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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3010381 No.3010381 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3011170

Right now they are, but soon the correlation will be negative (that is, the day when older gold investors realize that crypto is better than gold).

>> No.3011194

Bump for interest

>> No.3011729


Gold (and silver) are manipulated as fuck right now. JP Morgan especially loves to fuck with silver. They pretty much go full whale, dump, then re-accumulate. (((They))) will probably be fuckin with crypto soon too, if not already.


Gold/silver are tangible, and used in industry and medicine, especially silver. Numbers in fiber-optic wires and on motherboards are not.

Crypto is fine to fuck with while the Big Macs, porn, carbonated syrup and bideo gaemes keep flowing for the cattle, but it all relies on everything technological running relatively smoothly all the time, indefinitely.

Besides that, what if there's a bank run? Fractional Reserve Banking means you're fucked. No online banking transactions, accounts frozen. They might even try to fuck the crypto exchanges and freeze them too. Remember, BTC is still valued in this fiat garbage Monopoly money. And what if they hack your shit?

You don't need to have all your assets in metals, but cut the cryptofaggotry. You're all in the pump and dump, instant burgers faggot state of mind. Gold and silver were around before us, they'll be here after us.