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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 1286x420, shitty coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3010315 No.3010315 [Reply] [Original]

Hey bizbros, rate my poofag account

>> No.3010325


poor* topkek

I'm from Venezuela :^)

>> No.3010338

Sell your xvg, sc, rdd and put them back into neo or omg

>> No.3010348
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I''l put them on OMG, dou you think taht it can reach 10$? I feel that possible

>> No.3010355
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>> No.3010388



>> No.3010397

rofl how deep does that go?

poor kid would never be the same after that

>> No.3010413

What did you start with?

>> No.3010420

>What did you start with?


>> No.3010434

you shouldn't even allowed to call yourself a poorfag, that's an insult to poorfags

>> No.3010437
File: 35 KB, 1281x253, nao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


0.006BTC, i really want reach 0.015

This is my wallet right now

>> No.3010460

give me your btc address fucktard, i cant take this any longer

>> No.3010478
File: 40 KB, 1881x348, realpoorfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a challanger appears.

>> No.3010481



I'll buy OMG

>> No.3010600

good luck retard, you can pay me back if you strike it big to 1ATWxXUibbYLWMVyNiqfs2UmdinY4sYtzA

>> No.3010619

you invest in shit and hopefully you lose it all, fuck you

>> No.3010647


Thanks men, i hope send you back some profits

Love you anon

>inb4 you don't send btc

>> No.3010667

get ready for a flood of pink wojaks when all the guys who bought NEO and OMG right now, on their ATH, rip of their face.

>> No.3010676


>implying im a poorfag that cant send a couple of tendies to a venezuelan retard trying to strike it big with 0.007

>> No.3010680


OMG is for real anon, just google it


>> No.3010706

good luck my fried, must be tough living in county run by giant morons

>> No.3010748
File: 31 KB, 540x600, love kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


S-sorry anon, i really appreciate it


Basically we are becoming the USSR 2.0

>> No.3010852

This is so sweet guys ;_;

>> No.3010909

Account Balances
Estimated Value: 0.00565344 BTC / 19.61 USD

signing in.

how do we fix this shit guys, where do we sign up for shillschool, there must be loads of poorfags on here who could work together

>> No.3010962
File: 22 KB, 1550x283, Poorfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag here, < 1$. Damn Bittrex

>> No.3010982

damn, even me, the $14,66 poorfag would spend you a buck, but the fees will eat it all.

>> No.3010984

>available balance >0
What the FUCK are you doing? Set those orders right now. Make a wish and type that price in the Ask box just in case it happens while youre asleep.

>> No.3010985

Ohaithere. Your portfolio seem to be doing great recently.

*hint: We were together as part of the Digimarines.

>> No.3011019
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Help poorfag out and send some btc - 1AxTistiF3g3PVzPPUcscKMAuyPx7N8EZg

>> No.3011036
File: 9 KB, 128x214, 1497842938929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Venezuelan currency is currently worth less than WoW gold.

>> No.3011054

Get more verge and bcc

>> No.3011246

are these shitty faucet sites worth doing?

>> No.3011320

Only if you're india tier poor and even then... idk

>> No.3011339


get back in the dgb discord barracks, digimarine

>> No.3011362

i think my $19.61 bittrex account puts me slightly above that

>> No.3011380

19.61 now 20.67
im going to make it

any former poorfags have some top tier strats to share

>> No.3011436


buy strat

>> No.3011463

upto 20.88USD
whale status inbound.

strat due for something this week?

>> No.3011480
File: 17 KB, 300x400, 1497004673774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ragdoll physics game IRL