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30122510 No.30122510 [Reply] [Original]

Another morning another dip

>> No.30122645

As I called it. This shit isn’t going to $10 for awhile, much less moon. And everyone in the thread keeps claiming otherwise

>> No.30122729

>gamma squeeze this week huge amc gains yadayada
>rises only 1$
dead stock

>> No.30123346

>i-its just short ladder attacks

>> No.30123466

Sitting comfy w/40 shares@ 6.89
Cant wait for another 7-10 dollar day

>> No.30123507

that dividend yield tho

>> No.30123560

are the theaters open and playing kino again

>> No.30123759

Remember when amcucks wouldn’t stfu about muh squeeze this week? I remember.

>> No.30123843

Yeah, there's no capeshit kino being released tho.So it's basically useless until they release the next shitty major sequel movie.
Reddit has flooded the shit out of this board.

>> No.30124235

>Reddit has flooded the shit out of this board
It’s funny because back when gme first popped most of us in smg knew these meme stocks were about to pump and got into amc under $5 sold over $16 and ironically shilled it to the Reddit fags

>> No.30124346

I remember this. Now you got people shouting you’re a kike if you tell them the truth, that this isn’t going to moon like they thought it was going to. All that gamma squeeze bullshit was just that.

>> No.30124417

But the fact that gme is still volatile means it's good for making money so whatever

>> No.30124486
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>They didn't buy CLF

PE ratio of 3.5 boys

>> No.30125087
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>He's not buying more as it dips
Is this you?

>> No.30125202

>Tranny spam.
>Gets filtered

>> No.30125309

i mean really tho theaters are about to open back up, I didn't hard invest but I'm sitting comfy as a bagholder with average buy under $7

>> No.30125341

In english?

>> No.30125362

Wait until movies come back

>> No.30125409

Oh no doubt, especially if you bought it at the dip at 7-8 bucks. But there’s been people saying crazy shit like yesterday, that it was going to go to $12 by EOD, and anyone who realistically pointed it out was called crazy shit.

>> No.30125423

Robert is that you?

>> No.30127346

the worst part of this shit is that if it at least was back to 5,5-6 i could buy a lot more to average down from 12 but averaging down at 9$ thats something i m not willing to do

>> No.30127922

I feel you on this. I bought at $9.61 so I’m forced to hold until it at least crosses that path

>> No.30128076


My average is 12

Its not gonna get that high again but its still too high right now to average down

>> No.30128837

81 @ 13

want to get off this ride, sell? i dont mind the 350 loss as long as i have to stop following this shit

>> No.30129275

amc is a long hold at this point. just drop a view once or twice and day eventually it will hit 13

>> No.30129351

i rather just forget about all this bullshit, amc was my first stock ever, im gonna go back to gambling, i dont know why im too pussy to sell tho

>> No.30130175

200 shares at $7.22. Im gonna wait this one out. I think it'll hit $30 mid March

>> No.30130179
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, avatar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie is going to save movie theaters. I'm going to DCA AMC until it comes out.

>> No.30130652


>> No.30131374

Fake poster you’ll be DCAing for over a year lol

>> No.30131499
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>tfw 55 @ 16.6

Am I retarded

>> No.30131612

Yeah. I'm not too far off you brother, 65 @ 12.9. We probably aren't gonna make our money back but I'm not selling for anything less than 10.

>> No.30131616

I already sold and put it in GME.

30 @ 15

Sold at 5 lol

>> No.30131822

>bagholder general
could be worse, could be holding $GME

>> No.30132059
File: 182 KB, 2047x1143, 1586544838868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got caught holding the bag @ 12
>going to have to hold these baggies till the heat death of the universe because I don't want to average down and get fucked harder.
fuck this gay ass movie theater. I just need it to hit my sell limit and let me the fuck out already

>> No.30132425

>tfw bought 400 at 2.49 on a whim during 2020
I should have sold when it peaked at 20 but decided to limit sell at 21$.

>> No.30133147

Isn’t GME doing well though?

>> No.30133223

>you’ll be DCAing for over a year lol
Yes, then I'll be rich when my average is around 3 dollars and AMC rockets to 30 when avatar 2 comes out next year.

>> No.30133298

I wish I had blind faith like you

>> No.30133408

I know for an absolute fact chinks are going to be going in swarms to the theaters to see it, maybe for months.

>> No.30133481

Dammit Robert what the hell. I just wanna make it ya know.

>> No.30133512

you know the Release date
is December 16, 2022 ?

>> No.30133612

There was a 3x opportunity if you had bought during the senate hearings, yes.

>> No.30133671

It was supposed to be Monday, or today, what's next, Friday? Should we expect something to happen on Friday? Fuck it, let's all say it'll short squeeze to $1000+ on Friday, might as well.

>> No.30133810

>he listened to reddit

>> No.30133922

I've been watching TA YouTubers, actually. Probably not any better.

>> No.30134077

the possibility is there it doesnt have the volume to support a squeeze of any kind though. if any good news happens you can expect a squeeze until then though just hold

>> No.30134323


>> No.30134410

>literally me
Why oh why do i have to be such a newfag to stonks

>> No.30134468

Well, a new Disney movie is out Friday, so maybe that'll cause some movement within the next week or so?

>> No.30134713

Exact same

Im so close to just taking the 25% loss just so I can reinvest in non memes and move on

>> No.30135011
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These except $14

>> No.30135176

Let's make it happen.

>> No.30135429

fat tranny

>> No.30135521


>> No.30136955
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>> No.30137220

A movie that nobody is talking about.

>> No.30138001

Yes, and one that will likely make more money on Disney+. All the same, it's a new movie and that is the only hope this stock has. Godzilla vs Kong is another chance later this month, but again is on streaming and isn't something most people care about judging by how hard the last one bombed.

>> No.30138893

You're never gonna make it and I'm laughing at you.

>> No.30139021

this shit is mad boring

>> No.30139080

Welcome to the stock market.