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[ERROR] No.30168641 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30168685

replace digital dogsh..I mean RLC with UNN and you got it

>> No.30168729

I would replace RLC with AVAX
then you have a solid stack

>> No.30168752
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, IMG-20210303-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah fucking right, dumbass.
RLC is THE crypto. The #1. Literally future #1 crypto.

>> No.30168781

Newfag pajeets

>> No.30168948

These god damn pajeets
First crypto came back and the board was infested with retards but after the recent GME it's fucking immense. RLC is the biggest thing to hold on this board long term.


>> No.30169027

RLC is a great medium to long term hold. It's cringe to say but IYKYK by now. RLC has very interesting short term prospects on top of the long term fundamentals.

LINK, short term hype will probably drive it up higher, and BNT is about to eat defi shitcoins marketcaps.

>> No.30169180

Rlc is garbage now that Amazon basically created their own rlc... sell that shit don’t miss the bull run

>> No.30169211

You don't know shit about RLC then if you think anything you just said is true.

>> No.30169234

200 IQ

>> No.30169468

RLC is not 100 dollars a token and according to reliable sources on /biz/ that means it's a bad investment, I only BUY HIGH. That's how you know it's probably going higher.

>> No.30169546

>centralized AWS vs. decentralized cloud computing+AI development+NFTs

Yeah okay fucktard. The only thing that could kill RLC is Gilles' retarded autism about not wanting to market it until this shit is 'complete', which is a terrible business strategy.

>> No.30169667

Literally sat in telegram while some dude first had his eureka moment about ai NFT’s lol. I don’t even have to fud this coin just go look at it’s chart compared to any shitcoin...

>> No.30169703

>Amazon basically created their own rlc
Holy fuck you're so dumb, kek. This doesn't even make sense. What AWS did was basically a private ETH fork.
And this is not new, Microsoft Azure (the best cloud provider btw) has a managed Blockchain product for like 3 years

>> No.30169799
File: 181 KB, 810x529, IMG-20210301-WA0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am that guy.
Stay eternally poor as I horde artificial intelligences with my warehouse of digital oil.

>> No.30170170
File: 82 KB, 540x960, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit ellipses

Yeah that's what I thought faggot.

>muh chart


>> No.30170298

The hard truth about RLC is that you can't FUD the product itself, you can FUD the team, the roadmap, the partnerships, the exchanges, the marketing, the price, etc. but you can't FUD the tech.

>> No.30170324


What you need to buy is BTC ETH XMR HOGE MCDC

>> No.30170382

Ah yes, the good old sneak a shitcoin next to chainlink and then market to retards strategy.

>> No.30170663

NPC tier portfolio

>> No.30171034
File: 34 KB, 580x650, IMG-20210301-WA0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize RLC oracales btfo Link oracles right?
And you do realize big tech companies like Google will only trust iExec's SGX and TEE secure oracles to push their data from web 2.0 to 3? (Onchain)
You realize that iExec is the bridge (computational bridge) between web 2.0 and 3.0
You GET that right?

>> No.30171186

12.7 Link
250 BNT

I will make it, in 10 years lol

>> No.30171462

Dogshit cleaners defending their dogshits kek. Doesn't matter how good their tech is, but if the price is all you care about then you need to talk about token supplies and marketing.

Clearly you dont want to talk about that but you can only spew shit about techs. Lots of other companies and geniuses have better techs and still fail. Too much examples but not that you guys would want to read anyway. You guys dont even understand that this is business, not some whose-tech-is-better fight.

If you have good music but dont know how to reach listeners, you are still shit. Simple. You are not meant to be in this arena.

>> No.30171887

More like eternal mr krabs portfolio

>> No.30171943

If the market isn't nuked in 5 years.

>> No.30172492

>no dot
thought this was a makeit portfolio

>> No.30173713

You type like an actual pajeet and RLC has the most appealing tokenomics/supply of most coins.

>> No.30173862

>RLC has the most appealing tokenomics/supply of most coins.
Oh i guess thats why it has been crabbing for 4 years huh ok ok you right sir i am very wrong sir pls click "issue has resolved" button sir if my support has been helpful sir village need to eat


>> No.30174030

Is that REN? It hasnt moved an inch in weeks

>> No.30174377

False. iExec has the best tech, and is actually LIGHT YEARS ahead in being able to utilize blockchain for enterprises.
It's already clear to see, and once it actually happens, you'll kys because you missed the opportunity of a lifetime when it was right in front of your face.

>> No.30174527


>> No.30174732

2 out of 3. Not bad

>> No.30175264

>Is that REN? It hasnt moved an inch in weeks
none of them are ren. swap rlc out for ren and it is the makeit stack. also include rsr.