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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30148320 No.30148320 [Reply] [Original]

>Back to $29
This is genuinely fucking me up. I've never felt more anxious & depressed in 3.5 years of holding this piece of shit than now

>> No.30148436

Sell now or hold like in 2018

>> No.30148439

text book double top lmfao we WILL go to $14 sometime this year

>> No.30148470

Oh look anther retard who panics at every retraction like its the end of the world

You're literally too stupid to trade, so don't

>> No.30148522

Is this the new WTFWT?

>> No.30148647

This coin has already went 300x, way easier to make money in other stuff now anon..

>> No.30148785

Memelines don't apply to crypto

>> No.30148861

hahaha stay away from this faggots, i will never follow your fckn links, don’t even try! my pajeet slaves will suffocate you to shizo
i actually don’t care, i already invested in $PHR and just prepare for graphene distribution

>> No.30148885
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>> No.30149213

And yet I'm trapped in link. This is the problem. No way I can sell, there's no choice but to keep holding & watching everything else go up

>> No.30149414

The entire financial market is crashing to make sure Link stays under $30, unironically.
It's fucking amazing to witness.

>> No.30149689

it really is over this time, isn't it?

>> No.30149978

Citibank says link can overtake bitcoin

>> No.30150077

>3.5 years
>Paper hands

>> No.30150405
File: 336 KB, 2098x1206, 1614703558466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link pumped, they just dumped BTC to keep Link down.
See pic.

Today it unironically looks like they're crashing the fucking stock market to keep Link under $30.
Why the FUCK can't Link catch a fucking break.

>> No.30150467

take meds

>> No.30150476

At this point in 2017 ETH was literally $20
we are still on track

>> No.30150552

Remember when Link broke $4 for the first time?
This was in early March 2020, remember what happened right after?

Link is simply not allowed to fucking move.

>> No.30150789

Now I agree that BTC dumps are used to suppress LINK. But please anon. Take meds.

>> No.30150856

I know they're not actually dumping stocks to suppress Link.
But it's goddamn insane how much it looks like they are.

>> No.30151376


cope, dilate, have sex.

>he unironically does it for free

>> No.30151380
File: 257 KB, 1073x978, 1584330082640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats right, theres no conspiracy, none at all, just keep walkin' buddy

>> No.30151464

we bounced off $30
I'm just looking at coin gecko but on their chart we never hit 29.99

>> No.30151475

What double top? What timeline are you niggers looking at?

>> No.30151492

who gives a fuck just buy more. Chainlink will moon when staking is eminent. Then the singularity will happen.

>> No.30151634

they just make shit up to get you to sell

>> No.30152394

Literally. I mean PLEASE can someone explain how Citibank shilling link didn't pump it AT ALL? It makes no sense

>> No.30152594

Do you seriously think I started all those threads just cause I posted the same pic in the op?? You realise people save images right anon?

>> No.30152722

Just sell it you retard and buy something else if it makes you feel so bad.

>> No.30152880

This this sell immediately I can predict the future

>> No.30152970
File: 126 KB, 473x235, 1483313528474.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting rich is quick, Being wealthy builds up and takes time.

>> No.30153023


When you know Link will give you access to web 3.0 and the fourth industrial revolution in the future, why would you not spend money to keep Link down now to accumulate for the future?

>> No.30153107

Why can't you sell? Why is it that every faggot on /biz/ who holds Link won't sell it for some reason?

>> No.30153148

What part of "whale-manipulated shitcoin" ain't you getting here, friendo? If you don't see the price suppression, you aren't looking.

>> No.30153247

A. People aren’t paying attention.
B. There’s been tons of wildly bullish news in the past that didn’t move the price either.

>> No.30153602

A. twitter is full of shills spamming about citibank, it's not like people don't know
B. doesn't explain not pumping at all

>> No.30153701

unironically chainlink
if you're imperative to the function of all of the earth's automatically-renewing smart contracts, you basically go up in value really fast indefinitely

>> No.30153881

That’s better anon. Take meds now. I’m feeling kinda sleepy too anyone else?

>> No.30154255

Because it's the most literal and real case of IYKYK that has ever fucking existed. The term should be retired once Link moons. If you know anything about this token you will never sell a single fucking Link. Never. You will literally stab a baby to accumulate more. It's that simple.

>> No.30154347

Is hard not to kill myself
I never bought link and instead went and bought fucking OMG and FUN in 2017-18
It hurts
Im about to fomo into link ar the ath

>> No.30154738

redditors think warosu is Etherscan for 4chan or something

>> No.30155222

Can CH(AINL)INK die already?
I am so tired of BTC dumping every time this hits 30-31.
This shitcoin is the worst thing to happen to crypto.