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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3008463 No.3008463 [Reply] [Original]

Sell your shit asap above 760k sats,
or you will experience buy the rumour sell the news first-hand.

You can always buy back.

>t. TA guy

>> No.3008471

that looks like a good entry point to me

when are you going to rebuy?

>> No.3008473

wheres the TA schlomo

>> No.3008480

Later in August, timeframe I have in mind is 20-28th of Aug.

>> No.3008498

No reason for TA when fundamentals are at play.
They started talking about the new contract system literally 12 minutes ago.

The news are about to be dropped.

>> No.3008517

Nah, bought at 5 and 8$. I'm good. Gonna ride this baby for the next 2 years and be laughing all the way to the bank. Also not going to be a stressed out trade fag who tries to time the market.

>> No.3008537

I don't think we'll ever see $5 and $8 again.
Ride this mofo to the mansion my man.

>> No.3008600

>Also not going to be a stressed out trade fag who tries to time the market.
Smart move. My 85 ants have turned into 70 ants by trying to time this shit. At least I bought in at $5 originally.

>> No.3008602

Nothing wrong with selling half and buying back at $18

>> No.3008607

I tried doing that. Sold 1/4 at $19 waiting to buy back at >$15.

>> No.3008617

the hype is over boys next moon is in 2018

>> No.3008619

Yep - gonna do what i did with ethereum here - buy cheap and wait 6 months.
I was holding ans and ended up selling after no Linux wallet was released.
Got back in last week when i found the neon wallet.

>> No.3008625

Technical presentation over.
Literally last chance to sell above 730k.

>> No.3008642

Just sold all mine, made a good x4 gain riding this beast

>> No.3008662

Normally I'd believe you but this coin has done nothing but defy all logic so I'll continue to hodl

>> No.3008673

sell the news fags eternally BTFO
thanks for the cheap chink eth

>> No.3008681

You need to read up on the fundamentals of trading if you think it has defied logic.

This is trading 101, people buy because news are incoming.
People will make x2-4 and drop out when news are released. And buy back in lower, since it will be overbought to shit because of the hype for news.

This is stright up logic.

>> No.3008688

Apart from the fact it's a long term hold.

>> No.3008717

Make 2.5x from 300k to 750k.
Make 3-4x buying back at 330k hold till next ATH.

Why would you only want to make x4 when you can make 6.5x?

I'm starting to believe I don't understand /biz/ at all. Thought this shit was about making money

>> No.3008722

>what you faggots cant just buy in at the bottom of the dip and then sell at the next ATH?
>fucking retards

yeah good luck with that OP let me know when you fuck up just once and get left bagholding like a faggot, or get left in the dust on a moon mission.

>> No.3008726

Have like 10k to invest. So no NEO and GAS for now?

>> No.3008727

Why? You're just gambling.

>> No.3008735

>literally sold NEO at ATH on the 8th, still waiting for drop.
>literally sold GAS at 870k @ the ATH candle which went to 970k.

>left in the dust
Go home Anon.

>> No.3008736

>Make 3-4x buying back at 330k hold till next ATH.
Good luck on it going down to 330k...

>> No.3008738

Then why the fuck is it still mooning even during the fucking conference.

This coin makes 0 fucking sense.

I know about but the rumour sell the news but crypto is so fucking illogical I'd rather hold and wait then being so degenerate gambler.

>> No.3008747

Dont listen to this TA fag. He said NEO would dip to 400 yesterday. Utterly clueless.

>> No.3008750

thats great, like i said,
let me know when you fuck up just once and you get fucked for your brilliant TA
meanwhile ill just hold

>> No.3008770

This shit isn't even crashing

>> No.3008781
File: 22 KB, 200x300, skeleton on bench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATH was 3 hours ago m8
pic related, it's you waiting for the dip

>> No.3008786

This guy is the worst. You are full of yourself op and your TA has been wrong

>> No.3008813
File: 66 KB, 1235x587, chrome_2017-08-09_18-27-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll be waiting for you in pink wojak NEO threads with people who bought above 400k.

Remeber, now the news are out there's nothing to hold the price up as high as it is currently. The dip will be gradual, over the next 2 weeks.

Personally have long orders @ 330k.

>my TA has been wrong.

>> No.3008827

The only pink wojak thread will be the one you post after selling now and waiting for 350k when its gone up to 1000k+

>> No.3008844
File: 58 KB, 472x400, dindu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that
still has yet to eat his dick live on twitch

>> No.3008881

That was me that goaded him to make such posts.

The poor chap just made one bad call after another.

I'm still holding, despite his advice.

>> No.3008884
File: 371 KB, 540x404, 4L_QYlXkWtR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cancelled buyorder at $3 cause I thought it was pump and dump last minute

>> No.3008904

Its not even a conference... it like 25 people sitting in a cafe. there is no news to sell.

NEO is rising because its a solid platform, and it could be $50 with this much potential

>> No.3008920

More like 100 people.
And are you retarded?
They are literally talking, and explanining the Smart Contract system. Aswell as upcoming features, such as Python is going to be added.

>> No.3008936
File: 168 KB, 1033x679, mah nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're the same guy that posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdAyO1_0noM
in a previous thread, thanks for talking me out of selling around 500k.
See you on the moon friend.

>> No.3008948

Haha yeah that was me, love that bluegrass version!

We are the rocketmen.

>> No.3008958

Yeah it has been it just broke the ATH again lmaooooo

>> No.3008966

What software is that?

>> No.3008970

Its a tiny room, and no, you are trying to over hype it

>> No.3008975

neo & gas hype is over but bnb is just getting started, it even mooned during the gas hysteria.

>> No.3008976

780k, nice dip. Gonna buy 100k

>> No.3008999
File: 14 KB, 484x127, TA anon is a furfag and literally reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking TA advice from reddit discord furfags
apex jej
I see you kohai

>> No.3009008

All crypto follows BTC's lead. I would pay more attention to that too see how rest of the coins will perform.

>> No.3009028

Goodbye 800k

>> No.3009036
File: 133 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170808-234156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TA guy literally made more money in 6 days than most you cucks make in a month :^)

>> No.3009062

Good lord, you're joking right?

That's less than I made yesterday.

>> No.3009066

>Also not going to be a stressed out trade fag who tries to time the market.
I like you

>> No.3009072


kek i think hes serious

>> No.3009081

Holy shit that’s pathetic lmaooo

>> No.3009083

hey hows not having any NEO working out for you bud

great TA , why hold when you could just sell and then pray to god the price will drop

>> No.3009095

I guess Denmark fags are literal brainlets hahahaha

>> No.3009108

My tip:

Sell at 848k as when the wall at 850k gets touched bags will be dumps like crazy.

Buy back in at around 700-750k and live happy.

Tip over.

>> No.3009125

You are literally not selling at ATH right now?
Wtf is wrong with you guys.

Buy back sub 400k

>> No.3009128

thanks for the tip

>> No.3009139


Thanks, just bought another 100k

>> No.3009142


>> No.3009150


Coin is stronger that I thought, it only dropped to 820 for a brief moment then started back up again.

Still, I bought back in at 828

Still, nice gains.

>> No.3009164

lol TA guy

>mug 350k dip


>> No.3009169

wtf are you doing.
Price will stagnate and start a 2 week dip you dumbfuck.

I'll be waiting for you in the NEOmarine threads.

>> No.3009177


>Technical presentation over.
>Literally last chance to sell above 730k.

youre a bit off there sunshine

Daytrading NEO on a bull run is a sure setup for failure. at least wait until it starts falling

>> No.3009184



this coin isn't stopping before 50$ , before end of month

>muh stagnate

>> No.3009187

You're properly full of shit if you think this is hitting 400k again.

Do try to keep up with the volumes involved.

>> No.3009188

Looks like you were wrong and neo keeps climbing. It will be 50$ by end of this week

>> No.3009195


>> No.3009205
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>> No.3009211

You NEOmarines will suffer same fate as GAS is right now.

A slow price stagnation, until TA guy buys your bags for sub 400k

>> No.3009222

Keep it up champ, someone might listen your your laughable bullshit.

>> No.3009230

I mean really dude, are you stupid or youre just trolling this board. Must be trolling because its like you have some sort of cognitive disonance and cant actually see what is happening.

Just learn to admit you are completely wrong, the trend has changed

>> No.3009266
File: 207 KB, 400x386, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol you are so fucking delusional its delicious
enjoy buying someone elses bags at 50$ when you have FOMO, not selling mine till minimum 100$.

>> No.3009269


thanks for the laughs mate

>> No.3009282

wasnt here til recently, was there this much FUD in regards to ETH ?

>> No.3009285

Same here

>> No.3009303

>t. TA guy
Into the garbage it goes

>> No.3009309

I'm sure OP is feeling stupid really, considering his thread was all about dumping at 760k and it rising solidly to over 100k more and holding.

I dont doubt the price will fluctuate up and down over the next week or so, but this coin has always had good support, to the point that it's just never a bad time to buy as it will come and give you profits before too long.

He's just pissed he sold and want to buy in for cheaper than he sold and that just wont happen.

Poor lad must feel a right dick.

>> No.3009325

Yeah fucking loads of it, especially around the $7 mark.

FUD'ders were out in force then, let me tell ya.

>> No.3009338

OP is just plain dumb, just discovered TA and tries to play an expert just to see himself fail miserably by trying to predict a coin that doesnt get dumped

>> No.3009339

850 wall gone
next stop 900

>> No.3009370



>> No.3009380

>tf sold, still cant stop watching

>> No.3009381
File: 38 KB, 1239x501, chrome_2017-08-08_19-00-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be waiting

>> No.3009385

Boom bitches, $30 Neo

>> No.3009388


>> No.3009394


waiting to kill yourself when it hits 100$ before end of september ROFL

>> No.3009396

You're making yourself look more stupid with every post.

>> No.3009399

I called $30 for today on another thread the other day, got called delusional.

love this shit

>> No.3009415

My nigga. Just look at all of these degenerate gamblers and laugh.

>> No.3009419

>Literally thinking this growth is sustainable.

>> No.3009430

Just please stop. Like people have said you're just embarassing yourself

>> No.3009437


>literally thinking that it isn't

Have you not seen the sheer amount of money pouring into cryptocurrency daily?

>> No.3009440

There's a difference between sustainable growth and levelling out.

When the growth stops, it may drop a bit but chances are it will slow to an even 850k and sit there growing slowly.

Or can't you comprehend a boom?

>> No.3009442

volatility increases

>> No.3009445


NEO will reach 45$ by tomorrow, save this post

>> No.3009449
File: 51 KB, 620x410, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw weak hands
At least I got $350 out of this

>> No.3009452



>> No.3009464

I did a dry sell last night at 700k, meaning I did the sell mentally, but didn't have the balls to actually do it. .0085 is bretty sweet

>> No.3009468


I just have 0.25 NEO anons, i will appreciate some gifts


>> No.3009529 [DELETED] 

I appreciate gifts of NEO too my Goyims

>> No.3009571

Happy to take a fraction of some NEO's too Goyims.

>> No.3009585
File: 24 KB, 362x259, 0$.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have ids on this board faggot
nice try though

>> No.3009600

I posted my bitcoin address by accident so I deleted that post. I'm glad you got a little chuckle out of this though. Ha ha.

>> No.3009641

Finally moved my 100 neo to a wallet so I won't feel pressured to sell and also get that sweet sweet GAS :^)

>> No.3009674
File: 18 KB, 337x253, taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't comprehend non-linear growth
>Never will gain the respect of Nassim Taleb.

>> No.3009687
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1488416281271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mistook your ID for stupid OP's.

>> No.3009733

Because it's the Chinese working as a Borg hive mind to steal all your money, and gain theirs.

We wuz abacusses n sheeeeit

>> No.3009766

Things are looking up when 825k looks cheap...

>> No.3010041

"Neo will be triple digits" is the new ETH to 1000. But I sold at 19 so i'm probably wrong.