin's steady growth
>I win even when I lose
feelsgoodman. The only stocks I have left are long term fundamental plays.

>> No.3017354

How the fuck do you get a 50% ROI in a year?

>> No.3017366

Making 350% returns on your $200 meme stocks by getting lucky is not amazing.

>> No.3017367


Pick your stocks wisely and know when your holding is in serious shit (and not in a common dip)

>> No.3017388

Luck? Enjoy your 3% a year from your no risk funds.

>> No.3017402

Stocks are pretty shit if you're not a billionaire/retiree.

I earn money by properties that I rent out to wagecucks. My strategy is to buy luxury single family homes near the city and rent them out to young professionals. I do background checks, credit checks, etc..

Currently living in a 5 br 5 bath 3.6K sqft house I bought with 20% down (parents). It cost 430K when I bought it 2 years ago and I've had 4 tenants almost the entire time, charging 1K rent to 1.3K a pop. My rent checks this month were 5.1K. Bills run around 1900/mo so I pocket 3.2K. Maintenance is almost 0$ because I live there and make sure my tenants don't create trouble. I've only had to spend 2K fixing some pipes so far.

I'm going to make 38K this year in profits AND pay towards the homes equity with the monthly payments. I have 0 expenses outside of this, food, and clothes. I have a job in the city at my dad's food processing facility, and expect to earn 110K this year as my share of company profits.

All in all I expect to have the ability to pay this house off in <3 years, but I will expand my empire instead.

Contrast this to crypto speculators while I earn massive returns regardless of what happens in the economy.

>> No.3017418


if you compound it, as one should, it's juicy deal.

>> No.3017426

enjoy not beating the market on average

and it's 7-8% btw

>> No.3017439


Goddamn rent-seekers

>> No.3017440


Enjoy making a living of that risk bud

>> No.3017460


shut the fuck up boomers literally jizz themselves if they can get 10% YOY

>> No.3017479


That's because they are literal brain dead morons who don't understand the modern economic direction and are throwing money at a fund manager hoping he can do it for them

Crypto is probably literal black magic to them

>> No.3017492

The vast majority of cryptos and memes who literally get their value from speculation

>> No.3017494

>its so easy to make money if you are just given a bunch of it by your parents

you're not wrong anon, but not impressive at all either

>> No.3017542

I don't get it

it's so much easier to make way more money in crypto

.....but stock faggots just.......what? can't admit it? or like......

I dunno

please enlighten me

why are you making retarded life decisions?

>> No.3017582

Because crypto is risky speculation? Because most of these coins literally have no uses?

>> No.3017586

True I could have put up my own money but my parents had more favorable interest rates offered to them, so they helped me out.

>> No.3017599


getting into crypto now will mean having to admit they were wrong when they dismissed it earlier. people have too much pride and cognitive dissonance for that.

>> No.3017608

Also, property is probably worth closer to 600K in this market, and the 90K my parents put down will be paid of this year.

It's clean profit and building equity from that point on.

>> No.3017619

risky in what way

and their use is a "value" placeholder

guess you don't understand value

>> No.3017643

>risky in what way

Risky in the way that they go 50% +/- in the span of hours and many of them will not exist 2-3 years from now.

You literally got lucky buying a meme currency in a bull market. There's no skill involved here.

>> No.3017649


People are betting on crypto ever actually being adopted as money. Even BTC hasn't gained a serious foothold in that regard.

It could just as easily get fucked back into the hole by some other form of currency transfer the world deems more useful in the future

>> No.3017655
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>> No.3017674
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>Store of value
Hey Anon, you know that fiat has governments that depend on their creditworthiness to continue borrowing behind it? That these same governments can levy taxes on economic activities within its borders and lease resources to corporations?
You know what happens if the price of BTC drops to 0? Fucking nothing. Everyone just walks away. There is literally no consequence to the rest of the world. Oh, except GPU prices will return to normal.

>> No.3017712


>> No.3017728

I haven't opened the Robinhood app since the day I got into crypto. I see it sometimes. I don't have the heart to uninstall it.

>> No.3017799

You nocoiners are on dope. BTC and other crypto has value because of what you can do with it above and beyond fiat. It's electronic so you can send it to anybody anywhere anytime. It's as anonymous as you want it to be so you don't have to worry about Visa, the feds, Paypal, etc. snooping on what you are buying. You can buy fucking drugs and guns with it from Silk Road type sites. You can hide it. And on and on. It has value and it will always be worth something. If you don't see that you are a fool and deserve to be poor.

>> No.3017803

Mindless crypto speculation has no margin of safety.

Although mining with cheap GPUs and the ability to sell them back to gamers for 80%+ of the price makes it worthwhile to mine, since you can make a lot but not lose much.

If electricity wasn't so expensive in my area I'd definitely be mining with more than my existing PCs.

>> No.3017812
File: 715 KB, 3632x1560, cryptogod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right.

>> No.3017829

Yeah, you can do all of that with cash too. That's the whole point of it.
>it has value and it will always be worth something
Yeah I don't think so. This cryptocurrency fad is a bubble. A minuscule percentage of coin holders are doing this shit to buy drugs or guns or whatever. The overwhelming majority are a bunch of cryptocunts speculating and trying to lure then rip off bagholders.

>> No.3017847

what no their volatility is the best part

if you weren't a fucking moron you'd understand how amazing 50% +/- actually is

I daytrade, and I actually know how to do it and appreciate and respect compound interest

>I'd say 30-50% is pretty damn solid

like that; I made that several times over today

and since you don't understand the blockchain, I guess you would think that they just cease to exist

crypto is already money; try harder

>t. bootlicking cuck

>> No.3017854

>cognitive dissonance


>> No.3017992

>Yeah, you can do all of that with cash too.
Not in any practical sense can you do all of that with cash. You certainly can't do it as easily, quickly, or with less chance of someone finding out.
>>t has value and it will always be worth something
>Yeah I don't think so.
The fact that it allows you to do certain compelling things like I mentioned above so much more easily and effectively gives it its value. Think about it like this. You want to transact some business and the only way to transact it is with a money order. You are willing to pay more for a money order because it gives you extra utility. That's its only value. Without extending the analogy to absurdity, crypto is very similar. You don't realize how big the world really is and how many people have a compelling need for things crypto can do. That's why you are a nocoiner and why you will remain poor.

>> No.3018045

Look on the threads on this board and tell me what people are doing with their shitcoins. Yes, I see quite a lot of legitimate entrepreneurs trying to send money to each other for payment.

You know something is fucked when FOMO, rumors leading to hype, and a shiny website is all that it takes for a crypto to moon. This is almost exactly like the Dot Com crash.

>> No.3018058

so short it then genius

put your fucking money where your mouth is

or go jerk off to your 5% annual

>> No.3018082

If you are saying that 99% of altcoins are a scam then we are in complete agreement. Bitcoin is not a scam though. Ethereum is not a scam. There are a couple of others too. Fuck man, look up smart contracts and what Ethereum style distributed computing is going to do. This is Neuromancer level shit unfolding right before your eyes. Do you want to be John Ashpool or Case? The choice is literally yours right now if you stop being stubborn.

>> No.3018102


>coins have no use

How is keeping transactions anonymous, being your own bank, or making passive income useless?

>> No.3018140

>implying I haven't been short volatility the last few years
>implying I'm not averaging 200+% a year
Go back to your shitcoins you cuck.

>> No.3018148
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>full faith and credit of the United States Government
>meaning anything

>> No.3018154

Don't get mad about it brother. Learn to play the system. If you have to rent right now, rent the cheapest place you can and save your cash, invest heavily, and buy a place to live in and rent half

>> No.3018209

nigger if I get 200% in a WEEK I'm disappointed in myself

>> No.3018270

Excelera stock mooned 11000% during the dotcom bubble. Just saying.

>> No.3018294


That's nothing, I'm currently a billionaire thanks to an initial investment of $150 into DryShips

and you can be too

>> No.3018296

>so short it then genius
Nocoiner literally BTFO

>> No.3018432

>>I'd say 30-50% is pretty damn solid

>like that; I made that several times over today

wow so in a week youll be rich and off doing really self-fulfilling things that arent /biz/

>> No.3018484
File: 694 KB, 1920x1080, Screen Shot 2017-08-10 at 10.57.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well all this crypto stuff is to fund my dream of writing and recording music full time

>pic related