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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 369x369, avalanche1593161126011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30042862 No.30042862 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30043107

530 avax stacklet here, never sold! Never selling!

>> No.30043289

>its back to $30!!! Apologize!!

kek glad i sold that shit at $50
Turk cucks ngmi holding that failed project

>> No.30043308

Double spend garbage. price down 60%. Lost 1trillion in value. Lost 10 spots in rank. Run by a lying scam artist.

Put avax in the body text so we don't have to fud the heaviest bags in crypto. Most of us legitimately feel sorry for you and don't want to shit on you when you're down.

>> No.30043378

Cope. See you at $500.

>> No.30043390

What kind of people fall for this kind of fud?

>> No.30043395

delicious fud, have any more?

>> No.30043436

We're hitting 2-3K this year anon

>> No.30043459

>roach sucker

kek imagine falling in love and defending this piece of shit project with a name that sounds like a cleaning solution. Avax holders are delusional and on suicide watch

>> No.30043536

Dead cat bounce.

>> No.30043568

>What kind of people fall for this kind of fud?
Anyone with access to coingecko can see for themselves.
Put avax or avalanche in your posts, so the filters work, and we won't warn newfags not to buy your shitbags. Simple as.

>> No.30043661

Keep it down, I'm still accumulating.

>> No.30043700


>> No.30043790

You're and easy one to psyops aren't you.
I think you genuinely believe the things you say (repeat off others), just like all the new fags that fell for the LINK fud.
Tip - dyor

>> No.30044378


>> No.30044418

>thinking this is of any significance

fucking kek

>> No.30044585

Aww avax roaches.. your little cleaning solution couldnt even stay above $30 i feel bad for you

>> No.30044646

anyone with a brain cell in crypto sees through your lies.
maybe avax isn't the eth killer it was hyoes up for but nonetheless it is better tech than what's currently avail.

>> No.30044816

only niggers fud this coin
This is the most revolutionary approach to blockchain consensus since 1970-1990

>> No.30044861

It's literally dumping

>> No.30045175

Mustafa, you can hold this fucking boat anchor to zero for all I care. I just want to be able to filter the spam so I don't have to warn kids they're gonna lose their lunch money on this broken dumpster fire.
Retarded... good luck dude.

>> No.30045206

just bought 2'000
will i make it ?

>> No.30045527

Yep, true usd (TUSD) went live today and it will open up a gate for tons of DeFi projects to be build on top of the Avalanche mainnet.

>> No.30045594
File: 195 KB, 644x800, 1614557368035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30045654

It should apologise to us.

>> No.30045859

>true usd
>literally a pretend dollar

>> No.30045957

>12th top biggest gaoins amongst top 100 today
absolute state of desperate bagholders

>> No.30046139
File: 202 KB, 1388x1065, pangolin liquidity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We need ERC20 whales to start providing liquidity on the DEXes. Imagine being able to trade these for low fees again:


>> No.30046481

Number 1 anime betrayal

>> No.30046529

Imagine bet against Cornell

>> No.30046582

610 stack

ready to pile in another $3k on unlock

>> No.30046817

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?
When you have a stablecoin on your network you can use this token as a less volitile token for trading with pairs in DeFi projects like UMA or Mirror Protocol.

>> No.30046831

It's all matic now, keep up brainlets.

>> No.30046846

Why don't you do it yourself? I'm really not in the mood of having my money trapped inside of a chain again for days.
Fool me once, shame on me.. fool me twice, you won't fucking fool me twice you lying roaches.

>> No.30046877

Don't expect much, probably most of it is already priced in. I expect a maximum of a 10% drop.

>> No.30047436
File: 97 KB, 1064x650, Selection_025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drop stopped literally at fib retracement level

>> No.30047438

For what? There's 2 ICO unlocks March 8

>> No.30047537

Memelines are bullshit, if they were real people would make money with it

>> No.30047776

they do you fuckwit

>> No.30047930

It's real

So we're getting back to 60 dollars by end of month. It'll take ages

>> No.30048318

45 by 9th, dip to 37, 80+ EOM

>> No.30048325

If we do I'm organizing an avax party at the raddison event room, tendies will be on the menu.

>> No.30048396

I've noticed it too. If pattern repeat we should see 240$ for the next local top, probably within the next 1-2 months.

>> No.30048488
File: 21 KB, 412x351, 2395e87c3a94846bf744d1c8e15e2858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I'm just a 250 avax stacklet. I fucked up big time bros.

>> No.30048795

How does 250k sound?

>> No.30049026

2T market cap AVAX WHEN???

>> No.30049032


>> No.30049818

we're going back to $22 lads

>> No.30051297


>> No.30051531
File: 33 KB, 620x431, volme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat volume spike

What the fuck is going on here bros.

>> No.30051627

down we go

>> No.30051687

Post proof

>> No.30051757

Shilling campaign didn't work, people getting out of the way of the ICO unlock

>> No.30051957

>ICO unlock
post proof plz

>> No.30052019


>> No.30052243

>Option A1
>Option A2
which is it

>> No.30052276

taking the chances to buy when is low. It will burst in no time, you guys wait and see.

>> No.30052650


>> No.30052760

So how much supply is being released in March?

>> No.30052946 [DELETED] 


>> No.30052979


>> No.30053057

About 40M if this is correct:

>> No.30053063

For what? Americans (rightfully) dumped their bags on you and you're back in the gutters.


>> No.30053267

40 million avax + all the other small fish unstaking just before

you're looking at a possible 70% and min 60% new supply released in 1 day

>> No.30053274

Does every single AVAX thread have to be ruined by fudders? Why are these faggots so obsessed with this coin?

>> No.30053395

b-b but y-you said this coin was unfuddable?

>> No.30053539

Pangolin is a scam and a copy of Zero Exchange the best dex in this space right now.

Zero.Exchange will soon launch Polkadot integration and Ada bridge.

>> No.30053595

So what. You don't think this is priced in already by the huge dump from $60 that we have already seen?

>> No.30053663

last unlock was proportionally much larger and only dipped ~10%

>> No.30053751

>Ada bridge.
What for? There's nothing to bridge LMAO

>> No.30053791

It’s one guy lmao. He’s painfully obsessed with it

>> No.30053857

>not quickswap

Ok buddy

>> No.30053918

I'll buy March 10th after the March 9th dip / Token Release.

>> No.30054146

In single or double blocks?

>> No.30054746

eotd ?

>> No.30054812

Literally who?

>> No.30056053

> So what. You don't think this is priced in already by the huge dump from $60 that we have already seen?

Double spend, half the price
Double the supply, half the price off very special discount

Yes. March 10th means $11 dollar coin

>> No.30056381

please tell me if i should claim my png or not. and do i have only one week?

>> No.30056756

>11 dollar coin
If that actually ever happened, it would be snapped up instantly.

>> No.30057307

The dip to $8 would be the snap up and back to cozy $11

>> No.30058403

Americucks are dumping like they are full retarded

>> No.30058462

Do it if you have more than gas fees.

>> No.30058478

Enjoy the bonus aplogy.

>> No.30058700

Whales don't give a fuck about side-chains.
That's why BSC is booming, because CZ has the funds to finance the necessary bridges. Avalanche will go nowhere unless they can convince the Coinbase faggot to put some money where his mouth his and start providing liquidity to it. Every CEX should be concerned with BSC+Binance pretty much leaving them in the dust if they don't act quick. Ethereum won't unfuck itself, not with the next EIP not even with 2.0.

>> No.30058803

100 avaxlet here
It hurts knowing I could have sold at 60 and easily doubled my stack

>> No.30058922

this is all to distract you away from the most profitable exchange COMPLUS

>> No.30059592

Wow, the entire pump from when this thread was made is 100% completely nullified


>> No.30059802

What the fuck was that? Dropped like a rock

>> No.30059839

While this whale made >$300,000 in transaction fees alone in the last couple weeks, and probably made >$10 mil in Pangolin mining.

>> No.30059915

forgot the link: https://info.pangolin.exchange/#/account/0x84d34f4f83a87596cd3fb6887cff8f17bf5a7b83

>> No.30060307

>what is btc dumping