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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3005904 No.3005904 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3005916
File: 7 KB, 300x300, omisego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready lets do this

>> No.3005935


>> No.3005953

I'm ready daddy

>> No.3006158
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>> No.3006187

more like OMFG

finally. the moon mission i've been waiting for.

>> No.3006202
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>> No.3006239

We're going to make it lads

>> No.3006245

Holdin' 562 OMG, feelin' comfy af

>> No.3006273

bought 115 coins at 115k

>> No.3006285
File: 7 KB, 225x224, reee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold all my coins at 101k


>> No.3006286

oh shit this coin is actually gonna moon https://www.reddit.com/r/omise_go/comments/6s7kig/why_i_think_omisego_omg_is_an_undervalued_invest/

>> No.3006294

I swear if vitalik pulls a fluffy pony im gonna strangle his ass

>> No.3006295

I actually bought at that price on bittrex lol. Thank you for the coinz anon, post your address and I may send 1 or 2 omg as a token of my gratitude

>> No.3006303

I just bought 130. I'm new to crypto. This is my first moon mission. Wish me luck lads.

>> No.3006320

am i too late

>> No.3006332
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> tfw bought OMG at .00123


>> No.3006346


remember not to sell for small profit in 5 days.... seriously, just keep it for a while

>> No.3006347

please be joking

>> No.3006351
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Did I actually make a good decision for once

>> No.3006355

yes. read more about this coin and the people behind it and you'll be glad you invested in this 1 year from now. TRUST ME.

>> No.3006356


By just i mean a little bit ago, so i've profited a bit.

>> No.3006359

You cannot even begin to imagine...

>> No.3006363

better than NEO, and this is only just the beginning

>> No.3006366


Tell me about it, I sold at 2.64 and regretted instantly, luckily I bought ETH and it mooned a few days later.

>> No.3006397
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>> No.3006509

>Selling the bottom of a cup's handle
>not abiding by meme triangles

>> No.3006514

what about s-s-s-silver tho?

the memes are too fresh

>> No.3007467
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OP I made a foolish error and entered the incorrect wallet address. I'd be really grateful if you tried again but submitted the coins to my correct address.


>> No.3007482


>> No.3007489

>make a bad decision yesterday to buy BTC too high
>invest most of it in OMG

well guess it was a good thing in the end

>> No.3008216


>> No.3008233

Thinking of investing but its waaay overbought on RSI chart. A lot of fomo buyers around recently, gonna wait till things cool off a bit

>> No.3008244

Awesome bag. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on its value with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight your coinstack can get. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.3008259

me too m8, holding only 120 but it feels good to be in.

>> No.3008272


Absolutely this

t. guy who sold 5k NEO at $8

>> No.3008275

ETC is going up again, chasing after ETH buy in now! Going up to 20$ again

>> No.3008284

Think the rise of NEO was amazing? Check back in a week. This is the crypto we've been waiting for. Suspect Vitalik will play a major role here. Hodl and see you in lambo land in a couple months.

>> No.3008295

i have bought on margin

>> No.3008299

sorry for you , still made 40 k , so i guess your allright

>> No.3008302

How do you do this on Bittrex?

>> No.3008306
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forgot to add the pic

>> No.3008312

What exchange lets you do that? What are the fees?

>> No.3008322

bitfinex , i dont know the fees
is 3x margin by default

>> No.3008324


GL Anon, you'll be happy in a few years. But remember also this, never put all your eggs in one basket.

I'll suggest you grab some NEO too for a long hold.

>> No.3008326
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>sell at 129k
>buy back in at 130k
>sell at 139k
>buy back in at 140k


>> No.3008329


>> No.3008334


Why the fuck do you sell? I mean, by more with fiat BUT dont sell. Im planning to sell earliest at 2019.

>> No.3008355

my time on /biz/ has taught me: dont try to time the markets

>> No.3008378


Mfw I bought this as a joke to lose money, , actually gaining, read about it now well , guess it's the opposite day.

>> No.3008392

so guys I have been into the big coins like BTC or ETH but this is the first altcoin I bought. Got in yesterday at the dip, call it luck but I thought the project and team was interesting so I got it.

The question is when do I sell now ? Do I wait for this move to play out and try to sell high or should I just keep it for a year and see how it goes ? I mean I like OMG and I bought it to hodl for a while, didnt expect that shit to moon hours after I buy...

>> No.3008405

Selling overdue for a dip, will accumulate more

>> No.3008416

I don't think so, this news is too fresh, the majority of the west hasn't had a chance to react to this news yet. I doubled my omg trading on dips but I am not trying to right now. way too risky

>> No.3008425


I've learned the hard way that day trading and trying to time the markets just results in lost gains.

Just lucky the few times I've decided to hodl I made profit

>> No.3008446


Yup. Because half of people trading crypto are whales, part are normies who don't know what the fuck they are doing and part THINK that they know what they are doing = Totally fucking unpredictable markets.

>> No.3008474

I don't know how you guys manage to hodl, my hands get very sweaty when I see a huge green candle.

>> No.3008484

I got out at 155

>> No.3008491
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>tfw didn't ever buy this OR TenX
Please, PLEASE, post how much profit you've made on this. I want to hurt myself today.

>> No.3008497

Was 142k for me, rode it from 125k. Got slightly burned with my profits few days ago with sigt, could have made 60%, so I figured not to be a pig.

>> No.3008499

if you seriously sold you are one stupid guy, anon

OMG is the first crypto running on plasma blockchain, developed by ethereum creator & lightning network creator
Omise, the company behind OMG, is an actual corporation in southeast asia for payment processing

this is the introduction into the real world, we are living it and you just sold for 20% gains
cant say im sorry for you, you dont deserve the true gains if you cant see how big of a deal this is.

>> No.3008502


He can just buy back after a price correction.

>> No.3008503

but he's a wolf of wall street buying low selling high

>> No.3008504

why are you guys getting out now? This will 100% reach new ATH tomorrow when the west wakes up. Yeah you could gain a little or you could get left behind fast, not worth the risk

>> No.3008510


Oh I havent heard that before..

ETH being 20$, NEO being 5$

See you!

>> No.3008511

its already ATH

>> No.3008516

Unless he's a huge whale he can buy right now and still make a profit.

>> No.3008533
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We need some $OMG memes for people to rally behind! Like that damn ANT!

>> No.3008544


>> No.3008564

Holy. Shit.

>> No.3008572

Guess who timed for $15 in the last 10 mins. Thinking about it, it really isnt worth the risk

>> No.3008574

Fuck, wish I had started browsing /biz/ a month ago. Would have bought a bunch when they were still low if I'd known that Ethereum skeleton was on the team

>> No.3008578

Also don't prices normally drop after conferences?

>> No.3008585

This is crazy season anon. Everyone's buying in.

I bet this will blow up massively though.

>> No.3008590

ETH skeleton talking at conference

>> No.3008605

Sold my NEM for this 5 minutes ago. 53 OMG, did I do good, /biz/?

>> No.3008609
File: 5 KB, 210x240, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sold

>> No.3008615 [DELETED] 

OMG x Vitalik x Plasma Live : https://www.pscp.tv/w/1rmxPqEyyDZKN

>> No.3008637

I'm completely retarded, just bought at the ATH at 156k. Of course it started dropping hard after not even 10 seconds...

>> No.3008647

I wouldnt worry I don't think this news has hit a lot of people yet, plasma is big news, worth way more than the pump so far

>> No.3008657

This is payback, chinks. You thought I would just forget about what you did to my ANS everytime you would wake up in the morning? Feel the white man's wrath.

>> No.3008663

it will go up

>> No.3008676

It'll bounce like crazy soon

>> No.3008677

Price correction happening, buy the dip

>> No.3008678

shit is going down , i should have sold when i had crazy profits ( 20 % )

>> No.3008689


>crazy profist

Choose one

>> No.3008691

Buy the dip in a couple hours, mate. Buy when it reaches lower ascending resistance

>> No.3008694

there really wasnt much talk about Omise on here at all before it mooned the first time. After that people slowly started realising the skinny russian was on the team and an actual payment company is behind it.

>> No.3008702

hope you bought that dip

>> No.3008713


OK, i'll put my faith in russian skeleton.

>> No.3008720


>let's get this party started

>> No.3008734

Its crashing reeeeeee

>> No.3008758
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I like that dip!

>> No.3008761

this is a long term hold so im not going to bother selling and buying the dips. i almost always lose doing that..

>> No.3008765

Let the news filter. People are all eyes on NEO and GAS right now. If NEO starts to drop people might hop onto OMG for gains.

>> No.3008780

This is exactly what I am thinking will happen, NEO is great but no way it can continue this for much longer, OMG is easily gona hit $7 soon. After seeing the NEO run wouldn't be that surprised if it hit $10 in not too long

>> No.3008799
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when the red meme line gets under the black one that means moon, right?

>> No.3008810

Who here thinking $10 in the next day or two?

>> No.3008814

Fuck me like one of your silly bitches daddy and fill me up with your hot OMG

>> No.3008836


end of day

>> No.3008862

Fuck I hate sleeping on coins like this. Fortunately I am a burger that maintains vampire chink hours so I caught this before the rest of my McBurger countrymen wakey wakey to the news.

>> No.3008869

yes, but most likely today

>> No.3008870

how late/early is it in the US right now ?

>> No.3008877

Saw this shilled on biz last night. Up 40% over night. Thx biz.

>> No.3008883

7 am central time

>> No.3008888
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>> No.3008889


>> No.3008891

I'm on the west coast and its 5am. East coast would be three hours ahead at 8am so after they shit and drink their morning coffee I'm sure you'll see another bump soon over the next three-five hours.

>> No.3008895

same, thanks to the guy who draw that cup and handle formation 12 hours ago

>> No.3008908
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>Buy in after waking up, seeing that I was wrong again and it's risen by 35% overnight
>Immediately down almost 2k sats the second I hit buy


>> No.3008914
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>> No.3008923

new market wakes up takes profit and dumps while other market sleeps.

now is when you buy around 138 and it will soon be back to 155

>> No.3008928


Lmao fuck you m8. I'm going to work. I bet I expect another 40% when I get home.

>> No.3008932

Bought in at 80 cents, sold at 3.70 :( was gonna buy back in at 3 but missed my true moon now

>> No.3008965

Yeah I know I'm not worried about it

Just thought it was kinda funny that the second I bought it shot downwards. Could have gotten it 4k sats cheaper if I waited an extra 5 minutes.

>> No.3008994

When to buy? Will it fall to 0.0011000?

Also, any discord group for this coin?

>> No.3009048

my 2 OMG coins better buy me a lambo

>> No.3009060

fly me to the moon and let me dance among the stars.....

>> No.3009067

try a decent night out

>> No.3009075


Faggots answer

>> No.3009086

Bought only 40 when I went to sleep fml

>> No.3009175


>> No.3009785

Keep it for at least months. This has huge potential. Probably the most promising alt out there.

>> No.3010134

here we go again, just broke 0.0017

>> No.3010139
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>> No.3010146

got in at 115 last night :)

>> No.3010162
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>> No.3010165

got only 100 will i make it? thinking about selling once it reaches $7

>> No.3010167

I Cashes out my NEO and started Riding this wave. Should i keep in it or switch back to NEO?

>> No.3010173

Get both

>> No.3010180

wtf I love vitalik now

>> No.3010201

How much is needed to /makeit/?

>> No.3010216
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He's only gone and done it

>> No.3010222

Meant for

>> No.3010246

Holy shit I love this fucking coin

Think it's too late to buy in? I can easily triple my volume but this looks like it might be FOMOing at this point.

>> No.3010267


you tell me

>> No.3010296

I know it's definitely an amazing long-term

I'm just asking if I should wait for the tip, considering this is a huge pump that should crash and burn anytime soon.

Looks like it's doing it now, actually.

>> No.3010300

Do not miss out on this one $5.95 .cheapest you can get

>> No.3010312

Yea this baby hasn't dipped yet. I got in last night at 3.6 but i am waiting for the dip before putting some ether

DO NOT listen to /biz/fags and buy near ATH

>> No.3010340

I bought 200 this coin is at least $10+ we are def going $7+ today

>> No.3010370

>missed another moon mission

>> No.3010402

The engines are just warming up my friend

Get on now while you still can

>> No.3010407

>i am waiting for the dip

I buy ATH all the time. Pretty simple, if the trendline is up slope, why try "timing the market"

>> No.3010417

Cause it works well for this coin, I'd say buying around now is good 161k

>> No.3010426

yeah but i said that about NEO @ $11. and $15. and $20.

>> No.3010435

So, I have money to invest in either NEO or OMG. Convince me to buy OMG.

>> No.3010440


fuck man, how many of you guys are HODLing through these gains? Is it really realistic to expect much more today?

>> No.3010443

why not 50/50

>> No.3010447
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>> No.3010453
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Don't miss out boys

>> No.3010463

It's not much, I'm a poorfag trying to build a portfolio. It's all from my SIGT earnings, which were 5x my $50 investment.

>> No.3010467

That is a demographic I can put my money behind.

>> No.3010470

pull your gains out of neo and put it into OMG

>> No.3010472

we could drop back down to $3 again and i'd still be profiting. i'm riding this shit as far as i can.

>> No.3010482

I expect 200k sats today at a minimum. I just bought more.

>> No.3010487

Easy, there are no real resistances left

>> No.3010488


I too bought in at just under $3

perhaps I should just trust in the universe and HODL

>> No.3010494


If its NEO vs. OMG I'd go with OMG, it has price/upside potential

Plus I don't like China, and it explicitly states its a "Chinese" coin

>> No.3010501

But what is the problem with it? China is quite a big market.

>> No.3010520


Neo: 9 markets

OMG: 17 Markets

>> No.3010533

40k sell wall obliterated at bittrex

>> No.3010539

Nothing wrong with neo or China. It's been mooning for a week though. Not really the best time to buy in lol

>> No.3010572
File: 71 KB, 960x623, omg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many omisego do i need to have this girl

>> No.3010576

>But what is the problem with it?

Its personal. The state limits freedom, oppresses political speech, invades and annexes sovereign states, supplies North Korea with arms, raw materials and cash, exploits ocean resources worldwide.

I can guarantee NEO is staffed with at least 10% communist party agents. I am positive they are being watched closely by the state. Their emails, blockchain, and other communications are monitored.

Most people do not seem to understand the significance of their home page statement about being "China's" first blockchain. It means they get to replace all others behind the Great Firewall that has blocked Google, Facebook, Aoole & 4chan

I understand that biz is largely amoral and unethical but I'm not

>> No.3010598
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REMINDER: in the past 24 hours, we have gotten

>the official launch of Omise in Singapore
>an article in a Thai newspaper indicating that the Thai Ministry of Finance will be using OMG technology

If you aren't holding this token, then you will be left behind in poverty.

>> No.3010599


just bought 100k OMG, hopefuly i can buy a harem like this 1 day soon

>> No.3010601

apparently only one based on their slogan

>> No.3010638

whats your total networth ?

>> No.3010657

TFW only bought 300 of them. Farm

>> No.3010673

says right their faggot

1 coin 1 young model.

>> No.3010703


>> No.3010718

are you lying on an anonymous anime board?

>> No.3010719

bought at 0.00170k. Tell me how stupid I am /biz/.

>> No.3010729

Not stupid at all, don't panic sell it will be $7+ by today take my word

>> No.3010740

Don't worry all these fucks will be around tomorrow to tell you how stupid you were for listening to them and buying at and ATH.

>> No.3010747

Nice you have 100k!

>> No.3010770

some faggot whale is manipulating HARD right now. putting up 90btc wall, taking it down immediately and putting it back up for 10k less. working is way down from 165k to 158k.

what did he mean by this?

im guessing he wants to accumulate more at around 155k, because he knows this shit will moon soon

>> No.3010775

Gib some OMG plz

>> No.3010782


>> No.3010801

>One coin One Young Model

holy shit this is the true NEET coin

>> No.3010841

Inb4 $6 feels god

>> No.3010885

I'm not going to lie, I was moving around 100 ETH back and forth from buy to sell and back to buy on OMG just to fuck with people earlier. But then I found the article regarding the Ministry of Finance in Thailand using Omise's Facepay and I settled in on my OMG position

>> No.3010926
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Are you from California? Grow up kid.

>> No.3010934
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>> No.3010958

Nice just viewed 100k

>> No.3010963

actually kekked.

>> No.3011022

Is now a good time to buy? I got locked out of NEO on a bad short, pls no bully.

How high is this coin gonna go?

>> No.3011061

So, I'm a poorfag and just went with 6.5mBTC which were from some mining on NiceHash. Hopefully I'll get something.

>> No.3011092

>BTC pending on bittrex for over an hour

yo what the fuck I want in

>> No.3011140
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Put it this way, omg at $4 is the equivalent of eth at $7.

It is dipping right now, wait for the indicators to go to the oversold area to buy some more and check the price action for a possible reversal.

>> No.3011148


>> No.3011156

at this price its a fucking stealth bought 750 more

>> No.3011168

>June 9

Anon, I get that you're trying to help, but you're just causing problems.

>> No.3011286


We're going to $25. That is our measuring stick.

>> No.3012305

whales are upping the ante 160 btc sell wall

>> No.3012697
File: 3 KB, 117x125, 1502184434601s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is already an ANS level bull run and it's not stopping for the next few days.
i bought in at $2 and not even bothering to day trade it. Too bullish, better to buy and hodl

>> No.3013297

I was watching the order book earlier and it didn't look like this thing was going to break 189k sats for a while, so I was gonna sell some but it looks like it's gearing up to break 190 now.

Lots of hurdles to jump on the way to 220k though

>> No.3013375

Let's say I'm a newfag and want to buy in, how do I convert USD into OMG?

>> No.3013436

2.7kb pic
You poor son of a bitch

>> No.3013502

any predictions for december of this year?

>> No.3013694

>buy BTC
>transfer to Bittrex
>buy OMG

>> No.3014870


This year is gig to be awesome

I might be able to fulfil my dream by next year
Sitting at home all day masturbating, watchig anime and shitposting on the chans

>> No.3014906


Its a wonderful life

>> No.3014925
File: 2.51 MB, 426x321, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to but I can only afford 20 tokens because the rest is in NEO and I can't pick WHICH MOON to travel to

>> No.3014931

Yes and i hope i can start living the dream sooner than later

Haven't bought any furniture for my appartment and live off of cheap ass food
Everything i can afford to goes to crypto

Fuck i even stoped paying for stuff so i could get more into neo early on, was worth it

>> No.3014933

What's this DNT?

>> No.3014944



>> No.3014954

What make it different from bitbay and what the fuck meme factory. Sounds pajeet af

>> No.3014964

Take a look at the catalog there is a thread about it already 30% profit on this one

Basically it's steem 2.0

>> No.3015262

Does anyone know how long it takes to transfer BTC from Binance to Bittrex?

>> No.3015348

I've got 100 OMG I bought at under $3, what's the best buy-in ill be able to get right now? Is it even worth waiting for a dip or should I just swap an ETH for OMG and forget about it?

>> No.3015356

My only regret is I didn't buy more.

>> No.3015384


Thats better than regretting not getting in at all, and FOMO buying.

>> No.3015389

I feel like going full retard and throwing in 20k.

>> No.3015402

It's still early days.

>> No.3015415

I think 15k in this and 5k in dnt is wiser

>> No.3015441

>The walls have been breached
>Repeat, the walls have been breached
>Meeting heavy whale resistance
>Next target acquired, .002.
>Prepare to engage

>> No.3015606

idk the pump is petering down isnt it? you're a brave man if you buy at the top

>> No.3015692


I bought in when the top was .0003. I kicked myself for buying the top...for like a day.

>> No.3015844

will it dip or should i buy now

>> No.3015869

Will I regret shorting? I'm only holding 4 I wouldn't mind accumulating some more

>> No.3015961

A 4 OMG coin liquidation? How would you ever recover?

>> No.3016404

Whoa, calm your tits there big spender.
You wouldnt want to risk your stay at the high rollers suite.

>> No.3016501

it's happy sitting around 175, get in there and you're golden.

190 is the next resistance level.

>> No.3016525
File: 63 KB, 1897x597, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look what we have here boys ...

>> No.3016982

how do people make it through life being so weak handed

>> No.3017012


The Chinese have awoken. And they take profit.

>> No.3017020

im losing so much money, bought at 178k 10 minutes ago, is there hope for me?

>> No.3017050

you're thinking too short term. Let me tell you what I've learned trying to trade: you will always sell at the wrong time.

You should never sell at a loss. It will go back up eventually. And in this case, it's just getting started. Hold for a few months and you'll thank yourself for not selling so early.

>> No.3017185

i wonder if displaying dollar equivalents keeps trade volume lower than if people were forced to think in terms of bitcoin

>> No.3018024

every time we get past a milestone like 5 or 6 dollars we get a dip in value.

>> No.3018446
File: 114 KB, 1366x697, OMG photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3018459

give me a quick rundown on the current state of OMG

>> No.3018465


You can't possibly have lost "so much money". It is almost were you bought it right now. If this is making you lose your shit you don't have a place in crypto.

>> No.3018506

lol you have 6k OMG but don't recognize a whale wall? they can't keep the price down too much longer

>> No.3018516

What's a better buy right now, NEO or OMG?

>> No.3018546

when NEO is below .001, it's a buy

right now, this very moment OMG is the better buy

>> No.3018562

Heading towards the moon

>> No.3018572


I reckon OMG will double in price before NEO will. In fact I've staked 60% of my portfolio on it. 8k OMG.

>> No.3018687

I am going to sell my shit coins at a loss, assuming that OMG will make up for that loss.

Dont fucking lie to me /biz/

>> No.3018711


Normally you shouldn't sell at a loss, but omisego is worth it. I have 8k so I'm putting money where my mouth is so to speak.

>> No.3019107

it's dipping
whales have taken profit
get out now!