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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 118 KB, 1080x718, IMG_20210302_185508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30061801 No.30061801 [Reply] [Original]

fellow bears are you ready?

>> No.30061863
File: 180 KB, 960x668, 1595738793289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a faggot

>> No.30061903

I want to strangle this retard in Minecraft.

>> No.30061916

Why can't this fucking faggot just shut up?

>> No.30061920

i want to watch in team fortress 2

>> No.30061924

Now I slowly understand why niggers in Rhodesia and South Africa chimped out and started to massacre the white "africans" out of their countries.

>> No.30061932

He's doing this so his friends can buy in

>> No.30061938

can this useless fuck shut the FUCK UP

>> No.30061949
File: 22 KB, 593x204, E4B0D486-7995-400D-8261-33ACD2FBBC80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Elon, shaking out weak hands and normies

Truly /our guy/

>> No.30061956

this autistic fuck is probably browsing /biz/ right now to see reactions

attention whore cant stay away for less than day

>> No.30061962

some faggot got scammed for 5 btc on one of his twitter replies. Some people are just not destined to make it

>> No.30061990

Yes, I'm tethered up

>> No.30061997

I need TSLA to go back up

>> No.30062009
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>> No.30062036

>its real
why he is fudding his own investiment? I thought he was high iq

>> No.30062042

Someone should bait him into revealing himself.

>> No.30062043

Absolute madman, FUDing his own investment

>> No.30062044
File: 1.15 MB, 1489x2009, 1596854551712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Elon crashing the market so DOGE can be top dog.

>> No.30062088


>> No.30062093

he sold like two weeks ago

>> No.30062106
File: 133 KB, 860x993, 1599722478145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im convinced he browses /biz/ to farm pink wojaks while he pretends to be one of the bogs.

>> No.30062115

I agree but Tesla should join that room

>> No.30062116
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My ass is ready

>> No.30062133
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>my heckin Elono Musko

>> No.30062136


>> No.30062148

he literally bogs the market

>> No.30062176

Keep in mind this is the guy who fudded his own stock lmao.
And you thought having him enter the cryptosphere would be bullish

>> No.30062178

He's trying to cause a dip so he can buy more.

>> No.30062284


>> No.30062300

He can fudtalk all he want, Elon know it will all be blamed on "chinks" and "pajeets"
Like Tesla wasn't fudded enough...

>> No.30062318

Not selling. Try harder, redditard.

>> No.30062321

elon muck "the engineer"

>> No.30062343

>elon cultists ruin crypto


>> No.30062371

Fudding your own coin is pure /biz/

>> No.30062373


I bet elon is friend with all those kikes, everything he does glows, only redditors and niggers love him

>> No.30062391

Based elon giving the market the usual march dump.

>> No.30062392

>says this while memeing DOGE

>> No.30062394

Why there is no crash after the tweet

>> No.30062398

>he unironically bought the top

>> No.30062408

too much cheese, shouldve only put it on one side, or put half a slice on the second half

>> No.30062445


>> No.30062453

TESLA(not Elon) bought it strategically as a hedge against the dollar/possibly world currency in a few decades, not as daytrading tool. retard.

>> No.30062457
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Fucking kek

>> No.30062461

Coming from the faggot that shilled doge for a month, the irony.

>> No.30062477

Short tsla free money lel

>> No.30062481

What did he mean by this? I literally dont know

>> No.30062483

Is that the “well guys that’s it” guy?

>> No.30062505

There was a time when he resisted control, then the Teslas crash and burn campaign happened, and the shorts attempts as well...

>> No.30062514

babies first rug kek

>> No.30062536
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give it some time, couple of hours maybe

>> No.30062560

It's pretty clear he has some kind of narcissitic personality disorder and a jesus complex, possibly bipolar. He's been slowly losing it for several years now.

>> No.30062581
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>> No.30062632

because no one cares about him anymore, remember his last DOGE shilling tweet? It does nothing.

>> No.30062659

>link breaks $30
>btc dumps
>now this
They are trying so fucking hard to suppress link

>> No.30062661

I think Grimes has a larger moustache than I do

>> No.30062664

Are his followers retarded? That's my only reasonable conclusion. Not even sure why I hate the guy except that he seems like a fucking retard.

>> No.30062670

that’s why he’s fuding his investment anon
he’s dump and pumping

>> No.30062681

Elon faggot made his billions of government welfare subsidies imo every taxpayer should own shares of tesla and space X.. you pretty much funded it

>> No.30062738
File: 479 KB, 772x804, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR8aO_oe8V0 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.30062751


Kikes try to scam other kikes all the time, just because he hates a part of them doesnt mean he is not in bed with the others

>> No.30062755
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I think it's basically a realization that TSLA is overvalued by a factor of 99.999999% and would be bankrupt if it weren't for the market insanity, hence why he tried to play it cool a while ago.

>> No.30062793
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he's just an attention whore at this point.

>> No.30062806

people look up to this fuckhead?

>> No.30062810

is it true? will this token make me rich sir?
or you just try to scam people with shitcoin
>I have already hold GSX and received rewards

>> No.30062843

He is a fking KIKE.

>> No.30062882

it usually takes a day or two to see the impact of an Elon tweet.

>> No.30062885

Fucking lol

>> No.30062891
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>> No.30062920

Australians bongs New Zealand “whites” and South African are all kikes

>> No.30062944

Should we tether up?

>> No.30062976

dog food

>> No.30062992
File: 138 KB, 926x847, D29B6F58-631F-42AC-BAC5-75A94F2EB7E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s in bed w/ mossad

>> No.30063012

Exactly. Bitcoin is turning into the thing it hated.

>> No.30063037

Tether is a scam.

>> No.30063044

This dumb faggot needs to shut the fuck up already. How many kids lost their savings because of his tweets about dogecoin, while the whales dumped and took profit every time?

>> No.30063102

He is reading /biz/ for sure. Every time we bad mouth him, some new crap tweet emerges the next day.

>> No.30063113

he sold at $59k
made the easiest $700M of his life

>> No.30063119
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Is spring break actually a thing for non students?

>> No.30063139
File: 76 KB, 724x707, C90196D1-6E94-4882-A82D-7FE7A0C0B48A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No squeeze these kikes buy more BSV- that’s the only reason they are trying to spread FUD-

Elon and his new friends who are supposed to be scientist billionaire science geeks just found out bsv is bitcoin- (the internet had to tell him)—

Because they realize this/ they are freaking out because they will lose BILLIONs in btc. They need to crash BSV to get back their 1-1 BTC amount.


>> No.30063142

no it's not

see >>30062793 nothing will happen, maybe small dump and that's it.

>> No.30063159

>>USDT @ -$0.09
Did that ever happen?

>> No.30063168

700m is basically above poverty level in the west

>> No.30063200

Gonna short btc then

>> No.30063248

Yes to be a "follower" implies a certain amount of "retardation" (the action of delaying or slowing the progress or development of something)

>> No.30063262

scam? you mean just like hyperloop?

>> No.30063272
File: 430 KB, 750x836, 0BEFB560-FBF9-42B3-9A82-BDA31EF515EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just the “illusion” they want you to believe. Elon had a meeting with the gay on the right - the one who has a faggy portrait of himself behind him - he needed to meet w/ Mossad during around the time of spring break -

A multi billionaire doesn’t just visit Israel out of the blue— it has to be prepared

He’s a kike nigger who the Jews want you to vote for as president one day.

>> No.30063307
File: 64 KB, 720x707, C0F95FBC-E6AD-4031-9726-DBD5A263606E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s talking about Cardano

>> No.30063330
File: 53 KB, 734x418, images (49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afrikaners are basically jews, must be because most of them are descendents of dutch sea merchants

>> No.30063359

Because they want faggots like you to sell
Your bsv

>> No.30063372
File: 10 KB, 220x229, ISURRENDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being a billionaire and getting scammed experimenting around in crypto/uniswap, the seething from ego loss must be unreal.

>> No.30063457
File: 574 KB, 750x1236, 6C1FF773-6C27-4D46-B160-47C39FC04248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dump the satanic whore and maybe you will have a chance at redemption of your reputation

>> No.30063465

Fucking reddit Willy Wonka

>> No.30063507

No. No it wasn’t.

>> No.30063524
File: 109 KB, 768x768, 3q4barq4jco31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's fucking rich and just having fun. I like him a lot.

>> No.30063590

lol, he lost tens of billions from the TSLA drop from 800 to 700 and will lose many billions more

>> No.30063591
File: 441 KB, 1077x744, 51223D2E-FBB6-48EC-BCAD-D615160FA0AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going to rope if you don’t own bsv retard

>> No.30063593

yeah he’s annoying but it hardly even seems like FUD. looking at any youtube video or twitter thread related to crypto they’re loaded with scammers trying to dupe retards.

>> No.30063643

attention seeking whore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.30063653

at first his tweets were novel, now it's just another tweet
eventually people will just not even pay attention to whatever he says about crypto because it's all shitposts

>> No.30063659

He's not wrong

>> No.30063702
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>> No.30063717

dogs eat better stuff

>> No.30063723

Elonshills literally glow

>> No.30063725

God I hope the SEC destroys him one day

>> No.30063742

grimes is weird. she got big off of the toronto music scene and still rakes in 90k worth of toronto music grants for (((small))) artists lmao. much like tesla and spacex living off of subsidies hmmm

>> No.30063779

btw I think he's referring to the retard who sent 5 btc to a scam using his name. saw the ads yesterday on crypto channels.

>> No.30063804


Unironically true

>> No.30063837
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Buy CLF "the correction is over"- Jim Lebenthal CNBC.

>> No.30063856

imagine letting a split-tail tell you what you're going to think about lgtb bullshit
He's just some CIA spook, military needs to test some electric motor and battery designs on the general public

>> No.30063877

He's referring to all the Twitter crypto scammers posting in reply to all his posts, faggots.

>> No.30063883

Takes about 8-16 hours for all the normies to see it. Enough time to usdc or dai

>> No.30063915
File: 181 KB, 1200x630, blog_zuma_ted_cruz_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People could have bought SOXL at the bottom today, below $40
>It will never be this cheap ever again
I hope you guys had a chance to buy the lowest price it will ever go to again.

>> No.30063968

naw, he got scammed by the food/poke tokens

>> No.30063970

Elon and my penis should get a room

>> No.30063983

why does he post when he could just shut the fuck up

>> No.30064059

canadians are used to gibs

>> No.30064066

He's right though. You guys remember his account was hacked and someone posted a bitcoin scam? Not to mention for every legit project there's a million scam ones.

That's just how life works. Think about how many scams there were when the internet first was becoming popular

>> No.30064105

Satanists are based though, I get immense joy from watching christcucks seethe

>> No.30064282

Shine through me
Come forth in war
Come forth in peace
Bring down the sun
Extinguish all the stars
Let me remain in splendor of thy light

Bornless one
As darkness bright
Found not in tongues
Found not in light
Bring down the rain
Drain waters of Styx
Faustian luminary
Redeem blaspheme

Like a day without the dawn
Like a ray void of the sun
Like a storm that brings no calm
I'm most complete yet so undone

Agathos Daemon of plague and fever
Thy name is nowhere, thy name is never
Liberate me
Ignite the seeds

Oh father, oh satan, oh sun
Let the children come to thee
Behold the morning star

>> No.30064290
File: 198 KB, 1080x891, BBB1B03C-9CAB-48B4-9604-59F802432EA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain to me how you make money in bear market?

please answer

>> No.30064381

If you are reading this Elon, please tweet more ridiculous shit, call bitcoin technically useless or something, please I want cheap coins

>> No.30064384

Short selling AKA Jewish digitial coin clipping.

>> No.30064394

Why are Juden always concerned?

>> No.30064413


>> No.30064418

almost every kiwi flag is a smug tranny. ireland, too.

>> No.30064534

>how do I make money when everything is on a discount

>> No.30064590
File: 343 KB, 2048x2048, 9F91070E-1A0E-49EE-A63C-1ACE47DCD8B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love behemoth

>> No.30064689


>> No.30064710

Seen them twice now. Amazing band.

>> No.30064748

I have read quite a lot of satanic poetry, but this is just shit.
Most are shit, but this one is still worse somehow

>> No.30064754
File: 39 KB, 756x767, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain how I short a coin, I'm literally brain damaged but still want to make some money

>> No.30064781

Yeah, they should get a room at the Musk hotel since he advertises vacancy every day with this relentless barrage of "muh quirky opinion" tweets. Fucking manipulative cunt, I hope the SEC invents a new sex organ to rape him with.

>> No.30064823

You can get burger and pizza toast in Canada? Where?

>> No.30064845

On plus500 you can short the big coins

>> No.30064875

based papa elon helping us bobos

>> No.30064884

Oh shit, you don’t think making it illegal for them to travel outside of their village without a permit caused any of that?

>> No.30065088

you aren't a bear unless you have skin in the game and are betting against BTC with money. Also, this tweet is because scammers used his name to get idiots to send them bitcoin

>> No.30065141


>> No.30065170

Elon pls go

>> No.30065239

>Elon Musk talking about scammers

>> No.30065245

I hate him so goddamn much. Fuck you Elon you rat bastard, go back to South Africa

>> No.30065250
File: 1.89 MB, 462x427, 1614021607258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic newfaggots still think "paper profits" means he sell weeks after
how can people be this retarded

>> No.30065404

I don't like that this will likely result in a dump due to morons not understanding the context but at the same time I can understand him being frustrated that every fucking day there are tons of pajeet scammers on twitter shilling fake "Elon Musk" links to "double your crypto" and grabbing huge sums from gullible faggots. First notification I saw on twitter yesterday was some smoothbrain sending over 80k in btc to one of those scams. It kinda gives crypto a bad name and associates his name with that shittiness.

>> No.30065426
File: 11 KB, 205x246, empty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant take it anymore bros...i just want my 10x before govt taxes it...

>> No.30066089

Have something to offer a world in need.

>> No.30066365

do you think he gives a shit about long term investment? he pumped and then he dumped, that is all there is to it. He will do it again, because it's easy money if you have a billion cultists following your every word.

>> No.30066436

Let me spell it out for your autistic sub 50 IQ brain
He. Did. Not. Sell.
Paper. Profits. Arent. Because. He. Sold. Its. Literally. The. Opposite.
I fucking hate nubiz with all you fucking disgusting polnpcs and redditniggers

>> No.30066526

>I bet elon is friend with all those kikes
Of course he is, its impossible to be wealthy otherwise.

>> No.30066530

How many normies got legit burned by this whole DOGE fiasco? I'm surprised we didn't see threads of retard normie tears

>> No.30066639

tommy always cracks me up it's just hell

>> No.30066682

i want my $620 flash sale first

>> No.30066701

He's not saying crypto is a scam btw. He's just saying that scammers love crypto. The bull run is still on

>> No.30066934

Sell rope and suicide bags.

>> No.30066938

Of course they love crypto. It's open 24/7 and pretty much unregulated. What we need is some cartels to keep the little fags under control. You probably have 10,000 different groups running their own scams and scaring every normie away. I fucking hate them. I want to make money all year long, not for 2 months every 3 years.

>> No.30066942

He has always been a government asset. He was involved with paypal, whose objective is to collect banking informations outside of the US.

>> No.30067011

I bet you are over weight

>> No.30067013

Seriously, some these faggots need to be executed and their bodies put on display.

>> No.30067130

I get why he wanted to tweet.bullish shit to pump his bags, but why does he want to crash the entire fucking market with these bearish tweets right now? Wasn’t it enough to sell the top? Is he shorting crypto right now? WHY THE FUCK COULD YOU NOT JUST CASH OUT AND LEAVE YOU FUCKIING FAGGOT

>> No.30067152

Sadly this. Honestly, I dont mind though. It's allowing me to pick up some cheaper coins I need and scalp the difference.

>> No.30067153

Lol how many PnDs did you fall for?

>> No.30067156
File: 213 KB, 960x1200, 1545592049791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my pic kek

>> No.30067274

Hundreds of thousands if not millions kek

>> No.30067365


Why are you guys so afraid of normies buying in?

You idiots have an apple tree growing here, instead of just harvesting the apples, you are cutting the tree down as well.

Scammers are only going to chase people away and invite more regulation.

>> No.30067413

And I bet they're still worshipping the almighty Elon Musk lmao. I don't blame him, though.

>> No.30067502

You really have to wonder why a guy like Musk deceives the masses into buying a complete joke like Doge. What does he get out of that prank?

>> No.30067516

Well, it has become pretty bad indeed. Back in 2017, of course there were vaporware projects that would never amount to anything, like ADA or LINK, but at least there was a minimum of effort and the appearance of legitimacy, however thin. But now? Total scamcoins that are obsolete later on the same day they came out. Literally. You could see shill threads "Buy SCAMMY, it will make you rich, act quickly!" and ten hours later "Buy SCUMMY, it's the new SCAMMY, it will make you rich like SCAMMY did, act quickly!"

Is there already a token called RUG? If not, there should be. It would even be a success for a few anons, and a disaster for many others.

>> No.30067520

Bitcoin was institutionalized once blockstream took over. Just here for the ride.

>> No.30067565

I think he is talking about the twitter spam that follows his tweets. Every reply is spammed with some kind of scam using his name and picture.

>> No.30067593

>buying a shit stock only shilled on /biz/
You are unironically better off chasing shitcoins

>> No.30067625

Tethered my Eth at 1500, fuck this fat retard
At least I can buy some shitcoins for cheap when Eth goes back to 1200

>> No.30067648

Go Back.

>> No.30067716

I wonder what Sachs is paying him to do this.

>> No.30067780

Elon is just seething over the fact that he couldn't get control of a shitcoin like Doge

>> No.30067811

Electric motor is over 100 years old and there're countless millions of electric motors used daily in the industry. It's an incredibly simple and very well understood part.
Wtf are you smoking?
Battery design is same shit, essentially. Tesla isn't doing anything important or revolutionary whatsoever. They're just putting lego blocks together.

>> No.30067830
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i hate this nigger

>> No.30067844

Yeah it would be hillarious to troll a bunch of normies with that kind of influence. Pretty based really

>> No.30067854

This is a Christian board, get out

>> No.30067946
File: 18 KB, 474x436, 1856423574952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not christcuck. Q tards tried to force that shit here and it leaked to all the other boards.

>> No.30067953

>dog food
>american processed cheese
>on sugary white bread

You fucking dirty, fat, disgusting faggot.

>> No.30068089

>American food

>> No.30068102

This is a Christian board. Go back.

>> No.30068122

I'm in 4 of the 10,000 groups you mentioned :(

>> No.30068154
File: 37 KB, 680x441, take2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do away with your kind here.

>> No.30068217
File: 197 KB, 599x495, literally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a /biz/ shitposter 100%

>> No.30068227
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>> No.30068273

Show 3M

>> No.30068328

Christianity was made by the kikes they are the ultimate good goyim. I know your just trying to derail the thread now so this is your last (you)

>> No.30068403

dogs in europe have healthier food than that

>> No.30068447




>> No.30068472

lol, check this poop on /biz/
these faggots think we will visit this shit
>I’m not a racist but these pajeets are rly tarded
>cool that my wallet is in safe on justliquidity with their enormous staking and yield farming

>> No.30068554

I hate this guy

>> No.30068605

You got pumped nad dumped by Elon Musk, how do you feel now?

>> No.30068664

he he heeeeeeeeey
he's right tho

>> No.30068682
File: 732 KB, 918x853, 1614707631743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scammers and crypto should get a room
Is he gonna sit at the foot of the bed and watch?

>> No.30068731

You don't. You just become poorer over time.

>> No.30068745

Awfully defensive aren't we.

>> No.30068763

this fucker ruined our organic bullrun and he just keeps fucking it. i wish he would shut up but he wont

>> No.30068895


>> No.30068904
File: 3.82 MB, 196x388, 1564445128732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be retarded
>Buy Doge
>Cry on twitter that crypto is a scam
*Chuckles in Nazarov*

>> No.30068968

Says the guy who tricked thousands of people into buying Doge when it was at ATH.

>> No.30069003

I am predicting that his market manipulation will give a reason for government to regulate the shit out of the cryptomarket. He's probably in on this.

>> No.30069018

Elon, if you happen read this thread: Please stick to making shitty cars and having crazy ideas that will not work, or to solving the future's problems rather than the present's. We do not appreciate your current bullshit. Thanks.

>> No.30069206
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>> No.30069240

unironic autism

>> No.30069243
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From the replies. how are these people literally this retarded

>> No.30069266


>> No.30069277

>im so fucking tired from losing funds
>hate everyone who approaches me
>i see graphene AIRDROP soon
>i put money in in PHR tokens and receive some graphene tokens
>i get money from sharding tech
>i fuck your mama underneath your bed

>> No.30069316

Because they jew constantly, which can prompt a reaction (expulsions, pogroms, genocide) at any time. And they know it.

>> No.30069391

join Dex for Justliquidity
don’t make quick dump
>do 500$ on staking
>waited a month
>rewarded to 1200$ staking pools
fees so low, rofl don’t cry about gas on ERC

>> No.30069430

literal schizo post

fuck off redditor

>> No.30070046

This cumskinned rat is one of the biggest charlatans of the modern day.

>> No.30070287

Jesus was jewish and the bible is basically an updated torah.
>this kills the tradtranny

>> No.30070394

Imagine tipping for takeout

>> No.30070555

>just gave everyone a taste of what crypto can do in just a month
>now trying to fud the price back down so anybody that missed the train has one more chance
Truly a benevolent man.

>> No.30070801

this, his posts only have temporary effects

>> No.30070837

I am back, that's the whole point.

>> No.30071107


crypto is a scam.. why are u mad that he is redpilling the normies?

elon is incredible based

>> No.30071157

Redpilling them by making them buy doge?

>> No.30071161

Everyone FUDs their investments here

>> No.30071215

Thank god, a BTC dump would bring BAT down with it, so I can accumulate more.

>> No.30071281

Jewish seethe proves Christianity is out of their control.
We're the golem?
Fucking rights we're the Golem.

>> No.30071333

how exactly do you give away 25k? whats the scam? how do you not do a test transaction if youre sending shit somewhere?
and how the fuck are these people richer than me?!

>> No.30071349

> Be me
> Black dude
> Selling fried chicken from my street cart
> Business good
> All apes apeing
> White dude shows up
> Starts shouting
> "I dunno the price of fried chicken seems to high lol"
> "Fried chicken? Buy fried dog lol"
> Mfw

>> No.30071593

You faggots act like you aren't FUDing every coin that you've bought into. Fuck off with your hypocrisy.

>> No.30071688

Elon fudding is unironically bullish af

>> No.30071706

Just saw this thread, sold everything. See ya after the dip.

>> No.30071709
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Jesus what a retard

>> No.30071865

this is him. please i beg you stop saying bad things about crypto man im trying to get out of poverty here

>> No.30071892

Investigators also found handcuffs, books on homosexuality and pederasty, seven pornographic films, capsules of amyl nitrite, and an 18 in (46 cm) dildo in Gacy's bedroom.[107] A 39 in (99 cm) two-by-four with two holes drilled into each end, bottles of Valium and atropine, and several driver's licenses were found in the northwest bedroom. A blue hooded parka was found atop a tool box inside the laundry room, and underwear too small to fit Gacy was located inside a bathroom closet.[108]

>> No.30071895

It is different. A collective of nutcases and artists does not equal a captain of industry, whose words are taken seriously by the plebs.

>> No.30071914

you will die alone you edgy scrotum

>> No.30071954
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>> No.30071976


>> No.30072079
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Are we even going to see a new crash like the orchestrated FUD in 2018?

>> No.30072086

They are somewhat convincing, the first time i saw one of the youtube scam videos, it was a BNB give away.
The youtube account was "Binance official" or something like that, i thought it was a version of an airdrop kind of thing, the format of "you have to send BNB, and the double will be send back to you" was suspicious, so i contacted the Binance support to hear if it was real.

If you casually stumble unto one of those videos and haven't heard about them, you can easily be fooled.

>> No.30072097


>> No.30072167

>why is he lowering the price temporarily in order to buy more at a lower entry point?
Gee, I wonder.

>> No.30072354
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>> No.30072414

Think carefully when you are going to announce your purchases here

>> No.30072431

Felon Musk

>> No.30072467

top fucking kek
The truth is Tesla got scammed into buying bcash and elon fucked up

>> No.30072477

Pajeet plz

>> No.30072511

That is actually what he wants. He doesn't like when markets move when he shitposts, because it causes him trouble

>> No.30072586

in all fairness, i do also daily get calls from Indian call centers where some guy named Mike or John tells me of a once in a lifetime investment opportunity.
I never actually send them money, i got on their list because i'm somewhat gullible and have expressed interest in buying what they were selling (saved by google searching it).

>> No.30072677

So this is why I’m down a thousand dollars

>> No.30072680

Fucking homo!

>> No.30072740
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why does he do it, bros

>> No.30072759


>> No.30072805

based elon calling out creepto pump and dump shills

>> No.30072836

Imagine buying BTC high, panic selling low and then trying to use your influence to crash the market

>> No.30072939

bear musk making it crash

>> No.30072964


It’s funny, working in media, (((they))) all joke about controlling the media, but if anyone else says it... well, we all know better than to say it.

>> No.30073084

He's talking about the corporate media, not Jews. While i agree jews own the media, /pol/ is just projecting here. Elon doesn't hate Jews.

>> No.30073161


They bought in Jan. Are you retarded?

>> No.30073204


>> No.30073212

it's easy to see why 109 happened and why 110 coming soon

>> No.30073273
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Sell things that bears enjoy, like honey or salmon.

>> No.30073418

Elon shill Fantom you white nigger

>> No.30073496

can't stand this fucking faggot.

>> No.30073725

Do Americans really?

>> No.30073951

Doge can't be any sort of dog really. It is a copy paster. A joke. He knows it. He must.
When he tweeted 'the people's coin' ... yeah, because corporate will never fall for this shit.

>> No.30074068

It's like the guy who jokes about fucking your wife is actually fucking your wife.

>> No.30074098
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this is the best pink wojak.

>> No.30074155

European dog food has better nutrition value than that shit.

>> No.30074342

Unironically this.

>> No.30074456


>> No.30074518
File: 143 KB, 1754x804, tesla elon stock price is too high imo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fudded his own stock and it mooned.

>> No.30075008
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and remember, the dot com crash of 99?

>> No.30075122

newfag here, not trying to challenge you, but

how can we know if he has sold or not? does he need to report it?

>> No.30075241

Holy fuck how is Musk so cringe

>> No.30075263

this is quite possibly, the stupidest thing said on this thread

>> No.30075387
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>> No.30075517
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they might not have STARTED christianity, but they have certainly poisoned the well. compared based Jesus to faggy catholic priests, for example. Mass sounds like a fucking funeral

>> No.30075538


White South Africans are notoriously the worst white people to deal with on earth.

The literal Compton Niggers of whites

>> No.30075574


>> No.30075634

Yeah, I once encountered one which was very well done. It was supposedly a live interview with Ray Dahlio talking about the debt problem with 10k (fake)viewers, and him wanting to boost adoption of bitcoin by doubling your bitcoin. There was a pretty convincing looking website, which pretended to track transactions which were doubled, and a meter to show how many bitcoins were left. I'll be honest, I almost fell for it. Thankfully I had a shred of foresight to check the address in cointracker, and it obviously didn't have the traffic the website pretended

>> No.30075695

>Elon doesn't hate Jews.
he should

>> No.30075977

Thank you blessed Elon for these cheap internet stockcoins :-)

>> No.30075996

Because they are the Normies whose bags aren’t packed and just started buying crypto a year ago.

>> No.30076897

If he reads this thread as well, prepare for another weird tweet tomorrow with multiple possible meanings. You'd think he has better things to do. His shareholders would think so too.

>> No.30077243
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>> No.30077376

Isn't Elon literally doing market manipulation with tweets like these? In this got to a courtroom i fail to see how he'd get off without jail time

>> No.30077708

Unregulated market.

>> No.30077938


>> No.30078559
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Literally never buying a Tesla because of recent bullshit manipulation and Neuralink glownigger shit

>> No.30078651

what the fuck is wrong with this piece of shit.

>> No.30078702

based comment

>> No.30078786

He is. But as his tweets always could have multiple meanings it is up to the sec to figure that out. And they probably won't bother.
Doge was pretty clear though

>> No.30078820

Shiiit he wants to buy cheap cardano isn't he?

>> No.30078856
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>All the cryptoniggers mad af
Based Elon

>> No.30079061
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Yes, some of us crypto niggers hold a very large amount of his crappy shares -- even if only via etfs.

>> No.30079834

Yeah I'm pretty salty about my TSLA exposure with my ETFs. Whatever. It's the future I chose.

>> No.30079996

They are what will pull it down. Tesla never did a stock share. This is the bubble that pops first. Tesla is a bigger bubble than anything on this planet. And he knows it.

>> No.30080224

*split -- sry for that typo

>> No.30080361

this shit is literally the shit christcucks were whining about like 10 years ago. christcucks hate digital currency, they called it the mark of the beast.
you aren't a hypocrite are you christcuck?

>> No.30080492
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Tesla invested $1.5 billion in fkin bitcoin just a month ago

why he mad?!

>> No.30080914

>one christian said something so all of them must agree
you're gay and retarded

>> No.30081116
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I'm gonna ride it out to see if we get a pump on gibs and pull the ripcord before 4/20 anyway.

>> No.30081179

Because Tesla invested 1,5 billion in bitcoin last month

>> No.30081193

Lmao literally "doubling money" RuneScape scam

>> No.30081489

I must ride it out, or else I drop Apple too, which I won't.

>> No.30081503

I do, anon. Amazing welth destruction

>> No.30081935

Blackroch Infotech Titans Etf... atm Tesla is the only one that is a real problem.

>> No.30082636

If you think you are not hurtle Elon, you are even more delusional than you make people believe.

>> No.30082692

*hurtable fuck this strange keyboard

>> No.30082743
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Look at this faggot trying so hard to suppress LINK

>> No.30084093

Sergey Nakamoto, you complete me.

>> No.30085492
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>> No.30085579

Why would he be concerned. Surely there's no truth to it

>> No.30085701

this. You are right. He wouldn't be concerned with shaking out an<thing. He fucks with us because we fuck with him. How does he know we fuck with him? He lurks /biz/

>> No.30085993

>n-no true christian believes that
nice fallacy you stupid nigger.

>> No.30087241

he sold retard

>> No.30087383

do americans really?