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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 238 KB, 660x1276, Snapchat-1897153847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30028935 No.30028935 [Reply] [Original]

There is a lot of Indian hate on this board. I have thought long and hard about why that it is and I can only conclude that it is because you are all jealous of us. I know that last comment will make some seethe but realize Indians are the ones running shit around here. We decide if your shitty token moons or not. We are the ones who control the financial future of millions of people involved in the crypto-sphere. We are the ones who create tokens to help fuel this speculative bubble....

And at any moment we could pop it...
Do not mess with us.

>> No.30029119

what village u posting this from

>> No.30029172

Brb eating a cow poo

>> No.30029182

Designated Street Shitters

>> No.30029223

there really isn't much in life that's more important than money but race and genetics is one of them. if I swapped bodies with an Indian I would jump out the nearest window. genetic TRASH.

>> No.30029237

we would like you more if you weren't an army of swarmy poos who constantly shit up our board with scams

>> No.30029262

Unironically started to hate indians after visiting link and avax threads

>> No.30029275

Personally, it's a combination of the smell and your general lack of competence in conversation. The Inability to riff or joke kind of bugs me. It's as though any form of context is always missing from you guys which is generally a precursor for any sort of humor

>> No.30029307

I think you mean villa, but right now I am in upstate NYC. Visiting a friend.
Funny because Indians are pretty much superior to whites, at least the ones that migrate to the US.

Anyways, I had my fun posting on this board. I'm going to go swimming in my friend's indoor pool. Have fun being poor.

>> No.30029316

I don't hate Indians. But having been to India for a visit, I realize that they are all scammers. It seems to be their way of life, or it is in their genes.

>> No.30029586

Indians are pretty cool and I get along with them well, but i've observed on multiple projects that then tend to lie, cheat, and generally half-ass on pretty much everything and need a lot of oversight. We ended up firing two different all Indian contractor teams because they fucked up major pharma validations and instead of coming clean with the problem, they lied and tried to hide everything which made is worse.

>> No.30029788

seriously what the fuck is up with this. They will lie until the bitter fucking end why are they like this can someone plz explain

>> No.30029850

I would kill myself, if I was a Pajeet.

>> No.30029880

I hate the sycophantic nature of Indians, the way they suck up to people with power or money and treat everyone else like dirt. they are almost as bad as bugmen when it comes to materialism

>> No.30029913

Fuck off no curryniggers allowed here

>> No.30029949

they simply have no shame and self-awareness. they will step on, lie to and betray anyone in their way to get what they want

>> No.30029976


poo colored id
> swims in friend's indoors poo


>> No.30030002
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>> No.30030014

that actually sounds like industrial era white colonizers. they learnt from the white man.

>> No.30030035


indians will lie to your face to make a dollar off you

the women are friendly though

>> No.30030180

You are simply ignorant racists. You allow one or two experiences shape your view of a people yet don't think any less of yourselves when you see the same behavior from whites.
If I was you I would probably kill myself.
I am free to go wherever.
Don't be jealous. I never knew there were so many nice neighborhoods in upstate New York. The girls are pretty too.

I shouldn't have came back to check this thread but I just love seeing white incels scream over me. Not only am I attractive but I come from a good home. I guess good genes do come in a package.
Anyways, continue to seethe.

>> No.30030221

don’t rape our girls please thanks

>> No.30030266

I don't need to you parasite. When women see my face they want to be near me. When they hear my voice they begin to be aroused. And when they begin to understand my mind they are willing to do anything, and I mean anything.

>> No.30030287

> And at any moment we could poop it...

fixed it for ya Rajesh

>> No.30030329

based ranjeet

>> No.30030431

no I hate you because every time I need to call a bank or ISP, or get some fast food (instore or delivered), or go to the hospital, its full of you fucking ugly faggots with your stupid broken english, and you fuck everything up everytime.

>> No.30030625
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If you want an honest answer its just because indians have a lower average IQ than 1st worlders. I would imagine this is from poverty not due to genetics as others are saying lol.

Not all indians are stupid, even the stupid ones are usually nice people, but stupid people get tricked into shilling scams and that's exactly what happens to a lot of indians. Some scamming retard offers an airdrop to pajeets who shill their scam and india comes flooding in to help spam the internet with it. That's been the norm for literally years and it has ruined india's reputation in the space.

>> No.30030703

"why stereotype us"
>instantly starts with creepy rape fantasy
okay my dude.

>> No.30030705

I shitpost against Indians but secretly I'm jealous of their Chad attitude. They don't give a fuck.

>> No.30030743

I... I think I have a good sense of humour as well as conversational skills, tho.

>> No.30030758

> They don't give a fuck
Greta should look into this.

>> No.30030862
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>Pajeet Durden
You're not your fucking khakis.

>> No.30030879

Jeets actually do have a sense of humor, it's just autistic as fuck.

>> No.30030910
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>> No.30030915
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>And at any moment we could poop it...

>> No.30030941

Midhav is that you?

>> No.30030970


>> No.30031046

No I'm him

>> No.30031058

Yea it is. He DM'd me the full body pic.

>> No.30031066
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No doubt

>> No.30031120


Heard he sucks cock for rupee

>> No.30031122

>Good genes

Kek pick one, I've never met a girl who didn't think pajeets were the lowest on the genetic hierarchy.

I will admit I have enjoyed smashing pajeetas they throw themselves at whites it's honestly kinda pathetic.

>> No.30031130

can confirm, sasa got my body pic

>> No.30031144

I hate them. They're dirty, smell terrible, have no hygiene, are black, have feminine voices and always act like faggots. Like, you can tell they're dirty fucks with probably some extremely disgusting fetishes and depraved minds, that has to be true considering their disgusting appearance and behaviour. They live in terrible conditions, shit in beaches and streets, eat unsanitary food that looks like sewer water from the same streets they shit on. Let's also not forget how many Indians live by stealing money from the elderly of rich, white countries, and flex their shit stained rupees attached to their brown, horrid skin. Hating Indians is a must

>> No.30031185

No, you clearly talk like a faggot

>> No.30031246

No, OP is a doppelganger

>> No.30031249

>good genes
kek, pajeets are bottom-tier genetics, girs avoid you like the plague. also you are unathletic and suck at any sport

>> No.30031270
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>> No.30031281

Imagine having a population of 1.4 billion people and having 0 world class athletes.
>inb4 muh best cricket players
take your dogshit tendulkar up your ass who would only score centuries in useless matches.
The only "athletic" population they have are punjabis, the ones I have seen in the west. norm hindu genes are by far the worst for athleticism and usually found all over india. please stay out of our countries and stop raping your women.

>> No.30031310
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this is now a pajeet thread

>> No.30031411

>Their English hurts my ears, saying this as a German.

>Extremely depreciating and authoritative to other Indians in lower hierarchies

>Lack of self-confidence and huge minority complex, resulting in embarrassing shills and self-promotions in case of low-level achievements nobody else would be proud of.

>> No.30031412

Creepy? No I am just being realistic. Even if a girl didn't want me because I was Indian if I wave some cash around even the most racist girls want to hop onto my cock for a chance at my seed.
My IQ is in the 99th percentile. My dick is 4 inches flaccid, 7.5 inches hard, with a girth of 5.5 inches. I am 6'1. Chiseled jaw line. Good personality. Silver tongue. The combined net worth of my family is almost touching a billion. Keep thinking you are superior to me though. I honestly do not care about what you do to my women. I could steal them from you in a heartbeat if I wanted. I would much rather taste and experience more exotic females though.

Anyways, I'll be going to sleep now. You all bore me :]

>> No.30031446

viva la jkr

>> No.30031493

Nigger this is 2021. Athletic ability doesn't mean shit in the age of technology. It's all about intelligence and low IQ is really the only reason people hate on india. They're arguably the lowest IQ population that's prominent in the space besides nigeria. Its not their fault really but being stupid leads them to acting in ways that makes people hate them. ie shilling scams 24/7 for 20 cent bounty airdrops.

>> No.30031636
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>> No.30031724

Indian women can be hot but they’re usually very hairy. I like their big brown tits and nipples though and they’re usually huge sluts for white men.

>> No.30031947
File: 576 KB, 688x485, haluh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tank u sir i now do the needful wit yo sister

>> No.30032270

Seethe more with your small dick pajeet. It's been like this since the inception of your country. Nothing good has ever come out of there except amir khan and even he was born in the UK not india

>> No.30032317

You can even be rich but your average dick length is embarrassing

>> No.30032321

White washed pajeet here.

Live in a small town and was probably one of the two brown families here, growing up. Had my fair share wifi racism and what not but holy fuck. I moved to a bigger city for uni and even I started hating my own fucking kind.
They act like niggers, smell like BO, and act pretty rapey to all woman.

>> No.30032373

yes sirs pls do needful
rajesh and i not want work field anymore
is too far from designated shitting street

>> No.30032548

Name any wars that won by the Indian.
Protip: You can't.

>> No.30032650

You look like a little faggot bro kek.

>> No.30032989
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In all of my professional career with analysts, developers, consultants and even executives there is one common thing you pajeets seem to lack objectively.

You all lack the ability to laterally or critically think for yourselves, it is the single most infuriating fucking trait you all share. You all constantly need somebody elses validation before proceeding to think for yourself and it is the pathetic.

Maybe it stems from the fact that Indian men typically carry lower amounts of testosterone than almost all other ethnicities, you're all cucks it's the craziest shit I've seen.

I've literally been caught out fucking a pajeets wife and the dude had the gall to ignore me to go straight for her, they're still married and had a kid a year ago!

Indian men raised in India, forever cucks.

>> No.30033044
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Even the ones from the west are not going to stop the ways of their predecessors.

>> No.30033515
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What is hilarious is that OP speaks as if "indians" are this one homogeneous group, and that they are "superior" to whites
In reality Indians will literally kill or rape any indian that is slightly browner than them

>> No.30033708

>amir khan
lol, he's paki, indians have no world-renowned athlete or male model. 0 olympic gold medals.

>> No.30033968

Fellow Indian here. Here's the thing, stop caring about what /biz/ says or anyone else in general. Doesn't matter what they think, stop seeking validation from anyone.

>> No.30034365
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I am Indian
call me nigger or pajeet
but sirs all I want is profit

>> No.30034546

Legitimate question, why do you shit in the streets and not the toilet. Is it for the thrill? That's something I don't understand.

>> No.30034589


>> No.30034711

I would shoot myself if I was indian

>> No.30034853
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>> No.30034932

we pajeet you cuz you street poo


>> No.30035116


I've heard it's because admitting a mistake is a major humiliation in their culture. IE they're constantly trying to save face if they screw up by lying about it.

>> No.30035122

Hi yes please send bobs and vegane my voice smooth like baritone and my face make woman swoon pls respond

Classoc pajeet

>> No.30035151

I honestly sometimes forget Indians are actual humans and not some other species that shits in the street and constantly spams crypto chats with “wen Binance”

>> No.30035220
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>jealous of pajeets

>> No.30035228

>My IQ is the 99%
Yeah we could tell

>> No.30036048
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>I know that last comment will make some seethe
Ironically you ended seething

>> No.30036145

I've spent a year in India. Liked the place a lot.

People are friendly and kind but the country is full of contradictions. People like to be spiritual outwardly but are also deeply materialistic - even a sadhu (or really just some dealer in a robe) will try and rip you off for small change.

Indians are funny, definitely good company to smoke a tola with. Only feature that sticks out as a sore point is that you have no sense of personal space, which is grand, but you're also awful around women. You inherited the worst part of Britian's Victorian sexuality and, I'm sorry, most of you are not very good looking either but seem to suffer from uncontrollable libidos. If that's your pic in the thread, too, you look like a ragamuffin Imran Khan with a troll nose about to pose for a vine.

As a lot of anons have pointed out, your country as a whole doesn't seem to have much critical thinking. Children riding subways, men being lynched to death for bumping into a cow - there is a mob mentality in India.

Still love the place and all the pajeet memes. At the end of the day, even if you shit in the ganges, you guys are pretty unique and vibrant.

Just my two cents.

>> No.30036598

You still have to go back but thank you for being self aware enough to get why we hate you. Wait until you enter the work force and have to deal with your breatheren.

>> No.30036654

>running shit around here
You're running in shit around everywhere

>> No.30036690

Off topic thread go to /pol/

>> No.30036799

Thx for the more unbiased and rather spot-on take desu

>> No.30036869

>I'm going to go swimming in my friend's indoor pool
They have an indoor toilet to go with that pool? Serious question desu

>> No.30036963

pajeets are the least of my worries

>> No.30037105

How many Best Buy gift cards for her?

>> No.30037237
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>small dicks. smaller than asians
>gay ass accent
>shit religion
>inbred as fuck
>women are disgusting
i prefer mexicans over you pajeets
hell i prefer nigger jews over you