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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30108716 No.30108716 [Reply] [Original]

>167k € in crypto
>20€ in the bank

>> No.30108745

I have $25k in crypto, and $8k in the bank

>> No.30108752

hog up some welfare and buy more crypto

>> No.30108764


>> No.30108776
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>$150k in crypto
>$18 in bank
We are unironically twins, but I might get shafted with overdrafts since I have monthly bills

>> No.30108794


>> No.30108813

Good idea. I'm accumulating DIA and xBTC right now.

>> No.30108828

And why is that? Because I don't have 6 figures?

>> No.30108917
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£15000 in crypto
-£1600 in bank through overdraft

>> No.30108958

350k in crypto,
1,500 in bank account

disqaulifed from fiancail aid for failing grades
commited unemployemtn fraud
being sued by wells fargo over credit card debt
on foodstamps
no job
free obama phone
free medical

350k in crypto LOL

>> No.30108972

I honestly hope you lose it all

>> No.30109051

youll make it fren give it a few years and keep accumulting was just like you,

started in 2017 with a minimum wage job. turned 200 into 2,000 and i felt so good 2,000 was a crazy amount for me, 2018 came and my portfolio went down to 500 and been stacking link since that.

>> No.30109142

>£150 in the bank
>£30k in crypto

>> No.30109190

>keeping 8k in a bank

>> No.30109327 [DELETED] 

How much is it now?

>> No.30109329

In my opinion I've already made it. I Just moved out of my parents' house and bought a house in October, and I'm renting out the rooms. Since one of them is a mother in law unit, I make more in rent than I spend on my mortgage. I don't really need to worry about bills because of that, and, the only real reason I'm still working is so I can invest the money I make.

>> No.30109362

You have made it

>> No.30109391

i seriously hope youre on bennies.
>not storing all your wealth in crypto + physical gold/silver and claiming you have 0 savings.

>> No.30109405

Thinking about putting 2k in crypto.. that's half my money but I don't have anything else to spend it on.. but diversifying..

>> No.30109469

800€ in the bank (enough for exactly one month till my next paycheck comes)
And aprox. 175k€ on a ledger

>> No.30109503

100k crypto 1k bank

Perfectly normal

>> No.30109516

>tfw less money in the bank than what I need, just beg my parents for money when I run out and don't tell them about my crypto
Fuck boomers also

>> No.30109525

60k cash for buying dips
60k in crypto savings (10% a year)

>> No.30109530

Imagine explaining this to your parents

>> No.30109634

540k€ net worth
Only 56k€ in Crypto.
Feel good to be part of this for the fun of it, yet not reliant on highly volatile assets.

>> No.30109657

900k in crypto, and I need to take out 30k soon. fuck i am so angry at this

>> No.30109698


>> No.30109770

My parents are actually interested and have been asking me for advice on how to invest in crypto. I keep trying to explain to them that I'm retarded and that the only reason I've been making money is because I hopped on the crypto bandwagon during a bullrun, but they think the fact that I recognize that is only further evidence that I'm some kind of genius. I know I'll lose them money if I try to tell them how to invest it, but they keep insisting that I do so.

>> No.30109807

don't care, already own my house, few living expenses, can afford to stop waging right now and not be the worse to wear until I die.
the secret is: if you don't need much, you're already rich.

>> No.30109825

Just say that you are a gay online porn boi who gets crypto money by inserting black dildos up your ass while dressed as a japanese girl. It will be easier to explain.

>> No.30109830

I've been telling my dad to buy BTC since $250 and he doesn't listen, ever. You're lucky

>> No.30109889

for what dude

i have 350k and have not even taken out 3k to get root canals, so now my feel fall apart if i chew something hard, they literally split in half.

>> No.30109894

Almost exactly the same lad except I'm permanently about £40 overdrawn.

>> No.30109942

gotta pay something for my house, cant get around it

>> No.30109956

Told my money to not pull out until 1 mil.

It's all or nothing

>> No.30109995

I keep trying to get them to look for advice from someone far more knowledgeable than me, but they won't. They think I'm some kind of guru who knows exactly how the market works, when I've been in it for less than 3 months.

>> No.30109999

*told my mom

Fuck autocorrect

>> No.30110014

150k$ crypto
3k$ bank

>> No.30110015

post wallet

>> No.30110039

150 in crypto
2 in the bank

>> No.30110062

Made my mom buy 1btc at 10k

I said I will force her to suck my cock if she doesn't

>> No.30110067

literally NGMI
fucking retard

>> No.30110074

>told my mom to not pull out
still doesn't make sense, it autocorrected "dad" with "mom"

>> No.30110099

You're not pulling out of your mom until 1m?

>> No.30110117

Plot twist: I will make her suck my cock to get the keys for the coins when they are worth a mil.

The million dolloar suck. Would you suck your sons dick for 1 mil?

>> No.30110137

>800k € in crypto
>2k € in the bank
>20k € loan running for the next 2 years to cover living costs with monthly payouts at 0% interest
We're making it.

>> No.30110146

Imagine telling your friends and family.
They are secretly gleeful when you are losing and begs for gibs when you are winning.

The best is you don't tell anyone and just say you are doing online programming work.
Javascript terminology is stupid easy to learn in 1 day, enough that you can trick everyone.

>> No.30110194

jesus just get some of that shit together and you're golden.
You can literally live in Cali, one of the most expensive states in the US, off of just half of that money.

>> No.30110245

>9.5k in Link and GRT
>11k in bank
I wish I was strong enough to go all in

>> No.30110307
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>1.5k in crypto
>200k in the bank

>> No.30110325

where/how did you get that 0% loan

>> No.30110335

You hate money?

>> No.30110357

Likely student loans.

>> No.30110406

Yeah, it's a student loan that they offered because of Corona. I originally planned to actually finish my studies, but depending on where this goes I might not need to. Quit my job of 6 years to start a Masters degree and here we are.

>> No.30110436

That's a nice chunk of money but you won't be able to live on that your entire life

>> No.30110448

Is studying for masters fun?
I might want to try it just for the easy access to uni broads and doing new things for a change.

>> No.30110450

>1 million in crypto
>1.5k in bank
>on goverment welfare

>> No.30110463

You're doing it right bro

>> No.30110469

80k in cryp
20k in bank

>> No.30110482

learn about the stock to flow model and other models, its a cycle, if they invest now they should be able to double or tripple there money pretty easily, its a long term thing

>> No.30110500


3% of my investment and still have more than 90% of /biz/ - Shiggy Diggy

>> No.30110532

>access to uni broads
That's the kicker, I thought it would be nice because of those things but the only thing you do is sit at home and jump on zoom calls. It's really fucking bad right now. It'll be better once restrictions are lifted but right now I'd stay away from universities.

I know, that's why I didn't outright quit just yet. Run ain't over though, really hope I get to low-mid 7 figures. All in LINK by the way.

>> No.30110533

the overleveraged retards going all in will get rekt

>> No.30110539


>> No.30110613

You're doing God's work anon. Every person on welfare is one more person pissing wagies off enough to kill politicians. Never stop winning and keep the crypto bank roll prepped to leave your failed state.

>> No.30110712

Was in the same situation... I just grew and sold weed - made about 1k each month and made a comp sci master.

Fuck society they forced me to do it

>> No.30110773
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$250k in BTC
$3k in Bank
+$40k i debt. never gonna pay

>> No.30110887
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>> No.30111028

Uh yeah... I'm thinking based

>> No.30111080

>£25k crypto
>£10k stocks
>£5.84 in the bank
Who even holds cash anyway?

>> No.30111092

$15k in crypto, $9k in bank

>> No.30111153

>12k on the bank
>5.5k in crypto

>> No.30111163

>€90 in crypto
>€24k in the bank

I'm new to this.

>> No.30111278

uhh those who want to buy groceries, pay the bills, rent, you know.. us mortals.

>> No.30111351

Don't worry anon, i'm slowly trickling my fiat into crypto weeks at a time until my holdings are majority crypto

the banks can get fucked

>> No.30111361

All allocated when I get paid. Remainder gets invested.

>> No.30111370

Everyone with functioning brain cells. Cash can't be traced. Your bank not gonna see it.
If you wtmi you have crypto or cash, leave the banks out

>> No.30111377

What is it like being a complete piece of shit?

>> No.30111432

you are gonna make it.

>> No.30111451

based. Be as big a burden on the system as you can

>> No.30111460
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Kek, stay away from this and go fuck yourself faggots. stop crawling to put money in your shitty coins. i made to get money from sharding. already bought some phore coins and plan to get some graphene at the airdrop

>> No.30111465

315k crypto sitting in eth and btc no shitcoins
35k stonks
70k savings
300k equity in homes
100k equity in company
If market holds its anus together 500-1mil in profits this year from home building but it’s stressful

>> No.30111492

I don't mean physical paper cash, I mean a bank balance held in fiat.

>> No.30111715

>80k in crypto
>200 in the bank
>6k in debt (which was used to buy more crypto)

Am I doing this right?

>> No.30111931

Me too
But I went even further and took a 24k eur loan in December
If you are euro I actually recommend you do too, interest rates are so cheap there is literally no excuse not to do it

>> No.30111933

Fine line between being based and being a complete scumbag leech
Imagine begging your parents for money in this example looool, you may well be the biggest, saddest loser on this entire fucking board, congrats

>> No.30112056

How much interest do you pay?

>> No.30112088

Fuck you you fucking bugman. Loads of metro gimps like you in the UK.

>> No.30112111

That's sad anon, did your parents ever do wrong to you? If not, then you should kys.

>> No.30112273

You seem upset

>> No.30112340
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>0$ in the bank
>0$ in crypto
>0$ of debt
>thousands of food cans hidden around in the country in secret stash containers

>> No.30112795


>> No.30113026

yeah i done do the same. trying to figure out how to turn chinese and get it only Coinflux though.
their gov likes it

>> No.30113050

I kek'd
kinda retarded with the credit card debt but otherwise I aspire to this

>> No.30113093

12k in crypto
300 in the bank

>> No.30113330
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$185k in crypto, $100 in cash

I live with parents though

>> No.30113331

in some countries as 'poor' as you are, you should qualify to get a lawyer to fight the lawsuit on taxpayers burden kek

>> No.30113351 [DELETED] 

Anon just saw this posted.

> 1st Quantum Proof Blockchain
> From Scratch engine
>up 1100% this month

>> No.30113607

Fix your teeth retard, you won't get another set

>> No.30113706

>180k € in btc and eth
>14k € in mortgage saving account
>2k € in bank account

>> No.30113740

dangerously based

>> No.30114195

i have 70 bucks in crypto
50 on my bank account
17 GME

>> No.30114484

This is unironically the best strategy. Always appear poor and stupid to authorities and normies. It makes life much easier.

>> No.30114501 [DELETED] 

Market down 7%, $MCM up 70% =)))

>> No.30115731



>> No.30115898

>50k in boomer stocks
>$500 in bank

leaving money sitting around sickens me

>> No.30115945

he can just get them ripped out and have nice denture implants...

>> No.30116878

$15 in the bank
$3200 in crypto