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30060167 No.30060167 [Reply] [Original]

be honest with me for once, /biz/. will ADA, AVAX, DOT and other eth killers happen or will L2 platforms for ETH eat their cake?

>> No.30060286

Has the last 403049 different "eth killers" killed ETH?
>no but anon it's different!!! my unique snowflake shitcoin will definitely be the one that does the trick!!!

>> No.30060402

avax looked promising..

>> No.30060499

ETH is going to get pumped come the summer and winter updates and migration to ETH 2.0. ADA will go to zero.

>> No.30060739

Solid L2 solutions will remove the need for ETHkiller chains, however with the rise of cross chain stuff the other chains can still have their own little ecosystem and interact with everyone else

>> No.30060795

Just invest in both outcomes. It's pointless to try and predict.

>> No.30060988

This is how it's gonna go. Bagholders of ethkillers will have a good time in their silos, like avax/pangolin. but nobody is ever going to develop anything beyond eth copy/pastes on these chains, and cexes aren't going to list avax/fantom wrapped erc20s--which basically means you have to dump the native token to interact with broader crypto or pay a bunch of money to cross an eth bridge which defeats the purpose anyway.

Before the solstice a major exchange, which also happens to have a stake in the largest DEX and the L2 solution used by that dex, will offer native L2 ramps. When this happens the eth killer narrative will wither on the vine.

>> No.30061325

The only one with a chance is AVAX because of subnets.

>> No.30061462

its risk vs. rewards... if eth is killed you make big bank thats why i invested in all the eth killers.. algo, avax, ada, elrond, sol, atom, dot, ksm

>> No.30062162

L2 are even less secure than smart contracts are now. what do you think will happen?


>> No.30062691

l2 tech is too complex for financal security

AVAX is the only decentralized and scalable

DOT lol 1000 validators max and "um we will in future work on this problem for sure trust us we will solve decentralization and scalability in the future"

Ada, has no hard coded limit but transaction throughput will be less than 1000tps when there is more than 1000 stake pools, thats just how all classical Nakamoto consensei work.

elrond shitcoin
sol is permissioned shitcoin
atom is a joke with 125 validators only.

>> No.30062790

Let me give you a piece of advice

Ethereum will obliterate all. Hold only ether. All gains are measured in wei. 32 is the suicide stack

>> No.30062965

You say (and are invested in the competition, so you'd say that no matter what) that but honestly it's looking pretty good.

>> No.30063039

ETH 2.0 could fail.
That's all.

>> No.30063677

I invested by using my brain instead of bet on all of them strategy.

L2 and ZK provers in general are very and highly complex mathematical and cryptographic software, which very very few in the whole world understand fully. Meanwhile, we can build protocols only relying on cryptographic primitives, and achieve the same effect of full decentralization and high transaction throughput.

Place your bets sir. Do the needful.

Even with ETH2 it will still scale as much as Ada does today in tps. L2 is again too complex to not suffer catastrophic bugs which will make AVAX double spend look like a typo.

>> No.30063989

don't forget to bet on MATIC... main l2 solution to solve eth issues and launch it into space

>> No.30064015

Optimistic rollups are very simple and do not rely on exotic cryptography.

>> No.30064113

>elrond shitcoin
Care to elaborate? It is physically impossible to not to be bullish on this project.

>> No.30064430

L2 will dominate and be by far the largest and most diverse crypto ecosystem for the foreseeable future. Other ecosystems will grow, but will be very obviously not where the real action is happening.

>> No.30064536

I think avax has it. Its actually working right now. Question is whether the sector has just lost confidence in it. Can it recover?

>> No.30064601

This, AVAX could run Ethereum on it, in fact.

>> No.30064607

Layer 2 solutions for ETH are underperforming because they're a joke and copies of layer 2 solutions for BTC, the ideas (Layer 2s) aren't new. ETH is vaporware targeting people who have no idea what's going on and a distraction from the real innovation. Study Lightning network and Liquid for Bitcoin.

>> No.30064679

L2 solutions are going to be the winner, look into Matic, I don't own any (more bullish on BSC), but it will be a game change if things pan out.

>> No.30064721

Lighting is not at all similar to the current solutions.

>> No.30064723

Hit the books buddy, I don't think you understand cryptography and its nuance.

>> No.30064803

Apricot will launch AVAX.

>> No.30065031

>L2 is again too complex
>math is hard there for people wont use
Your argument is highly flawed

Most people don’t understand SSL but they use it every day

>> No.30065064

Lightning is for micropayments and an integral part of Layer 2 solutions for Bitcoin. Not similar to the garbage you're pushing in this thread no.

>> No.30065137

>state channels are same as rollups
Let the big boys talk son, were discussing important things. But if you’re interested in learning https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/01/05/rollup.html

>> No.30065163

ethereum is normiecoin

>> No.30065236

I understand that ETH is and always has been a joke geared towards idiots like those in this thread distracting from the real innovation.

>> No.30065301

Vitalik is a shrimp and so are you.

>> No.30065331

This is very funny and I laugh at the unquestioning vapidity of people who say "smart contract" and just let other people fill in the details as to what that should mean and what the value should be. The mistake here is that "smart" is a misnomer. A contract, as we have known them for many hundreds of years, is already smart because it can often require the work of a solicitor or barrister to argue for or against the individual clauses of a contract; contract wording requires interpretation and that can require some of the highest order thinking. It is therefore smart.

A contract on Ethereum, then, isn't smart. It is a dumb contract. It is dumb in the sense that it executes itself, whether it has been audited and validated or not. And for that reason, you get fraud, after hack, after loss, after gimmick, after scam and essentially fuck all in-between.

And for what reason would anybody need to run computer programs in a decentralised way? What the fuck is the point? I can understand a currency being decentralised; that is completely intuitive and innovative, but running programs is useless as it is so insanely inefficient. Anything you could run on Ethereum you can run on AWS and it will be cheaper, faster and more secure, therefore resolving the trilema of and revealing Ethereum to be completely and I mean COMPLETELY redundant. Just because something can work doesn't mean it has value, much like a kettle connected to a dynamo on an exercise bike would work. Ethereum is a fucking joke.

>> No.30065387

What a great argument. Bet you read that entire post too. Youre a brainlet hahahah

>> No.30065447

I don't disagree, maybe your comment was for someone else.

>> No.30065449

you seem on top of things

>> No.30065518

No idea so I own all

>> No.30065627

>closet crypto indexer
The smartest play, for most.

>> No.30065632

Roll ups are irrelevant because ETH is irrelevant. Only Bitcoin and things built on Bitcoin matters. You'll figure it out eventually, maybe not. Keep studying shrimp.

>> No.30065746

AVAX had a good chance but bonus blocks revealed the code being shit

>> No.30066652

ETH is pure spaghetti code. ETH was without a doubt a great idea; I will not deny that at all. However, most people in crypto don't have the comprehension or knowledge to be able and look at the code-base and identify flaws that could be catastrophic, both in terms of economic, security, and overall functioning in cost signals.

Vitalik is smart. However, he's the most retarded smart person in all of crypto. He's a fucking child who doesn't own up to his inability to produce a creation and has longevity. Him and his cronies wrote shitty-ass code. It can't scale. The only way it can scale is constant upgrades each time they feel things are getting congested. This is where the problem lies. It is impossible for ETH to implement a scaling solution to where it doesn't need upgrades anymore. For ETH to work, it will need constant upgrades of ETH 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, so on and so forth for an indefinite amount of time - just kicking the can down the road. Off-chain scaling won't work either because ETH's security is already shit on a stick. Making something more complicated that is already a piece of shit is 100% pointless. People can never steadily develop something on ETH because with each 'scaling upgrade', those who are creating on ETH will have to pivot each time to ensure their product is compatible to work on ETH. To sum it up, each time ETH decides to upgrade to scale, it just gets worse.

For ETH to work to the level needed, the amount of ETH in ever single wallet needs to be known after each transaction. Since ETH cannot implement SPV, it's impossible for ETH to scale because it does not have the capabilities to know the exact amount of ETH in every single ETH wallet after each transaction at a massive scale.

The only way to permanently fix ETH would be to roll back the chain to the beginning almost. Vitalik is just your average Russian retard who can't produce anything of value

>> No.30066734

This space can be extremely confusing and overwhelming for beginners. There are over 9000 different crypto currencies, 99% of which are completely worthless. Absolute dog-shit that hold no long term value. Sorting through these can be an absolute nightmare.

Let's start with the basics: etherum is the defacto smart contract platform. There is simply no other option. Some may say polkadot is an alt, but even that was created just to be an extension of etherum, not a competitor to it. Stop buying the 2017 era hype that there are eth killers out to steal market share because of "muh TPS and transaction fees." Layer 2 solutions such as optimistic roll ups are coming online in literal days, mainet being on sythetix on jan 15th. By march-april, nearly all major dapps will be fully scalable with ZERO gas fees and 150x TPS more than they have now. Do not waste you money on tezos, Cardano, EOS, etc, these are all ghost chains that will soon become irrelevant. The thesis that eth will never be scalable is falling apart ,and rapidly.

The majority of your portfolio should be in eth. Do not listen to the bitcoiners telling you that "eth is not money." EIP-1559 will make eth an EVEN BETTER store of value than bitcoin. This is due to the fact that once 1559 is implemented, eth will become a deflationary asset. When a transaction occurs, the majority of that eth will be burned out of existence. This will be implemented within Q3-Q4 of 2021, and we will see the max supply of eth be reached when it does. From there on, it will be deflationary by design.

The second biggest holding in your potfolio should be blockchain middle ware. Chainlink is currently the best solution when it comes to connecting smart contracts to the real world, there are simply no other valid options. Band, API3, etc are all security-flawed and severely over valued. The value of security for data feeds cannot be understated when talking about connecting the existing financial system to smart contracts...

>> No.30066822

Bitcoin is digital gold.

Etherium is publicly available transaction log. Turns out, most companies don't want to expose their transactions to the whole world and use Hyperledger instead. So the use-case of this is limited. Within the limited use-case, Etherium is asking for too much money per transaction, thus being even more useless and bound to be replaced by a competitor.

Meanwhile, bitcoin is still digital gold, nothing more, nothing less

>> No.30066924

eth is on life support with all these layer two scaling solutions. the problem is that they're essentially the only game in town due to first mover advantage but in reality it's a shit platform and everyone knows it. once cardano releases and proves how much better they are in every way it's going to explode with migrations. a lot of projects have been waiting around for eth 2.0 but had to make due. it wont be long before cardano takes the #2 spot. eth 2.0 will take more than a year to come out.

>> No.30066968

i made this pepe

>> No.30067007

It’s 50/50 right now desu. Shitty answer but it can honestly go either way
People also thought online streaming services and Redbox wouldn’t kill blockbuster

>> No.30067487

youre a fag

>> No.30067789

You can't compare a whole financial infrastructure to boomer companies. Netscape or AOL is a better example but still not even on the same scale as these projects.

>> No.30068032

seriously wtf is L2. Is it a shitcoin from a different chain wrapped so it can flush through the other shitpipe?

>> No.30068229

Bait or retard? Did ADA cultists bring you here?

>> No.30068317

Retard, i really dont know.

Been flipping shit since etherdelta. Flipped shit on unicrap. Flipped shit on bsc.

WTF is layer 2?

>> No.30068385

Hitherto all eth competitions have used the same tech as eth but just sacrificed decentralization for speed. AVAX actually has a new consensus mechanism that BTFOs all other eth killers including eth 2.0. That doesn’t mean avax is going to replace eth, but it makes it legitimate and we will absolutely see AVAX thrive and build its own ecosystem. Eventually it may even eclipse eth

>> No.30068401

You're right mostly but are giving ETH too much credit by saying "defacto smart contract platform", study Liquid and the projects being built on it. ETH is spaghetti because they aped out a project way before Liquid (copied the idea) because it actually took a long time to build Liquid (only finished within the year). ETH made the project to steal from retards. Chainlink is for retards too.
Bitcoin is much more than digital gold, I'm convinced you have no idea what you're talking about after sending a highly speculative ViTaLiK article with words like "incomplete guide" "poised to be" "fairly confident". You get caught up in the hype and won't admit to your mistakes but i'll say it again. Study more shrimp especially Lightning and Liquid.
ADA shill you'll be rekt too, there is no need for smart contracts anywhere but Bitcoin

>> No.30068490

his eyes are together

>> No.30068534

>Chainlink is currently the best solution when it comes to connecting smart contracts to the real world, there are simply no other valid options.
How is a centralized, permissioned network the current best solution? If so, it opens the doors for better solutions, no?

>> No.30068562


>> No.30068635

Thoughts on Marlin?

>> No.30068647


>> No.30068902


Thanks, read into it. You're right. Im a total retard.

Ill never understand this.

>> No.30068912

Study Bitcoin Layer 2s. These retards are shilling ETH Layer 2 solutions because they have a smart contract that they can flip. These are solutions built on Bitcoin with no realized profit besides to strengthen the network. Buy Bitcoin and HODL.

>> No.30069207

It's fun to shit on retards like you really passes the time. Thanks for being retarded. I'm sure you have made crazy gains I say this unironically

>> No.30069247

No use, im truely retarded. Did enough shitcoin bingo this season to finally become a maxi though.

>> No.30069268

the true red pill is that all of these projects can live along side one another. And the existence of one doesn't spell disaster for the other. I welcome the communities of all coins and I don't think it should be some war. They all bring different things to the table and eventually will have their own niche. There is a lot of money to be made on investing into these "ETH killers" because of this toxic mindset that the existence of one is a threat to the others. But it's simply untrue.

>> No.30069392

bao was nice, snowswap was nice, bunny and cake were nice, berry was nice. than the eggdeal.

Seasons was good. Bring on the dump. Still dont know WTF im doing

>> No.30069519

You're smarter than most everyone in this thread then, don't be so hard on yourself.
There needs only be one hard asset for the world. Everything else is fake.

>> No.30069645

Making new world money. You will have it made for generations. No wonder old money fags are addicted to heroin their grand parents were making moves like you but still retarded.

>> No.30069765

Tell that to coke and pepsi. Or the thousands of other companies that have competitors that thrive along side one another.

>> No.30069869

Coke and Pepsi aren't money that's a whole different argument, you don't get it.

>> No.30070049

Eth and avax are settlement layers not money bro. You are stuck in a 2017 crypto mindset. The settlement layer does and must have value but it’s much more complex than just being or not being money.

>> No.30070099

are you fucking stupid? Even BTC isn't money. It's a store of value. Not a SINGLE crypto is competing with money. Not one. Bitcoin is competing with gold, and the others are technological innovations that are either vaporware or will change the economy. In the instance of ETH, it's a smart contract solution. Not a fucking asset or "monies". As for ETHs competitors, they are also smart contract solutions that attempt to have a different spin on the technology. They are companies, and they offer solutions in different ways. You must be fucking retarded if you still think these things are money. Lmfao the actual state of /biz/ rn

>> No.30070166

he's literally nigger brained for saying what he just said

>> No.30070251

Don't try to reason with btc maxis

>> No.30070298

Liquid is completely centralized kek. Not even in the match.

>> No.30070304

How many googles are there today? How many amazons? This shit is a fucking market place not some hippie utopia. Some projects will prevail and make the others obsolete.

>> No.30070305

this guy isn't even a BTC maxi. He's literally just retarded. He just called ETH and it's competitors assets and money.

>> No.30070427

All the terminology in this space is shitty and leads to confusion lol
Instead of calling Eth it AVAX a “cryptocurrency” it should be called a settlement layer
Impermanent Loss is a misnomer.
Liquidity Mining isn’t mining
Instead of a “smart contract” it should be called an “Logic execution machine” or something.
Ok “smart contract” isn’t that bad but it just sounds kind of gay

>> No.30070490

>What are CBDCs or EIP 1559
Also checked retard.

>> No.30070841

Call it what you want to call it. When you buy ETH/ADA/DOT/AVAX you are buying the technological innovation and different takes on an economic solution. Not money. If you want fiat, go to the bank. If you want gold, buy bitcoin. If you want to invest in a company because you believe what it offers will benefit the economy, then buy ETH/ADA/DOT/AVAX. But per my original statement. The real red pill is that all these companies can live along side one another. Even more so, they can do it very easily. This technology is all very new still and has immeasurable potential.

>> No.30071026

I never said ETH or anything besides Bitcoin is money. Yes, Bitcoin is money, seethe.
Yes Liquid is centralized by design and they, a federated side chain and they don't lie about it. Every single CrYpTo project that claims to be decentralized, including ETH, is centralized. The difference is that retards like you shill their smart contract to other retards for profit.

>> No.30071248

>There needs only be one hard asset for the world. Everything else is fake.
>Coke and Pepsi aren't money
>I never said ETH or anything besides Bitcoin is money.

>> No.30071277

The garbage you're shilling is irrelevant. You're probably a bag holder of all of those projects and have no idea how they work.

>> No.30071358

I made my point. Bitcoin is hard money and the world only needs one hard asset for trade. Follow along Jr.

>> No.30071416

>no counterargument
>making guesses about my character
>Still thinks ETH and other companies are money

>> No.30071421

Tell me then what is the FED implementing their coin on?
You can google the link if you don't trust it. The future is in one of these frame works. Sure they can coexist but there will be one victor. We just don't know who but we have a really good idea by where most of the implementation is.

>> No.30071435

Yup. It's tech is kinda insane + leadership is full of crypto veterans.

>> No.30071473

you're stuck in winner take all mindset. Many victors prevail in capitalism all the time.

>> No.30071582

Read my statement again but slowly. Tell me how I know you are from reddit and hold ADA?

>> No.30071634

My counterargument is in the thread, read it. I never said ETH and other companies are money but I did say Bitcoin is money.
>CrYpTo VeTeRaNs
Bitcoin will be the winner.

>> No.30071648

who is the victor of coke and pepsi?

>> No.30071755

Neither. Both are jewish addictive trash that destroy your brain and body.

>> No.30071901

Such a noob argument.

>> No.30072187

Unlike gambling in speculative markets :^)

>> No.30072266

I get what you're saying though. I do believe there will be a digital currency peg that represents Bitcoin for more secure trade, however, it won't be built on anything besides a Layer 2 solution like Liquid that pegs Bitcoin 1:1. This space has only begun to innovate and if you're stuck in the ETH/ADA/AVOX or any other smart contract platform mindset you're missing out.

>> No.30072438

AVAX is not perfect but there's technically nothing better at the moment

ADA: slow, now smart contracts
ETH: slow, gas-fees
DOT: slow, artifially pumped by binance

Staking + Farming on Pangolin with 500 AVAX

>> No.30072720

Missing out on what? I was buying ETH with fucking amazon gift cards or paypal hoping I didnt get scammed and using cryptokitties because I saw the potential of ETH while maxis were saying how anything but BTC would never get big, scam, whatever. I see the potential of other technologies. Just not any of the ETH killers currently. I've heard all this already you can't FUD ETH and there will only be one that the FED uses.

>> No.30072753

>Before the solstice a major exchange, which also happens to have a stake in the largest DEX and the L2 solution used by that dex, will offer native L2 ramps. When this happens the eth killer narrative will wither on the vine.

I'm listening..

>> No.30072822

I've been in this for a while. You maybe gambling but I see this as more than fiat.

>> No.30072900

fpbp, ada bros btfoed

>> No.30073112

You're just repeating what a smarter retard says.
Missing out on the true innovation by being distracted by inferior tech. I also believe the FED will use a Bitcoin sidechain for a CBDC type currency see >>30072266
Reminder, I never said to not flip these shitcoins to make a profit but I do advise putting regular profit into Bitcoin.

>> No.30073346

Ok reddit I shall do exactly as you said. I have never seen it this way before here have gold. I'm glad to have such intelligent people as yourself to tell me this shit ive been doing for almost a decade. Gosh you're are so smart.

>> No.30073421

You're welcome, it'll be two golds though.

>> No.30073642

checked based and truthpilled. was reading about plans for direct ramps to L2, but I haven't come across any mention of which exchange. you've got to be talking about uni/optimism, which exchange has a stake in those?

>> No.30073864

If I had to guess he's talking about LCX. Shills gave it a bad name because they dumped on here hard. But it is the WEF DEX.

>> No.30073931

Brave is my choice of upcoming DEX however.

>> No.30074004
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing AVAX is missing, it seems, is confidence from people purchasing. People acknowledge that it's better, but if we know anything about mass buying retards... that doesn't matter.

>> No.30074258

went through it. so to sum up L2 is outsourcing stuff from mainnet, calculating and bundling stuff (outside, where it doesnt clogg mainnet) and then just bringing back in the net results into the mainnet?

>> No.30074525

you're retarded. centralized solutions are useless in the long run for exactly the same reason why bitcoin is valuable in the first place. bitcoin has its place in the digital economy and always will, but that place is not micropayments nor smart contracts, and never will be. you'll be seething all the way to 50% dominance and lower, get rekt

>> No.30074931

I'm fully convinced that every one of you are ignorant shills in this thread.
direct fiat ramps for L2, where do i begin?
Brave DEX give me a fucking break
AVAX is another 2 billion dollar market cap defi shitcoin with little innovation
this is pure (mostly copied from greater tech) speculation with little innovation
Bitcoin will have micropayments and soon, see Lightning network https://lightning.engineering/ and already has smart contracts via Liquid sidechain see https://liquid.net/ for example the new MMORPG https://infinitefleet.com/ using the INF token. You get rekt idiot. You're completely backwards and aren't paying attention to the real innovation.

>> No.30074979


I think i just sharded my pants.
It's the first phase of moving away from PoW. There are talks of uniswap v3 with this implementation. Should help those $40-$200 gas fees kek

>> No.30075046

You just want (yous) shut the fuck up reddit people are ignoring you for a reason. Last one.

>> No.30075192

ETH shill that probably gets paid in (You)s but I don't care. I write for the lurkers and to discredit faggots like you. I've never been to Reddit nor do I ever plan on it.
ShArDiNg, you're lost if you're shilling that garbage.

>> No.30076300


Yeah but how does exactly L2 work? Are transactions outsourced out of Ethereum blockchain?

>> No.30076828

Got me there, right, optimistic ones are, fine.
ETH2 with optimistic rollups can get what max 4000tps?

elrond required about 320k to become a validator. We call that a permissioned private blockchain.

How many of you guys here arguing for ETH have staked nodes and or miners?

That may be a fold over your eyes. Very hard to see AVAX rising.

But you do see bitcoin maxis spasming out at < %60 dominance.

Youre all the same faggots

>> No.30077041

Would you guys be interested in investing in my coin which Ive been thinking about since five or so years ago?

Ive seen ICO craze 2017, but to me it seems crazy some actual body would fling btc and eth at a whitepaper and nothing not even a repo to show. That must have been the authors pumping their numbers and faggots from VC scamming low iq people.

Im questioning, is it really real. If I dish out the whitepaper and say "An improved consensus algorithm, fair token distribution, pruning", would you rally actually separate yourself form your btc and eth to buy my token?

>> No.30077208

I see where you are going with this but consider this:

There are too many reputable people working on Cardano for them to risk their reputation to scam thousands (millions?) of people worldwide.

>> No.30077302

It pains me to even respond, but
>AVAX is a DeFi shitcoin with little innovation
Could you be any more wrong? AVAX isn’t Defi, it isn’t a shitcoin, and it literally is the pioneer of a breakthrough consensus protocol (you know, pioneering a new consensus protocol, the whole thing that made bitcoin a big deal).

>> No.30077457

> There are too many reputable people

NANO guy and team is still alive and even hires porn girls to be his CFO. Reminder nano team and the bomber have stolen hundreds of millions.

EOS had a reputable big team around, where are they now? NEO anyone? Nxt oh thats a good one. There was a whole team and platform around Nxt.

>> No.30077796

I guess think of it like highways. On and off ramps to a bigger and better unfinished 24 lane highway. As opposed to the rural congested 4 lane highway from too many immigrants coming in at once. The bigger and better highway will replace the old one when finished.

>> No.30078157

ETH 2.0 may moon, it may flop. I'll just be sad it can't be mined, but that's what altcoins are for. Just mine and dump.

>> No.30078342

Mine ravencoin

>> No.30078602

There were plenty of prevalent search engines in the early days of the internet. It's likely something will eventually kill ETH and be dominant somewhere down the line, but many will likely see growth and success for the foreseeable future since it's still a very new industry. There are very few (if any) industries where the first mover is still the market leader.

>> No.30078963


I see L2 just outsources transactions to sidechain and there is a significant delay for confirmations on mainchain.

This wont increase tx/s by much but can help with absurd gas fees.

If this is demo for ETH2.0 the beaconchain will still be overloaded

>> No.30079791

Yeah I was looking at Ravencoin. I've just been mining Conflux for a few weeks now and dumping it into BTC. Do you think Ravencoin would be good to mine and hold?

>> No.30080501


>> No.30080554

ADA is a scam written in a language no one wants to code with
>Avalanche is an umbrella platform for launching decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, financial assets, trading and other services.
It aims to be something of a global assets exchange, allowing anyone to launch or trade any form of asset and control it in a decentralized manner using smart contracts and other cutting-edge technologies.
Developers at Ava Labs claim that Avalanche is the first smart contracts network to offer transaction finalization in under one second as standard.
Same shit different coin.
See Liquid network https://liquid.net/
ETH will forever be over loaded and that's the point, get nerds like you and those in this thread stretching your brains over it then shilling it to lesser retards.

>> No.30080808

Well done anon
look at who seed funded uni
and what L2 they seeded
and what dao they just joined that's also on the same l2

>> No.30080893

I do. This Birb gonna fly.

>> No.30081134

Cool, thanks man. I guess I'll just start mining that for a bit.

>> No.30081280


There are dozens of current Fiat currencies that are currently being used and recognized as money. There are a handful of precious metals that can be used as money, and there are numerous other assets and tangible items that are considered money. All of these exist at the same time and can be exchanged for one another depending on need.

Not to mention, the various cryptos and tokens go beyond money and can be seen as assets seeing as many have technologies and provide some type of service/platform/network that allow other services to utilize them.

Hell, the average gen Xer is signed up for 20 different streaming services for their children, while the Gen Y and Z have about 5 streaming services that they all pay ~$10/mo for if not more.

>> No.30081350

Definitely get the core wallet too. Shits cash. Old school bitcoin mining vibes.

>> No.30081434


XRP is the standard. We already know this.

>> No.30081594

I'll repeat my point. There needs only be one hard asset for trade and that will be Bitcoin with help from Bitcoin layer 2 solutions i.e. Liquid sidechain settlement network https://liquid.net/ and the Lightning micropayments network https://lightning.engineering/.. Everything else is a copy of those two technologies and you're missing out if not studying them.

>> No.30081611

XRP has more of a working product than ADA. And I thought you schizos were bad. The sad part is you might not be wrong. But you are.

>> No.30081727

XRP is easily going to zero and anyone who's still shilling it probably bought at the top.

>> No.30081821

Fucking retard binance already integrated fantom opera fees are 0 kek ngmi

>> No.30082350

What is fantom opera? Never heard of it and I spend 100 hours a week on crypto.

LMK when they list fantom wrapped Link.

>> No.30082436

Since I've been so hard on you guys I'll give you a tip, buy into inx dot co and get into the platform. It will change the whole market for the better and many will follow their lead.

>> No.30083801

>name it after a large mass fall down a hill
>wonder why no one wants to buy avalanche coin?

>> No.30083931


Quite the pot you've stirred, anon.

>> No.30084288

No kys

>> No.30084357

Big tech doesn't care about unadulterated decentralization like you autists.

>> No.30084640
File: 88 KB, 1033x670, 1612650602041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's worse is that they think the FED is going to put the USD on one of their shitcoins they bought into, the absolute state of /biz/ right now (pic related).

>> No.30084850

ETH 2.0 will never happen

>> No.30085084

Andreessen Horowitz?

>> No.30085198

Long term, smart contract blockchain platforms will consolidate to a big 3.
>1. ETH augmented by L2 (45% share)
>2. ??? (30% share)
>3. ??? (15% share)
The other 10% share will be divided among many tiny niche platforms.

>> No.30085262
File: 187 KB, 346x262, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a /biz/ lower tier classic
Your question is self evident
There is so much chaos and nefags and /pol/tard influence going on right now, we can spare you.
Go back in the corner and shut up.

>> No.30085883

I do not even ask you why you would think that. i just outright declare you an idiot. live with it.

>> No.30086042

Elrond will kill all

>> No.30086144

How are you ignoring BSC?

>> No.30086390
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>> No.30086603


Every intelligent developer I know loves DOT and hates ADA, AVAX, etc.

That's only a tiny slice of information in the pile, but the ecosystem around DOT/KSM is extremely enticing to people who develop web applications now.

>> No.30086624
File: 43 KB, 680x600, F6E6BF86-77E2-44FE-BCCA-8496CE5C0BE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche is L0.

>> No.30086721

This is idiotic propaganda.

>> No.30086995

Avalanche already won the smart contract war but the market is slow to pickup on this.

>> No.30087188
File: 145 KB, 600x600, F4C8DB63-32D0-46DB-BC56-E6C3F76756E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, other platforms just have promises.
AVAX has a working solution to Uniswap fees

>> No.30087201

You're short sighted. Everything will be decentralized and run on blockchains because the software will improve, computing power will allow it, and most importantly, people will prefer it. Politics are about to become outdated and blockchain technology is the final blow.

>> No.30087368

>lawyers are a feature
>centralized system is more secure
This is Peter Schiff tier

>> No.30087838

You are like bill gates saying nobody needs more than 640k ram. Or that the internet is a useless fad. People never learn.

>> No.30087877

I think there will be a few major smart-contract platforms because each one can only support X amount of transactions per second. Kind of like how there are multiple stock exchanges, commodity exchanges and crypto exchanges.

>> No.30087942

Also nobody will ever use open source or linux. LOL

>> No.30088205

this is actually true lol

>> No.30088586
File: 59 KB, 794x960, 1595211449155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And for what reason would anybody need to run computer programs in a decentralised way? What the fuck is the point?
i swear ive seen you posting this same meme for a while now. are you really this retarded? i refuse to believe anyone could find biz and simultaneously be this bluepilled on centralized systems. i cant believe anyone would invest this much time and effort simply trolling.

>> No.30088753

I like the cut of your jib sir

>> No.30088767
File: 748 KB, 1200x882, 4 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are other ways to curb congestion...dafi protocol for one is introducing a synthetic asset as an intermediary to help