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30108647 No.30108647 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is better, and why?

>> No.30108705

PRQ, once it fucking moves. Will it ever move is the other question

>> No.30108737
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Grt Tokenomics

>> No.30108762

One is listed on grayscale :
https://icis.corp.delaware.gov/eCorp/EntitySearch/NameSearch.aspx code 5326761
Is supporting BSC and ETHEREUM wholde ecosysteme and will soon take over all major l1 and L2.

The other is a shitcoin

>> No.30108837

They both do different things, but seeing as PRQ can do what GRT does just as a bi-product of its main function im going with PRQ.
It also has better tokenomics and has more room to grow. Just needs some exchange listings, GRT was on everything day one.

>> No.30108910
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>he thinks grayscale means anything
they even hold XRP and MANA lmao

>> No.30109099


fucking cope

>> No.30109121

Cope dilate prqSHITranny

>> No.30109181

shoo shoo GRTranny

>> No.30109218

they are different.
PRQ however doesn't have completely fucked tokenomics and a much higher ROI potential due to its much lower marketcap.

>> No.30109446

GRT is usefull while PRQ is just a failed version without adoption of dune analytic

>> No.30109471 [DELETED] 

I advise you to sell
Other try to bring you fucking trash

>don’t trust this shit, a lot of trash on biz today
my homie always tells me - want to mine and get profit - use not eth ecosystem
>take a look at ENQ, this is cool eco for this year

>> No.30109489

One is a daily pump and dump and the other is frozen in the time space continuum

>> No.30109521
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>without adoption
Don't buy then, suit yourself.

>> No.30109585

2 more weeks

>> No.30109610

grt customer is just the whole fucking crypto ecosystem kek

>> No.30109645

PRQ is a ERC20 shitcoin
GRT will make you a millionaire

>> No.30109650

GRT because I hold it and you should pump my bags

>> No.30109708

further proving it has little room to grow
GRT simply isn’t a good investment, you need tens of billions more market cap to do a 10x from here
PRQ only needs hundreds of millions and it’s gaining more clients every day, I expect a couple of the announcements this month will be more partnerships

>> No.30109766

Same for parsiq, but it's much more undervalued with much better tokenomics.

>> No.30109867

i used parsiq product for free to test, i got counted as client kek.

>> No.30110816

Not even remotely the same.

One is a graph.

One is an automated trigger system for trading, payments, and much more.

>> No.30111801

Love prq
Hate crabbing
Selling my shit if we're not $3 by april

>> No.30111857

sure sure prqshit, dont forget to sell at loss before the end of the bullrun

>> No.30111873

PRQ fags keep talking about announcements but I’ve still yet to see any at all KEK

>> No.30111951
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you cant sell prq at a loss, because it crabs or pumps.. look at the chart

>if you loose money with parsiq you have to be giga retarded

>> No.30112116

they are all coming in the next 3 weeks. we did have solana integration last week but that was known for awhile.

>> No.30112186

How can you be at a loss with PRQ?

>> No.30112239
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If it has all of that adoption why does it crab the whole time?

>> No.30112304

It crabs until it doesn't

>> No.30112332

>zoom out

>> No.30112447

cant wait to see how prqnigger will survive in bear market.

>> No.30112497

Like 99% of all projects, right? Oh wait, even BTC dies in a bear market so 100% of all projects.

>> No.30112608

>they are all coming
I’ll believe it when I see it. I was told there were 7 announcements planned for February, we got what 1?

>> No.30112672

all we need is ONE coinbase or binance listing in the next 5 months and this will explode.
if not, im bagholding until next cycle.

>> No.30112735

sure and dont forget nasdaq listing + grayscale trust to break the 1.25 sell wall.

>> No.30112787

lol dont need that

>> No.30112894

Chad prq vs viring grt, why even bother?

>> No.30112940

>I was told there were 7 announcements planned for February,
no, you were told there were 7 announcements planned for Q1. it's still Q1 until april.

>> No.30113007

anywhere I can buy PRQ without getting raped by fees?

>> No.30113066

that’s not what I was told, I was told February, multiple times by multiple fags

>> No.30113225

its barely like 30 dollars now, what fees

>> No.30113339

It doesn't matter to you as token investor which one is better. It matters to you which one has the higher growth potential.
I shouldn't have to say which one that is.

>> No.30113414


>> No.30113680

well they're both circles, and have a similar color palette... the aesthetic is totally different though. i would probably go with the minimalist design of the one on the left.

>> No.30113809

it was always Q1. the roadmap says Q1 not "february". this is why you DYOR.

>> No.30113962

Yup one can take over the whole internet is core fondamental of web 3.

The other is speculative nigger coin also know as prqshit.

>> No.30114100

im a diversification chad so i hold (btc+eth obviously but nvm those), LINK, GRT, PRQ.
Might miss out some potential gains here and there by not going 100% on the right coin, but overall it's mooning.

>> No.30114364

those orgs are all shit though - except for binance_x whatever the fuck that is

sorry if youre impressed by "cryptoorange" and "upslalasecurity"

>> No.30114438 [DELETED] 


Mochimo.org is better then all.

>> No.30114641

Parsiq will actually do better on a bear market lol.

>> No.30114794

bitfury, algorand, aave, solana, dash, link, binance... all absolute trash. worthless.

>> No.30115106

Cope harder, "at least it wont crash as hard as btc" "trust the plan, just 2 more week" "how did you know i believe in Qanon?"

>> No.30116104

I did my own research and the entire PRQ blog is stupid fluff videos about hackathons

>> No.30116513
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GRT has institutional backing, parsiq does not.

even if parsiq is potentially a better product, GRT has the backing of coinbase and binance, which are huge players in crypto. the tokenomics are poor but if Grt gets as big as I expect, then token burn and the amount that will be locked in delegation will solve that.

>> No.30116710

GRT already has adoption, with much more integration on the way. Shut up and take the GRT Pill.

>> No.30117022


>> No.30117169

GRT payed for cuckbase listing

>> No.30117273

you cant buy PARSIQ on binance or on any DEX on BSC, so this image is a lie

>> No.30117414

>t. midwit

>> No.30117483

Second hand embarrassment from your post

>> No.30117544

what am i not getting then?

>> No.30117758

it's not about where you can get the coin so you completely missed the point. it's companies and projects partnering with the team behind prq.

>> No.30118040

it's often better to be extremely good at one thing than being ok at all of them

>> No.30118341

coinbase is on the list of early backers for GRT you moron.

>> No.30118458
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>> No.30118533

this is better than the blog thanks

>> No.30118603

Project wise I think GRT is superior
but honestly the tokenomics of GRT are close to being the worst I've ever seen so I went with PRQ

>> No.30118658

If you read these threads and settle on PRQ you are never gonna make it. You are too low IQ to see through the bullshit and FUD on this site. I actually really pity you PRQ holders

>> No.30118983

Met alle parsnipezen ma ni me den dezen, BLEKEN!

>> No.30119126

PRQ is a shit coin

>> No.30119240
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PRQ will overtake GRT this month
screencap this

>> No.30119634

I know most of these PRQposters are shills but if anyone actually thinks this shit project is comparable to GRT they will be posting pink wojaks for months soon

>> No.30119852

Prq will go back to 2, crab another month then maybe do something. Grt is an actual investment. I own both but have way more grt

>> No.30120476

I hold both but I actually believe more in PRQ. lower marketcap, not listed at the biggest cex jest, lower coin supply

>> No.30120806

You know GRT is a great investment when you start to see a lot of low quality fud like this, dont sell, hodl or buy more, dont let these fags get your bags

>> No.30121261

In mcap or price

>> No.30121376

That means your entire research department is retarded, anon.

>> No.30121507
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price, will be months before PRQ gets to the Graphs mcap, by that point i expect GRT's will have doubled
i think GRT will have some nice gains, but likely only a 3x from here, PRQ has the potential for much larger gains

>> No.30121569

>i think GRT will have some nice gains, but likely only a 3x from here,
oh nonononononnono
we're going 10x this bullrun.

>> No.30121853

maybe anon, i dunno
can't see GRT getting to a 20billion mcap anytime soon and that's not even taking into account the token unlocks
i could easily see PRQ getting to 1billion mcap though

>> No.30123165

So hopefully i'll be able to put my GRTgains in PRQ and ride that wave too