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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30090636 No.30090636 [Reply] [Original]

>Boomer Finance Cringe Thread.

I'll go first:


>> No.30090795

my poorfag parents had 70k in their mutual fund account in 2009. i looked at it recently and it's not even above 200k.

>> No.30090892

Are they unironically investing it into 3 pa returns?

>> No.30091147


>> No.30092145


I thought Dave Ramsey was gonna suggest she kill her husband for that life insurance pay out.

>> No.30092653

70k is all they put in?

>> No.30094234


>> No.30094487

my parents got $100K from inheritance after grandfather passed away.
They have ~80K left on their mortgage they have been paying since 1997.
instead of paying off their home, they re-financed their mortgage for some reason, paid 40k for a new HVAC system and used the rest to re-model a room they never use.

>> No.30094637

My mom and stepdad bought a second home. In cash. Cringe.

>> No.30094940

>You're going to have get on the horse and kick it hard and play catch-up
>"Oh yessss, yes!"
She isn't going to do anything. She said she'd "try to do something on her own" which is, at best, selling something useless she makes, and at worst, MLM shit.
Listening to her call in when she contributes nothing made me a lot madder than I thought it would

>> No.30095405

That is the kind of retarded boomer tier thinking I am looking for

>> No.30096213

bump again

>> No.30096311

>mom inherits 50k
>it sits in a checking account that pays 0.001% interest for 4 years

My parents, in general, have done really well given their lack of education and my mom being an actual brainlet but they absolutely need someone else to manage their money. I'm really glad I don't have to worry about them financially though.

>> No.30096670

>dad is a cripple with no income and no savings
>I convince him to give me 1500 bucks and buy XRP at .20
>it goes to .60 and he begs me to sell
>SEC crashes it to .35 and he gets mad
>its back up to .65 and I sell and rebuy at .40
>grandma dies and he gets 10k
>I take it and go all in on Link / ETH
>it goes up 80%
>he want me to sell it all
>he wants to buy a new car
>he is a fucking cripple with no income and wants a 27k honda
>he is going to trade in his prius which he is 5k upside down on so that he can go 10k upside down on a new car after liquidating all of his holdings
>He calls me every 4 days and asks me to sell so he can buy a new car.

I wanted him to buy 5k USD worth of GRT when it was 35 cents but he asked me how volatile it was and I said "all crypto is volitile." He still complains that I didn't get him in on "the good one."

>> No.30097256
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they are probably dead from covid now

>> No.30097733

By "in on the good one" he meant ADA. Fucking hell even your boomer Dad is better at crypto than you. Who the fuck wastes their money and time in XRP during a bull season. Kek.

>> No.30097771

I dunno man, there are a lot of shitty boomers but I don't have the heart to call someone out that is retirement-age and broke. Most of them are working class and have probably been on the border of poverty for most of their lives. It's just sad.

>> No.30098331
File: 74 KB, 534x548, muh tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire post is just peak boomer

>> No.30098350

I wonder what that feels like. Knowing you're in the terminal stages of your life and you still have to wageslave to keep yourself going. The "lucky" ones are the ones who at least have a good job making good money who never bothered to save, but I don't even know how to feel about the 70 year old Walmart greeters. That has to be a miserable existence

>> No.30099617

>ada outperforming grt

loling at ur life kid

>> No.30100652

I've thought this thread is about another rug at first

>> No.30101367

to be fair i think a lot of boomers get the walmart greeter job just because they want to talk to people/are lonely, not because they need the money.

>> No.30101482

My dad was making over a million dollars a year as some cushy good old boy ad exec. He saved none of his money. Instead wasted it all on tasteless range rovers. A house he was forced to sell right after the 2008 crash and divorce lawyers. I was left to “pull my self up by my bootstraps” with my siblings and couch surf while I put myself through college while he continued to RENT a $9000 a month house and knocked up some gold digger he met the previous month at the gym (she has no job and spends all his money) . He texted me one day saying I owed him for “supporting” me because I lived with my mom while going to a community college and in his mind mandatory court ordered alimony payments count as support.

I don’t really talk to him anymore. It’s also worth mentioning he somehow has no savings despite the fact he has inherited like $600k over the last few years.