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3016745 No.3016745 [Reply] [Original]

>Never held a girls hand
>Make over 100k/yr
>600k savings+crypto

What the fuck is the problem?

How do I hold a girls hand?

>> No.3016759

Offer a girl $100 but don't be creepy. Treat it like a joke and just always be confident

This is a 100% way to get a girl to hold your hand for a few seconds

>> No.3016762

step 1: continue posting shit threads
step 2: ????
step 3: profit!

>> No.3016765

you start by getting the fuck off 4chan and living a little

>> No.3016773

Thailand probably dude it's like $20, $100 if you wanna be safe. Spend a week there and bang out a buncha hoes. You have the capital.

>> No.3016774

just do it

>> No.3016776


>Never kissed a girl
>Make over $500k a year (game dev)
>$2m in bank + property (game did really, really well on Steam)

What the fuck is the problem?

How do I kiss a girl?

>> No.3016779

Kys faggot and fuck off with these shitty bait threads

>> No.3016841

Send me a 1/5th of your yearly salary and I'll sell you my girlfriend

>> No.3016856


>> No.3016871

>Make over $500k a year (game dev)
except game dev pays like shit you LARPer

>> No.3016889

This faggot keeps making these cuck threads. Kill yourself.

>> No.3016898


Yeah, unless you get lucky like me and somehow get 2 million sales with a $10 game you made.

>> No.3016910

try talking to them

>> No.3017042

>Never held a girls hand
>Make under 1000/yr
>10k savings+crypto
>loose half of it gambling cryptos
>crippling anxiety and depression so homebound
>zero friends, real world or otherwise

I literally have no reason to live, but suicide would be too upsetting to family. If suicide is off the table, what possible other option is there?

>> No.3017077

Keep living.
Bonus points if you're white cause it really pisses off the Chosenites

>> No.3017111

>pay prostitute
>realize pussy isn't that special
>stop being so amazed by it
>bitches flock to you instead
>abundance reduces desire further
>suddenly, therealwizard.jpg

>> No.3017224

Shit my dude, how is this possible? I'm 26 and have 3 kids, my first one when I was 15. I've been with the same chick for 12 years, so I'm not player. But, just like all stuff that you lack experience in, gaining and practicing an acquired skill us necessary. I recommend the following, as it helped my brother from being an awkward shut in;
>become an actor and do an accent (just for the first 10 chicks), lose afterwards
>talk to random chicks for 3-5 minutes
>learn the mojo in banter, ad lib topics, cipher body language and ooze natural charisma
>do NOT pick up on chicks romantically yet, you need to just be good in general first
>after 40 chicks (yes 40!!!), then you can go on the hunt for a girlfriend with confidence that comes with the build up of social experiences
Good luck.

>> No.3017694

you make games but got no game

>> No.3017732

Find your local church and get involved anon. It gave me purpose and friends. The same will happen for you

>> No.3017736

That is pro advice, thank you man!!!! Literally the best advice I've ever seen on this topic.

>> No.3017748

Pro advice from a teen father? Anon, you know better.

>> No.3017787

Haha, interesting point.

Do you have any advice, anonbro?

>> No.3017818

Just stop desperately looking and focus on yourself. Learn some skills, go on adventures, do the things that make you happy. Chicks avoid desperate guys and flock to guys who are enjoying the fuck out of life. The sooner you stop looking the sooner you will get your dicky sticky (yes I know that sounds counterintuitive).

Also money, status, and power have nothing to do with getting laid....unless you are looking for women who only look for those things (aka vapid bitches).

>> No.3017836

Don't worry about it OP, women are the biggest meme of all time.

>> No.3017993

Thanks, that's great advice but I'm not the religious type. Only religion I can respect is Buddhism, but that doesn't mean I believe in it either.

>> No.3018161

Money can't buy you a personality. You're just a massive loser.

>> No.3018480

This is the non-meme answer.
Best advice I ever got about picking up girl was
>Just talk to them, but once you start talking to a girl don't STOP
After years of dabbling in reading that autistic PUA literature this was the qualified advice that allowed me to actually get laid. It was a drastic change. Before that I had to wait for a woman it kiss me.
Now I just talk to them. Eventually you end up accidentally talking one into bed with you.

The key is you treat it like a regular conversation, eventually you learn how to flirt a bit, slip in some subtext, but early on is you talk to her as if you're married to someone else and there's no option to fuck her. (i.e. no pressure) But you KEEP talking, you don't allow there to be awkward pauses. You either ask her questions. One of two things will happen, you'll either hit upon a mutual interest and so you arrange to meet up to go to that show/museum/bar to check it out (I dunno... a date?), or you get her number so you can keep talking. The thing is it's not even strategic "I have to get her number", it's organic.

Dr. Anon's Tonic
>make tiny steps to get out of homebound anxiety.
>Start talking to women at cafes, bars, anywhere. Just talking though
>See above

>> No.3018641

you should focus your energy to find you sugar mama

>> No.3018776

I wish I could stomp your teeth down your fucking throat.

These just world fantasy posts are absolutely infuriating. Your advice basically "stop caring maybe it will happen lol I dunno." Go. Fuck. Yourself.

>> No.3018802


what's your contact

>> No.3018818

Getting this triggered implies that you see some truth in what he's saying. Pulling away works a lot better than being a desperate fuck. Check your game

>> No.3018841

>literal walking adonis, ripped with big dick
>20 million in crypto and index funds
>drive a ferrari
>never even sucked a tranny's dick

Wtf /biz/, how do I secure the coveted feminine penis?

>> No.3018870

>Getting this triggered implies that you see some truth in what he's saying

No it doesn't at all dumb fuck. You think you're able to speak with authority when every situation is different and nothing works all the time. The fact is you can be a rich, handsome confident badass and be an incel or a fat deformed slob and get sex daily. You don't have any answers. Stop pretending your wishful thinking non-advice means anything.

>> No.3018895

1. Yes it does. Research cognitive dissonance

2. The only answer your giving is "nothing works all the time". Great accusation there.

3. No wishful thinking bro. I'm attractive as fuck so women have thrown themselves at me. Where's your experience? Fight me IRL pussy.

>> No.3018931
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Risk of Rain?
What game

>> No.3018972

You're Toby Fox, aren't you.

>> No.3018981
File: 56 KB, 704x480, 18095545423_7aa2291615_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holds your hand

haha see anon that wasnt such a big deal now was it? XD

>> No.3018988

Go all in on ARK. Comes with the welcome basket

>> No.3018998

This. 11/10 advice. Dunno about the cbt part, though, since I've never had experience with that.

>> No.3019005

Are you an idiot? Everything you said is entirely irrelevant and you didn't refute my point at all. Your experience is only valid for yourself. There are many men who are attractive and who are incels, and many ugly men who get pussy.

>Fight me IRL pussy.

See this is what I'm talking about. If we fought IRL you would be unconscious in a ditch within a minute. This is not a just world. You're the spineless weak little bitch and I'm the man who would KO you in 20 seconds, but that has literally no bearing on sexual success. Stop pretending like you have any answers.

>> No.3019024

>40 million dollar daddy's trust fund
>incredible successful youtube gaming channel, and 700k/year
>travel back and forth to Dubai, Singapore, New York, Macau, Monaco and Hong Kong on a regular basis
>never even had a girl say hi to me, not even grocery checkout lines

I don't get it /biz/ why aren't girls hunting me down just to hear me fart over FaceTime?

>> No.3019074

Honestly, just bang a prostitute if it bothers you.

For a couple thousand max, you can fly in any escort or pornstar in the US. For several thousand you can fly in some c level actress/model. Only mention this because a lot of people dont like the idea of prostitutes but theres an existing high end industry if it bothers you.

>> No.3019201

cause everything in life is fucking luck dude
you'll win, you'll lose, but you'll always regret not having the one thing you want most, unless you're really good at letting it go.

>> No.3019232

> 26
> Family owners of Apple Inc. worth 1000bil
> Hacker 5m/y
> Savings 500m in dogecoin

Why don't girls love me? I've never seen a girl in my lyf

>-The Thread

>> No.3019269

So far I've provided more answers than your faggot ass. Still waiting for you to come up with something. You also didn't answer my question about your experience. Just face it. You're a fat little basement dwelling beta and you've come here to vent your frustrations on actual chads. Choosing not to accept reality is the only way you could claim that no one knows shit. Many men are successful with women and will tell you how they did it. Doesn't matter how they look (as you said).

>> No.3019350

>everything in life is luck

How many times did you suck your rich dad's dick before he gave you enough money to get to this point? Everything in life is luck when you haven't worked for shit, for sure.

>> No.3019729

Neither do I, but I figure that an anon like him needs some kind of structured process to get out of his anxiety. The thing about depression is it self-perpetuates, you need to constantly have something breaking your mental loop. You have to reeeeealy fight against it to do it yourself. But if you can outsource that to a therapist, especially in a respected field like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you increase your chances and can better leverage your will power

>> No.3019817

>Never kissed a girl
>hires prostitute
>stopped worrying about that shit for the rest of my life, now can focus on money

>> No.3019891
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learn some philosophy and theology then, materialism is retarded, and only materialists think Buddhists are the only cool religion.

>> No.3019982
File: 70 KB, 517x960, 1538125d906031847fbfe4aaea9d9840 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend works out everyday, he makes all a's in his college courses and he's going to law school.
Despite this he is one of the worst people i have ever met, and he suffers because of this.
Everytime we mention girls he literally goes into a tard fit because hes never been with one.
Because he is a terrible person and despite all his success he will never get a girl, and he says he wants to die everyday.
I can only imagine you are the same level of terrible, and i wish you nothing but harm and more pain in your life. I hope you never even get so close as to smell a girl.

>> No.3020115

Sometimes it's the circumstances which end up making people ''terrible'', and thus the never ending cycle. The brain needs to somehow defend itself from all the bullshit.

>> No.3020136


>approach girl
>"can i HODL you hand?"

>> No.3020148


The trick is to get the girl because she wants to be with you, not because you're paying her....

>> No.3020152


>> No.3020363

Stop flip flopping dude. As amusing as that put-down was, the original advice was solid and you know it.

>> No.3020397
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Whether it was his circumstances or not, he is either
>A. actively choosing to be a piece of shit who has literally 0 redeeming qualities
>B. Too broken to be fixed and will always be a cancer on society who shouldnt breed anyway
We've tried to talk to him multiple times, sent him to doctors to try and fix what ever the fuck is making him the way he is, but he refuses to listen or make any sort of effort into improving.
Anyone who is like this should be thrown away and made to make room for better people, just like OP should be.

>> No.3020431

The quickest way to a girls heart is to anonymously make threads complaining about your virginity on an anime image board

>> No.3020445

u simply do not masturbate

>> No.3020459

no one picked up on this before you anon, good work!

>> No.3020477
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>> No.3020480

What the fuck is wrong with him, how is he so terrible? I am 19 yo virgin, partially by choice. I feel like I am funny, generous and charming. Just want to get big and start working on my appearance so I can shoot for the stars. Sounds like that guy is good looking successful dude and is still fucked.

>> No.3020500

hello hopoo

>> No.3020577

5 btc and I'll teach you how to get girls, and later a girl long-term

>> No.3020597
File: 291 KB, 504x473, Get dat pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a NEET I was banging a different bitch each month and sometimes having threesomes with them. I wasn't a Chad or rich and I wasn't even single. Off the top of my head, I can't really give you any secrets, but if you're as rich as you say you are, part with some of that wealth and I can sit down and do a write up for you.

>> No.3020896

Lmao, my gf makes bank from people like you willing to pay her 1000 eurobucks+ just to teach them how to not sperg and just talk regularly to women

>> No.3021184
File: 47 KB, 540x960, 1494912333349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just has zero sense of social awareness and literally does not give a shit about anyone but himself. ( this is often over exaggerated but i mean this in a 100% literal sense )
>if you leave him alone in a room he steals from you ( multiple occasions )
>Gets violently angry at girls when they turn him down (ex. a girl told him she was going on a date with someone else to turn him down, so he showed up to their date and starting yelling at the guy and calling the girl a whore when they asked him to leave)
>hits on other peoples partners, even after they turn him down, so much so that he has gotten the cops called on him and was removed from our housing because of our friends gf
>shows up to every social situation he hears about even if its close family and hes not invited
>goes out with new people knowing he has no money and guilts them into paying for him
this is just a few examples, but if anything it's convinced me that if someone can't interact with females its for a good reason. If it turns out your normal, im sorry and i wish you well.

>> No.3021203

>bragging about your gf being paid to cuck you