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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 299x168, shitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3014634 No.3014634 [Reply] [Original]

which one is the biggest shitcoin and why is it icn?

bought yesterday because some anon recommended it, looked priced looked alright. Remembered it was a good coin so figured would be a good buy. Coin still losing value, let's see what's up with that. turns out they won't be paying dividends and the coin is basically worthless
sitting on a 15% god damnit I'm so fucking mad can someone post a wojak to describe my feelings?

>> No.3014674

dude stop crying and hodl for 2 months you weak hand faggot you will be shocked end of november

>> No.3014707

shut up cocksucker. hold is a meme hahahah i sold my bags at 3.25 and went all into omg when it was < 3. blow me

>> No.3014711

care to explain what will be different in 2 months?

>> No.3014889

this is literally going to spike like ANS or OMG, it just isnt the right time yet. hold this coin

>> No.3014901

yea let them sell and rebuy end of year for 20x the price haha faggots

>> No.3014936
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It's gonna moon, boys. Duh huh. Duh huh.

>> No.3014952

so you can't think of a reason why? but you guys know the token is useless right?
20x yeah sure mate feel like you don't have much money invested

>> No.3014963

:(((( its its worthless guys i swear, kekus maxikus

>> No.3014993

There is no reason for NEO to spike either.

>> No.3015006

i hope u will lurk when the fire rises

>> No.3015030

Biggest shitcoin is easily qtum

Internet of things is still years away, meaning qtum being useful is 10 years away.

>> No.3015036
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it will never reach its ATH again

>> No.3015047

> he sells before the coin starts getting used for the DAA product
> he buys rope instead

>> No.3015066

> he sells before the coin starts getting used for the DAA product

literally this

anyone selling right now is crazy, atleast wait for the DAAs to come out, thats when ICN gains function.

>> No.3015100

everybody said the same about the product release - it has been red candles ever since

>> No.3015109

fuck my life

>> No.3015116

anybody who said that about that platform release is a fucking idiot
the devs literally said the ICN token will gain function upon addition of digital asset arrays, which i believe are being finalized on august 16th.

>> No.3015123

you think you fucked up? I have CFI too! fuuuuuuck.....

>> No.3015131

The devs are too scared of the SEC to talk about what they'd like the coin to do. There's also FUD around why exchanges other than Kraken won't pick it up. If the August AMA doesn't have answers, it'll get worse.

Right now the coins represent a stake in a 45 million dollar fund if yhey get shut down. That nets you 50 cents per token. Until there's something else you can do with them, they're overpriced.

That said, the ICN whales are accumulating in almost tye same way that they did ANS after its first crash. People are breaking down the same way and dropping their bags. If you don't want to wait, buy something that's going up now and register where ICN is traded so you can jump on when it starts moving.

>> No.3015139
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we are all idiots. we hold ICN.

>> No.3015156

don't know much about neo, but I'm sure it's more legit than this icn. It doesn't hold any value whatsoever
we'll see


I'm not selling yet, but if it goes below this low, I'll sell and so will most people I guess. You can bet your ass it will go down fast.

how can you protect this shitcoin when the guys behind it basically fucked us over? just believing in something doesn't work

>> No.3015238

this and this. 10'000 signed up that's people YUUUGEEE. Where tf is that considered huge? You know what's huge? a marketcap of over 200 fucking millions.

that's the other problem. no it doesn't. you don't own shit with this token let alone a part of the company. this basically makes the token worthless atm, they just played people with "dividends" to get money, at least it feels like it

>> No.3015313

>That said, the ICN whales are accumulating in almost tye same way that they did ANS after its first crash. People are breaking down the same way and dropping their bags.

this guy gets it.

>> No.3015397

>tfw 25% down in ICN

>> No.3015575

now you'll need 33% to make up for it after loosing 50% it's really hard to go back..
delusion at it's finest

>> No.3015721

who here is honestly ready to track down these fucking icn devs with me. people have done more for less

>> No.3015756

just go to slovenia and follow the slime trail

>> No.3015801


god damnit I totally forgot they are from slovenia a fucking poor 3rd world country. I never wanted to invest in people from there that's why I didn't with cfi JUST

never ever have I fuded so much for a coin

>> No.3015811

>from a "digital asset management platform"
>no registration with any state or federal authority, no minimum capitalization and mandatory reserves

Holy shit, you people can rationalize anything to yourself. So many fucking brainlets playing with money they can't afford to lose.

>> No.3015857

Isnt this coin about teaching people technical analysis?

It should be worth 500 thousand as it is a nice school project. Not 500 million.

>> No.3015862

but but muh buybacks

>> No.3015886
File: 73 KB, 1440x862, Capture+_2017-08-10-18-03-51-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Successful launch

>> No.3015922

well yes that was the whole premise of the project, also having ownership but in crypto that's worth shit

>> No.3015954
File: 29 KB, 360x560, tim_m_zagar-662aae1b97ba1aa4ba92ff3e23244d2341697e7ff572513df036fa40e4b0bde5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the ICN token's utility was for us to take your money"

>> No.3015969
File: 29 KB, 360x560, jani_valjavec-42d7387a094442209a4817fce1d5d65f597eceb0a3feff7fdd767719ef9a6fba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I think tonight I will celebrate by sucking my dog's cock... again."

>> No.3015987
File: 32 KB, 360x560, zenel_batagelj-11c016cb06fb13c11c033e5243f68d202e175666ca7447586ca3874b814ea8b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I guess I can buy new hair now to replace the hair that stayed up Tim's ass when I pulled my head out of it"

>> No.3016005
File: 31 KB, 360x560, ervin_u_kovac-52875c571d9c4bd2f1864aa778c77050b6ecfa8b63b704a13da88f2a58719809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"as for me, I will buy an electron microscope. I have always wondered what my penis looked like"

>> No.3016024
File: 32 KB, 370x829, loluhax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually looked into buying the icnx today, ICONOMI's index fund, ICN just fuctions in a way similar to a companies public stock.

They charge a 3% fee for managing the index fund. THREE FREAKING PERCENT, THIS IS ROBBERY.

So instead I just printed off their list of managed assets and am doing it myself. This index is literally just for lazy retards and will steal all your money with insane fees. Pic related of what the index consists of

>> No.3016053
File: 29 KB, 360x560, gregor_lah-e2728a79438c710154ea304762ccdd32d636bfe3fccd68ed13d2df6dfdbe1c36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"that 3% funds my hobby of traveling the world to lick exotic toilet bowls."

>> No.3016056

lmao brah you seem more mad then me. how heavy is your bag?

>> No.3016076
File: 33 KB, 360x560, meta_vrhnjak-02b6623a003a4486e7fd6be17e101e7c4f1d46e1cfcfaf285d054b4ef475f609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"and it is also funding my surgery to become a woman. The penis comes off on wednesday. You boys can fight over it"

>> No.3016083
File: 39 KB, 360x560, tjasa_tolj-c82e54958fb21d6497c58c894aaf6d3769e3ffd58a91f39f51be029053ba6a8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"heavy enough that he has no chance with me. I'd never date anyone dumb enough to buy ICN. Heee heee"

>> No.3016098

no icn is not like a stock, that's the problem. It has no fucking value
and yes 3% is ridiculous, are missing a lot of good projects too.

I'll wait till the 13th and decide from then

>> No.3016173

now imagine holding bitcoin in 2013

>> No.3016217

I rest my case. it has no value, and actually the whole platform has no value. At least in this market

>> No.3016219

" I was wearing a tie when I came in this morning but I had to wipe my ass with it because Jani ate all of the toilet paper."

>> No.3016259
File: 25 KB, 360x560, egidiju_norkus-7cc3fb52fa7bff93a29f7daeeaf624272acadf772ecb7e3ce45ab998eb65b8d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That's too bad, Tim. You ought to do what I do next time - go to the subreddit and they will lick your ass clean."

>> No.3016282
File: 30 KB, 360x560, ales_lekse-a8bdf92bc80207c54cc99ad8913df2687bf11c0035780ff375774428f1709729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

" That is always a good plan. Perhaps I can sell them one of the sweaters I have knitted from my grandmother's ass hairs"

>> No.3016304
File: 34 KB, 360x560, sava_lazin-255dfcd721cfa59dec852f632c636596a5defe92d76d59aa5f2d3d3c301c43bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You guys are a bunch of assholes. I'm just here for the cocaine"

>> No.3016311

bookmarking this thread. Gonna bump it in a week

not wasting my words

>> No.3016332
File: 38 KB, 360x560, domen_skalar-dc212aaeafcc19ca25393c4989b9c851170f4170501292590d8c3e4eedc8c072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Very good, anon. You know the company is doing well when they can hire bums off the street like myself."

>> No.3016356
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I found this funny. what's wrong with me?

>> No.3016385
File: 53 KB, 360x560, jan_mohoric-1ffa877518a01f5245a7b5172a6c237f86a674ce1f9bc71ad71ab1bbfb7e1696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Imagine how we felt at the office. Tim was running around with his pants down afterwards shaking his new tail and barking like a dog"

>> No.3016413

This is cfi all over again retards.

>> No.3016450

Jesus... Your autism is at a level that shouldn't even be possible

>> No.3016485
File: 33 KB, 360x560, paraskevi_karageorgu-14e98597807f855e660f0cfffe65269d212a8636f73d62a6256d00a50b26cd3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

" You seem smart, anon. I like you. I'm going to give you a bit of free advice (just between you and me)... SELL!"

>> No.3016494
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O I laff

>> No.3016547


>> No.3016616

he does look a bit worn out though doesnt he

>> No.3016879

Can someone explain why suddenly there is targeted FUD against ICN? Were you faggots hired by a whale to make the price drop?

>> No.3016938

Whenever I post this question the thread seems to die out. Bump until I get an answer you pajets.

>> No.3016996

The whale doesn't need any assholes on /biz/ to help. He has only one major exchange to manipulate and plenty of ICN to do as he pleases with the price.

The team doesn't seem to care. Questions about ICN's value get brushed off in their AMAs. They probably only created the token to bring in money for the ICO. Now they struggle to find a reason to justify its existence.

>> No.3017019

How can you agree with a whale accumulating on a mass level and still think it's time to sell?

>> No.3017034

I want the whale to be a bagholder. I know I don't really have the ability to do that, but the thought amuses me.

>> No.3017049

just shut up and keep buying low you stupid twat

>> No.3017055

besides - having a lot of money doesn't always mean you are smart - the whale could very well be fucking himself

>> No.3017056

You know that being this stupid and emotional with trading is what makes you lose money, right?

>> No.3017075

I haven't bought or sold anything since June.

>> No.3017084

Then don't be emotional and either bet on up or down. If you're betting on up, don't shoot your own foot.

>> No.3017100

I have no effect on ICN's price, anon. Don't be silly.

>> No.3017110
File: 79 KB, 1675x897, icndash5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait until this is $100 a coin when the fiat/ICN pairs come out. Sell all you want, smart money is still loading up. I just put $30,000 more myself.

>> No.3017165

just keep a small amount like 100 dollars worth. Doubling in crypto ain't shit. If your eyes right you should spot signs of gaining momentum. But this coin is unlikely to do anything. Also I think I hate my autistic crypto lifestyle. This is like millennial Pokemon trading

>> No.3017177

Sorry new fag but I saw it shilled sub a dollar on hers and sold at $5 tough luck kiddo

>> No.3017180

hmmmm.... I don't see that huge purchase on either of the exchanges that carry ICN, anon.

>> No.3017782

It was yesterday or the day before.

>> No.3017808

It's not big buys. Whales don't load up on market buy orders, actually. They load up with limit buys.
If you're a whale and don't want to raise the price and get significantly lower fees, you let people sell into your walls.