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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 104 KB, 1280x720, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30046257 No.30046257 [Reply] [Original]

Still no smart contracts
Just essentially launched tokens and acting like its amazing
Despite this the third largest cryptocurrency and worth almost 25% of ethereum

Ethereum has all the development and smart contracts. Cardano have been promising smart contracts for years yet still nothing. Even when they do get released, who is going to be building on them? Ethereum has simple token swaps, margin trading, borrowing/lending, synthetic stocks and commodities and many more. Cardano has a huge amount to catch up, and already other blockchains like Avalanche which are newer are progressing much faster than Cardano.

>> No.30046309

Wow what a hot take

>> No.30046568

Cope, ethertard.

>> No.30046627

is that all you got?

>> No.30046683
File: 46 KB, 480x270, steve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong and retarded.
The real overvalued infinite supply shitcoin is ETH.
ETH is getting outclassed by BNB, Polkadot and maybe AVAX. Apart from DOT, They aren't a significant improvement on ETH shitchain.
Cardano is.
The number of improvement and features that Cardano is introducing is staggering.
When it's done, it's game over, Cardano is getting only bigger.
Stay poor, stay salty

>> No.30046724


>> No.30046780

>is introducing
cool vaporware brah

>> No.30046826

Tell me what crypto isnt extremely overalued?

>> No.30046879

Ada and Dogecoin are very similar in relation to having a large circulating supply. Because of this design, it will move differently than BTC or ETH. Ada actually has a shot at becoming the common mans coin.

>> No.30046903

Ok OP i'll go back to ethereum that I can do jack shit with apart from waste it away on $100 transactions.

>> No.30047183

Why are so many /biz/tards desperate to shit on ADA. Anyone with trading insight would rather sell their wisdom than shove it down everyone's throat.

>> No.30047434

Half salty ETHcucks fearing for their 32 lost coins and many more spent in fees, the other half pajeets who sold and now try to buy lower

>> No.30047501

ADA 40BN vaporware. MATIC 1 BN finished product. what is this shit market

>> No.30047605

It is.

I have a 15x margin sell position on bitmex for this shitcoin.

I'll thank you ada fags for the money later

>> No.30047727

Why Cardano is heavily undervalued :

If your POS project don't add any value to god mode - well, you can have as much speed, as much smart contracts, as much dapps and as many nodes like you want - nevertheless you are holding a centralized shitcoin. So better make sure your project doesn't destroy trust minimization.
Sadly enough - around 99.8% of POS projects out there have zero answers to the issue, no plans and not the skills in the first place.

Only 2 projects in all of crypto space tackling this most important matter:

1. Cardano
2. Avalanche

That's it.

>> No.30047830

40B market cap vaporware

>> No.30047872

If Cardano does smart contracts smoothly within the next few months - what do you think happens?

We just saw what happens when a more efficient blockchain starts pumping out DeFi and other dApps. And that was a non centralized chink coin.

DeFi on Cardano will at least be a momentary explosion, and if you can’t see that I don’t know what to tell you.

>> No.30047876

What are you talking about? Fuckin buzzwords everywhere without any technical info.

You'll get rekt son, just watch

>> No.30048013
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 002-hbar-usd-dev-tool-MINOR-edit-for-ada-facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been? 3 Days? 4 Days? It's crabbing at $1.24 just like this is still CG #1
>Look at this attached chart for Cardano just crabbing over an entire two weeks
>No smart contracts still after 4 years. deadlines keep getting pushed back and back despite muh April deadline (was December before)
>No projects being developed for it (Polkadot already has ~360). no one can post a link to any projects
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5). everything is hypothetical
>Can't deploy own coin on this ("pooh's tank brigade of tiananmen coin" to have china ban hammer chinese ada holders)
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
>Gene Simmons, the lead drummer of Rolling Stones shills this (a Scientologist trance music group)
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million.
>My wife is leaving me
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility. charles is spamming transactions with high volume to make it look like people are using it
>Almost certainly a security
>Room temperature IQ anons can't read good, will seethe at this ignoring all points
>He had dinner with Shatner, a fucking leaf
>This will crash the chink gpu farms in favor of white countries to virtue signal for Africa
>Charles did a cock tribute to Lush Rimbaugh. He's boomer tiered alt-light
>Prove you're not white supremacist and sell your ADA now. You're not a Cardano holding NAZI are you? Antifa will doxx all your wallets.
enjoy alt season as this pumps with everything else but those bags are going to be heavy afterward

>> No.30048074

Everything you worth is right except attaching Cardano in the end. Avalanche is the only one that has answers for the trilemma, It's a fact.

>> No.30048110

For biz tech retards translated:
You are holding a centralized POS shitcoin without knowing it.

If you dont hold ADA, AVAX or BTC - you are in very big danger.

>> No.30048349

Funny how FUD threads like this have been popping up since february yet the price of ADA never stopped going up.
Do I care about it not progressing as fast as other projects? No.
Is it getting pumped by wealthy normies who never invested in crypto that are taking their last chance to benefit from this ending bull run? Yes.
I've already doubled my investment thanks to this africacoin anon, and so could you, yet you chose to remain a poor FUDding 'jeet.
Stay poor.

>> No.30048686
File: 7 KB, 300x168, dumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is
Forget about that shit
Dyor on JIGSTACK or stay poor

>> No.30049080

Literally the second smart contracts are live u can copy paste unishit code and run it within seconds on cardano

>> No.30049205

AVAX has already achieved everything ADA promises to achieve.

>> No.30049393

this lol

>> No.30049458

Not really an ethertard. I hold some, and do a lot of DeFi on it, but my biggest L1 project rn is AVAX.

What improvements are Cardano implementing?

When are they going to have smart contracts? Who is going to build the aave, the uniswap, the synthetix of Cardano?

You can do a lot of stuff on Ethereum. It's expensive, true.

You can also do some stuff on the likes of Avalanche and Fantom, and it's cheap and quick.

You can do some stuff on BNB too, and its cheap and quick, but its basically a ledger run by binance

You can't currently do anything on Cardano, other than send Cardano, and soon send tokens.

I want to hear, from Cardano bulls, why it is valuable. SO far I haven't heard anything.

What do you mean add value to god mode?

>If Cardano does smart contracts smoothly within the next few months - what do you think happens?

It's a very big if. They've been around for several years now. Still no smart contracts. That's a long time. Why is it taking so long?

>> No.30049547

Well done on your coin going up, but you've failed to answer anything in my OP

When will smart contracts go live? Why haven't they already?

If they haven't implemented smart contracts in the last 4 years, what makes you think adding them in and working perfectly is a trivial operation?

>> No.30049607

Ok Mustafa, we'll see about that

>> No.30049784

well for devs on Ethereum it's more safe migrate to a higher market cap projects like Cardano or Polkadot

>> No.30049835

for the current price i would say undervaluated

>> No.30049861
File: 67 KB, 720x644, 582836B5-C13E-4647-866C-A5E9C2E5B7BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be like Tron but worse. Make sure you at least get out with a profit

>> No.30050147

Biz tech retards give advice what is surley the best project and why Cardano is shit....
but dont even know about the most important thing in blockchain developement ....
The only thing that drives value for Bitcoin.

The god mode.

Imagine that.

Biz is so low IQ ---- reddit all the fucking way

>> No.30050291

Lmao, take your schizo meds instead of HRT

>> No.30050330

So they avoid getting stuck in gen 1 like ethereum and to avoid getting bonus blocks like avax while having scientific proof their shit works instead of just freeballing it

>> No.30050655

Guys, if you don't wanna be 1 year behind blockchain developement .... and don't wanna stay a tech leggard..... and you wanna make serious money and don't wanna be bombarded
with scams .....

join Reddit

and leave this shithole here called biz alone

>> No.30050694
File: 56 KB, 500x752, 1612200075937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only problem with Cardano is its gay name.

>> No.30050703

When the best fud fudders have on avax is a literal joke that created by a troll you know this project is 100% unfuddable. Eric Wall tried to do that few days ago without success.

Avalanche already won the smart contract war, What's happening rightnow is a literal IQ test and the market is the participant.

>> No.30050760

>Why haven't they already?
Goguen is in stages
Native Assets, went live last night
KEVM, Ethereum VM with K framework
Plutus and Marlow, Native smart contracts on Cardano
IELE, Smart contracts in many popular different programming languages, inlcuding C++, Rust, Python etc

>> No.30050843
File: 61 KB, 500x500, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30050849

all crypto is extremely overvalued right now including bitcoin

>> No.30050995

Why is bitcoin overvalued? What is a fair value for bitcoin?

>native assets

aka tokens, something other blockchains managed trivially and didn't take 4 years

i don't think reddit has ever really nailed anything in crypto.

biz got chainlink, avalanche and bancor from when they were being slept on and worth way less than they are today.

back in 2018 biz was loading up on chainlink while reddit was buying nano and augur.

>> No.30051039

Imagine believing rainbows and unicorns and a herd of beta males would build the financial OS of the world ....


>> No.30051097

Every time I listen to Charles talk it FUDs the hell out of me on ADA. He talks exactly like a scam artist selling a bunch of hopes and dreams with nothing of actual substance, lots of pretty words and promises though.

>> No.30051133

It's quite simple. It is THE etherium iller and non-retards know it. That's why reddit knows it and 4chan magatards are seething.

>> No.30051157

If you can name one inovation coming for turkish people other than AVAX, i might consider doing research on this shitcoin and see for myself if this bonus block is a FUD or real

>> No.30051174

This is so bearish cardano. holy shit, this really is the next nano isn't it.

>> No.30051180

I wonder the same thing, anon. Buy signal? Idk

>> No.30051217
File: 405 KB, 2952x3047, 50eead9c8aa23c7db3e99afaf5670e32.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend, we are living in peak clown world right now. Would it really be surprising or shocking at all if beta males, rainbows and unicorns built the financial OS of the world?

>> No.30051230

Reddit called ADA at 2 cents all over the place while this biz shithole here had made fun about Cardano .

Now redditors are rich while biz tech retards are rugpulled and poor.

>> No.30051312

Not as long Cardano alpha males beat the shit out of them

>> No.30051467

Shame I bought in so late at $1.35. I expect to at least double my buy in though in due time. But the circulating supply of 45 billion makes me believe this thing is going to struggle to ever make it to even $5. It'll peak at $3 me thinks.

>> No.30051637

Reddit ESL fags are the main supporters of Cardano. Holy shit, this is a big short moment. Going to short this thing on FTX now.

>> No.30051877

ADA is your fucking life asurance coin
Your kids will build a statue of yours because of having a high IQ chad dad.

>> No.30051991

Shorting ADA in the middle of bull market.
Good luck retard.

>> No.30052046


Biz is full of marketing campaigns and fags who literally just lie for no fucking reason. It’s really fucking gay these days. Reddit is gay but at least with the downvoted they shit on marketing campaigns.

>> No.30052277
File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, AE0EF326-91B6-4D76-9109-2BD2AE19E03F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t read this garbage post but will say this;

You’re an idiot if you think the world computer is a scam and won’t topple that steaming pile of first mover shit that is Etherium. Shame on you for being so clinically stupid to think flaming garbage like Avax has a chance against the alien tech project that is Cardano.

>> No.30052295

This thread again. Can't we all just get along lol

>> No.30052341

Exactly .
I am only here from time to time when bored, because my yacht and jet is being cleaned by poor Eth , Tezos, Algorand , Cosmos and Dot hodlers.
Or to buy a new coin that gets fudded the most by biz.
Will always moon.

>> No.30052356

I don't have nor want kids. If ADA is going to take the rest of my life to make me any money imma sell right now lmao.

>> No.30052480

Cardano is shit, why can't you accept that?

>> No.30052596

>Cardano have been promising smart contracts for years yet still nothing
Their timeline has been the same since 2017 though?

>> No.30052644

So you didn't buy ADA at 2 cents?
No x70 gains for you beta male.
And no women therefore too.
You are really fucked.

>> No.30052835

>aka tokens, something other blockchains managed trivially and didn't take 4 years
except on cardano, tokens are ACTUALLY native and dont need a smart contract and gas fees to do literally anything like on ETH

>> No.30052864

>What improvements are Cardano implementing?
>When are they going to have smart contracts? Who is going to build the aave, the uniswap, the synthetix of Cardano?
So basically, you FUD Cardano without knowing anything about it?
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.30053145

See >>30051467

You literally replied to my post where I stated my buy in price and didn't even read the first sentence of it? The absolute state of /biz/. I'm starting to think I should just go to Reddit.

>> No.30053197

Imagine making a thread because you think a shitcoin is overvalued.

>> No.30053256

Thats not a feature you FUCKING RETARD

>> No.30053294

Stay poor faggot

>> No.30053688

You are so easy to troll, it's fun trolling ada fuds

>> No.30053873

It absolutely is. Any token transaction can be paid with just the basic 0.17 fee and with babelfish they will be able to even pay the fee in the token itself.

>> No.30054112
File: 61 KB, 315x323, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You post this ignorant shit in every hour!

>> No.30054128
File: 58 KB, 642x656, 0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's now a Cardano waifu NFT on Ergo

>> No.30054535

That's literally a feature, and an importanting one, brainlet.
Adas was an IQ test, and you failed it.
Soon you'll be outpriced, forever...

>> No.30055299

I have to coooom.

>> No.30056866


Yeah I mean Avalanche and Algorand both have functioning smart contracts and native tokens launched. Idk why they are so undervalued compared to Cardano other than both having a smaller community.

>> No.30057026


It's debatable. On one hand, native tokens make the base protocol more complex and thus it's harder to be like Eth with many independent client implementations, but the bonus is much cheaper gas fees. So it's definitely a feature but it comes with significant tradeoffs that most of the smooth brains here aren't able to comprehend.