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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3002387 No.3002387 [Reply] [Original]

I realize /biz/ is financially illiterate, but I'm not sure who else to ask. Right now I have a $2000 resource limit which means I can't do anything that involves playing the stock market, having a savings/CD/etc or basically holding any sort of financial assets. I already have a part time job too, because disability is literally so fucking stingy that I'm disabled and STILL working. I only work 1 day a week though because it's all I can handle. So I've basically maxed out on how much money I can make from everything I'm doing now, and I can't move on to making money from anything else because I'm not allowed to have more than $2000 in resources. I fully realize 4chan is a bunch of edgy teenage sociopaths without empathy, but once you're disabled you realize how much the government is fucking you to keep you poor so you never make the leap out of poverty. I have no idea how to move past this gap.

>> No.3002405

Im in the same boat, i have 1000 in a stock account and 500 in a forex account. Waiting to make a moveß

>> No.3002409

how do you supplement your income without reporting it to the gov?

under the table work, local, or creative. sell weed, write erotica, etc.

>> No.3002415


How the fuck is the government fucking you? They're giving you free fuckin money you ingrate. The reasoning for the resource limit is so fuckin pieces of shit don't just collect and save their disability.

If you have a problem with the limits the government is putting on you, get off fuckin disability. If you cannot live off disability then you're fucked and accept it being a leach on society.

>> No.3002421

Go to hell rightist scum.

>> No.3002441

can't you invest the checks you cash out from your part time job?

>> No.3002443

non Amerifag
That's a US politician, right? Who is it?

Sorry if I'm wrong.

>> No.3002455

Disability isn't meant for playing with stocks. Boohoo. You can freelance write or build a dropshipping business instead of browsing 4chan, you know?

>> No.3002463
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>be on welfare
>40K portfolio

>> No.3002477

No. What part of $2000 resource limit do you not understand? They will take all of my SSI if I have ANY account with $2000 or more, so I'll actually have less money.

Already covered fags like you in the OP. Grow up.

>> No.3002508


>> No.3002525
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Step 1: don't be an americuck

>> No.3002526
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Anon im currently in the exact same boat, i have alot of questions because ssi is confusing hmu on discord ViR4L#6718

>> No.3002545
File: 299 KB, 1200x1091, 5-weeping-fuligo-septica-slime-mold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already covered fags like you in the OP. Grow up.
Dude, I'm eligible for well-fare and I don't take it. That's why I have no sympathy.

You're putting the blame outside yourself instead of looking at what you can leverage.

Also, if you're not fat you can get paid $100 an hour in fetish business. Either male to male or if you're a grill, female to male.

>> No.3002555

Found it, it's Romney. Derp.

>> No.3002572

Seems like the solution is to get the fuck off of SSI. It's designed for people who are completely destitute, not people who have ambitions of saving a lot of money and investing.

>> No.3002589

Go ask leddit if you're a poor berniecuck. You'll fit right in.

>> No.3002590

Where do you live?

Honestly, pretty much everyone in America who's disabled has this issue. There is a known gap between receiving full benefits and having more income that basically forces people to stay poor and on public assistance for life. As far as I've ever seen, nobody has ever found a way out except through luck.

>Dude all my successes are my doing
>Dude all your successes are your doing
Fucking stupid rightists. See above. If you weren't such economic fuckups, you'd realize that helping people get out of poverty would be less costly than keeping them there.

Well I'm both.

>> No.3002591

You pieces of shit shouldn't be on welfare or disability, I wish we had politicians with the balls to remove the parasites from this once-great nation.

>> No.3002597
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I don't have to wish for your demises. You're killing your greedy, hick selves already.

>> No.3002618

Honestly, with your attitude you are probably never going to make it. Just being straight up with you. You do realize that you would have been left in a ditch or thrown off a cliff 1000 years ago right?

Anyway, my last bit of advice would be, as stupid as this sounds, try to hide as much cash as you can before having enough to comfortably get off of SSI if an opportunity presents itself. Either that or invest gradual amounts in anonymous crypto like Monero.

>> No.3002625
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No capital gains tax either :^)

>> No.3002659

soooo.... what's your disability?

>> No.3002691

Even more so >>3002591

You have it so much better than the US, lots of opportunity, the government is NOT keeping you poor, you are.

>> No.3002719
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If he's able to post coherently on 4chan, the disability doesn't even matter, because you can make money writing/translating/affiliate marketing/...

The worst disabled of my friends can't walk without assistance and has trouble speaking (he also smells funky, I think he can't wipe properly) and he still went to university and got a job.
The government is giving handouts in central Europe, not keeping anyone poor.

His guide dog is allergic to meat, btw, it's hilarious. A sweet golden retriever living on fish meat.

>> No.3002727

>not milking the corrupt system for what it's worth

no ragrets

>> No.3002729

>I only work 1 day a week though because it's all I can handle.

And yet, you have the energy and inclination to put in more effort to make more money. I call bullshit on your "disability".

>> No.3002752
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op is a faggot and deserves to be poor

>> No.3002840

Hi OP,

I'm a profoundly Deaf person and I got off disability by getting a landscaping job and doing a good job at it. I've managed to accumulated 10k in net in about 5 months. The point is that you need to change your mentality and do something profitable. If you can explain your disability in detail, then I think that /biz/ would be more amendable about giving job advice based on your disability.

I want to be clear, you will NEVER GET RICH being on welfare. That's why you need to find the right skill that fits your disability. Then, you need to be good at that skill and get rich by doing it. That's the reality.

>> No.3002856

I know that I'm still poor but at least I'm not poor as op. That's something.

>> No.3002920

Nice job, anon. Saving 2k in a month is damn hard work. I haven't managed to do that yet.
I envision landscaping to be fun at times too.

>> No.3002968
File: 22 KB, 535x380, eye roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I contribute almost nothing to society
>How can society give me more handouts
>I'm getting fucked by an entity that literally pays for me to live
>Gov is keeping me poor by giving me free money yet I still take it
>It's everyone else's fault
Go ahead and call me a rightist for pointing out the obvious

>> No.3003001

>Calls others greedy
>Complains he doesn't get enough free money for doing nothing
>Meanwhile other people actually work so you can get a check for nothing

>> No.3003002

Pretty obvious to me. Put money in crypto and claim you spend it on gas, food whatever the fuck you want to claim

Crypto is hard to track and mostly unregulated.

>> No.3003043


This. Buy Bitcoins locally and it's basically untraceable

>> No.3003114
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>How do I get out of poverty?
>freelance write or build a dropshipping business