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File: 1.61 MB, 1216x3320, covid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30070854 No.30070854 [Reply] [Original]

this is why everything is crashing. the covid strain was found in brazil about 1 week - 1 month ago

either read it or keep being brain dead coomers i dont care anymore

>> No.30071186

>keep being brain dead
>doesn't look at the timestamps in his own image

>> No.30071898


>> No.30072013

look at the part about the brazil mutation

>> No.30072258

well where are all the deaths then? 15% fatality there would be loads

>> No.30072442

it says up to 15% but yeah im thinking of selling my shit. the shit just got announced and theres been massive selloffs in stocks

>> No.30072517

sauce me up then, there are new strains all the time.

>> No.30072576

Just like Bobos, Doomers will eventually get one of their predictions right after countless whiffs

>> No.30072603

It's been in brazil for over a year moran.

>> No.30072650

god damn you people are stupid

>> No.30072714

Fuck off, happooner. I cashed out 750 link @ 2.40 last year because of this shit. I'd be fucking rich now if I wasn't a happeningtard.

>> No.30072774


>> No.30072864

This is an old meme post about the meme flu
/pol/ was gaslit.

>> No.30073069

Isn't it crazy that we experienced another crash around a similar time frame as last year? What was going on in the media during that time, what is going on now?

>> No.30073156

brazil mutation just happened

>> No.30073164
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Starting to lean towards being extra stinkie

>> No.30073171

deadly viruses dont exist, get a grip.

If a deadly virus appears it kills the host therefore no further infection

>> No.30073208


>> No.30073255

Not talking about Brazil, we did have a crypto bear during March last year. Just noting how the recent bear was pretty close to it timeline wise.

>> No.30073393

>What is a leaky vaccine

>> No.30073522

So wear two masks?

>> No.30073809
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he's talking about March 2020 retard...your fud is a year old

>> No.30074185
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Go back now.

>> No.30074216
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>implying covid even exists

>> No.30074457

A lot of people knew the market was going to crash around that time. The March crash was pretty much determined after the '08 patchwork.

>> No.30074578
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you idiots, read the last two large paragraphs in OP, it says markets will recover unless mutations found in brazil, if it is found in brazil, then there will be another crash.

Guess what was recently found in brazil?

>> No.30075639

this is a year old post, tf?? stfu op u dumb motherfker

>> No.30075691

>this is why everything is crashing
While nothing is.

>> No.30075755

lol nobody cares about corona. Its a meme.

>> No.30075765

wow I remember this pic. This started circulating back in february 2020 around /smg/ in like every fucking thread

>> No.30076102

march has always been a shitty month. its the crypto test. hold through or buy in march and you will be rewarded in april

>> No.30076235

there are million different strains going all around the world, it doesnt mean anything.

>> No.30076374

>a mutation happening in south america is only considered 20.6-20.7% probably of happening

larp confirmed, no one talks about statistics like that

>> No.30076731

It's literally an airborne neurodegenerative disease.
>SARS-CoV-2 causes brain inflammation and induces Lewy body formation in macaques
Welcome to the end of the world.

>> No.30076825

> in humans Lewy body formation is an indication for the development of Parkinson’s disease, this data represents a warning for potential long-term neurological effects after SARS-CoV-2 infection

>> No.30077025

That was my concern with covid. A lot of viruses cause long term side effects and even cancer. People dismissing this shit as the flu are actually the dumbest fucking morons on the planet. Yeah it might be as deadly in the short term (for young people, old people get annihilated btw), but what about long term issues that no one knows about?

>> No.30077141

agreed, thats why I choose not to have sex even with a mask on my penis. I refuse to catch aids. Every man having sex is degenerate. Fuck that shit!! haha right

>> No.30077238

There's a lot of preliminary shit that's extremely worrying and I'm positive it won't be hyped up by the media.

>SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2
This one is especially notable because the mRNA vaccines make your body produce these spike proteins.

>> No.30077341

literally nothing is crashing right now you dumb retard, everything is at/near all time highs

>> No.30077351

>In this cohort study including 100 patients recently recovered from COVID-19 identified from a COVID-19 test center, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging revealed cardiac involvement in 78 patients (78%) and ongoing myocardial inflammation in 60 patients (60%), which was independent of preexisting conditions, severity and overall course of the acute illness, and the time from the original diagnosis.

Meaning These findings indicate the need for ongoing investigation of the long-term cardiovascular consequences of COVID-19.


>> No.30077367

>20 grand is rich
What’s the weather like in Hyderabad this time of the year?

>> No.30077483

What a shitty reply

It’s almost impossible for a man to get HIV via penetrative vaginal sex. However there are all sorts of viruses that you can get that induce long term epigenetic changes in your dna. And condoms don’t helps with those

>> No.30078093

Muh deadly mutation. How do they figure this out? Not Koch's postulate.

>On January 20, 2020, CDC received a clinical specimen collected from the first reported U.S. patient infected with SARS-CoV-2. CDC immediately placed the specimen into cell culture to grow a sufficient amount of virus for study.

That's believable...

>> No.30078208

Is anyone going to post something from 2021 lol

>> No.30078431

im just having fun lol

>> No.30078447

Not sure if related to the mutation or just the general mess that this is country with a literal retard as a president on top of that but last thursday we had a new record of deaths here.
Also, many cities are having lines to intensive care.

>> No.30078704

Yeah I saw some of those studies, it’s scary and the misinformation is real. At the same time I can’t really blame boomer naysayers because public health officials did do a terrible job.

What are the implications of this?

>> No.30079074

>31 Jan 2020

>> No.30079657

You’re right on the paper, but I did some quick search

>> No.30080603

Hard to be sure without more information. But if you combine this fact that there are prion-like domains on the spike protein with the Lewy Body formation in the brains of monkeys (note: ALL the subjects, even the ones with mild cases formed Lewy Bodies), and with the fact that mRNA vaccines work by getting your body to produce the spike protein for your body to recognize, the implications, IF you look at the worst case scenario, are.. apocalyptic.
Imagine every single person who gets Covid AND every single person who gets the vaccine developing neurodegenerative diseases within 2-10 years.
I'm not at all saying this is the case, I really don't know, maybe these studies will turn out to be bullshit.

>> No.30080991

If I’m reading the OP correctly, the reason to be worried about Brazil/South America is that the native bat populations could be a breeding reactor for new mutations. He didn’t substantiate that, but basically it sounds like COVID-19 could encounter a different virus in the bat population, swap some dangerous RNA codes with other virus(es) and then recirculate as a new form with greater virulence or fatality.

Not sure why he specified South America over Africa, for example. Bat species? More regular encounters between humans and bats in SA? Don’t know. Regardless, there remains a pretty substantial risk that a mutation could create a more deadly version and it would be much worse than a flu. No sense in predicting the exact date, just take your precautions early.

>> No.30081059

nOoooo not the deadly pandemic virus!!! AAAAAAAAAA

>> No.30081276

This is interesting, I recently had a blood test that presented higher levels of ACE2 and previously had COVID. Will my ACE2 go down? (desu though, COVID was weak, similar to a flu - 3 days of bed rest and I was good)

>> No.30081426

This is terrible news. Also, I've heard rumours that someone might fly a plane into the world trade centre on sep 11th.

>> No.30081469

This this this. This is why we must Take The Vaccine. The virus is real, and very deadly

>> No.30081496

make me faggot

>> No.30081588

I’m not any more convinced that slicing up my mRNA with a vaccine is a long term benefit either

>> No.30081607

Yeah, it's pretty weak for most people. I just hope there won't be any nasty long term effects.
I don't think they know why ACE2 levels go up with covid. It's kinda interesting how they do though, considering ACE2 is the major receptor COVID uses to get into cells. So.. the disease gets you to produce the thing it needs to help infect you? Pretty interesting on a biological level.

>> No.30081679

I will add, however, that the mortality rate of under 60s in UK is only 0.009% (insignificant). Over 60s, something like 0.2%. Over 80s is around 5% ish. More people under 70 died in car crashes than they did COVID in 2020 within Britain. Ofc, long-term: who knows what the effects are of a mRNA experimental vaccine. I aint being a lab rat.

tldr. Don't be over 80 or fat with comorbidities and you're fine.

>> No.30081705
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>> No.30081801
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>> No.30081806


It definitely is. It's such a boomer HS dropout thing to call it fake news, but working inside of covid units all year I definitely saw the worst of it. Plenty of co-workers are fine, but some older people who are relatively healthy (and even some on the younger side) just randomly die. It's the strangest thing. One minute you're thinking they are better and then they just fucking die...its crazy.
The scary part about Covid is the unknown lasting effects and the mystery surrounding how it presents in people who get the worst of it.

>> No.30082148

>One minute you're thinking they are better and then they just fucking die
So the ones that die like this, do so after entering into the recovery phase?

>> No.30082160


>The virus is real, and very deadly
I fucking got it, my friends got it, even my grandma got it we all lived. Anyone who's still trying to spread fear about this virus deserves ROPE immediately.

>> No.30082229

There are people who have likely had COVID on coming up to 2 years, and while we can't say for sure whether or not they had Lewy Body prions in them, I haven't heard anything about deaths from COVID relating to advanced stage besides the loss of smell, but I think that's just circumstantial.

>> No.30082326

Can't tell if bait. 10/10

>> No.30082353

caps lock makes it 100% bait, imo

>> No.30082404

Remind me 5 years

>> No.30082513

Do these people have relatively low level symptoms compared to their acute phases?

>> No.30082563

Absolute unscientific nonsense. There is no evidence covid is anything but the flu.

>> No.30082591

just let the retards suffer i guess. the economy is propped up by 99% of people being retards. they still dont realize it after you typed it out. fucking insanity.

i knew i was smarter than everyone on this board but holy shit all they can do is echo the same shit for years on end

>> No.30082680

No way are you fuckers still posting Q screenshots

>> No.30082691


>> No.30082761

Vaccine doesn't work, genius.

>> No.30082785

Maybe. But you'd be quite the retard to dismiss something simply based on your initial emotional reaction.

>> No.30082812

This this this. The virus is real, and very deadly. We must Wear the Mask and Take the Vaccine, if we want to Flatten The Curve.

>> No.30082909
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I am a germ theory denialist. Scientists are retards led by big pharma's faulty science and Pasteur's niggerism.

>> No.30082987


becuse OPs pic i made with 100 , 4'000.

>inb4 made some dd

>> No.30083037

How do you respond to the claim that disease models are studied by isolating apparent pathogenic microogranisms from a sick individual (animal) and injecting them into another, thereby causing the same set of symptoms?

>> No.30083140

So we don't know.
Not natural.

>> No.30083226

Koch Postulates haven't been satisfied for COIVD-19 in human subjects, AFAIK. (not that anon btw)

>> No.30083293

It's interesting how people arguing this kind of nonsense never engage in good faith discussion. They always reveal themselves to be dishonest actors, engaging in dishonest rhetorical tricks.

>> No.30083414

Is placing foreign dna and other material from one living being into the blood of another it doesn't belong to bypassing every barrier (skin, mucous membranes, etc.) a natural occurrence? Do you know vaccines cause some people to go into shock?

>> No.30083580

In January the average age of the COVID patient here was 80.
Now it's 62.
Hospitals are running out of working personnel and daily cases keep growing (1.3mil population, 1000+ cases daily), .
Scheduled treatment is being postponed.

>> No.30083593

You are a master baiter good sir

>> No.30083637
File: 375 KB, 1770x1364, 59A6288E-21B2-4A5E-8D06-F2659A02FA83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it looks like they already have things under control by now. Congrats globohomo! You staved off economic collapse by a single year! Now when a real crash starts, it’s going to be even fucking worse. You should have just let the market die in 2008, but you were too greedy, weren’t you?

>inb4 muh reset
Assuming you’re delusional enough to actually think this will work, all you do is dig yourself into a hole you will NEVER be able to escape from. Think about it: everyone is tied to your economy as the source of everything. If this thing tanks just once, no one but you and preppers will get out unscathed. The plebians would starve within days. But guess what? You owned everything that tanked. The only ones with power in this situation that the public doesn’t already hate will be the preppers, and you can they won’t believe the media when they try to scapegoat. They will go for the throat.

>> No.30083655

the JNJ vaccine doesnt use MRNA tech tho. neither does Novavax

>> No.30083782


>the covid strain was found in brazil about 1 week - 1 month ago
>it says up to 15% but yeah im thinking of selling my shit.
Okay if real this is valid cause for concern. Can you substantiate this please. Where are you getting 15% deaths from? All papers/news outlets scream more infectious but death-rate is obviously more important.

>> No.30083835

Yes, it happens all the time via physical injury (scraping a knee, cutting yourself etc). Bacteria and viruses are everywhere and you get them into your blood every time you break your barriers on something.
As for getting from one human to another, people swap spit, cough into other's faces etc. A bacterium or virus doesn't have to be delivered straight into your bloodstream if it has mechanisms to enter you.

>Do you know vaccines cause some people to go into shock?
Yes, they have side effects. But that's another topic. I'm not defending vaccines.

>> No.30083839

Astrazeneca vaccine is double helix not MRNA

>> No.30083972

>Inject yourself with said neurodegenerative virus to protect from said neurodegenerative virus.

>> No.30084075

the idea, in theory, for vaccines is you inject yourself with a dead version to show your body how to fight off said virus so it has an advantage over the real thing and prevents it from getting a foothold. In theory, the mRNA works the same way, and is supposedly "safer" in that they aren't putting the virus inside you at all, but an mRNA segment that your immune system will be trained against instead. That's how I understand it

>> No.30084087

i hear you guys. where i live there are hundreds dying every day from covid. i'm literally stepping over dead bodies when i step outside my house. i think it's worse than the accounts i've heard of the black death. thank god we have had all these lockdowns and face masks. we really should just keep it locked down forever.

>> No.30084162
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It’s annoying.

>> No.30084431

What's your take on this?
SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2
If it turns out that it has prion like effects, leading to neurodegenaration, then would it not matter if the virus is active?
See: >>30076731

>> No.30084461


>> No.30084522

Prion like domains:

>> No.30084685

Answer my question virus fag:

>> No.30084816

I've heard the stuff you linked back in March 2020, it was scary back then, but I guess I've somewhat normalized myself and pushed these facts down. Hard not to, either you constantly live in fear or accept/deny the peril.

The thing about prions is that since they're misfolded proteins, something has to fold them the wrong way. A strand of mRNA, while technically possible to degenerate into a prion, the chances of that are highly unlikely. In order for neurodegenerative diseases to occur as a result of prions, not only does a prion need to misfold, it also needs to fold in a way that allows it to duplicate and spread, that is what causes the neurodegeneration. That's my understanding of it

>> No.30084981

all im saying is theres been massive selloffs ever since that happened and i think they started selling before the covid crash early too.

every stock is dropping 10% and bitcoin stopped right in its tracks and wont go up

>> No.30085016

Double what?
It's a live viral vector (chimpanzee adenovirus with sars2 spike protein attached to it)

That would be scary shit, since the most recognizable and unique protein used for developing vaccines is the protein itself.
If the real enemy is the protein and not the virus, then it's going to rain a fuckload of crap

If i get this correctly, the mad cow syndrome is very similar to this

>> No.30085189

Don’t worry, diseases with a 15% mortality rate pose no real threat since they kill off their hosts too quickly to spread. Global pandemic level diseases are very rare and a deadly mortality rate tops out at like 2-3%. Keep in mind COVID is like 0.001 even for old boomers. the COVID that schizos on /pol/ were fearing is not the same COVID that actually came, which is why /pol/ is mainly COVID denialists now. I bought my p100 face mask in February

>> No.30085203

It is, yes, but the important thing about mad cow, chronic wasting disease, and every other neurodegenerative disease relating to prions is caused by somehow ingesting the misfolded prions and causing them to enter your brain or another vulnerable area, where they start duplicating and destroy you from the inside out. The difference between that and a theoretical mRNA vaccine is that you aren't ingesting straight prions, you're ingesting mRNA. Additionally, there is no evidence that any part of COVID creates prions. While it may cross the blood brain barrier and causes neurological problems, we have no proof it is related to prions, and with the amount of people who have died from COVID by now, I'd be surprised that such a fact is unknown. Just my two cents.

>> No.30085266
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So your claim of 15% is completely pulled out of your ass?
>all im saying is theres been massive selloffs ever since that happened
>every stock is dropping 10%
Provide evidence that large-scale sell-offs are happening. Stocks have not gone down 10%. 100pt dips in dowjones/S&P on a Friday leading into March 1st open and BTC correcting a standard 20-30% when china miners are dumping aren't very convincing arguments alone. You need better evidence than that.

>> No.30085350

Do you really think a headline of "new covid strain 15x more deadly" isn't going to cause a huge fucking dip? We're talking about short-term volatility here, not 1-2yr timescales.

>> No.30085422

If they were trying to fuck people up, they wouldn't do it with vaccines that healthcare professionals and politicians all have to take first. If you're building a new world order, you don't kill all the doctors lol

>> No.30085433

That's presuming that this post from a year ago was worth it's salt. It may have predicted some things, but that doesn't mean this guy predicted the future. If you want to believe that there will be a huge fucking dip as a result of that, believe it. But it's not a guarantee and selling now before the peak of the run is retarded if you've held this long.

>> No.30085566

I don't believe it as of right now which is why I'm asking for more evidence. I'm simply pointing out that the arguments from >>30085189
are completely useless for assessing short-term volatility ASSUMING a huge death rate is real.

>> No.30085577

P1 variant in 24 country's about 450 cases and recently a baby born with mutated strain passed from mother to babe in belly via placenta.. its good news, change is good

>> No.30085643

Fair enough. I agree that it makes no sense to live in fear of the worst case scenario. A lot of this stuff could just be things that look scary on the surface but turn out to be nothing.
For instance, that paper I posted about "Prion-Line Domains." I wasn't sure what the term meant and upon further investigation, "PLD's" appear to be normal physiological structures which may be involved in pathological processes when they screw up (at least what I got from the intro in this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4539981/ ).
So having "prion like domains" on the spike protein doesn't necessarily mean much by itself.

>> No.30085668

holy kek and checked
in other news, agree, it is useless, because news will sell more than results, but i think he's more discussing the apocalyptic effects of a 15% lethality rate versus market effects

>> No.30085757
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Uh oh

>> No.30085898

yeah fuck if this shit is really as bad as the pic makes it sound im probably gonna go to rural florida or some shit and just live off crypto while all the normies are dying

of course my dad works in a fucking high risk industry because hes a fucking poorfag

>> No.30087308


>> No.30088058

bullish for ANVS

>> No.30088432

Fucking schizo I live in Brazil and everything is fine

>> No.30088876

>its been one week


>> No.30088953

COVID cultists are fuckin retards

>> No.30089059

If you're scared of COVID you are legit a little kid redditor faggot

>> No.30089357

>one week
It's been two month already. We know of this since january

>> No.30089519

Bolsanaro is currently the greatest president on this Earth and I'm saying this with total sincerity. EL MELHOR SE ACUSTAMANDO JAIR

>> No.30089939

only thing this post made me realize is that SOMETIMES /pol/ could be useful.

>> No.30090095
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If anything the market is getting sick of hearing fake and gay covid doom, and convinced that fed intervention now has no limit, hence, never sell under any circumstance. This is not to say covid couldn't actually mutate into something legitimately nasty, there's been way too much crying wolf.

>every stock is dropping 10%

Bond yields.

>bitcoin stopped right in its tracks and wont go up

Tether printer broke. Don't worry they just fixed it. 100k inc. Everybody back in the ponzi pool!

>i knew i was smarter than everyone on this board

You sure is, fren.

>> No.30090154

how can you be so stupid, OP?
just please explain to me how you could be so stupid and I will leave your thread.

>> No.30090183

This. If you're still falling for this silly shit you're dumb as fuck

>> No.30090292

I am going to find a way to make money off of this. let's figure this out

>> No.30090485

a brazilian cumvirus just flew over my house

>> No.30090799

>taking anything the media says seriously
modern news media is literal fear porn, every time there's an inch of snow here they start screaming TEMPERATURES PLUMMET TO FREEZING ARCTIC CONDITIONS ROADS TREACHEROUS DANGER TO LIFE it's so fucking gay

>> No.30090961

this wasnt in the news? it predicted everything before it happened

>> No.30091171


>> No.30091710

Fuck off Pharma shill.

>> No.30092575

this isnt fucking reddit

but ur right

>> No.30093038

They'd probably regulate such news to ensure there's no mass hysteria

>> No.30093149


>> No.30093213

I unironically just sold 1/3 of my portfolio. I saw OPs image last year and didnt listen. Im not losing it all again, im gonna buy up the panic this time.

>> No.30093449

> oh nooo guys sell everything as a few more thousand geriatrics and terminally ill people are going to die just like they were going to anyway
You are a fucking retard. A desperate fucking retard

>> No.30093506

>Muh factcheck
Back 2 reddit faggot

>> No.30093854

>We have no idea what the deathrate of COVID for under 60 is.

If you can't even give me a ballpark 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, etc... that most likely means that the numbers are so insignificant they can't do proper statistical analysis.

>> No.30094125

Do you think they are serious

>> No.30094391

Hello 19 year old little kid

>> No.30094661

i remember reading this post and not even realizing the scale of impact it would have. I didn't have a concept of it. My mom laughed at me when I told her I bought a month worth of groceries at the end of last February, then there was no food in March

>> No.30094797

we were talking about this shit on 4chan two months before it was mainstream at least and this guy was an insider who knew the playbook and posted all of it. this has nothing to do with mainstream anything. this is the rumor, sell the news

>> No.30094847

There are “rather robust signs of an uptick in the curve of contagion and terrible variants,” particularly the one discovered in Britain, the minister said.

The president of the government Superior Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, said that as of analyses of cases on Feb. 18, 54% of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Italy involved that variant. But, said Brusaferro, “if measured today surely the percentage would be higher.”

Another variant, found in Brazil, is now involved in 4.3% of recent COVID-19 cases in Italy, Brusaferro said, particularly in central Italy, including the area of Rome’s region.

In recent days, authorities have taken to sealing off many towns and cities in areas where transmission rates are rapidly increasing. The mayor of Bologna, which has 400,000 residents, announced that, starting on Thursday and until March 21, the city will be under strict “red zone” lockdown rules, which means all restaurants and cafes are closed to dining, as are nonessential shops.

>> No.30095506

no the mrna segment causes your cells to express the viral spike protein.

>> No.30096259
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>tfw you've been hanging out in doomer threads since 2005 because fuck this gay earth
>the train slows down but just keeps on going
>its 2021 and nothing has happened of genuine consequence.
>always looks like its JUST about to collapse
>just keeps on truckin


Don't fuck up your life waiting for the happening. Wasted my whole life on this shit and now I exist as a warning to the rest of you. I'm 35, no friends, shit job, no gf, no life and wholly suicidal. And don't assume because you are intelligent you somehow know more than everyone else, you don't. 135 IQ has done nothing but allow me to wallow even deeper in my delusions. I hate myself and I'm here to save those of you from sinking into the pit too.

Stop this. Stop right now. Please, I'm begging you, STOP! You don't want to end up surrounded by rancid coffee mugs and debt, and spending an inordinate amount of time staring at the jar of jewelry cleaner on your desk. Please, stop.

>> No.30097324

im in the same boat but ive learned to manage my depression, anxiety and paranoia. have you ever figure to use your "high IQ" to do the same?

>> No.30097814

IQ is largely a meme in most cases. In all my life I have never derived satisfaction from anything. There's no point in trying to manage my issues as I am too old to create anything meaningful with my time left.

>> No.30097887

ive literally ignored all the doomsday shit up until now literally called it all retarded shit. im not panicking though i kinda want to diversify into everything tho. cash stock gold silver crypto etc

>> No.30098625

It's probably the vaccine that will be killing people, but the new strain is the cover.

>> No.30099552

you're not alone fren, been dooming since 2008. Nothing ever happens, life goes on. I think we did it to fill a void, because of boring lives, we wanted something big to happen, some action... now i think it was all a big psyop, people were waking up to some serious shit, groups got infiltrated with doomer crap, made these people hopeless for the future, switched the narrative. The doomers didnt focus on improving their own lives, to actually be able to affect their surroundings, the desired effect

>> No.30100228
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>I think we did it to fill a void, because of boring lives, we wanted something big to happen, some action
Yeah, I have considered that being a large part of it. I remember reading a book a long time ago where the author talked about how some people require chaos and extreme difficulty to even want to get out of bed in the morning and thrive in such conditions. When presented with consistent and unending daily humdrum they grow stagnant and suffer melancholy.

>> No.30100606

thats an interesting idea, modern life can be so dull.. can you remember the book or the author?

>> No.30100895

Nope, I've gone full alcoholic to numb myself so I don't devastate my family just yet with my impending suicide. Memory is a mite fuzzy these days.

>> No.30102005

i went the weed path, just quit a few months ago. You should quit drinking, you can still make something of yourself dont give up fren

>> No.30102067



>> No.30102218

I'm 35 and drowning in debt. Loans, being sued by past landlord for like 10K, I live in baltimore so that's depressing, and I make less than 30K a year. If I bust my ass all day every day for a few years I'll still be dirt poor. No chance of a family, no chance of owning a home. I fucked up one too many times and now its time to pay the piper. Should at least say all you niggers on 4chan have been my only family and I love all of you. Its been real.

>> No.30102242

OP I actually remember this thread. Don’t mind the newfag normies.
Is the vaccine effective against the Brazil mutation? I haven’t heard too much about it so I didn’t think it was a threat.

>> No.30102388

Fren hang in there

>> No.30102452

dude you're still living in motherfuckin USA.. i live in third world and it sucks. 30k? thats a dream here. Focus on making more money, if you dont like it there just save up and move, there is no point in giving up like that. Save what you can and move to cheaper countries, declare bankruptcy idk, do something dont kys like that, you are still young even if you think you're not

>> No.30102557

>But working inside of covid units all year I definitely saw the worst of it.
All those tik tok videos cannot be that bad, guess you weren't invited to dance

>> No.30103037

>dude you're still living in motherfuckin USA.. i live in third world and it sucks. 30k? thats a dream here.

This, this, and this.

>> No.30103039

Boy this got real r9k real quick, crash when?

>> No.30103645

Eating meat does that

>> No.30103740


>> No.30103773

no it gets around immunity

>> No.30103838

dude just keep stacking and go for safe shit like staking and holding btc. you only need 200k to get a house

>> No.30103882
File: 105 KB, 597x559, 1611452109130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to force a /pol/ larp about covid from 2020