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File: 374 KB, 1536x2048, 1614116970545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30074953 No.30074953 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't we seen massive hyperinflation yet? Will it ever happen?

>> No.30075000

based coomer. he has a kid too.

>> No.30075021

It won't happen until significant populations stop what they're doing and not play into this game where (((some))) get to print free money.

>> No.30075029
File: 91 KB, 825x836, velocity of money m1 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once this ticks up, it's over.

>> No.30075042
File: 43 KB, 586x634, CA429292-1DBD-479F-8BE7-0EBE5577549A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>costs of goods +$1-2
>cost of food +$2-3
>use cars selling for what they sold 5 years ago
>housing prices up 40%

>> No.30075101

It's been less than two months and gasoline is already $.40 more expensive than it was before. It won't be long before we're paying $5 a gallon or more again even here in the midwest.

>> No.30075102

>supply of fiat is way up
>supply of goods and services is way down
>normally, this would cause inflation, but:
>demand for consumer goods and services is way, way, way, way down; hence, no inflation for these.
>demand for assets (stock, real estate, metals, crypto) is way up; hence the massive price inflation for these.

>> No.30075106

Fake news, its his nephew

>> No.30075317

Too much demand for dollar as world currency. Literally can't print fast enough to keep up demand for "eurodollars" (dollars outside US banks roughly).

>> No.30075365

Isn't inflation in assets coupled with inflation in consumer goods?

>> No.30075378

What's blond dude's name?

>> No.30075629
File: 117 KB, 1200x1200, 1586576388972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because all of the retards that say they understand economics really don't. They show you the increase in supply without telling you the demand for dollars is still inmense, every currency is tied to it in some form. Secondly, if the Fed sees some inflation hike they can raise interest rates and absorb it. Grow up, doomsday is not going to happen. Boom & Bust? Very likely. The market cycle repeats. Just learn what to do and when to do it.

>> No.30075684

Will happen later this year once everything begins to open up again driving up the velocity of money

Poor people about to get assfucked and will unironically beg for mo' stimilis.

Its funny these people have no basic understanding of economics and expect prices of things to remain the same while government prints trillions and trillons of neet bux

>> No.30075809

my partner has that chick's body

gonna go fuck them during my lunch break

>> No.30075818

Cost of escorts seems stable.

>> No.30075933

Stimulus checks come out the same week most tax returns come out. For a low income family that potentially a combined pay day of 12000 dollars for a f family of 4 making under 40k a year.

>> No.30075997

Eventually. Tick tock niggers

>> No.30076150

>Anonymous (ID: Ch1gDc6j) 03/02/21(Tue)13:35:44 No.30075
300 iq post. growing up as an infantile in economics i expected a big crash. after 2015, i stopped waiting for it.

for example, i tethered at the top of 56k to 57k btc, but most of my holdings right now... are in dollars. I considered gold and I'm sure as shit glad I didn't buy it, yes even with inflation what it is, if I hold dollars for a week or two while the dip happens, even if it's a high amount (for me), I'm not losing because all currencies are deflating (with the exception of btc which isnt' a currency per se)

>> No.30076179

How hasn't anyone answered this yet? Wannabe-coomers in this thread. Come on faggots, I already have my dick in my hand.

>> No.30076307
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x1113, 1587991604255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hyperinflation does happen when people lose faith in currency, like in venezuela or germany before world war. usd is most trusted and wanted currency still, as long as it stands that way there wont be hyperinflation no matter how much they print. it's when people dont want dollars anymore thats when the inflation sticks

>> No.30076345

Kenzie reeves

>> No.30076404
File: 361 KB, 750x852, EA6859FE-0922-4AFA-B232-43E8E3EF8507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a meme

>> No.30076458

who is this egghead?

>> No.30076615

>the demand for dollars is still inmense
utter smoothbrain take -
this is only because of its status as reserve currency.
if that changes (when it changes) the US will be fucked beyond any recognition-
it will make moldova look rich.

the only people who think this kind of correction can't happen are retards who think that "America = magic" because they don't understand geopolitics

>> No.30077130

>it's when people dont want dollars anymore thats when the inflation sticks
and that can happen fast.

>> No.30077521

>usd is most trusted and wanted currency still
lol the level of ignorance here is really telling.
no one "trusts" the US dollar, numbnuts.
they need it to buy oil.

>> No.30077583

that's the actor for the upcoming netflix adaptation of one punch man.

>> No.30077699

Why? Whats that?

>> No.30077795

The Jizzmaster

>> No.30077825

Cause a guy on 4chan said so

>> No.30077944 [DELETED] 

Das Coomer

>> No.30079274

it's how fast money moves through the economy. here's what happens

>people spend less
>fed prints more to prevent deflation
>people spend even less
>fed prints even more
>people spend even less
>coronavirus hits
>people spend nothing
>fed prints infinity
you are here
>people start to spend the infinite money
>prices go to infinity
>people start eating each other

>> No.30079447 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 1100x825, 5536b86e6da811e46e9eb33c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girl is super hot I always pretend she is Lori from sharktank when I jerk off to her

>> No.30079457 [DELETED] 

Wtf was coomer guys name again

>> No.30079599 [DELETED] 
File: 379 KB, 640x780, 2x43p9rmakx41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30079813


>> No.30080082
File: 448 KB, 1375x914, 1614725316842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought I would get to use this meme unironically.
Coomer benefit concert to pay for his medical bills.

>> No.30080184

cool pic bro

>> No.30080265

hahaha i looked up that profile and this is the same motherfucker that wrote that fake post about his 12 y/o daughter buying sex toys. he has a knack for baiting redditors into showering him with karma and gold, what a god


>> No.30080333

He looks so happy, bros

>> No.30080403

Cope pic

>> No.30080507

No nothing happens.

>> No.30080568


>> No.30080786

come and clean it up, janny!

>> No.30080972
File: 1.22 MB, 3473x3192, Jim Rickards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To understand why we are going to get deflation you need to understand the banking system. The federal reserve prints reserves and it goes on their LIABILITIES. Their liabilities becomes the ASSET of the banking system. Then the banking system creates loans for corporations and commoners to gain cash. Once the bank loans the money that is when the money gets in the money supply. Another way is for government spending to inject into the money supply or issue treasuries. Right now corporations and commoners are neck high in debt they cannot take on any more debt. The stimulus packages are going to corporations and people who are paying off their debt and purchasing required Commodities such as food and gas. Some of this money would be going to mortgage or rent payments but people currently do not have to pay them! One reason why the Federal Reserve has allowed zero reserves for banks is because they need banks to loan all of their cash so that more money can flow in the economy and they are running out of people who are willing to take a loan. This is why there are rumblings that the Biden Administration wants to spend on infrastructure and give $15,000 in a down payment for a home. Yellen is trying to inject as much money as possible since people have too much debt and cannot take anymore. Any money that they do get is going right to their debt. When the money goes to pay off the debt it is technically destroyed.

>> No.30081576 [DELETED] 

(((They))) are going to have to shove the gigantic suppository of poverty and violence up our asses as slowly as possible if they want to avoid ending up as lampshades - for real this time.