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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30062356 No.30062356 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do you need to make it bros?

>> No.30062606

3 mil after taxes + a house. +1 more mil if youre still under 30

>> No.30062674

About 10 M USD

>> No.30062749

my goal is 40000*(90-x) where x is my current age

>> No.30064031

That’s some next level thinking.

>> No.30064114

10mil min.

>> No.30064173

500k That's all. That's the only amount of wealth I need to set up a perfect life for myself.
I'm starting out with 10k and a stable job and I believe it's feasible.

>> No.30064184

I always reply in a Terry thread

>> No.30064214

Bump for terry

>> No.30064219

with inflation soon it will be a trillion

>> No.30064242

House paid off + car + $1m in the bank

>> No.30064252

Very feasible, but then the baggage shows up and suddenly it’s not enough

>> No.30064338
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Tree fiddy will do.

>> No.30064361

5 million.

I would need LINK to be nearly $12,000 For that to happen

God help me

>> No.30064551

Do u guys ever factor in the cost of having a family and kids? Or are u the the lost boys and are just gotta neet forever?

>> No.30064647

sorry but ngmi. I have a 3k stack and need LINK to be about $1500 to get to 5 mil. I am also ngmi.

>> No.30064674
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>When you hit 10k it is 100k
>When you hit 100k it is 200k
>When you hit 200, it goes to 500.
Then you hit a million, And once you are there the goal will be two, and once you hit two it will be 5.
The harshest truth is that you will never believe you made it
It never ends.

>> No.30064705

I aint giving you no tree fiddy you god damn loch ness monster

>> No.30064830

I don’t mind waiting until I’m 40 (32 now), I just can’t let my boy grow up with a wagie dad in a poorfag neighborhood

>> No.30064965

the divs alone and a frugal lifestyle could keep me above water.
Dividend and capital growth slowly into retirement

>> No.30064986

why did Terry fall off from the corporate world? he was obviously a programming genius, i would of expected him to be a gem to employers looking for 10x programmers like him.

>> No.30065023

naw, 100k was never make it money for me. 1-2mil has always been the goal for me.

>> No.30065084

Programming geniuses don't fit in with the corporate world. Also, schizophrenia

>> No.30065128

>How much
Asking this question means you never will make it

>> No.30065216

Literally this

>> No.30065231

1 million +10k
The 10k is for the drug fueled escort party

>> No.30065256

Nah just poorfags like you, not everyone is a shortsighted retard

>> No.30065292

f there is anyone out there that see's this and can understand my situation, my family has kicked me out over political bs, they are mostly progressive types and even though I haven't said anything clearly they planned on kicking me out once time settled, I'm only 25 and I've been forced into a homeless shelter my friends are all out of state so I can't even find a place to stay.
I really just need something so I can get a hotel room for a week and by then my friend from Omaha is gonna pick me up and let me stay with them but I swear if I have to stay with these crackheads one more night I'm gonna lose it, I put my BTC and ETH address below if you are able to help, I also have a cashapp I don't really care how I get something I just really badly need help right now and hoped maybe someone here could save my life literally.




>> No.30065396

1 mil after taxes, my wife and I don’t want kids, and have very low cost hobby/interest. We also enjoy what we do for our jobs so we’d love to just be able to work part time.

>> No.30065398

8 figures for a family of 3. 9 figures if I wanna be annoying about.

don't really need more than a 3bd house on a decent sized lot with a workshop/garage for your hobbies. your hobbies are gonna cost you money tho. anything worth doing requires new supplys and metal, leather and wood are not cheap.

>> No.30065496

post proof of this situation and i might help anon. also get your shit together. living at home at 25 is a red flag.