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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30109741 No.30109741 [Reply] [Original]

why do they need to tax money away from people?

>> No.30109813

I don't get this either
if you don't make any money, you don't pay income tax?
do they want us to be neets?

>> No.30110738

Mutts do really believe money grows on trees "hey, we can just print it, right ? ", so taxes are a way to remind the normans that it's not true.

>> No.30110750

Print money by borrowing, selling debts. Inflation caused already eased payments load as you can pay future EMIs with devalued dollars. These EMIs need to be paid with some income at Gov level, which is tax.

But the spending deficit is higher as debt goes higher. More tax needed to fill the gap.

>> No.30110802

Spending=increasing money supply
Taxing=reducing money supply

>> No.30110840

It's the same thing, people can afford less with both.
It's just an indirect form of taxation.

>> No.30110889

delete this goyim

>> No.30110892

Because the federal reserve is not a government bank, it's a private bank that lends the money to the government and the government needs taxes to pay the interest to the fed.

>> No.30110938

that's so fucking dumb
how have we not collapsed yet

>> No.30110941

Also watch "Zeitgeist: The Movie" if you want to learn about how and why your monetary system has been corrupted

>> No.30110969

To pay back the money they own on interest on that said money.

The Federal Reserve is not a government entity anon... It's owned by (((them))).

Not even szicho

>> No.30111021

to close the racial wealth gap. If you just print money, blacks and whites get poorer at the same rate. but if you make whites pay taxes on top of that, they become poor and politically powerless much faster than blacks!

>> No.30111091

Jupp. It's probably not a semitic underground organization that aims to enslave all goyim, but still (((they))) exist, just probably not in the way the alt-right memes say. (((Their))) grand-grandfathers just were in the right place at the right time and the banking system was for them what crypto is for us now. A possibility to leave being a normie poorfag.

>> No.30111119

The entire financial system summed up perfectly

>> No.30111305


>> No.30111334

now it all makes sense with all these lockdowns and stay at home orders. NWO wants us to be neets

>> No.30112691

Our System in a nutshell

>> No.30113418

wait who got >>30111111 ?

>> No.30113517

tax money just gets deleted to prevent inflation
soon governments will start taxing bad behavior instead of just income as we see a transition into communism