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30079140 No.30079140 [Reply] [Original]

>one day you will die and all of the gains you make will not matter

how do you cope with this bros

>> No.30079257

the point of making it is to not work and live off of cutting some off the top. you arent supposed to horde it once you make it only until you make it

>> No.30079269
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nothing we do matters

>> No.30079334

That's the point of starting a family. Let them continue your legacy.

>> No.30079337
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I know, isn't it the most exhilarating feeling in the world?

>> No.30079422


>> No.30079435

I'm hopeful with medical advances in our lifetimes our lives will be vastly extended if not immortal in some form.

>> No.30079441

by having lived a good life

>> No.30079461

This. Also you can be philanthropic and make positive changes to many lives long after you're gone

>> No.30079493

>nothing we do matters
thank god. imagine if everything everyone does matters

>> No.30079511

> starting a family

This is what life is all about frens

>> No.30079523

I'll think about it when I get there

>> No.30079577

The beauty of making it is the realization that it doesn't matter. The others never reach it, just chase it their whole lives until dying
>The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can just appreciate life for what it is
That is if you don't just start pushing the goalposts further, which is most probable

>> No.30079587

>posting a blackpilled image

This should be the most exhilarating realization of your life, anon.

>> No.30079603
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>one day you will die
Yes. And until then, take what you can and enjoy it.

>> No.30079604
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what gains

>> No.30079656

By spending money as I make it. Would be a shame to save and invest only to die in a car crash or some shit

>> No.30079718
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>implying I won't be an immortal post-technological singularity android
>implying my children and their children won't benefit from my gains regardless of the above

>> No.30079755
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we are all going to die and that makes us the lucky ones. most people will never die as they have never been born.

>> No.30079932

I will finally get to fucking rest when I am dead, I honestly can't wait

>> No.30080156
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>He doesn't know that ancient egypt religion is the only true religion
>he doesn't know he takes all his gains with him in the afterlife

Lmao I will be laughing my ass with Tutankhamen when you come before Anubis, and he doesn't let you in since you waisted all your gains

>> No.30080261

A thousand years is but an instant. I remember where I came from, and how I became human, why I hung around, and now my final departure's scheduled.
I died a billion deaths and I'll die a billion more.

>> No.30080312
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That’s why I’m in it for the tech

>> No.30080813

My ass. If I'm make it I'm buying a business and finally be the one in charge.

>> No.30080928

The Egyptian immortality spell is the oldest and most primitive one. If you bury a treasure forever it never comes back to you. You have to make sure the right people see it.

>> No.30080951
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i wonder how many would choose death at some point if that was the case, i think most would


>> No.30081001

By using my gains to reserve a spot with Alcor

>> No.30081146

Read the Book of Ecclesiastes. It's in the Holy Bible. You are not the first to realize the vanity of earthly wealth.

Gain eternal life through Jesus Christ. You won't lose eternal life the way you can lose earthly riches.

Matthew 6:19-21

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

>> No.30081166

Then in three generation you are forgotten and your descendants are living a trailer park having burnt through all your money.

>> No.30081215

for me it’s the experience and emotional rollercoaster that counts

>> No.30081237


One day you will die and all the tendies you did not make will not matter. Why not live happily before you die if you're going to die either way?

>> No.30081262


It's your failure as well, but you hace to try anyways.

>> No.30081582

Alright, I'm in, what do I need to do?

>> No.30081793

What would be something that matters?

Meaning is in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.30081912

i made it to 7 figures and nothing has changed. i don't feel any different. is god the answer bros?

>> No.30081926

who gives a shit, you're alive now, if you spend your time worrying about being dead then you may as well be dead.

>> No.30081955

Tendies don't make people happy. Feeling a sense of belonging in a community does. That's what we're specialized in. We didn't evolve big brains to solve puzzles but in an arms race to model other brains. You can even feel that sense of belonging without your contributions being recognized, like the Dark Knight meme.

>> No.30081983

So these are the schizos giving me financial advice, huh?

>> No.30082018

have kids

>> No.30082069
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>include brother in will to claim my gains in crypto
>said brother lost his bitcoin in the past
the best i could do for being a neet piece of shit in the past

>> No.30082185 [DELETED] 

I actually am dying terminal pancreatic cancer, I’ve been trying to make money to leave to my family since I’ve been so sick I haven’t worked in 2 years.

I don’t anyone cares but if you feel like helping this fucker out you would be helping me leave something to them.


>> No.30082183
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It don’t mattah
Nunadis mattahs

>> No.30082242
File: 296 KB, 500x500, E6D6C776-3026-4E0E-A893-9921C8672177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm yes fascinating

>> No.30082270

Many are rushing to their grave. Focus on living a virtuous life and try not to rush towards something.

>> No.30082346
File: 131 KB, 346x242, oldschool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My card is made of ivory white For real.

>> No.30082676

unironically this. gonna fuck young girls forever

>> No.30082786

We are all one. If you died each night and replaced by an exact copy "you" wouldn't notice. If you're truly selfish why are you giving the future version of you all that money you're hoarding instead of spending it all? In like 10 years you really are physically replaced, don't give that guy your money, he's just a clone.
"You" evolved through a blind process that through trial and error exploits whatever is available including subjectivity, a fundamental property of reality, not an emergent thing you explain with any other rules.
Bitcoin is the pure platonic form of assets made physically accessible. A piece of the heavens brought to earth.

>> No.30082787

It's not the end that matters it's the challenge of the game and the frens we meet along the way.

>> No.30082832
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life and death are illusions, I'm simply playing a game

>> No.30082870

Based /x/ poster

>> No.30082906

I hope I can die before realizing my gains. Just seems it'll be my luck knowing I'd suffer for nothing.

>> No.30083010

Tell us more. How does a young person get pancreas cancer? Were you a smoker? How did you find out something was wrong? 2 years is pretty good. Have you tried Rick Simpson oil or bitter almonds?

>> No.30083023


>> No.30083238


>> No.30083310

Easy I upload myself to the blockchain

>> No.30083503

This will be able to happen in about 600 years

>> No.30083590
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>nothing we do matters

>> No.30083668

Sorry I don't even own crypto I only gamble on stocks because I'm a millennial that should have been a boomer

>> No.30083702

I want you specifically to die.

>> No.30085681
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>> No.30085834
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I remember being 14 and despairing at this thought too.

>> No.30085995
