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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30073210 No.30073210 [Reply] [Original]

Describe how you did it. Any advice welcome please

>> No.30073544

I never left my neet. I had enough of passive aggressive narcissistic coworkers that constantly shat down on my work. Now I am fucking gleeful watching them slave at some other workplace trying to fuck over other narcissists for promotions at 35 while my biggest issue right now is preparing tax statements for next year.

>> No.30073570

Yes, six figure hell, have no desire to work, when I see my yearly salary jump on a daily swing

>> No.30073747

I'm in 7 figure hell. Left my job in 2016. Hope I will make it for good this season.
>Describe how you did it
I asked to talk to my boss and told him I was leaving.

>> No.30073758

yes but honestly regretting it. low seven figures now but i needed at least a 2 or 3x to truly make it; that seemed mere weeks or months away but now its looking more and more like we topped..

>> No.30073761

I'm so close to quitting. I don't have made it savings by a long shot but I'm so unmotivated and dead inside. Really the only thing keeping me from doing it is the thought a new employer will make me get the rona vax

>> No.30074380

Fuck I’m right here with you on this one. After Christmas, no more motivation to work but not enough to quit and feel comfortable about the choice

>> No.30074502

Is 7 figure he’ll better or worse than 6 figure hell? Is it the lifestyle causing 7 figs to not be enough?

>> No.30074653

F2Pool dumping is fucking us up but we’re gonna make it frens. Twitter is likely to buy plus no one is mentioning that Lolli just raised $1B to buy in a private round

>> No.30074732

Lmao based

>> No.30075648

>Is 7 figure he’ll better or worse than 6 figure hell?
Probably worse. For me it's worse
>Is it the lifestyle causing 7 figs to not be enough?
No. I just can't buy a house, stay invested in crypto and have enough to live comfortably knowing that I have to give almost half of it to the government if I cash out.

>> No.30075681

I put my entire portfolio on blockfi and I now earn around $800 passive income. By no means is that a lot but where I live it's just enough to cover rent and expenses and the income should increase once bitcoin and eth continue their moon mission.

>> No.30075897

I really envy you motherfuckers, I really do. I missed out on this shit, had around $600 last year that turned into $2000 at the peak this year, now down to $1800. I tried day trading but I'm sure I've lost more. I have a few positions that I expect will blow up in the next 5-10 years but who knows.

I read the stories here of people turning $100 into $1M and I want to die.

>> No.30076193

>turning $100 into $1M
If it's any comfort, 99.9% of those people are larping. The average /biz/tard lives in India and has a sub $50 portfolio.

>> No.30076359

Bitcoin probably has at least a 5x left in it this bull cycle. Take out a small loan if possible to try to catch up. Remember anon, the average person can at most have .02 bitcoin in the future. So if you can get to one BTC you will be set for life in 10 years when sovereigns start adopting. Avoid shit coins, remember VCs spend all day doing due diligence and still are right half the time. Odds are you won’t beat that so just hodl

>> No.30076428

If we had flags then this board would be infinitely better

>> No.30076545

And if they were not larping, just imagine how many more out there who just lost it all and just never admit it

>> No.30076822

>I read the stories here of people turning $100 into $1M and I want to die.
Sometimes I don't believe it myself but I invested only $500 in 2012 on mtgox, I'm in low 7 fig now.

>> No.30077295

Not saying that to depress you by the way. But you just have to let time do its work. In 2 years you'll feel like you went nowhere and you may want to give up. In 10 years the world will have changed and you will have made it.

>> No.30077362

Don't listen to him please. Taking out a loan to speculate is one of the dumbest ideas possible.

>> No.30077656

I know a pajeet who started with 500$ last cycle and he now has 200k. Given that this cycle is not over I am certain that he will reach 1m. Although he was already a rich man by indian standards.

>> No.30077664

>I read the stories here of people turning $100 into $1M and I want to die.
Those are usually extremely good strings of luck. People who happen to get into moonshot after moonshot. Quite rare.

>> No.30077772

No but I was fired. I plan on never returning to wagecuckery again, going into business/partnership with some rich retards who don't know anything about crypto.

>> No.30077928

survivorship bias right?
Oh I know. I actually do love my job and I feel incredibly blessed for that, but I'd be lying if sometimes I don't wish I could have a fancy car or a nicer apartment you know. And I don't mind waiting, it's just that I feel like such a fucking idiot that all those years spent on /g/ I never did shit to mine me some coins, and the ones that I had I sold at pre $100 levels lol.

>> No.30078262

Got laid out due to rona. Didn't make it yet but have no plan to going back to work for ungrateful pricks who will dump you into the street when things don't go their way.

>> No.30078321

I’m not asking him to use leverage, just take out a small loan to buy to catch up. This bull run is continuing and it’s better to get additional capital that you can’t get liquidated on

>> No.30078423

You’re gonna be alright dude. We all have that feeling of “oh I wish I would’ve just bought when x happened”
Then you chase gains on alts until you realize that you need to measure your gains against BTC so you just hodl

>> No.30078455

I still work but only because I'd probably be a full blown alcoholic if I didn't.

Plus it's nice to have the little extra money to make riskier gambles.

>> No.30078479

Happened here too but got work again immediately. Real eye opener especially since the company had a “let’s all work together to make it” meeting then got laid off with all new hires a few weeks after. Sovereign individual is the only path forward

>> No.30078635

>survivorship bias right?
Yeah, kinda.

>> No.30079159

did you use the suicide hotline advertised after the rugpull, unironically? I had the sense to stay away from arbitraging the cex prices back then and that's what saved me from using mtgox

>> No.30079772

God christ.

>> No.30079778

I question your claim about reaching 7 figure hell anon. 6 figure hell is a figure of speech. In dollar terms it is the band between 250k and 2m.

>> No.30080227

If it's above 1m it's not 6 figure brainlet. Are you here to discuss semantics anyway?
No not really. At the time Bitcoin wasn't that central to my life anyway, I had a high paying job and my gains on BTC were like a nice little bonus. And I had still half of my bitcoins on a private wallet.

>> No.30080801

Im at $6M this cycle. currently in the slow process of selling as we speak. (around 150k per week as Im not convinced this is the top).

Last market cycle I very briefly hit $3.5M and watched it drop over the next few months to 200k. I actually only earn around $45k per year and I really cannot do another 3 years of that which is why I'm selling now. I'm also currently thinking of how to quit my job. I don't want to burn bridges so I think I will politely tell them I'm leaving and offer to do a "knowledge handover" to everyone else.

Honestly, I imagine there are quite a lot of people on this board in a similar situation. When I was browsing here in 2017 there was loads of threads about Antshares/NEO, XVG when it was <10 sats, LINK, etc... I made a huge profit from all of those and there were thousands of other people on here at the time too. If those other guys haven't made it to 7 (or at least mid 6) figures I feel kinda sorry for them.

thanks for reading my blog post you can now call me a faggot

>> No.30081281

I am about to quit this June ideally. I let my boss know I don't need to work here anymore but I will stay until they get a replacement. I'm going to relax and walk down to the beach and read a book. Then go to bed and do it again. Nothing really matters

>> No.30081283

i'm one of those suckers....only sitting on a 5 figure portfolio of link and eth. sold bitcoin at 400, sold 75% of my link stack at 80 cents...i'm doomed to a life of failure

>> No.30081287

you need early 8 Figure so about 20 M to 30M in this hyperinflation hyper tax economy.

you cash out half so say 10M, pay tax on 25~50% so down to 5~7.5 M.

House cost 2~3 M nowadays if it a bit above average.

So your down to 2M ~ 3M to live on for maybe the rest of your life and you have to invest that somewhere or inflation will kill it,

>> No.30081340
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You're low 7 figures and you still can't fucking make it? How much of a faggot are you? 1 mil is all you need to never work another day in your life. If you have a million dollars you could spend $500 a week every week for a decade straight before going broke.

>> No.30081424
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Right here too anon. Im heading to a new customers site and I have very little desire to do that when I see my portfolio swing so much. But im cash poor and crypto rich for now so i cant check out yet.

>> No.30081495

I have been unemployed since october because it was a temporary job. When the government is inflating the value of currency away while offering you like 500 a week in unemployment while every job wants 10 years of experience and for you to get the jab, it's easier to just get money and swing trade your way to freedom while everything falls apart around you.

>> No.30081522

Then why the fuck did you give up your job

>> No.30081537

>knowing that I have to give almost half of it to the government if I cash out.
so, in other words, you're not actually that rich. nice larp.

>> No.30081568

my fucking pretty and nice house cost 350k and it has a fully furnished basement and theater.

>> No.30081600

>you can now call me a faggot

>> No.30081640

Just checked. Apparently the new Stimulus raises unemployment to 400 a week and lasts through august. You would need to give me back my old job where I was making 78k a year before the covid shit happened in order to get me to work at this point, otherwise I'm just a chump commuting around while niggers eat for free and the value of money drains away. I guess I'll learn to code, then make a shitty videogame and sell it on steam. Or something.

>> No.30081879

I didn't say I was rich. I guess you read what you want.
>Then why the fuck did you give up your job
Why not? 5 years later I'm richer than if I had staid spending my days working for my asshole boss. I don't like being a wagie, I just don't do it anymore, it's that simple.

>> No.30081908

The housing in your area must be insane, if you are not just lying to us. Is living humbly out of the question? A cheap house or condo might suit you just fine, if you can get over the "humiliation."

>> No.30081967

isn't that luck?
like jfc if it's true then godspeed pajeet

>> No.30082017

>I read the stories here of people turning $100 into $1M and I want to die.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.30082164

>Is living humbly out of the question? A cheap house or condo might suit you just fine, if you can get over the "humiliation."
I'm not a student... If I have to live for the rest of my life in a cheap condo it's not really worth it. It has nothing to do with humiliation, its about life quality.
I'll admit though I may have been exagerating about '7 figure hell'. It's not that terrible.

>> No.30082657


But how do you live day to day? You effectively have no cash until you sell. So without selling, how are you able to afford anything? And if you're selling, how is your financial position increasing?

The only way I could see this work is if you made 7figures or more in crypto.

>> No.30083081
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If you are going in with less than 10k you are gonna wanna jump in on the low sat coins on uniswap to really make it. Bao, Rubic, asko even for bit, etc. They were all super cheap and mooned a lot. Just sell a portion at the top and find another one.
>Sovereign individual is the only path forward
I like that phrase anon. Im gonna use it too. Thankfully ive followed that advice from the start and I didnt even care if i got laid off. I didnt anyway by luck.
6 figure hell is literally 6 figures anon. It also means you are at the point where you finally feel rich but cant access any of it because its not rich enough to do anything with.

>> No.30083683

have you ever lived under intense financial pressure? not knowing where your next meal is coming from despite working full time? paying off mere dollars of your debt every month because of interest? having 100k in the bank would fundamentally change the lives of so many people, even if it just sat there absorbing unexpected bills and clearing debts. you're not in hell, you've just lost perspective.

>> No.30083942

It’s a book published in 1997 that I highly recommend. It’s basically one long investment thesis based on the internet changing the way individuals operate within societies and states. Even makes predictions that encryption and low orbiting satellites can be used with a cyber currency to avoid USD which shifts power balance in favor of individual

>> No.30084136

6 figure hell is real. A lot of us have no reason to participate in society so we want to make as much money as possible in order to get a house, provide for a family, etc and not have to work a 9-5 to support this. A lot of us are close to realizing this but you lose motivation when you get close and it’s a terrible feeling to live each day

>> No.30084279


The 10,000x shit is rare as fuck. More realistic is borrowing big starting capital, then you don't need silly multipliers. I am in mid 7fig hell and did it all this cycle (albeit with some years of previous experience and awareness) by taking about 200k of loans, kek.

>> No.30084499

I quit this cycle thinking my stack of about 600k will reach a 1mil before the end of the bull cycle this year, then the dump started. Having anticipated there would probably be a beartrap after the run-ups this january-feb, I didn't quit until after I had more than a year's worth of living expenses put away in liquid cash, so I can comfortably wait it out.

>> No.30084533

sounds like they're going to fleece you

>> No.30084601

What did you invest in and when?

>> No.30084678

>tfw i came in just a couple months too late to make it hard on those in 2017

>> No.30084772

>has 200k
on paper

>> No.30084878

Fuck this was depressing to read. I have ~$700k between BTC and ETH. Hoping I can hit $3M minimum and slowly cash maybe half of that out. I’m in BTC for the long term, though.

>> No.30084884

yeah i'd prefer to live around my family and not in bumfuckistan

>> No.30084922

I am thinking of just keeping my job as cover to not raise suspicion about my crypto gains. Then I will cash out into index funds.

>> No.30084972

>House cost 2~3 M nowadays
dude what the fuck lol
no they dont

>> No.30085036

Maybe in New Jersey or the west coast lol.

>> No.30085049

are we talking sub 2m anything above should be comfy enough to never work again. 8 figs ofc are better but why risk freedom for some useless material possessions?

>> No.30085088

my last day at my soul-crushing audit office job is in 2 weeks. i can't fucking wait

>> No.30085090

no idea of the prices because i dont live in buirgerland but unless you live in a city, you aren't paying that much
and if you live in a city you're going to die anyway so why bother buying

>> No.30085147

I think even if you fools were able to help me make a million dollars, I'd try to stick it through with my current employer. The job I do is fulfilling.

>> No.30085260

i never had one but now i never will. im just getting enough passive income to live off. id rather live in a van than work

>> No.30085481

>Maybe in New Jersey or the west coast lol.
In the Bay Area a decent house will cost $1.5M at minimum. Shit’s fucked, boys.

>> No.30085790
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>have you ever lived under intense financial pressure? not knowing where your next meal is coming from despite working full time? paying off mere dollars of your debt every month because of interest? having 100k in the bank would fundamentally change the lives of so many people, even if it just sat there absorbing unexpected bills and clearing debts. you're not in hell, you've just lost perspective.
Yeah i know whats its like to be merely keeping your head above water. But I also know most people are responsible for those decisions themselves. To get 100k and merely have it absorb bills means in some time you will be right back where you are now. Thats stupidity then. Anons here are trying to never be work again or choose to work when they want. Not keep waging but having cash dwindle away to inflation and bills.
Nah NJ isnt that much. Its a reason people move there, to escape housing prices of NYC. There are plenty of 300k houses in NJ that are nice.

>> No.30085812

I leech off my GF. She has a high paying job. Made her buy a 10k link stack back in 2019.
She works and feeds me. I watch anime, margin trade and sleep. She knows I can't cash out until I make it.

>> No.30085892

I'm in 5 digit purgatory, really hoping this run has a lot more juice.

>> No.30085940

Where the fuck does your family live where a million dollars isn't over a decade of not having to work? You better not be a dumb califag.

>> No.30086339

>I read the stories here of people turning $100 into $1M and I want to die.
only some of those aren't fake and you're not gonna see the far more numerous stories of people being burned for thousands

>> No.30086555
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you can cash out and put it in muni bonds in the state that you live in, assuming you you pay state income tax. this allows you to get state and federal tax free income. rates are probably shit but they're muni's and its stable income

>> No.30086604


you'd still pay taxes on cashing out but you can do this with the money

>> No.30087265
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I watched this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyROtRtz648

Then I built that gauntlet, told them I quit my job, and I went there to sign the papers while wearing my antiwagecuck gauntlet, like any based gentleman should do
Pic is proof I'm not larping, kek

>> No.30087612

Utterly fucking based kek

>> No.30087656

Based. What type of job?

>> No.30087753

I told everyone I knew in 2019 to fucking buy BTC. This board was shilling Link at max volume. WHY DIDNT YOU LISTEN? I HAVE 70k IN CRYPTO AND I BARELY MAKE MORE THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN A PART TIME JOB.

>> No.30087823
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absolutely based

>> No.30087910

Graphic design. I designed banners, logos, business cards, flyers, brochures, landing pages and all sorts of stuff and it was cool, but some clients were horrible and most projects I had to revise lots of times so I started to hate my job a lot cuz of that.

>> No.30089450
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any other anons that did retarded shit when leaving work? I can't be the only one

>> No.30089776

>you need 2-3m to get a house
>you need 1.5m to get a house in the most expensive area in the world because even though you're not working you need to be there

just...live literally anywhere else?

>> No.30089796


Phone poster dedicated wee woo wee woo. Phone poster detected.
Get the fuck off my board wee woo wee woo

>> No.30089903

Got insanely lucky of GME(bought before it became a meme) and now have enough crypto to make it if my portfolio pulls another 5x. Its so funny because before i quit my job i shilled GME to all my colleagues when it was at 5 dollars. They refused to listen though..

>> No.30089918

cracked out. 7 figures is fine, get a hobby that you can make money off of

>> No.30089941
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Cope crypto faggots






Biden says China will 'eat our lunch' if U.S. doesn't move on infrastructure


"New orders for manufactured goods in December, up eight consecutive months, increased $5.2 billion or 1.1 percent to $493.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today."


US trade court dismisses challenge to Section 232 steel tariff"


>> No.30089974

Yes, but not because I have money. LOL.

>> No.30090026

Fucking based

>> No.30090049

some of us aren't losers with no friends anon. Some of of us have ambitions that go beyond what you can get in bumfuck, flyover state 4.

>> No.30090196

I am a teacher. I invested in BTC in November. I used the money I made to buy 40 RTX 3070s and I'm just going to let them mine for me.

No more waking up at 630am every day to babysit obnoxious minorities and take orders from some idiot with a University of Phoenix degree.

>> No.30090806

You are based. Good luck fren

>> No.30091210

Yes exactly, thank you. Not putting down flyover states, but all my friends and family are here, so living large in a mega mansion in the middle of Iowa does fuck all for me.

>> No.30091368

i failed out of grad school, does that count? still coasting and investing on unemployment for a job i had for a month before starting school kek tongue my anus taxpayers.

>> No.30091523

Literally put it all in stx. Reep that prob 1000$ a day in bitcoin payout

>> No.30091569

One million is nice but you need like 5 million min to truly never work again>>30075681

>> No.30091679

>only people in the Bay Area have friends
>you can never, ever make new friends
Have you literally lived in the same place your entire life? Do you think San Francisco has a monopoly on friendship? lmao
>the world is literally only Iowa or the bay area of California
ok, I'm talking to children at this point. Enjoy being priced out forever

>> No.30091959

The goalposts constantly move for these losers but you can’t expect much from
people who pretend to be rich on an anonymous forum

>> No.30092054

Showed up to work at 11, left at 2 and did this for a week

>> No.30092079

i just have a super small bag of link and some grt. I think i might have to wageslave for the rest of my life. id love to get into designing or animation but its risky and im locked in a position i cant get out of. those with 7 figs now are going to make it, and they deserve it.
i made this pepe earlier just for fun. you're welcome

>> No.30092133
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>> No.30092590

can you and all your friends please stay in your shithole city then you insufferable retard

>> No.30092726

i made this pepe

>> No.30093553
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kek, that's also based

>> No.30093652

>tfw bought antshares, xvg and link and still haven't made it

>> No.30093697

Savings and light business

>> No.30093738

This guy fucking gets it

>> No.30093837

I quit my job at a pallet recycling company. Got tired of fighting over stupid shit with my coworkers and waking up at 5am just to make a 13.50 an hour. Pretty much everyone was under the influence of somthing there including me. Drugs, early mornings, unstable people, and industrial machinery don't mix. Got to watch a guy cut his thumb off tho so that was neat. I have abit of money to fall back on so not all is lost. Boss was actually pretty chill when I gave notice and said he would give me a good reference so yeah.
Fucking corona shut down the trade schools in my area so I'm just sitting around with my thumb up my ass, waiting for them to open. Fuck this sucks. Atleast prime has star trek.
As for advice. Work hard for a few months to make yourself look as good as possible. Actually put in real effort and use the freedom you'll gain when you quit as motivation. Then tell your boss you're getting burnt out and don't feel like you have many options at your job. Thats what I did and I got out ok. Best of luck to fellow wage cucks.

>> No.30094171

>House cost 2~3 M nowadays if it a bit above average.
what is this toronto?

>> No.30094217

seriously whats up with these retards that think you need to live in a rural town of 100 to get a house under a million

>> No.30094380

Houses are only worth the land they’re built on.
You’re obviously located in an undesirable locale.