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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 363 KB, 1200x1012, 2017-06-01_15.05.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3015276 No.3015276 [Reply] [Original]

>good looking.
>blonde hair blue eyes.
>drive BMW convertible.
>170k in savings/checking.
>380k in stocks and crypto.
>zero debts.
>come from wealthy family.
>live in a nice 1 bedroom apartment by myself.
>go to 2nd best uni in my state.

Yet I'm still a friendless, dateless KHV that's been rejected 6 times. What can I do? I'm American so hookers are all shit and illegal, and the girls here are extremely mean and picky. Any other rich virgins on biz?

>> No.3015285

Hey Siamarine - yes you. Come over here for a minute. Don't be afraid, first of all, I am here only to protect you. Maybe just sell your bags when still you can exit with not that *BIG LOSSES*? Do you know what happened to all the ppl who bought DGB at ATH? They are still holding their shitcoin bags and will do that no matter what since they are emotionally attached to them. That's not how a SUCCESSFUL TRADER behaves. Aren't you for sure also sentimental about your purchases? I'm sorry but remember that sometimes *BAD DECISIONS* are being made on such a volatile market like crypto and it's not entirely your FAULT. Read something about risk-management and conclude whether you want to RISK FURTHER with basically *DEAD SCAM COIN* like Sia? You can still invest your bags into something profitable - take a look at neo, omg or iota for example and watch all these sweet gains that would enable you to cover your loses with this *SHITCOIN*. This coin was NEVER INTENDED FOR HOLDING - just look at the amount of coins mined every 10 minutes. Have you ever heard of this thing called INFLATION? I'll leave you to come up with conclusions... You are neither an early adopter of this coin - half a year ago it was worth 20 SAT - I'd estimate that it is the bottom. Congrats on holding something 10x overpriced. Eventually, DEVELOPERS said publicly that they DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PRICE OF THEIR COIN? Why to buy or hold it then? Do you HATE MONEY? Anyway, you'll do what you want but you've been WARNED.

>> No.3015289

time for some vacation

>> No.3015310

Where would I even go? I don't have any friends and I don't want to go with my parents or family members.

>> No.3015312

well you clearly aren't good looking unless you smell like vomit from a mile away or something

>> No.3015318

If have all you said is true
It just means you have an atrocious personality and nothing can fix it.

>> No.3015329
File: 8 KB, 225x225, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to germany.

>> No.3015344

fix your hygiene, go to clubs EVERY night, and talk to some girls. keep the conversation mostly about them. Have a slot machine mentality and don't be bent if they aren't receptive.

>> No.3015352

same, except im younger than you, have even more money and crush mad puss on the regular

sorry for youre loss, try r9k for dealing with terminal faggot

>> No.3015361

Travelling is a meme if you have a shit tier craniofacial development boyo take it from one autistic virgin to another

>> No.3015369


I thought Elliot Rodger was dead

>> No.3015374
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grate thread

>> No.3015379

>rejected 6 times.


go fuck yourself OP faggot. People get rejected, get over it.

>> No.3015382
File: 1.98 MB, 450x450, 1502250499849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the opposite. GF and friends, but poor. Just talk to people brah. Not everyone is going to want to have a relationship with you, but some will.

>> No.3015385

>Have a slot machine mentality
Anon, what the fuck?

>> No.3015392

not a virgin but quite wealthy myself due to my job in investment, yet stuck with a 7/10 at best

>> No.3015401


Anon, i need 50$ for invest, i've only 15$ kek, i really appreciate it your help

>Also; move to Andorra and be happy

1LJ7sn8knqXDuEJj7cgLtKhxNEcvN4oHx -> BTC

>> No.3015407

>fit good looking and wealthy
>khv rejected 6 times
Lmao pick one you ugly delusional fuck

>> No.3015523

how did you make your money?

>> No.3015543


one tip of your life ! DO IT i swear you will like it

-install tinder
-do a vacation in a first world country in asia

have fun ! i guarantee you will get LOTS of matches, im awkward as fuck but asian girls like it/ are used to it

>> No.3015554

>What can I do?
Stop being delusional you Mr Aryan Chadwanabe and earn something by yourself.

>> No.3015556

Calm down Elliot

>> No.3015563

How much capital did you start with and what did you do to get that much?

Did you daytrade or did you just ride the bull market?

>> No.3015573

because you're a pretentious ass hole

>> No.3015589

How much of your wealth do you attribute to your family? You're probably a beta incel faggot desu

>> No.3015592

Maybe you have halitosis

>> No.3015600


>tfw my bank account will soon look like OP's but even better
>hold 2k NEO
>have GF
>have house

lol feels good man
Also OP, money is not as important as looks, see the post on normiebook about how a handsome pedo tinder profile got a bunch of replies from women despite being a sex offender.

>> No.3015623

Thailand bro... you aren't coming back a virgin

>> No.3015656


>$90 in shared bank account til tomorrow morning when my barely over 1k paycheck clears
>never any problems getting laid
>browsing biz pooping and drinking a yuengling
>wish I was a kissless young rich virgin

>> No.3015665

Literally why? Are you that insecure about your financial status?

>> No.3015679

seriously. you sound like a faggot

>> No.3015699


Yes. I'm trying to marry my gf and start a family but I'm fuckin broke. I haven't been following our bank account and just found out she's been goin nuts with het credit cardand doesn't quite understand interest. We had a nice conversation about it though

>> No.3015700

Hey OP, would you like to chat?
Maybe I can help you out.

I've been where you are.

>> No.3015703

Yeah idk how to break this to you anon. You're not good looking. You're either very ugly, smell very bad, have very bad breath, or have some extremely unattractive superficial trait. Attractive people with money and 0 people skills still get laid. Add in height and wealth, and you should be tripping over pussy. The only reason you're not is because women find you overwhelmingly unattractive. Post pic here to confirm.

>> No.3015717


>good looking

beta af

>> No.3015731


also this

>> No.3015737


Maybe it's because the first thing you tell people is what you have instead of who you are.

>> No.3015751


>> No.3015764

this lmao, delusion at it's finest. only on /biz people have it all and still are robots

>> No.3015776

>tfw I'm you

stay strong bro.

>> No.3015782

maybe you're just bland and a total loser? Money can't buy you taste, bet you're lame as fuck.

>> No.3015797

If you're antisocial and autistic in your home country you're going to be antisocial and autistic everywhere else.

Only difference is you might get to try some tasty food maybe

>> No.3015805

>good looking.
>dateless KHV that's been rejected 6 times

You're delusional as fuck

>> No.3015807

Who told you that you're good looking if you have no friends and haven't been on a date? Why would you believe them?

>> No.3015815
File: 240 KB, 720x960, fedora-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi Richie, I'm virgin as well.

>> No.3015826


Thanks bro. I think I can do it it because I give everything to a family and don't need shit for myself. Just gotta put in more work.

>> No.3015848
File: 496 KB, 900x1600, eec6a38e-3f7c-4a15-beec-397ef2062fce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am good looking. Pic related is me. I'm most likely the best looking person on /biz/ you are all dumb poorfags that shill shitcoins all day.

>> No.3015876

>can't even take a good photo

>> No.3015885

I'd tap that

>> No.3015903

You look weird dude. Nice skin too. If you actually think you are the most attractive person on /biz/ you are fucking delusional. No wonder nobody wants to fuck you; you sound like a dickbag.

>> No.3015913
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>> No.3015932

you look like a rapist

>> No.3015939

Pretty much this

>> No.3015945


you look like a rapist dude. that's why chicks don't want to be around you

>> No.3015952
File: 554 KB, 1012x1500, elliot rodgers poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one thing TO do anon

>> No.3015953

> rich

top kek

>> No.3015960

lol, I bet you're a Nice Guy TM tough

>> No.3015965

Im not surprised the first person to beg in this post was some pajeet scum.

>> No.3015999


Your not that good lookin bruh, but you should be able to get laid.

>> No.3016008
File: 163 KB, 1920x1142, 20626090_1653577668019747_668250404151523219_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really recommend buying a decent escort (you can check reviews online) to get over the mental "am virgin :(" hurdle. One in the $300-$400 range, local born girl. If you don't like that, try a gold digger maybe like from seekingarrangement, but an escort is waaaay better than a gold digger.

Are you porn addicted or so? Or some other addiction somewhere? Can kill your drive to go out and develop a personality. Are you sleep deprived?

>> No.3016012


Nigga you look like Jax Teller with downs.

>> No.3016017

>A 570k net worth at 22 isn't rich.
Kek that's the top 1% for my age.

>> No.3016022


you look like a heroin addict

>> No.3016044

I am sleep deprived and I jerk off about 1-2 times a day. I am a bit addicted to porn but nothing major. I've thought about getting a hooker but I'm just toi nervous of all the things that could go wrong. I've talked to a few on the phone and 95% of them were extremely bitchy.

>> No.3016067


Bro I'm not going to be mean but you ain't good looking. you're not ugly either though so you can get laid.

Just work on your social skills.

>> No.3016090

>im good looking
>posts pics
>it's a 6/10
literally every time

>> No.3016103
File: 233 KB, 768x768, YDnEnwnkJV1rB64kESmElxr9Dtx6ZliyGSK4vPO3_9M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't recommend hookers though. Escorts and hookers are a big difference. Calling first is a good idea :) How did you pick them? Checked reviews and all?

If you're nervous about the legality you can always hop over to Belgium/The Netherlands, they even got virgin-specials (though I think those are a rip-off).

>I am sleep deprived and I jerk off about 1-2 times a day. I am a bit addicted to porn but nothing major.
Try fixing the sleep deprivation first. Jerking off is fine, but porn is good to reduce.
You come off as socially awkward on /biz/, while you can carefully craft your response before hitting post.

Also, you mentioned being rejected 6 times - so you might have trouble coping with that. There's two options - having a large social circle so relationships form naturally, or going on a shitton of first dates and improving your social skills with each one.

What do you think holds you back when meeting friends? Even when awkward, you usually see awkward peeps finding each other. So are you like, shut-in? You could chat to people at university to start with?
Trying to gauge your situation.

In short, what this dude said >>3016067

>> No.3016113
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>i am good looking


>> No.3016114

4.5/10 at best

>> No.3016124

Inheriting, just like any young person with 6 figures.

He should feel lucky to have his own place. Its impossible to live on your own these days.

>> No.3016132

Avg looks. You shouldn't have a problem getting laid. It should actually be pretty automatic if you lower your standards and tap fat chicks. For you to be kissless though.... I think you might be mentally ill or something.

>> No.3016133


>> No.3016147

Chicks are funny

there must be something really awkward about your get up though

consider fitness

>> No.3016148

Buy a dog.

>> No.3016149

Gross, I'd never go near fat chicks, the girls I asked out were around 6s-7s. I am fit a muscular, why should I sleep with a fatty? And I'm kissless because I've never been on a date.

>> No.3016153


Thanks mate, At least I'm better lookin than op.

>> No.3016159

I already work out. I'm 185 lbs and can bench press 250, I've been working out for 2 years.
I already have a dog.

>> No.3016162
File: 92 KB, 500x667, 1403102282161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's probably too wide for OP's narrow wealth

>> No.3016172
File: 63 KB, 500x681, IMG_2037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be your friend. It's my birthday and I live in a single apartment with only my wealth and video games to keep me company.

>> No.3016177
File: 1.04 MB, 5312x2988, '.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I already have a dog.
Can I see a pic of your dog pls? I like dogs.

>> No.3016193
File: 153 KB, 960x1280, 7b382c2c-dbf7-4c35-9b06-8d71ec3e6197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my dog.

>> No.3016201

jesus, this board is a shit hole

>> No.3016202

> jpaR8hot
> R8hot
> R8 hot

We've found the oracle!

>> No.3016214


maybe work on your personality too then

I was the orbiter beta in high school. Now I'm the one fucking the hot girl while she breaks the hearts of the betas in her phone.

>> No.3016216
File: 82 KB, 1000x667, 19477684_1383258398376906_7239105667309862476_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, he's damn cute.

>> No.3016220


The reason I say this, is because harbouring an idea that's you're good looking is giving you an idea that you're entitled to something. Same thing happened to me, I assumed I was good looking and thus didn't have to put in the work.

Looking back, women were into me from 18 onwards, but it took until I was 26 until I met a woman aggressive enough to overcome my terrible social skills and have sex with me. I don't want the same thing to happen to you, so put yourself out there and don't be afraid. Eventually something will click.

>> No.3016280
File: 348 KB, 1200x1500, 1497991716353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant story, when my husband asked me out and I said yes, he derped and replied "Oh no, I hoped you'd say no."
So I thought he rejected me and he'd have lost me if I weren't pushy and confronted him a few days later for being wish-washy. Apparently he just freaked out because he didn't expect a yes.
Also he's a poorfag and he's shorter than me. He was just great in social groups, that's why I liked him.

>> No.3016393

you have to put effort in social situations to get anything out of them

you sound like Elliot Rodger

>> No.3016520

Good hair dude but other than that you look like a sex offender. Learn how to take a good picture and stop thinking about children when doing so.

>> No.3016523
File: 109 KB, 792x810, Screenshot_20170810-173246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you're a sociopath. Neat.

>> No.3016668
File: 2.65 MB, 3000x4075, angel for handsome anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op, dont listen to these fools. you are very handsome. im sure you will find what you are looking for.

you are very lucky to be so good looking AND rich! i have a very hard life and im very poor.

please help me out, anon. help me make something of myself


god bless you rich handsome anon

>> No.3016691

>come from wealthy family
Wow, what a shocker anon. So you're successful at absolutely nothing in life, ride off your parent's coattails, and expect to be successful with women? Top kek.

>> No.3016692

Holy shit just go on tinder and try not to be a retard.

>> No.3016717

>Doesn't understand interest
>Uses credit card

Might want to dump this one mate.

>> No.3017729


This is how you get manipulated by a gold digger and you end up loosing everything in alimony. Don't jump around from slut to slut at clubs. Go to more relaxed events and find someone with like interests.

>> No.3017746

you have a long and uneven face. kind of like a downy ryan reynolds

>> No.3017770

This is the face of someone who's broke and depressed get the fuck out with your larp shit

>> No.3017788

You have $155k in a Wells Fargo savings account?

Literally kill yourself you absolutely retarded piece of shit.

>> No.3017802
File: 1.74 MB, 1424x958, whenyoukillthepoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a cunt, do things for joy not status and start training bjj. I'm a poorfag who makes about 25 grand a year but am a happy camper because I do what makes me happy and don't take shit off of anyone.

>> No.3017859


>> No.3017941

Elliot? Is that you?

>> No.3017942

Free ether faucet

Just enter your address for auto deposit

>> No.3018042

We've all been rejected anon. I was rejected by every girl I got along with up until I found my wife around your age. Sometimes just takes time.

Why do you get rejected? Do you act like a rich douche bag? If so, try looking, acting, and dressing like a humble middle class dude. Go find a girl at church, they tend to be more traditional so will appreciate a man that wants to be a provider, which you seem to want.

Good luck anon

>> No.3018134

Whats wrong with that?

>> No.3018162

I'm not religious, and I went to a Catholic hs and nearly all religious girls are whores, some might not have vaginal sex but 99% of them have given bjs hjs possibly anal. They're basically fake virgin sluts that like to act pure.

>> No.3018259

I can't speak for all catholics but the ones I do know were pretty slutty. I'm talking about protestants/reformers that take their beliefs seriously because that's more of my background. I'm not going to push you but if you do decide to give it shot that's the direction I'd recommend.

It's kinda hard to give serious advice without you giving enough info to dox. Basics are smile, be humble, be fun to be around.

>> No.3018285

He probably thinks you should invest more of it. It's a lot of cash sitting there. Personally I'd start buying rental properties.

>> No.3018289

yes, I'm 24 with a similar net worth

it's getting bad because I think people at work judge me because they never hear about "muh gf" or whatever bullshit

>> No.3018290

if you can't get a girl during your undergraduate studies you're fucked, it's too late and there will never be another opportunity as good for it bro

>> No.3018315

>Be me
>not rich but self made comfortable
>come from trashy family
>got full scholarship to study
>fucked several girls, all had uni degrees, one was WAY out of my league

All I know is if what you did before didn't work, change your mindset, change your approach. Meet different people, reflect on different ideas even if you disAgree.

Don't come to this cesspool for advice

>> No.3018344


The fuck?


Or like any of the pornstar escorts services.How do you fuck up paying for sex loll

>> No.3018372

Travel to China or Malaysia

>> No.3018423

I'm thinking about buying an apartment in cash to rent out, but I want a little more in savings money just to be safe.

>> No.3018445

I've called some hookers but they hung up when I told them I'm a 22 year old virgin. I found a hot 25 year old Asian girl that was real but she hung up because she thought I was too young.

>> No.3018453

Chehtoree goo zoo?

Which city you at cuz?

>> No.3018469

Thing is, what the poors on this board can't comprehend, is that I've had ugly fatasses and all around losers come onto me and when you're young and worked hard to have a lot of money all you can think about is that these people are just as ugly on the inside and fully intend to use you

so you stay celibate
at 22 I definitely cared but I'm turning 25 in a few months and honestly you just stop giving a shit

>> No.3018596

OP... smile more. That photo, provided you didn't steal it from someone's Facebook, does not make you look like the decisive forward thinking man you think you are.

It makes you look like the kind of guy who idolizes Heath Ledger's Joker.

You got to smile more dude.

I swear to kek, if you fucking smile more you'll get more female attention. You're too babyfaced to have the dirty raw animal magnetism rockstar thing going on. (although if you DO want that, then fucking grow out your hair, and wear lycra and leopard print. There are tonnes of hot, insane rocker chicks who will want to fuck you thinking you're David Lee Roth).

But for the time being, smile more.

>> No.3018605

Da fuq?

You never tell them your age.

All you do with an escort, text don't call. Say you saw the ad and wait for a response. When they respond back they'll usually give you the rate. Tell them what time you want (usually SS half and an hour ) and come with an envelope with that exact amount of money. They usually tell you the address of the location after you agree to a specific rate and you only call them when you arrive at the motel.
That's for backpage(I don't recommend using desu)

For Eros and more reputable services it's usually just done through email, set up a time and date/appointment. Some of these chicks want you to have previous providers or employment history of which I assume you have neither.
Use preferred 411 for this and find a chick who's newbie friendly, fuck a few of these chicks and get a good relationship with them so you can use them as references for the pornstars and nicer escorts.

>> No.3018645

You are not ugly anón whats wrong with you ?

Social anxiety ?

Im really curius

>> No.3018692
File: 644 KB, 1200x1600, 1502425320488210665875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> random checking and savings account

Sit down faggot or I'll show you some real money in my portfolio

>> No.3018697

Dante Nero's "lay five bricks" analogy
5 bricks a day
365 days a year

>Even if I suck at laying bricks on day 1, by the end of the year I'm gonna have an amazing fucking wall

What he means is that you learn how to lay bricks better and better.
Same applies to women, if you talk to 5 women a day, by day 365, you'll be very good at seducing women... provided you have a modicum of self-awareness and the willingness to adapt your approach and cop rejections on the chin, maybe even reflect on how you can do better.

The other thing is, you have to know your "type", as in which girls gravitate towards you. Usually for me it's introverted hipster girls. Stacy doesn't give me a second look, and I accept that, nor do Stacy and I have anything in common.

>> No.3018751

sorry anon your post was tldr. Here's some advice from a fellow rich non virgin. You can either, 1, be yourself and stay true to your roots and beliefs and morals and eventually you'll find a good girl... Or 2, stop giving a fuck and quit trying so hard. Just fucking do your thing and be selfish and have fun. Girls love assholes. And they can sense when you're trying too hard or are thirsty or desperate. So cut that out.

Pro tip: women aren't worth a fuck until they're at least 25. Can't trust em, half retarded, only good for fucking, etc

>> No.3018770

smile more m8, you look like you gonna axe someone.

>> No.3018805

>but some will.


>> No.3018929

OP I made a similar thread a few weeks ago and got these same kind of replies. Nobody on this website has any non-meme answers. Everyone thinks they can tell you how much of a failure of a person you are from one 4chan post. But the truth is that every situation is different, and forming sexual relationships ultimately cones down to luck in the end.

Good luck anon. I won't pretend to know how to help you but I'll wish you well.

>> No.3018994

If you have this many problems despite affluence and looks - so much so that you don't even have friends - then I imagine you are learning the cliche that "money can't buy you happiness". I suspect that the root cause of your problem is that you likewise can't buy personality and never bothered to develop it. If you had a good upbringing and your parents didn't raise you to be an entitled brat, then perhaps you are surrounded by people who weren't so lucky and who did not, themselves, develop a personality.

>> No.3019018

how much of a cuck do you have to be not to get laid with all of that? you must be one weak faggot to scare women away geez. women hate a weakling.

im 30, scapring by, big but don't lift and i get more than enough pussy. man the fuck up

>> No.3019036

See OP also by making this thread you've given failures and losers at life like this anon an excuse to feel better about themselves for nutting into some fat cow. Better to just keep it to yourself next time.

>> No.3019068

>believes slaving away and working for fiat is winning at life
>doesn't realise that there is more to life than hot escourts and lambo's
>hasn't experienced it yet

don't worry anon, after a couple of near death experiences your eyes will open. unfortunately not everyone is lucky enough to get there.

>> No.3019113

I consider winning at life to be the strong, quiet, hardworking, traditional father and family man. However that type of man doesn't post on /biz/ about how he scrapes by and gets pussy.

>> No.3019149

getting a trad wife still means you get pussy. also, by getting pussy I don't mean sleeping with every woman who is interested, you know when a woman is interested.

>> No.3019186

Do I have to learn a new language just to fuck?

>> No.3020178


>> No.3020180

>I suffer in the US with 400k$

>> No.3020191

throw money at them you idiot

>> No.3020271


1) youre not really that good looking. youre on the same level like me. youre not too ugly so you actually have a shot at banging bishes they will give you a chance. but youre not hot enough that they will throw themselves at you so adjust your expectations.

2) you look angry af in that photo. if you talk to bishes like that its no wonder they get scared. smile. and drop the entitlement bullshit. youre not a male model / chad-tier.

3) getting rejected 6 times is nothing. try and get rejected 600 times. you will get laid.

>> No.3020285

textbook just another white cuck who thinks he's really special.

>> No.3020319


just stay two weeks in tokyo and use tinder, if you can not get laid there you are retarded. But at least try.

>> No.3020323

be my friend op
we'll live a cool life of parties and virginity in a sitcom like scenario where money isnt an object
email me girguy101@gmail.com

>> No.3020378

ignore most posts itt they're from retarded permavirgins just hating because they can

smile more. bumble and tinder are your bf's, you're guaranteed to get laid

>> No.3020392

You are neither rich, nor good looking

>> No.3020458
File: 75 KB, 736x1130, 12a1c9306ed62f15149e1fd30cab0b64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're ok, mate (not gay). I would relax that facial expression a bit. An honest smile is always welcome. As long as you're fit and dress well it should be easy to get girls.

Some people like silent guys, other people go for the open personality chad. It's just that you didn't found the social circles that fits you.

From my point of view you are a lucky guy. I wish I could have money, stability and a good hair.

>> No.3020656

>just found out she's been goin nuts with het credit cardand doesn't quite understand interest
>Yes. I'm trying to marry my gf and start a family but I'm fuckin broke.
moron, get a new woman.

>> No.3020701

hi Elliot

>> No.3020732

true. But: Your hair almost has that Trump vibe to it. You would do good getting a slightly shorter hair cut and get rid off the 'Im a trustfund kid' hair. Shake it up a little and dont look so hardcore, thats spooky to women.

Also: Enjoy yourself and be happy with your fucking money, you cucklord.

>> No.3021210

You look like a fucking serial killer that's one of the reasons, and you're just average looking.
I don't think any girl would turn around for you.