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30043669 No.30043669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>women history month

>> No.30043711

Never heard of such a thing nor do I care but thanks for the rare pepe.

>> No.30043714

No such thing. This is your reminder that the faggot shit leftists pretend exists, only exists in their own mind.

>> No.30043750
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>> No.30043752
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>Holocaust history month

>> No.30043789
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>a whole month to something that never happened

>> No.30043981

Um excuse me but gender is a societal construct. There is no Women's History Month

>> No.30044023

black and women’s history never happened either but we get months of doublethink shoved down our throats for it

>> No.30044070


>> No.30044164

I love women. They went through a lot throughout history. It’s unironically about time we celebrate their accomplishments and educate ourselves on the struggles they’re still facing today so we can do our best to help each other out!

>> No.30044544

shit b8 m8

>> No.30044877

>someone doesn’t give in to the musty echo chamber riddled with incels who blame all their problems on minorities and women therefore it must be bait
Kys kissless virgin

>> No.30045017

Doesn't HAVE to be bait, but we all know it is.

>> No.30045022

It is mostly a history of entitling themselves to men's money. There are a few pretty admirable exceptions.

>> No.30045094

Instead of filling out a captcha to feed the trolls, why not just file a report? Did you know that "Trolling outside of /b/" is on the list of reasons to report a post on /biz/? This calls in the janitors and mods to evaluate a poster who's obviously shitposting and DOESN'T give them the public attention they crave.

>> No.30045334

this but unironically

>> No.30045351

> be hole
> shit babby
> watch babby
> everything else was a mistake
that about covers it

>> No.30045547
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I cant imagine being you. The self esteem boost every time im on here is unparalleled. Highly recommend it to anyone who’s feeling like shit. The fact that all of you are real living breathing people is literally mind blowing. I have no petty for you people though and you deserve everything that’s coming for you. <3

>> No.30045800
File: 14 KB, 300x300, WOLOLO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me help with this picrelated so you can become one of us

>> No.30045847
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>Americans have Holocaust history month 13 months a year

>> No.30047072

Same. The women hating incels must be very unhappy

>> No.30047187

incomprehensibly, unabashadly, metaphysically and spiritually BASED

>> No.30047307 [DELETED] 

are there any women on 4chan?

>> No.30048036

It was never ironic lol. I’m genuinely serious when I say that I have nothing against women and that i don’t use them as scapegoats to cope with my shortcomings. Most anons on the thread don’t belong in western civilization, actually they’re literally the biggest hindrance to its progress, they all belong in Pakistan as far I’m concerned.

Yes. They’re are their own worst enemy but the kool-aid has already been downed, now all we can do is wait for the cyanide to kick in so society doesn’t have to deal with these vile rats anymore.

>> No.30048184

Loaded up Spotify this morning. Saw they still have a black history month playlist up. Last time I checked it isnt February any more.

>> No.30048290

post cock with timestamp
you virtue signal and write like a femoid straight out of crystalcafe

>> No.30048447

How can I profit off of women's month?

>> No.30048527

Yeah! Like that bridge they made a few years ago. The all woman engineered one. Ahhh, it was so beautiful. Does anyone have a picture of it?

>> No.30048616


Explain to me what progress means in a civilization. What is the end goal?