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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 1160x1276, Screenshot 2021-03-03 at 10.05.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30108339 No.30108339 [Reply] [Original]

Team anonymous because "the founders dayjob", reminds of a ponzi scheme, got kicked out of their telegram by just asking questions,

- many redflags. DYOR

Thats why I sold all my bags. Would bet its a scam. smells very much like it ...

Be careful!

>> No.30109254
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Team locked 300k USD liq.
Audited by hacken.
Platform launch imminent.
If any of you plebs dump your bags because of this pajeet tier fud I'll scoop them up.

>> No.30109316

Last person in holds the bags. What a shitcoin.

>> No.30109448

yeah i remember seeing these exact same threads for rubic when it hit a couple cents.
Imagine relocking $270k in liquidity and paying 5 figures for an audit just to pull the rug later.