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[ERROR] No.30160249 [Reply] [Original]

>"We need to have enough working-age people to carry the load of these seniors, who deserve their retirement, they deserve all their entitlements, and they're gonna live out another 30 years," he said. "Nobody in the history of the globe has had so many older people to deal with."

>> No.30160295


>> No.30160331


>> No.30160347

don't worry bro we're gonna import millions of africans that'll solve everything

>> No.30160476

I refuse to reproduce.

>> No.30160549

they can fund their own retirements by selling their houses.

we can refuse to buy them at inflated prices.

wala! housing market is balanced.

>> No.30160584

I only like Asian girls but I don't intend to produce any hapas. That would be kind of cruel. In fact, I'll probably get a vasectomy before I can go back to Tokyo.

>> No.30160632

That's a retard take, this article is an obvious call for more immigrants.

>> No.30160652
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kek fpbp
>The U.S. is already below the so-called "replacement level" by some measures, meaning fewer young people to support the country's otherwise aging population. Myers said of the decline, "That's a crisis."

>> No.30160727

Me too. Even if women would have me I would refuse to impregnate.

>> No.30160741
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Robots with artificial wombs.

>> No.30160749
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Fucking kek

>> No.30160750

>cruel to produce hapas
Can confirm, have a hapa friend that loathes his genetic predisposition frequently.

>> No.30160755

Its funny how they talk about it as if its some kind of problem with mens cum or womens eggs, they never talk about the actual reality, which is just that women have gained incredibly insane standards, and most men arent given any chance, only the top 10-20% are, every other guy is just forced to cope with distractions, and women become dog mums, because no men are good enough for them.

>hurr shut up incel, go outside hur hur women dont have high standards

Just because you as a $200k software dev have a 3/10 fat girlfriend who dominates you completely and basically is the boss of your relationship despite not even earning money or anywhere near you doesn't mean what I said isn't true.

What ive noticed is that in most relationships now, the man usually has all the power and is a gigachad, or the guy is a betabux who has no absolutely zero power in the relationship, who is basically just a provider to an ugly woman, and this guy is basically constantly on a knifes edge of getting divorce raped, which is why he walks on eggshells and lets his gf/wife be the one in control of everything.

50/50 relationships so rare they might as well not even exist anymore.

>> No.30160874

>unaffordable housing
>six figure debts from education and healthcare
>barely tolerable wages, long hours
>marriage is a jew scam
>having children is condemning them to a globohomo spic-mulatto idiocracy hellscape
hmm really don't know why people aren't having kids

>> No.30160879

Low IQ savages from Muslim shitholes

>> No.30160899

The good boomers will have their kids take care of them. The bad boomers will be shoved into a nursing home where they will be abused by migrants and obese sheboons. Most of these nursing home boomers will get together with other boomers and will take the easy way out with suicide parties by blasting their old favorite classic rock songs while downing a handful of pills with a bottle of vodka as they tie plastic bags to each other's heads.

>> No.30160912

>the actual reality, which is just that women have gained incredibly insane standards, and most men arent given any chance
That's just what incels think, everyone else is the problem, not them. it's a cope. people aren't breeding bc they can't fucking afford it

>> No.30160973

Suicide requires self reflection and shame neither of which the boomers are capable of.

>> No.30160975

>Its funny how they talk about it as if its some kind of problem with mens cum or womens eggs, they never talk about the actual reality, which is just that women have gained incredibly insane standards, and most men arent given any chance, only the top 10-20% are, every other guy is just forced to cope with distractions, and women become dog mums, because no men are good enough for them.
that's not the issue at all you dumb incel

>> No.30161031

top kek

>> No.30161054
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What the older generation is not getting is that the more successful their kids are the better chance they have to retire comfy.
If their kids right now in 30-40 years of age struggle with crippling debt, low wages and high cost of living they will not be able to support the older generation.
This is how grandparents are often put into terrible assisted living communities. Basically sleep in a 8x10 cell and have no freedoms. Many of which have no choice and already are burned out just supporting themselves and kids.

>> No.30161061

You can afford it, you just can't live a normielicious lifestyle and have kids. You have to make sacrifices and people dont want to make them.

My sister insisted in living in the city and couldn't afford kids, then at 30, she quickly had 3 kids 1 after the other, and her and her husband finally decided to move out of the city into a more affordable area, because the finally gave up on insisting on trying to live right in the city and live a city-life

>> No.30161100
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This. I work in retail and I see average men getting absolutely mogged by fat shitty girlfriends constantly.

>> No.30161114
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Boomers made their own bed so to speak, they're the ones who got us in this mess. Realistically we'll import enough Haitian wageslave apes to shoulder the burden; the best these decadent old timers can hope for is that we figure out how to automate geriatric care and some soulless robot cares for them until their dying breath.

>> No.30161175

Suicide does not require self-reflection or shame.

>> No.30161211

Didnt see that one coming for 30 years
but somehow also
and now
It's all fucked. Buy crypto, get drunk, and smoke weed

>> No.30161217

We don't care about living in the city, they still have to put those 3 kids through college and support them for 18 years even in the suburbs it isn't feasible to most and not worth it

>> No.30161291

Can we just turn our backs on the boomers
And say fuck it were not taking care of you?
Stop their social security checks abandon the nursing homes. Take their house once they die off. Fuck em

>> No.30161329

>Boomers deserve their comfortable retirement

>> No.30161340

Give me a gf and ill coom inside everytime

>> No.30161376
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That would be the dream anon.

>> No.30161515

I'm with the xoomer fuck this gay nigger world

>> No.30161521
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kill everyone over 70 and Im not joking or memeing at all

>> No.30161548


I'd say you covered the two most common cases, but the other type of relationship I've seen is where the male and female are both extremely successful financially. I've seen this a lot on my work, and these seem to be the happiest couples, as they have no financial reason to be with someone.

I believe in a new renaissance. The modern man will have to focus on art and live like a nomad, constantly travelling and banging locals in order to survive the rope.

>> No.30161639

This is an awful take. Losers have always been losers; womens' standards should be high to weed out the losers from the gene pool. It's up to men to be strong willed and offer security.
The replacement rate has everything to do with people living beyond their means and not being able to afford kids as a result. People are slaves to car payments, credit card debts, outrageous living expenses, and student loans. Yet you somehow think womens' "standards" have anything significant to do with this?
Incels need to rope themselves. Tired of you pathetic porn addicted degenerates.

>> No.30161795

70% of women are obese you fucking moron.

Most women have worthless education

Most women are terrible with money

Most women are ugly

Most women cannot cook or clean and aren't willing to

Most women are obsessed with dogs

Most women are hypernormalfag NPC drones

You're a fucking idiot if you thinks MEN that are the ones that have to get better, you stupid fucking simp cunt.


>> No.30161860

To finish this Off

The reality is


>> No.30161895

women are never as interesting as men

>> No.30162162

I'm sick of you /r9k/ retards shitting up my board and Fuck off with your reddit spacing. They fact of the matter is if you as a man do not have genes worth passing on and your bloodline deserves to end. I'd even argue that all men under 6' feet should be sterlized.

>> No.30162178

I'll tell you what the solution isn't: importing millions of immigrants.

Maybe boomers just have to accept a lower quality of life, and stop being such massive jerkwads? But, no they won't. So tiresome.

>> No.30162207

This. My gf is as plain. I try to talk topics but its just talking to a wall. My bros actually interact and bring up ideas.

Sad tho bc we are so far apart. I miss my bros.

>> No.30162268

Keep seething you permavirgin loser fuck. Blaming women for society's ills is pathetic. It's no wonder the western world is such a mess when this is the state of the modern man, an effeminate blubbering crybaby. Absolutely incredible

>> No.30162271

The boomers are fine. It's us that will have no one to look after us. That's why I hope to die asap.

>> No.30162288
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>> No.30162299

Same applies to men, a man should be able to be the leader in a relationship, but most are weak low testosterone losers who fell for the "equality" meme. Also porn poisoned the brain of many young guys.
Useless and spoiled women are just a symptom of a sick society and weak men.

>> No.30162312

millennials. but the greater concern is who will take care of millennials?

>> No.30162319

This post is agreeable, although I would say that worthless education, obesity, lack of knowledge on how to handle money and soulless hobbies are common among men and women.

by being ugly I guess you mean not taking care of oneself, which is also common among men.

I think men AND women have to get better.

I feel bad for men that are financially successful and settle for 2/10 whales. Usually they don't know better, as they were "educated" by the state and the internet because mom and daddy were too busy working and watching TV.

what a sad state of affairs

>> No.30162373

Post body

>> No.30162394

there'll be robot maids at your service in your final years, you just need to make it now to afford them

>> No.30162419

kek theyll beat the boomers to death in their old folks home and post it on instagram love and shieeeet

>> No.30162422

>I'm sick of you /r9k/ retards shitting up my board
>Here's my /pol/ take to further shit up the board
for fucks sake

>> No.30162485

literal psychopath babies incoming

>> No.30162491
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>> No.30162554

if i wasn't poor i'd already have popped out a couple kids you just can't fuck boo hoo wah wah go >>>/r9k/ please

>> No.30162599

well gee willy, shouldn't have sold out the future generations job prospects by sending it all overseas or importing millions of scab migrants so that a healthy middle class could continue to exist and grow as a population.

Now you all get to pay a premium for labor, turn the rest of Weimerica into Little Somalia, or die, and we all know exactly which one will happen

>> No.30162621
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anon-kun... he's so dreamy

>> No.30162667

hahahaha lol'd

>> No.30162671

Sad, but true. Men allowed this to happen though.
Brown hands are telling you to concede in this thread.

>> No.30162705

Get women back in the home and under the control of men and the western problems would all sort themselves. No more mental health crisis, no more wasted money on female stupidity, no more divorce lawyers making bank, no more broken homes and plenty of healthy children. We all know that is what we need but it will take a major crisis to bring it about. A good war would do it. let women taste some real life instead of their protected supremacy currently. They will submit.
And shoot outspoken feminists.

>> No.30162723

As population declines:

>Housing becomes cheaper
>Labor becomes more scarce, laborers can demand higher wages
>Less tax burden due to social services being less needed
>Crime decreases

Look into the economy of Europe post-black plague

>> No.30162768

What did they expect with morons in the liberals world spreading Fagititis and Nonbinariyitis and trannnyitis. and not to even bring up abortion.

On the good side none of the above will be spreading their DNA to the next generation.

at least the future Human race will not have those infections in the Genepool.

It's like nature preventing genetically inferior creatures from reproducing.

>> No.30162781

i promised you if the government shilled for native whites to have children they would. instead they shill for 3rd world retarded shitholers to come over and ruin our great nations

>> No.30162822


>> No.30162887

These kikes dont give a shit, theyre the ones causing it. Theyre overjoyed. Thats white genocide right there, they deny it exists but know it does and are causing it.

>> No.30162888

problem is boomer remover didn't remove enough boomers. now they're all vacc'd up and ready to go on a cruise

>> No.30162929

Never gonna happen, pandora's box has already been opened, women would rather flee or die than live under The Republic of Gilead.

>> No.30162955

This, I would hate to produce some weak little scrawny asian boy.

>> No.30163106
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Let them die, once enough of the cretins have perished they will be happy to be protected and cared for. Pile the bodies where they fall to remind the others what fate brings them when men start to fight. Bring the war. My body is ready.

>> No.30163157

You would need to have men actually be men for that to work. Both sides need to change for anything to happen, nothing is fixed by only one side capitulating. Nothing exists in a vacuum or without cause

>> No.30163270

8 Billion people on a planet that can only cater to 1 billion people max to keep a balance within the eco-system.

We can lose a few people, y'know.

>> No.30163281
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You all need to stop projecting and creating false realities in your head and making yourselves more depressed and post about ways to get moar money

>> No.30163310

Ugh I had a gf that was the OPPOSITE of every single thing you posted and she just broke up with me. she was one in a million. I want to kms so fucking bad.

>> No.30163362

Fuck boomers. They're responsible for shitting us into clown-world. They need to suffer for their irresponsibility.

>> No.30163369

>some kind of problem with men's cum or womens eggs

But they are massive problems. Infertility rates are way higher in the last two generations and we're ingesting so many chemicals that gen alpha will cum plastic.

>> No.30163418


>> No.30163434

All we need is a spark to set it off. We have never been so polarised in the west since the 1930s. Anything could kick off at any time. Plenty are sick of the lefts nonsense. It would not have to go much further for people to say 'enough.'

>> No.30163456

the first post is the best post

>> No.30163463

Did you and your sister ever, you know, experiment together or anything, like when you were kids?
>they still have to put those 3 kids through college
Hahaha holy fuck imagine thinking this in fucking 2021

>> No.30163527

she did the right thing dodging a bullet, u sound like a faggot

>> No.30163542

Guatemalans just like they wanted

>> No.30163555

>create the social and economic conditions that put their kids in this situation by selfishly destroying everything
>we're entitled to better conditions!!!

>> No.30163564

You are somewhat right. Rather than agonising about how shit reality is, try to make money so you can afford to change it.

>> No.30163581

The problem is economic, it's always economic, stupid fucking incel.

>> No.30163591

sure, let's just get rid of white people

>> No.30163603

Cringe all you like son, I'm 44 and would like to get it over with. It's coming whether you find it cringe or not. You think the current financial status of the world will not end in tears? Most wars are born from some kind of economical breakdown. Be ready. This one will be spectacular.

>> No.30163625

You're too fucking lazy to mow the lawn for an allowance, and it's somehow the boomers faults

fuck off.

>> No.30163720

and what do you suggest we do? the entire LEGAL system is completely compromised and stacked against anyone who notices teh reality, we have no recourse, no representation, and half the men in the country just say "well better toughen up then kid and lead your woman", meanwhile I've literally never met a single woman willing to take that role.

fuck it, I don't care anymore. All I ever wanted was a family. looks like I wont be getting one and might as well just live for myself until I die. fuck this gay shit.

>> No.30163733
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They have found an answer. Test runs will begin. Youve been warned.

>> No.30163746
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>"oy vey we need more brown people to pay for the seniors"
>*three years later*
>White people are paying for the seniors AND the brown arrivals
See: Germany

>> No.30163753

>I want to kms
isn't it better to overcome?

>> No.30163771


I don't think these are false realities. There's a chance I'm extrapolating how much of a problem these things are due to bad situations I faced, though. Still, I think in 10 years we will see some pretty depressing stuff.

>> No.30163823


perhaps a peaceful death solution for the old is warranted.

they don't contribute to society, and in fact, are actually a resource intensive drain.

please go to heaven in peace. your bodies are so broken down that your biology is telling you to just die already..

>> No.30163834

porn is such a big thing that never gets talked about
They did some study like 5 years ago where they literally could not find a control group for coomers because every man was exposed to internet pornography

>> No.30163842


>> No.30163892
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What reason is there to stay for people who weren't born upper middle class or rich?

>> No.30163905

Fuck off. You should have you gut opened with a straight razor for being such a fucking simp. You are worse than a race traitor.

>> No.30163945

yes go mow the lawn to pay for your retirement pod, I'll give you $7/hr and you can come by once every 2 weeks.

>> No.30163946

>I'd even argue that all men under 6' feet should be sterlized.
Should probably do it to the under 6' women too, just to be sure.

>> No.30163993

That is never going to happen, here in aus at least the govt is talking about a country wide 1% extra tax on everyone to pour into aged care

>> No.30164010

this. if you cant recognize what you have then ngmi.

>> No.30164036

probably, I've been doing a lot of overcoming though and with teh state of the world it kinda feels pointless. I'm just gonna hold my FTM and hope to get rich so I can at least watch the world burn while comfy, if that doesn't work maybe I'll shoot myself at 45. idk.

>> No.30164120

I mean good, psychopath are captains of industry

>> No.30164164

>people can't afford it
Broke farm slaves from Mexico seem to manage having 6+ kids just fine.

>> No.30164173

I mean she majored in social justice so it wasn't all great. just the best one I'd ever found and I redpilled her on why leftism is cancer.

>> No.30164186

This is objectively good for America. It's the only way to both counter China's psychopath factories and keep the economy running the way it should.

>> No.30164226

Eat shit and die, "experts." You've been telling us to not have kids for years and years and decades and decades, but NOW you're telling us to reverse the trend? Fuck off, I hope you live long enough to experience the demographic crunch.

>> No.30164264

Or you can go back to Africa, try to make Wakanda a real place, and see which nation comes out on top?

>> No.30164275

>people dont make enough babies to pump up boomer pensions
>incel thinks the problem is that women dont want to have sex with him
like clockwork
The problem is that people are constantly at work or in a shitty apartment paying out of their ass for what basically should cost 1/4 of what it does now, but thanks to the Fed and fiancial elites their lives are shit and kids dont fit in there.

>> No.30164306

I don't even think you need money to change it, that's just this boards topic, i feel that it is useless to let your brain steep in this piss mist. You handicap yourself by making these recurring thoughts in your head, but if that's how some of you view the world fuck it, I believe you can help yourself out of it though.

>> No.30164366
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>false realities

Fuck boomers

>> No.30164408

yes, fuck boomers this was directed at all the robots who seem to be here

>> No.30164458

Why are all boomers such flamboyant faggots?

>> No.30164562

>most worthless
Abusive loser detected. I assure you, good women have reason to hide from you. As an anon who grew up under a terrible, abusive, insane and wildly irresponsible father, I am glad that I am not reproducing. We women -can- take care of ourselves, but it's hard enough weeding out the scary men already.

>> No.30164617
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dont worry we got 30million not even a little bit white 5 ft tall south americans in stock! thats just as good imo. in 2030 we will have a live feed of a of a white women having an abortion(for progress!!!) and everything will be awesome.

>> No.30164626

And yes, me not giving you a (You) was on purpose.

>> No.30164637

not you but nice mirror reflection

>> No.30164655

>Nobody in the history of the globe has had so many older people to deal with."
Literally Japan does, stupid faggot.

>> No.30164705
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>fuck it, I don't care anymore. All I ever wanted was a family. looks like I wont be getting one and might as well just live for myself until I die.
I feel like those at the top underestimate how dangerous this worldview can be. After all, why support society at all if it fails to fulfil your biological imperatives for reproduction, safety, and increasingly, even shelter? You simply can't sustain a society wherein the majority of males don't get anything out of it.

>> No.30164750

>womens' standards should be high to weed out the losers from the gene pool. I

Have you met fat redneck retard families, or nigger families or street shitting families?

There are no standards for any of them, they simply reproduce

>people living beyond their means and not being able to afford kids as a result.
If that was true there would be zero humans

you're fucking retard

>> No.30164806

>This post is agreeable, although I would say that worthless education, obesity, lack of knowledge on how to handle money and soulless hobbies are common among men and women.
they're called Americans

>> No.30164861
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The Undertaker

>> No.30164902

i have little sympathy. wonder when they'll realise they've been thrown under the bus with the whole anti-white racism thing

>> No.30164909

"Keep it if it's a girl"

>> No.30164927

I dont think they care, they sold us out to china because china wants us to fall, the elites are making money off of it, and they'll be long gone by the time the plan finally goes all the way through.

>> No.30164968
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Why immigrants of course

>> No.30164992

"Boomer Remover"

>> No.30165110

>you're just poor
You're on a board where the average person has been dumping paychecks into nerdcoins for minimum of 1 year

>> No.30165145

The way politics are going, coupled with the irreversible demographic changes in America. I think we're going to see movements in a decade or so where young working age minorities refuse to pay their pensions for 'old white racists'.

>> No.30165153

you will never be a woman

>> No.30165289

11 million more voters for dems

Its GG for the US

>> No.30165303
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>white 5 ft tall south americans
kek have fun with your non white shit colored eye and hair bug wives

>> No.30165520
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>having children is condemning them to a globohomo spic-mulatto idiocracy hellscape

It is worse than that.

>> No.30165546

women's education is 100% responsible for having less children. the more a woman is educated, the less she wants children.
if we want to repopulate countries we need to forbid higher education for women.

>> No.30165568
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I fucking hope so, fuck boomers. They don't deserve a comfy retirement.

>> No.30165705

Nigger there are online universities who's graduates have a 90%+ employment rate and the entire tuition costs a few thousand dollars. Conventional universities are fucking dead. They were already geriatric and covid was the death knell.

>> No.30165752

The same seniors that sold our manufacturing overseas, imported hordes of shitskins, emanciapted our women so you have to import a foreign bride to be able to raise a family, and made sure all this has the full backing of hte courts so if you even look at your wife wrong one day she can divorce you for half your net worth, alimony and child support? Unless you can physically discipline your wife, you are not married and are in a gay civil union. Real marriage is outlawed these days.

Many of us here know it which is why we invest so heavily in magic Internet money hoping we have enough to be able to escape this fate.

>I hope the brown nursing home workers develop a strap on fetish, otherwise the Boomers may never repent of their sins.

>> No.30165783

Nah man women my age (28) are more desperate than men. The problem is that the whole thing doesn't stand economically. And they in turn use this situation to push for more immigration so that we'll be even more fucked. In 100 everyone will be a nigger and europe will be africa. Except even that isn't going to work because niggers hate it here when they realize it's not the candyland they were promised and can't cope with the cold and the competitive job market. But meanwhile, the slave drivers have lined their pockets some more.

>> No.30165793

Fucking boomer remover.

>> No.30165826

Not in America. Uni is a scam here. Every kid wants to have their "college experience" they don't want to go to fucking zoom university. are you crazy? They want to party and fuck while they're still young it's one of the main appeal of college to normies.

>> No.30165972

>Nah man women my age (28) are more desperate than men.
Incels don't want to hear the truth through. the rope looks even more enticing once they actually realize they have it on easy mode with dating as a man and still can't get laid

>> No.30166030

But that's the thing, call me optimistic, but I don't think it'll ever be 'allowed' to get to that point. Assuming white privilege is a thing, the minorities are naive to think it will be relinquished so easily. You look at the heads of the democrat party, Biden and Pelosi, old white people. When the hour of decision comes in the fourth turning I believe that what needs to be done will be done without being weighed down by the shackles of airy notions.

>> No.30166044
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>grew up under a terrible, abusive, insane and wildly irresponsible father
like clockwork.

>> No.30166118

>import a foreign bride
Nah man, I know broke white supremacists who hate feminism who can raise white families.

You're just ugly.

>> No.30166166

Maybe if you raised your kids right outside the city and you introduced them into hobbies that immerse them while they're still young then you wouldn't have to worry about their highest aspiration in life being nothing more than becoming a drunk degenerate.

>> No.30166185

and you know what's absolutely sinister/evil about it? they shill against crypto to the poor downtrodden fools who still have a modicum of trust left in this shithole we call America. The one asset class that will weather this storm That's cruelty. Absolute cruelty. But I guess if you're that dense and that trusting of this predatory system, you deserve what's coming. law of the jungle.

>> No.30166233

You idiot. You reproduce because their generation is going to take care of you, not your elders.

>> No.30166338

>high school sweetheart
>blonde haired blue eyed
>nice body but breastlet
>she's now fat, smokes, and has a septum piercing
It's all so tiresome. My state's like 50% overweight. I have a good job, but the only couples I know who are married with kids either got married after college and are very successful or poorfag wagie.

I'm nearing towards 30 and just investing in stocks, I honestly have no idea what's in my future, the last girl I was with was kinda fat and it just washed worth it. Also what's with zoomers and weed?

>> No.30166378
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Why would I touch a 28 year old? So she can poke holes in the condom?
Checked. This is the actual way of approaching this. Every one I know who is moderately successful was distracted by an extra curricular activity during their formative years.

>> No.30166438

Btw China suffers from the incel problem even more than the west due to baby girls getting aborted during the one child policy years. They have too many men and too few women.

>> No.30166440

>dies with an heart attack
>doesn't give her his seed number
Based. The only seed she's getting is the one from his nuts.

>> No.30166479

Depending on your location, you might be running out of time for some quality females. Unless you're okay with generational differences. I'm 34, decent job, no debt, and the majority of women 26+ are either ghetto club-type females and/or have at least one stupid fucking kid. I don't want to date a single parent, but it's getting worse and worse the older I get.

>> No.30166572

overpopulation is a giant meme

>> No.30166589

He tried to:
>stab me when I was 6
>abandon me in the middle of the street at night
>threw a ceramic mug at my mother's head
>cut open my mother's head with a wine bottle
>spent my mother's salary on wining and dining his friends, buying expensive cars and pretending to be rich
>moved us around constantly, so that he could keep full control over the family
>screamed and threw stuff like a baby if we tried to walk to school by ourselves (it was across the damn street), if we tried to make friends, etc.
>told weird people that we were a secretly wealthy family, to have power over them
>which got me harassed in school, because people thought my dad was Ebeneezer Scrooge (I assure you, we were worse off than everyone else, because of his behavior)
>threatened to kill me if I got a job at 16

I know you incels will call this based.
Hence proving the point that I am making, for all the femanons here.

>> No.30166619

This is why men date 22-25-year-olds you have to get them while they're ripe before they depreciate in value.

>> No.30166731

I'm rural so it's even worse, but my options are metro Atlanta, Savannah, or Athens. I even went to Church and everyone was old or very underaged. The only decent looking women I see are married or single mothers. Someone at work actually tried to hook my friend up with a former drug addict. It's kind of that bad actually.

>> No.30166748

I mean they're already dumb enough at 28, I just don't have the energy to deal with a scatter-headed zoomer every day.

>> No.30166784

And your mother chose him and stayed with him and put you through all of that because she is terrible at picking men.

You will also make the same mistake because your mother was attracted to your dark triad father, like most women are.

>women attracted to pick manipulators and psychos
>b-but i cant leave teehee

>> No.30166800

That is just because those people vote Democrat.

>> No.30166824

>it’s a crisis
Haha. Depopulation plan complete. Humans go extinct the planet is saved. Checkmate by climate cultists.

>> No.30166836

Sorta unrelated but did you guys to to university or go into the trades? Males from my high school don't seem to have the "I need to go to university" type mindset anymore. Some only go for jobs that require it (doctors, engineering, e.t.c.) and have actually looked into other alternatives like trades. Some of the kids even were into stocks and crypto by grade 12. Most of the girls had the "go to university" mindset for shit such as psychology to teach elementary school or become a nurse.

>> No.30166879

But then when she tries to divorce him incels yell
>divorce rape!
can't win huh

>> No.30166921

He also molested you because now you're pretending to be a woman on 4chan.

>> No.30166936

College to them is for social status and finding a betabucks

>> No.30166951

Truth nuke

>> No.30166957


>> No.30166962

This. Vote to turn my country into a shit-coloured Jewish golem? As far as I’m concerned, the Boomers can all die shrieking.

>> No.30166976

You make women sound like 1
ten year treasuries.

>> No.30166992

We are talking about concepts and not cherry picking so STFU, whether I am handsome or ugly my point still stands and you providing exactly one counterargument does not refute it. Ugliness is only relevant if you want to stick your dick in a yeast hole for a one night stand and is the behavior of niggers.

I doubt your white surpremacist even knows what feminism is, because anyone in the USA besides muslims does not know what feminism is. Feminism is letting your wife have an equal standing in the marriage, the decisions of the home, and raising the children. Even worse if she does not homeschool them in their younger years.

tl;dr find a white QT3.14 virgin and move to a country where you can actually be married.

>> No.30166996


>> No.30167030

lmao boomer cucks stfu

>> No.30167063
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I’m literally worth around half a mil at 24, and still get fucking rejected on Tinder and Hinge all the time. The women standard is too high.

>> No.30167142

You should try scotland at 44. Just been on tinder for the first time ever. Oh lord what a bunch of nothing worthwhile on there. Met my last long term partner on a bus. She turned out to be crazy but I got 4 years of abuse before I pulled the plug. Modern women are trash.
I got worse than this and ended up in a childrens home. What exactly are you whining about? You think this only happens to women? Scum is scum. Blame your mother for picking him. Men rarely do the choosing.

>> No.30167147

Wealth isn't the only attribute to SMV. There's also social status, and physique. Also, don't ever let a girl know what you're worth in terms of money and don't let that be your main attraction

>> No.30167178


>> No.30167200

You could try the dating apps to expand your horizons a bit. Prepare for more single mothers though.

>> No.30167214

Reduce capital gains taxes for married couples. Put a premium on children claimed as dependants. Create a massive, crippling divorce tax.

>> No.30167224
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that is 10 years past their peak, Anon.

>> No.30167248

Poor guys in high school are the first to tell you *insert* billionaire never went to or dropped out of college and so they think they don't need to either. None of them expect to get stuck working as a cog in the machine trade wagie after high school but that's the reality. they all think they're going to be the next elon musk or some other kind of delusion fantasy of making it.

>> No.30167253

Funny thing about that; my mother was afraid to leave, because she kept saying that single mothers are shunned. Even when I called the cops on him one night, when I was tired of living in fear (which stopped the violence immediately and forever), she STILL bailed him out and constantly harassed me to retract my statement and tell the court that I was a "lying, false-accusing teenager". There was a complicated legal situation that DID threaten the family's financial well-being at stake, that's all I will say.

And finally; you incel nincompoop. Every woman who has both options and self-esteem will be immune to a dark triad. Not all women flock to the mean Queen Bee and nordo they choose the "Alpha" abuser guy. Dark triad people I have met, they only target those who are unstable financially and socially alone and clueless in the world. They seek out the prey. And the prey aren't "attracted" to these people; the dark triads take on the role of a leader. Hence why weak people flock to them for stability, security and guidance.

I proudly stand alone. And yes, I know I only attract abusive assholes and/or sleazy weakling losers, so I have quit for my own good. One woman stays, dependant on her abuser. Another woman steps on them like stairs, to finally make it out. That's the world.

>> No.30167277

True Hinge or Bumble. Slightly better than Tinder.

>> No.30167354

You really didn't read that as sarcasm?

>> No.30167367

They already imported millions of fucking Mexicans. Fuck boomers, they threw everything away and didn't make a peep as their country disappeared. Fuck em.

>> No.30167423

Considering the current state of food production technology, logistics etc. really only like 10% of currently employed people actually need to work in order for society to function. By getting rid of the useless jobs occupied by something like 90% of the populace, I'm sure we could easily delegate the responsibility of elder care.

>> No.30167426

>believing your whore of a mother

>> No.30167444

>don't ever let a girl know what you're worth
This, you're a fucking retard if you think telling anyone how much you have is a good idea. You will attract nothing but gold-digging whores. You're getting rejected bc you bring nothing else of value besides money.

>> No.30167544

Got divorce raped by a 15 year relationship, then got abused in the next for 4 years of making excuses for a mad woman. Tinder was enough to make me realise I will not be online dating. Going to wander the world and see who I meet. Giving women the power to choose online is like letting a kid free in a candy store. Nothing I want there.

>> No.30167546

Idk I have a good job and working on getting /fit/.

But at that point i’ll be so jaded, that i’m gonna become what I always hated. A womanizer who pump and dumps.

Redic that the expectations are you have to be:

Just to get access to some 7/10 pussy who thinks too highly of herself.

>> No.30167559

I think its pretty ignorant to not assume that there is a purely social element to what's going on. We're living in unprecedented times with the internet, people have never been this atomized ever in history.

I get it, you get laid and you want to flaunt your superiority over those who don't but it doesn't help anything. It just stifles real discussion and turns into shitflinging.

>> No.30167569

Unironically. I think it would be easier to just make life better for everyone so that we never get into unsustainable bubbles like this though.

>> No.30167586

Women are the gatekeepers, your mother choose your father.

Women are the ones who choose their partners.

>> No.30167629

I tried bumble and hinge...it was a shi ty show. People don't truly comprehend how fat Americans are. Even when I go to the gym they're all fat or with their gfs. The female workers are fat too, but the male worker is a total Chad.

I have no idea what us older guys are gonna do. There's a woman at my work place who huffs and puffs just sitting down. Her coworker is a mousey, fat girl who just recently got married.

>> No.30167633

I did mow the lawn for an allowance. I still hate boomers.

>> No.30167673

Or they could give tax incentives for having children while married

>> No.30167745

This. My husband has been unemployed since Covid hit. I'm our only source of income and I'm afraid that I'll be fired if I get pregnant. Unless one of my coins moon we'll have to wait until he has a job too.

>> No.30167775

I'm going abroad, to somewhere men are valued and women know their place. Fuck the west. It has declined so hard since women got agency. Women are toxic and free women are the most toxic of all.

>> No.30167817

Not until clownworld ends and not until men stop being blamed for being masculine! This thread is better suited for /pol/. I just want to trade stonks and crypto and make money.

>> No.30167824

god living in those times must have been so incredibly based

>> No.30167825

simps will unironically be killed in the future

this post is factual

>> No.30167883

it happens.

>> No.30167963

Nah. She always said (when he wasn't around) that she was never physically attracted to my father, she picked him because he acted like he was going to take care of her (so he was always lying, even b4 my birth), treated her like a queen and that he had a "kind looking face". Which is basically code for "wimpy beta-looking dorkass". Surprise, surprise; don't judge a book by its' cover. People surprise you.

Tl;dr: None of you fags are owed anything. You guys have the same mentality as a school shooter or a rapist. Thinking that you are entitled to a woman by birthright. Go move to India.

>> No.30167974

Women only choose who gets to fuck, men choose who gets married. Who is the bigger gatekeeper here?

>> No.30167997

Boy you atheists did a real good job fucking us over and making fun of us christfags and now you destroyed any hope for white people.

>> No.30168012


That's how it's always been. It's just that more men are noticing. Call me a simp or w.e but women hold most of the power in relationships even though men are the true prize. They can choose whether you're outta the gene pool or not. Males have to do everything while a female is only expected to carry a child. Getting married, or having kids with them puts you in a vulnerable spot as she can take 50% of what you own and leave. In places like Canada, you don't even have to be married for courts to demand you give half of your possessions to a female.

>> No.30168029

I had an abusive alcoholic father, and I’m a pretty chill dad now. It’s easy, you just don’t make his mistakes. My boy is attached to me at the fuckin hip.

>> No.30168093

that's dumb, I've known plenty of well rounded guys who should by every measure be making kids and they swear it off because every woman they meet has standards that are detached from reality

>> No.30168188

It's not real though

>> No.30168296

>On a smartphone
>doesn't call 911
>films the violence instead
>...zero sympathy

>> No.30168364

Bro. Remember to make sure your son knows about the potentials for him. Meaning don't be so kind he becomes an asshole.

>> No.30168415

no what will actually happen is third world shitholes where population is exploding will send over their people to replace your country. Retard.

>> No.30168418

He's a cop what's she going to do without video evidence? Turn him in? kek they wouldn't believe a word she said without the video evidence.

>> No.30168443

Who the fuck cares.

>T millennial

>> No.30168474

You had the motivation to not be like your father, which is a good thing. Most men (especially in this thread) don't have that, because they only care about pleasing themselves. I stay alone as a survival tactic (my personal experience has been that I only attract aggresively needy and entitled people, while repelling everyone else), so that I don't get hurt by some resentful asshole. They are alone involuntarily, because even the aggressively entitled and needy losers don't want them either. And that speaks volumes about them; no one should be guilt tripped by these guys. And I assure everyone here, the guilt trippers have PLENTY of women pitying them and giving them free reign.

>> No.30168513

>...oh fuck, actually please breed. The *SCIENCE* just wasn't in yet :)

>> No.30168564

we're not going to live long enough for anyone to need to take care of us

>> No.30168579

I still bet with a body like that you would smash a lot puss

>> No.30168619

don't think you should breed since you carry the asshole gene.

>> No.30168656

You will never be a woman

>> No.30168727

Stfu. Don't abuse your children so hard that they turn unto suicidal Jerrys. No one owes the world anything. If you had to bully someone into becoming Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it will never be genuine kindness and they'll still be the same asshole they always were, they'll just learn how to hide it and keep it inside. But it will leak out here and there subtly in their interactions and if any parasite tries to call them an asshole over it, they will explode.

Stop trying to control others. It never works and it is never genuine.

>> No.30168772


Why are you here? I didn't come here for this, I came here for some male reeing.

>> No.30168841

tits or GTFO

>> No.30168851

>old white people
But do you think they feel a single ounce of affiliation with the People they've spent their entire professional lives selling out at every opportunity?

Joe Beijing's son literally smokes crack and fucks hookers on money collected from Chinese and Eurasian oligarchs. It's over dude.

>> No.30168874

I hate boomers.

>> No.30168891

>says I shouldn't breed
Say no more. I just got handed a deus ex machina, I will gladly run off with it.
It's a knee jerk reaction.

>> No.30168943
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Immigrant chads

>> No.30168953
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>> No.30168982

BASED. Boomers BTFO.

>> No.30169080


>> No.30169139

Quality of men and women in this modern day and age is terrible. But then I think it was probably pretty bad for most of history. Just think during more brutal times. It was just accepted to beat the crap out of anyone because the rulers didn't give a crap about the plebs and what they did when they weren't used as cannon fodder. You could act any way. Well, the women would be beaten to a pulp if they didn't do what they were supposed to, but so did the pleb men by the higher ups.

But I do recommend everyone not to use online dating. Just stay away. Absolute plague.

>> No.30169275

Millenials will die early from COVID vaccine-induced cancers.
Here is the plan:
1. Automation displaces an exponentially-increasing number of jobs over the next decade
2. Current elite control the companies that own the robots
3. As the decade closes, the long-term side effects of the vax will start to show up. Mostly as a sharp rise in cancer diagnoses
4. Vax manufacturers are already protected from liability
5. Mass social unrest and violence killing even more people
6. Autonomous police and military bots deployed to crush any resistance
7. Corresponding legal and political crackdown on all remaining freedoms
8. Strict reproduction controls become compulsory if you want UBI, healthcare, internet, etc.
The endgame is a drastically reduced world population of mostly mutt niggercattle, with a tiny elite tended to by robots. The underclass will exist to produce sex slaves and torture victims for the elite, and to prevent infighting due to resentment in the lower echelons of the elite ("at least I'm not a pod slave")

>> No.30169344

Now youll get arrested for having a car on the beach. Jewry is a miserable servant and a cruel master.

>> No.30169354
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>roasties alcholic father is an abusive psycho
>won't let me have sex with her because I look like her father whom I never met

>> No.30169520

Children do not need mothers. Fathers are what is important.

>> No.30169616
File: 7 KB, 236x235, dbcc1h4-630f65f0-fd78-4b4f-81b8-88a5692ef3a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think of myself as a reasonable person, but now this crackpot nonsense is making me rethink the vaccine.

>> No.30169643

>The replacement rate has everything to do with people living beyond their means and not being able to afford kids as a result.
The reproduction rate was higher even when the average family had to budget for food.

>> No.30169746

>I'm going abroad, to somewhere men are valued and women know their place
Hope you're not going to the East then. In case you haven't heard, there are literally a hundred million excess males in Asia.

The solution is artificial wombs producing a 30% surplus of females or so. There isn't somewhere to run to. There isn't a social or political solution.

>> No.30169837

if he just wants somewhere where men put women in their place he could just go to the Middle East

>> No.30169852

Realistically how high is the average human lifespan that this is a problem? Do boomers really expect another 30+ years?

>> No.30169882
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>> No.30169957

Biz is no fun anymore it’s just a bunch Nazis :/

>> No.30169982
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Maybe if you only try to pick up 23 y/o bar skanks, there are tons decent women out there. You sound like you have a lot of maturing to do, lad.

>> No.30169986

It'll be a problem for us...crossing my fingers for those robot caretakers, but they just aren't advanced enough yet.

>> No.30169994

I live in DC, and this 100% true.

>> No.30170112

Conservatives have kids, Liberals don't.

>> No.30170138
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>> No.30170192

Yeah, I don't get what the complaining is about. I want my robot waifu, and in exchange, my bloodline can go with a whimper.

>> No.30170239

>Just because you as a $200k software dev have a 3/10 fat girlfriend who dominates you completely and basically is the boss of your relationship despite not even earning money or anywhere near you doesn't mean what I said isn't true.
kek, many such cases in the Bay Area
>What ive noticed is that in most relationships now, the man usually has all the power and is a gigachad, or the guy is a betabux who has no absolutely zero power in the relationship, who is basically just a provider to an ugly woman, and this guy is basically constantly on a knifes edge of getting divorce raped, which is why he walks on eggshells and lets his gf/wife be the one in control of everything.
seen this as well.
luckily I'm in that top 10-20%, but even I've seen women's standards rise a ton in the last 5 years or so. had a tinder account with 800+ matches when I was 18/19 but didn't match with nearly as many cute girls as I wanted last time I installed tinder, which was about a year ago. had the new account for less than a couple days tho so maybe that's the reason.

>> No.30170243

in case you guys didn’t know humanity is going through a massive psychological adjustment and this is only the beginning of declining birth rates

Just take a look at what memes are spreading

>> No.30170246

the boomers i know are all finally putting their silent gen parents in the ground in their 90s. they expect to live that long and probably longer with all the insane amounts of money and work being put into technologies to extend lifespans.

>> No.30170340

>Maybe if you only try to pick up 23 y/o bar skanks, there are tons decent women out there. You sound like you have a lot of maturing to do, lad.
this is also true

>> No.30170347

post nose

>> No.30170390

No, middle class moderate people don't. Poor people (lib voters) still have kids, and way more than conservatives. This is terrible, any nation needs a strong and healthy middle class.

>> No.30170458
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I thought we were overpopulated as is?

>> No.30170551


It's funny how I've been saying for ten years that boomers only project when they call you entitled for wanting a job that doesn't suck ass and it turns out I'm 1000% correct.

>> No.30170582
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>> No.30170672
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>> No.30170715

My mom went to Miami and she said all the latinos work the shit jobs that white people wouldnt be caught dead doing. You Americans all have yourselves to blame because you all want to be millionaires or have a cushy job when society doesn’t work like that. Either have your Mexicans or become poor.

>> No.30170773

Hapa girls always end up as sluts

>> No.30170854
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>> No.30170888

>You Americans all have yourselves to blame

Oh yeah, because we had a choice right? The politicians opened the borders and didn't make a peep. There was no vote. But keep blaming corporate greed on the working class.

>> No.30170929

it's the pajeets and other H1Bs that are the bigger problem, taking jobs from native born college grads.

>> No.30171017

how about we take all the boomers and make them live amongst each other with their sufferable society? they know best right? i think they'll be fine

>> No.30171021

How many of those 28 year olds have never had kids and have a bmi under 22 without some kind of drug or alcohol addiction?
Sex is trivial to get. All the good ones are already married and the leftover bitches at that age aren't even worth spitting on.
I'm 31, childless, six figure salary, early link investor, lift, own a house, etc.. You've lost your fucking mind if you think I should settle for a used up fat obnoxious cunt and raise another man's children. She doesn't even have to be all that attractive. Just has to give in to all my sexual desires, and not be fat or have a ton of baggage from a long string of failed relationships. I was still building my life earlier but now I'm ready to settle down with something. It's always been that guys bust their ass five or ten years and take an 18-24 year old bride. Zoomies all have fucked up hair and more, mental illnesses than dishes they know how to cook. I like millennial women but the only ones not paired off are like that for good reasons. Especially when you consider hon disgustingly thirsty guys are these days, no standards at all and even taking a subservient attitude towards their fat ugly mistress. This artificially pumps the value of normal and mediocre girls to insane levels. At this point I'm more than happy just to find a good girl even my own age.

>> No.30171027

>hurrrr durrrr dey do da jobs americans won’t do

>> No.30171030

your average /cbt/ poster

>> No.30171051

Shit jobs still paid decent in the past. Immigration devalues labor.

>> No.30171072

cost of living is higher in usa than middle east

>> No.30171080

we need fewer people, things like housing are already getting too expensive. this is just a dishonest way to argue for more immigration and population replacement.

>> No.30171093


>> No.30171120

anon....these muslims aren't in the middle east....

>> No.30171141

rich people wanted the cheap labor not your average american jose

>> No.30171152

I would have a family if I had any hope for the future.
My kids would have to deal with a fucking world worse than the one I had.

Give me a white country with a sane economic system and a non-feelings-based political system.

>> No.30171184

what the FUCK are you talking about

>> No.30171223

The peopke having kids are geberally more conservative anyway... fuck these leftist lesbo faggot shits.

>> No.30171263

What's the problem? Less people is better...

Unless you base your entire economy on a requirement of an infinitely expanding population pyramid scheme.

>> No.30171264


>> No.30171290

That's good man. Means all those millennial memes got to you. We got fucked on the beaten path and I know I was trying to redpill young anons, tell them how it was for us and how fucked it will be

>> No.30171291

future me?....is that you???

>> No.30171549

Then take it goyim

>> No.30171620

Housing is pushed up by ease of access to credit. It's a market inflated by a race to the bottom of people being willing to slave themselves to 30-40 year contracts just for a place to live and a declining quality in building practices cutting the cost of production it from the other side.

>> No.30171666
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also, the wealth should be used to gain social status and physique. Use that wealth to get good social/passionate hobbies that doesn't appeal to incels and use the money to pay for a trainer to obtain a physique. There is no excuse. Anon is just another pathetic projector of, "woe is me"

Source: ugly duckling makes half of that anon but spend money on eating right, having fun dynamic creative hobbies, and workout with a trainer for accountability. quality people dgaf about money as a standalone make or break.

>> No.30171726


>> No.30171736

Infinite growth goyim the gdp god must be appeased
Enjoy your new neighbourhood that used to be safe and quaint and is now full of pablo cartel gonzalez and jamal gibsmedat Smith

>> No.30171886

I was going to say spics, but this is much better

>> No.30171983

>It's always been that guys bust their ass five or ten years and take an 18-24 year old bride.
It still is this way you have to show them you can provide for them before the cultural Marxist education poisons their minds.

>> No.30172383

oh nooooooooooooooooo

>> No.30172411

>womens' standards should be high to weed out the losers
The problem here: What you consider a "loser" is not what most women consider a "loser"

>> No.30172429

White leftist women are gonna cause Gilead because they keep mass importing muslims.

>> No.30172436

if you dont have 2 white children you will be arrested

>> No.30172477

I'd rather do what I want than put up a front like that my whole life. If I'm not meant to be with women, then that's that for me. Good luck in the trenches, I couldn't handle that.

>> No.30172483

post feet please

>> No.30172551

>weed out losers
Dude you do realize unemployed dudes can fuck hot women right? Literally all women care about is how much you can make them cum so if your an unemployed criminal dirtbag you will always have them at your beck and all more than some suckers who went to college and got a ho that thinking about an unemployed criminal dirtbag fucking her while shes with him.

>> No.30172579

Niggers and women pay us back and will save us .. rrr—right guys

>> No.30172580

This. A guy can be highly educated, respect wahmen, have a 6 figure income, but get denied for other reasons, such as not being tall enough, not having enough hair, or not having a amateur model face.

>> No.30172635

>black children
Fixed it, the west is cuckd

>> No.30172672

Checked. Based and black pilled.

>> No.30172677
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What if I told you, that people are only losers if they aren't good with women?

>> No.30172676



>> No.30172690

based and drugdealer pilled

>> No.30172739

Boomers will be in their old age home and their final days will be spent being abused by big fat black women.

>> No.30172755

Its not just high standards women are actually horrible at creating new humans, they can fuck all the high tier men they want but for some reason our fertility rate is much lower than before they could do that. Wasnt fucking Chad suppose to genetically elevate our people? Yet while Chad has lots of sex women barely produce babies with him for some unexplained reason. Despite the Chad memes it is non Chads who produce the most humans overall in any population, and because women select for Chad it means all women are actually insane. Since women are insane we should never even care about what they think when it comes to pairbonding and do what nature wants us to do which is rape them into impregnation on sight and worry about the consequences never.

>> No.30172819

Why would I want children if I only have 2 bucks on my bank account and a 50k debt? I don't want my child to live in poverty along with dirty immigrants. No fucking way.

>> No.30172850

have sex

>> No.30172913

Having sex doesn't change facts

>> No.30172916


Evade all taxes you can, grow your own food. Fuck old people, they votes for all this goddamn communism so they can die for it too.

>> No.30172931

No one. They're the worst generation in human history. They deserve to suffer in their old age and die miserable and feeling alone. Fuck them.

>> No.30172932

>such as not being tall enough, not having enough hair, or not having a amateur model face
anon thats bc those are not gene worth passing on. why would she want to bring more ugly men into this world and watch them suffer?

>> No.30172997


>> No.30173010

It doesnt matter how much men fuck women because women can mass abort whatever impregnation happens, and women for some reason hold back breeding until their 30s. i assume they do this because high tier men hate single moms.
Woman ugly means not Chad not actually hideous people. You can see this where women call plain janes ugly and only Stacies beautiful.

>> No.30173041

If there is anyone out there that see's this and can understand my situation, my family has kicked me out over political bs, they are mostly progressive types and even though I haven't said anything clearly they planned on kicking me out once time settled, I'm only 25 and I've been forced into a homeless shelter my friends are all out of state so I can't even find a place to stay.
I really just need something so I can get a hotel room for a week and by then my friend from Omaha is gonna pick me up and let me stay with them but I swear if I have to stay with these crackheads one more night I'm gonna lose it, I put my BTC and ETH address below if you are able to help, I also have a cashapp I don't really care how I get something I just really badly need help right now and hoped maybe someone here could save my life literally.




>> No.30173076

as a member of the elite i can confirm this is true. my dad is ceo of whatever conspiracy you currently believe in

>> No.30173127


If you want people to trust you, post this kind of thing on reddit with your face, and identity, otherwise gtfo.

>> No.30173243

>have sex
bend over

>> No.30173248

Yes but not enough boomers will die until roughly 2028 for that to be a political possibility. Until at least 2028 boomers will be the largest voting bloc because they vote at extremely high rates and they are a few years out from the rapidly accelerating part of their death curve

>> No.30173275

>Chad has lots of sex women barely produce babies with him for some unexplained reason.
Anon, it's bc birth control
>it is non Chads who produce the most humans overall in any population
yes the betabux that will actually stay around and take care of their seed

>> No.30173279

>didn't rob his family for being progressive faggots
ngmi anon

>> No.30173416

Beta bux doesnt breed, alpha males who are not facially on par with Chad are the non Chad breeders. Im talking about the poor scumbags who fuck litters of kids from multiple women in trailer parks. Whats really hilarious is that no matter how holier than thou a white leftist woman from the city is she would rather breed with one of these wild white men than any liberal white male with a college degree.

>> No.30173586

You be surprised how many women wanna get banged by death row inmates or violent criminals.
It is almost if they don't even have any sense of self-preservation.

>> No.30173622
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>she would rather breed with one of these wild white men
Not true, they're all opting out to be dog mommies instead now

>> No.30173737
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here's hoping

>> No.30173767

Just so you know even a small dog's knot can stuff a womans cunt.

>> No.30173860

They don't even choose nice dogs. Always with the little yappy rats.

>> No.30173875

They have prehistoric sexual selection, their brain still thinks most guys are violent psychotic rapist in the paleolithic era thats why they treat us like shit because they are angry we arent psychotic violent rapist to them 24/7. Dont mind their crying they are extremely fucked in the head while you are choking them to death their pussy is very soaked and their vagina controls their thinking. Simply threatening a woman makes her more attracted to you than talking to her normally, Im so fucking disgusted at the level of animal women really are.

>> No.30173902

>tfw Asian enough to produce a diluted bordering on white chink
>mfw asian girls are ugly
I can't win bros

t. Fingolian

>> No.30174061

incredibly based and redpilled

>> No.30174123
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There's still hope.

>> No.30174538

You could always have a test tube baby and raise him as a single parent