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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3002866 No.3002866 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW live in canada and parents make a lot of money that makes me ineligible for cheap or free tuition
>TFW they refuse to help me at all so i have to pay for all my own things and pay for utilities and my own food
>If I go to university i won't get anything as a result due to their income even if they're not helping me

Is there any way out?

>> No.3002884

Commit suicide.

>> No.3002891

Get a job you lazy shit

>> No.3002896

That doesn't help me you retarded normie

>> No.3002935

You cry cause no ones paying your way. Neet fags

>> No.3002958

In my country, you can force your parents to pay in court.

>> No.3003088

university is for fags

>> No.3003128

what providence?

>> No.3003170


>> No.3003191
File: 146 KB, 711x900, an-elderly-couple-weighing-money-david-teniers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are doing this so you won't end up as a useless manchild with no real life skills. Grow up you sissy.

>> No.3003211
File: 58 KB, 411x510, tumblr_mn5crwbf3p1s5dm4ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College is a jew scam and a waste of time and energy

just start a business OP

>> No.3003218
File: 11 KB, 592x218, seneca credits for ryerson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi Anon,

College student advisor reporting in. most higher education programs are scams, excluding STEM, and some business programs like finance and accounting are okish, but also over saturated.

you may want to consider a college diploma then transfer to a degree afterwards (put make sure the pathway rewards you for at least 75% of the college courses). if you want a curriculum for a business degree see the attached image.

take those Seneca college courses and get a B in each. if you do that then you'll get 18 Ryerson university courses in exchange, and have to complete 24 more courses.do you want to focus

thats just one example. to narrow things down, what do you want to focus on in your studies? whats the overall goal/ideal?

>> No.3003223

If you agree with most of the stuff you see on /pol/ then move to America and get out of the shithole that is Canadia

>> No.3003263

leave home so you can be poor and get gibs
then make sure you don't pay for any of your parents' expenses when they're old

>> No.3003271

>to narrow things down, what do you want to focus on in your studies?

I wanted to pursue a bachelors of business administration and then specialize in either finance or accounting. When i looked up the transfer agreements they seemed like no decent school actually alows you to transfer credits from colleges.

i also have some questions about osap if you know

>> No.3003293

Look up the Menendez brothers

>> No.3003320

>literally complaining about being born wealthy
kys faggot

>> No.3003333

What difference is it when it doesn't change my lifestyle at all and people who's parents make less live better lives?

My parents' money doesn't somehow trickle down to me.

>> No.3003334

>If I go to university i won't get anything as a result due to their income even if they're not helping me

Is there no way to sue them to help you? In some states, they have an obligation to pay for your first diploma if they can afford it.

>> No.3003341


>> No.3003398

OSAP's not my specialty. only thing i know is that its possible to emancipate yourself from your parents, but you need to provide tonnes of documentation that you are estranged and living independently. But i highly recommend you go through the OSAP application process just for the experience, you'll learn a lot from it about how systems/institutions work. (not very well)

>no decent school actually allows you to transfer credits from colleges.

that's true to a large degree. (U of T, U of Western, Waterloo are notorious for making it hard to transfer credits from college).

The good news though is that are a tonne of business pathways, especially in Accounting. Though they are to B schools for the most part.

Some other questions to help define the issue, you don't have to answer if you don't want to.

Where do you live in Ontario/closest college. Will you be living at home or away? what's your budget per year for tuition/living expenses? do you have a job/income to support this?

Also how are your high school grades?

>> No.3003449

>Also how are your high school grades?

Not the best. I'm going to have to re-do a few through ilc.

>Where do you live in Ontario/closest college
Literally none, they're all an hour+ away from me, seems like it'd be easier to just move out closer to them.
>what's your budget per year for tuition/living expenses? do you have a job/income to support this?
Not sure. I do have some assets from cryptos and a shitty job

>> No.3003528

nigger im going to go easy on you because of them quads and actually try to help this time.

Your parents do not trust you with their money, plain and simple. They probably worked hard to earn theirs and despise people who inherited it and take it for granted. They want you to go out there and make something of yourself, and they are so spot-on that you're a spoiled little faggot that you'd rather complain in a burmese towel knitting simposium than listen to them.

Go out there, toughen up, figure your shit out. It will be good for you, and the moment you're actually a worthy human capable of contributing to society, they will have no problem funding your (hopefully successful) endeavors.

now get out of here and go earn your keep.

>> No.3003541

take stock of your assets suing excel (start an excel sheet to track your monthly income/expenses too).

online courses/part time courses might be an option as well. (you don't even need to apply for the majority of part time courses, you just sign up to take them, these courses are usually identical and interchangeable with the full time courses).

some options: http://www.senecacollege.ca/ce/business/index.html

the Accounting 2 year program looks like most if not all the classes are offered online.

I'm sure there are other colleges/universities that offer similar options.

>> No.3003570 [DELETED] 

You'e not understanding. I am not able to get large enough osap loans or grants as a result of their income, AND they're not willing to help financially. So I'm getting doubly cucked because the government assumes that parents help their children with post secondary education.

I am going to re-take a few grade 12 courses through ILC to get better marks then try to figure out the osap meme

>some options: http://www.senecacollege.ca/ce/business/index.html
Why does it say free for the cost?

>> No.3003634

Let them know it's a two way street.

No free ride when they're 80 and the welfare state has collapsed. Hope they like roach infested nursing homes and bed sores.

Also you'll tell your kids that they can't see grandma and grandpa because they both died of meth....... and being selfish ass boomers.

>> No.3003689

>If all of the following are true, you are a dependent student:

>you’re not married or in a common-law relationship
>you’re not separated, divorced or widowed
>you're not a sole-support parent
>you’ve been out of high school for less than 4 years before the start of your study period
>you haven’t taken 2 or more breaks from being a full-time high school or postsecondary student that were both at least 12 consecutive months on 2 or more occasions

Does this mean that I should just take some ILC courses, take a year off and then apply for OSAP t oget free tuition? Am I understand this correctly?

>> No.3003700

Go live on your own in a room and you are now your own household, your parents taxes wont count

>> No.3003720

Memorial University Newfoundland is pretty cheap, decent

>> No.3003724

if you get your own room you can declare yourself independent and say you have 0 income. You'll be treated as welfare and get ez gubmint leaf coins

>> No.3003777

Get emancipated.