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File: 21 KB, 380x380, rolex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30040214 No.30040214 [Reply] [Original]

Let's take it from purely investment perspective

- basically part of your assets right on your wrist in case you quickly would need to liquidate it
- can travel with it so you have extra spare value in case something would happen with your cash or cards
- hedge against inflation

Let's discuss.

>> No.30040648


>> No.30040719

Idk unless you get a limited edition I don't know if they go up in value that much

>> No.30040744

Buy popular models hold for 3 - 5 years flip.
AP , patek , VC (not as popular) kings of the watch world especially their steel sports watches.

>> No.30040759
File: 886 KB, 3120x4160, 1614347782696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out my sub rep

>> No.30040795
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>ok ciao

>> No.30040837

It's retarded, I get complements on my $100 invecta watch and see rich fags with rolexs also try to show off validating my point

>> No.30040869


>> No.30040959

Peacocking, its pathetic. Nobody gives a shit about your watch faggot.

>> No.30040986
File: 19 KB, 800x450, 41rtwpO9McL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething poorfag

>> No.30040990

Dear fucking god, I did not write this thread about validation or flexing.

>> No.30041021


Casio is nice watch but I'm more talking about watch as a store of value for bad days.

>> No.30041461
File: 277 KB, 200x200, aok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well peacocking is natures way of telling the females you have alpha genetic. so even, if some consider it retarded and it doesnt 1to1 translate into our modern day world , they are just following their nature programming.

>> No.30041530

It’s so funny

>> No.30041579

rolex is a poorman watch, literally wear to make other poorfag seethe but to the rich u are just another poorfag

>> No.30042097

best watch

>> No.30042168

>- basically part of your assets right on your wrist in case you quickly would need to liquidate it
In emergency liquidation
The very same conclusion as to why folks a house, but a house is not an asset in itself. It has mortgage, utility bills, maintenance, insurance fees, and structural degradation. In short, it is money out.

It's the same with high-end vehicles, the value loses a quarter the minute it rolls out the showroom with the now ever increasing tachometer reading, and it's all downhill from there with the wear of genuine parts. Money out/#.

It's the same with your watch, the prey set of moving parts, the gradually thinning of the fancy metal from the constant friction of your wrist, oxidation and chemicals it is exposed in the air, the warping of the drums with each complete movement, the constant turning of the adjustment knob for day-light savings and the advancing and retarding of hours with the time-zone. You guessed it, money out.

An asset is something that gives money more back to you than it pulls out.

>- can travel with it so you have extra spare value in case something would happen with your cash or cards.
Yes. But please bear in mind that spare value can be fatal. You can be marked as a target the minute you leave the airport and get mugged in an alley somewhere. In an car accident, it may get scratched which will destroy its value. Some whore you fancied may make it disappear the morning after. It is a wonderful prize in divorce.

>- hedge against inflation
If you can keep it in mint condition, that is never ever using it. It stays in the box you have to buy redundant protection for.

>> No.30042293


Thanks, good reply!

>> No.30042372
File: 151 KB, 671x1024, 666E18E2-D04D-4A20-8411-BA060C868825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a nice watch looks like. What you posted is a tacky piece of shit.

>> No.30042687

>trying to impress females

kek Im on a different level son and you will never make it.

>> No.30042767

Rolex is gay buy omega

>> No.30042954

projecting much? Your little retarded mind cant even fathom the idea of becoming rich and not wasting money on superficial shit to impress people, ngmi

>> No.30043027
File: 153 KB, 640x546, rolex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
I find this to be generally true
midwits seethe about rolex why truly rich people can appreciate them along with other watches
of course the specific rolex model plays a huge role

>> No.30043191
File: 35 KB, 406x473, f66c72730634aced29eab0f026ce9160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch doesn't even Pac-Man on it.
Yeah those watches are gay.

>> No.30043244
File: 424 KB, 1639x1367, IMG_20200814_154746_907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just buying a reasonably priced swiss made automatic

>> No.30043290
File: 74 KB, 632x1000, 6954196C-00EE-45CF-9874-EFBA9973BE2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A green “hulk” submariner retails for $9300 and you cannot buy one for less than $17,000

>> No.30043411

I would say that it is a good way to diversify your money considering you can wear it. I wouldn't hold in in a box for many years tho cuz in the end rolex watches are mass produced pieces of metal and extremely overvalued. If you can find a good model retail, flipping it instantly is not a bad option either.

>> No.30043437
File: 170 KB, 944x1500, 9395295B-A262-4561-A680-2A50EDB100C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the yacht master 42 in white gold

>> No.30043615

The only reasons to show off a wristwatch. It is a non functional piece of jewelry for men.

Every body has a supercomputer in their pocket now, so we know you don't need your $10,000 watch to tell the time.

It's a flex. Pure and simple.

I could wear a $10,000 watch if I wanted to. But I never would, because it could get broken or stolen or lost, and I don't care about flexing.

>> No.30043792

they are functional. i forgot to put my watch on yday after a shower, and i looked at my bare wrist at least a dozen times during the day

>> No.30044100

>they are functional

low iq detected, time is nothing but an illusion. your obsessive need for time observations is not functional, its an illness.

>> No.30044150


Try to live in human world with that logic.

>> No.30044239

just get a super rep and dunk on richfags who think the price tag of their real watches validates anything.

both still tell the same time.

>> No.30044271

>try living without checking the time 12+ times a day.

Already do. Keep living inside your little illusion if that makes you happy though, betcha it doesnt.

>> No.30044286

>just buy a print of the mona lisa, it's the same thing

>> No.30044305

Rolexs hold value so it's an alright investment, but it's nothing special.

>> No.30044352

.Why do you cry about these shittokens?
That’s all your fault dude, don’t be so stubid
Wanna make income?
>listen carefully da man, visit JustLiquidity and see yields for JULD
>Watch the stat, be clever!

>> No.30044353

A virgin retarded thread

>> No.30044416

Yes, now that you're here.

>> No.30044446


>> No.30044691

>comparing a tool to check the time to a piece of art
shekelberg really made you believe there's any value in luxury goods. all luxury goods have a markup of atleast 90%. so a rolex cost only about 300-600 to make. so a good rep is indeed as good as the real one

>> No.30044722

They typically hold value well

>> No.30045034

Why? Its basically a shitty version of a submariner that they blinged out to attract drug dealing negros.