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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3005458 No.3005458 [Reply] [Original]

I need some cheering up /biz/.

I just sent .25 btc to my bcc address on bittrex. I feel terrible.

>> No.3005472

Why is that terrible?

>> No.3005473
File: 18 KB, 337x338, 1502238680497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought ans/neo at 7 sold at 5
stole this yesterday

>> No.3005475


>> No.3005478


I sent the btc to bcc... it's lost.. I just lost .25btc to the internet

>> No.3005485
File: 2.90 MB, 264x264, buylowsellhighqt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the opposite of pic related on SIGT

>> No.3005488

lmao how shitty is bitcoin infastructure if the exchanges just eat your money?

>> No.3005492



>> No.3005506



and bittrex should really move BTC and BCC wallets apart from eachother...

but I mean, I fucked up... can't blame it on anyone but me

>> No.3005540

contact them on slack/telegram, along with their on-site support

they should control both wallets, right? i.e. your private key on your bcc chain should be the same as btc, so tldr they probably have your bitcoin

they credited me with some monero when i fucked up once which was nice, took them a few days

just try man, .25 btc might be a lot of money to you

>> No.3005553

Send .25 BCC to this address, it will cheer me up:


Thanks anon

>> No.3005651


I've submitted the form... I hope it works. Thanks anon

>> No.3005662

don't just passively wait for them to respond, hop on telegram and slack and talk to someone who works there. they have actual representatives on at least one of these platforms (not sure which)

literally do it right now

>> No.3005668

I have heard they can fix this, just be really nice.

>> No.3005671

I too have almost made this mistake because of this. Feels almost bad

>> No.3005680

Please I am only asking for .1 :|

I need a little money for food this week...



>> No.3005700


Doing it right now

>> No.3005720

Someone on the slack posted this


>> No.3005721

someone should remake that with a red candle and a green candle

>> No.3005739

so basically they won't recover it because it's under 5000$


>> No.3005889

that's weird, maybe you can talk to someone else. They sent me like $20 worth of Monero. It might just depend on who you get.

>> No.3005967


It's on the same chain, shouldn't be so complicated to recover it... tranasction has been confirmed 10 times already, it's sitting there in my bcc account.. I just don't hold the keys to it and they do.

I mean if it was a coule of bucks.. but we're talking about 1k+ canadian money

>> No.3006200

Wow... I hope I never fuck up as bad as you senpai

>> No.3007060

I bought high.

Considering selling low because I doubt this fucking shit coin is every going that again

>> No.3007081
File: 61 KB, 1817x443, shitX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought in at 699 sats
kill me

>tfw could have spent that money on ANS before it went to NEO
>could have spent it on ETH when it was $250

>> No.3007109

I'm paying 2K/mo to my student loans, I've got 48k. I don't want to be broke for the next two years so I'm desperately trying to gain money by trading crypto, but I've only got 2K in crypto and half that is in NEO. If NEO crashes (or GAS does to a lesser extent) then I'm fucked and I won't be able to recover. The stress is eating me away. I just want a positive net worth. Fuck.

>> No.3007163
File: 67 KB, 530x444, 1421292886361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw you post this in that stream earlier, sorry to hear that they wouldn't do anything about it. I would continue to raise hell about it regardless, couldn't hurt.

Also, here's a larger version of your OP image so you don't have to post a thumbnail. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.3007760

If that address also belongs to bittrex, which I guess it does, then you could try to get it back?

>> No.3008708
File: 82 KB, 1000x1285, Michael-Phelps-with-Short-Arms-60713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold my NEO at 292k

>> No.3008719

Sent10 btc to my NEO wallet address. Didnt realise you had to go through an exchange to convert to NEO

>> No.3009712

Email support and hit them up on slack.
You never know what they will do