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File: 270 KB, 750x691, F6333FF7-4B9B-4FB2-A92C-D49DDAB42B6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.30160452 [Reply] [Original]

Is faith in the American economy and patriotism dead? I remember this was one of the most patriotic places in the world. From what I can see, most citizens (left and right) consider living here like working some wagie job. They aren’t happy they’re there, most likely dislike their boss, and are only still showing up because they have no other choice.

>> No.30160545

America is in terminal decline

>> No.30160591

not so long ago it was forbidden to cover your face in public. funny how the world can change.

>> No.30160728

Leftists are unhappy weirdos and seek to drag everyone else down to satisfy their need for control. Rightists just want to grill.

>> No.30160766


well yeah no shit, neolibs like nixon, clinton, and reagan fucked any prospects of this country ever being the bastion for democracy it once aw itself as being

that being said this country was never great, maybe for a quick second before the constitution was ratified, but even then slaves existed

>> No.30160993

Wish i could move by it feels like the walls are up all around me. I want to move to NZ despite it being mega left wing. At least they’re not corporate fucks who need consumerism to feel life.

>> No.30161038

Imagine being proud of someplace just because you were born there and other people told you to be.

>> No.30161088

Wasn't he supposed to unite you? So I heard from the mainstream media

>> No.30161104

Neanderthals had greater IQs than early Homo sapiens, this is why groups with greater percentages of Neanderthal dna (Asians and Whites) do better than negroids.

>> No.30161112


>> No.30161130


but anon, left wing governments are the best

have fun having guaranteed healthcare in NZ, much better than being stuck with a 100k hospital bill for scraping your knee

>> No.30161146


>> No.30161158

.... .. .. ....

>> No.30161190


hahaha what the fuck kind of drugs are you on


love triggering a domestic terrorist

>> No.30161212
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>just want to grill
the jews amiright?

>> No.30161229

Stupid faggot

>> No.30161270

Isn't that an incredibly racist thing to say? Comparing another species of humans as retarded. So it's okay to call a nigger a nigger if they are extinct?

>> No.30161296

America has been infected with Marxists in it\s government, media and schools so it's doomed.

>> No.30161395

Grug not think old man win that many vote. Grug not listen old man.

>> No.30161442


america was 100x more prosperous when left-wing governments were in power. sadly the last left wing government was probably the LBJ admin

>> No.30161595

America is literally already over it just has enough momentum from the past to coast a few more years

make no mistake, the country is dead

>> No.30161702
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>these "people" get to exist, and their vote counts just as much as yours

>> No.30161878
File: 27 KB, 360x270, soy25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my public school textbooks told me progressive era programs actually worked, woweee! thanks socialist education program for making me an enlightened citizen!

>> No.30161934
File: 51 KB, 398x600, B71D3A81-6F2E-4637-BD8C-17A83B390CCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's only because it was 100x whiter than it is now. Leftist faggots in the universities and government both spent the past 60 years setting this country up for its present disaster

>> No.30162017
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>left wing good

>> No.30162084
File: 90 KB, 431x694, D449F850-D838-4F69-A0CC-78C9EE9238AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy the fact I can go out and not wear a masks bf there’s nothing in the world that this faggot can do about it

>> No.30162203


>denying progressive policy brought this country up from economic, climate, and military disaster
>socialist education program


it wasnt leftist policy that deregulated banks and removed consumer protections, neoliberalism is inherently right-wing


i see youre education systems werent much better huh

>> No.30162272

>..."You did."

>> No.30162329

Doesn't happen IRL in USA. Just in fantasies where governments have to justify their exorbant spending.

>> No.30162386

Seriously. In 2019, going into a store with a facemask would get you kicked out or the cops called.

>> No.30162431
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>> No.30162437

Yea its dead, it died in the 60s when Jews let the flood gates open to niggers.

>> No.30162453

We have good reason to wear masks right now though. You know, the whole global pandemic?

>> No.30162487

black people were forced into the country by anglos

>> No.30162587

Funny like haha?

>> No.30162915
File: 163 KB, 1242x1192, this is the tranny who says you make them sick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these "people" get to exist, and their vote counts just as much as yours

Qtards are pro-Israel, but yeah Jews are the reason we can't have nice things.

>> No.30162962

He means shitskins in general. And oddly enough, those were also mostly Jews, Iberians and (((DutcH))) slavers buying them from smarter, superior African tribes.

>> No.30163032

I wish maga weren't obese ZOGlings. But it's simply not the case.

>> No.30163147

Quit being a retard.

>> No.30163504
File: 106 KB, 1092x1037, 1614644437515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had to choose between citizenship or retaining my crypto, I would retain my crypto every time. The government openly only exists to keep us enslaved at this point.

>> No.30163817


Yeah I kind of like 40 hour work weeks and safety regulations

>> No.30163935

yeah i find it funny how laws and customs change.

>> No.30164247
File: 105 KB, 886x898, 1611772092159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking retard

>> No.30164619

try harder next time

>> No.30164695

The last thing we need is euro-centric thinking in america.

>> No.30165024

Only a decade ago weed was considered very bad and heroin in pill form was good. Only 5 years ago we were horrified at how we had been treating children’s small behaviour disorders with powerful drugs, now 3 year olds can begin gender transition.

>> No.30165186

If we don't stop it, white supremacy will continue on relatively unchecked.