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30075044 No.30075044 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone on twitter, youtube, biz is calling for a 100k/1M bitcoin
>not interpreting it as bearish

are you guys genuinely retarded or complete fucking morons?

>> No.30075822

whales are following the halving memegraph dude.

There is nothing that can stop btc from going to 150K by eoy and then a massive crash dump

>> No.30076028

You know that if everyone truly believed it should be worth at least 100k it _will_ be worth 100k right?

>> No.30076133

People like round numbers

>> No.30076215
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sell signal

>> No.30076313

>People like round numbers
This. Going off historical data of the 3 spikes, this next spike will be closer to 92k

>> No.30076369

We lost 110 Billion market cap in a week, institutions are cashing out in preparation for Covid 19 to end.

>> No.30076386

>everyone on twitter, youtube, biz is calling for a 100k/1M bitcoin
everyone on twitter youtube biz is being a faggot bear and boboposting every time it drops by $100. Extremely bulish signal.

>> No.30076395

The retards are buying ADA. We'll be alright. It's gonna moon before stimulus checks roll out like the past 2 times.

>> No.30076511

F2 is just dumping

>> No.30076530

This is why bears will get fucked though. Crypto is a growing market. There are going to be changes in the way we used to read/hear about it as the marketcap grows. Right now it’s twitter and niche websites. But how long until you start seeing television ads for some DeFi protocol or online bank. When do you start seeing companies really align with blockchain tech?
You either think crypto has NO future, or you need to anticipate that the way we see/hear/interact with blockchain is going to get more and more prominent

>> No.30076668

When they say Bitcoin they are actually talking about BSV which is the real Bitcoin. The segway protocol was manipulated by the banks and is now a ponzi. BSV will equal 2 billion in two weeks

>> No.30076692

70 percent of the people here are bearish, 25 percent are pajeets shilling their scams and 5 percent are bullish. So what are you talking about?

>> No.30076735

Thanks just bought 100 BSV

>> No.30076909

It's literally this simple. Buy a coin that you think has very good long term potential, invest the money you can actually afford to invest, without risking of losing everything you have like a degenerate gambler and keep investing the surplus you actually don't need. In 10/15 years everyone that does this will unironically be in the top 1% of the world. If it goes down it's good, you can buy more with the same quantity of money, if it goes up it's still good, you'll reach your goal faster. I want everyone here to make it, but please stop gambling all of your life savings and try to actually win this game! If you need to gamble gamble small quantities that won't damage you and if you are lucky I'm happy for you, but you are my only Family unironically and I want everyone here to make it, even if it will take some time to reach that goal

>> No.30077105

Same fagging kek

>> No.30077352

The market will tank one more time before institutional investors buy in at massive amount. Once the next bull run start, the SEC will place a minimum price of purchase on how much a single crypto to cash payout under the guise of “preventing scam”. At this point, retail will be priced out of having major influence on the market, leading to a permanent coupling to the stock market.

>> No.30077506

Giga cope.

>> No.30077659

k buddy, you finally won
I'll let you suck my cock for 0.01BTC, that's fine. But you're pretty persistent

>> No.30077925

Article 2030 isn’t a meme anon. Do you really think the powerful don’t want to become all-powerful? Fat chance.

>> No.30078362

people are literally making rap videos now about bitcoin hitting 1 million its a fucking bear flag

>> No.30078895

150k is fud

>> No.30078922

the amount of normie fomo is concerning
I wouldn’t expect most people on here to agree though since the gme reddit invasion 90% in here are normies

>> No.30079866

Maybe you should sell

>> No.30081205

So sell ya little bitch

>> No.30081419

>hurr durr same shit i read suring the 2017 crash
huge sell signal

>> No.30083005

You're interpreting the sentiment of crypto fanatics as "everyone". There's your mistake.

There's plenty of bears if you look elsewhere.

>> No.30083435

Thank you anon

Good luck to you also

>> No.30084106 [DELETED] 

It will overshoot the 100k target due to market speculation. This happens at the top of every cycle on the stock2flow chart.

>> No.30084244


>> No.30084334

Hmm based. Also i am doing pretty much this.

>> No.30084392
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>legitimate use

>> No.30084490

Oh no, people are losing faith in fiat and instead adopting crypto as a legitimate form of currency???
Sell signal.

>> No.30084687

That'll probably happen, but all assets move in cycles and everytime a bubble is coming to an end people say stuff like that. Nothing ever goes up without coming back down.

>> No.30084774
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